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Coding for Kids Python Learn to Code with 50

Awesome Games and Activities 2019th Edition
Adrienne B. Tacke




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ISBN: Print 978-1-64152-175-8 | eBook 978-1-64152-176-5

To the technologists of tomorrow


CHAPTER 1: Welcome to Python!

CHAPTER 2: print(“Hello!”)
CHAPTER 3: Fun with Numbers
CHAPTER 4: Strings and Other Things
CHAPTER 5: Looking at Loops
CHAPTER 6: May the Turtle Be with You
CHAPTER 7: Reusable Code
Final Bits and Bytes
Answer Key
About the Author
Coding for Kids: Python is a unique and fun introduction to the Python programming language. Written for someone with absolutely
no experience with coding, this book uses silly analogies, helpful examples, and many activities and games to help anyone learn how to
code in Python!
Let me share a little about myself, your excited author: I am currently a full-time software engineer who finds joy and fulfillment in
helping new and potential coders of all kinds. I’ve spent many hours volunteering at local elementary and high schools, speaking to
students about careers in software development, and teaching the basics of coding. It is so fun to see the spark in someone’s eye when
they see the power of code. I wrote this book to spark the imagination and wonder of many more people!
Code is at the core of almost everything we use and love. We can write code to make games, create music and art, bring robots to life,
and power almost anything that is electronic. When you realize how much coding is a part of the world of the future, it becomes so
important to learn how it works! This book will help you do just that.
Coding is literally translating human ideas and actions into a language that computers can understand. Python is one of the
languages, but there are many others—for example: JavaScript, C#, Ruby, and C++. Each of these languages tells the computer how to
do something, but each one does it a bit differently. I chose Python for this book because it is very close to our speaking language of
English, which makes the coding concepts I will introduce a little easier to understand. :)
The best part about coding is that you just need a computer and this book! From the first chapter to the last, I’ll guide you through the
coding concepts you need to know, with step-by-step instructions and examples, plenty of helpful screenshots, and simple explanations
of the new programming terms you’ll learn (all of which are also available for you in the handy glossary at the back of the book!). By the
time you’ve finished this book, you’ll be creating some really cool programs and even simple games that you can play with friends!
Hangman, anyone?
Coding is one skill that you’ll only learn by doing. That’s why I’ve structured each chapter to walk you through the code as you follow
along. This makes the book truly interactive, as you’ll learn about a concept, write some code, understand what it’s doing, read and learn a
bit more, maybe fix a bug or two, and see the results of your code in real time! And to really help you understand the different coding
concepts in this book, I’ve also included activities at the end of each chapter to help you test your knowledge, combine multiple
concepts, and write more code. After all, practice makes perfect—especially with coding! Finally, if some of the activities are too easy for
you, or if you just want to keep coding, I’ve included even more difficult challenges after each chapter to really stretch your brain and
give you more chances to show off your creativity!
This book will help you start an incredible adventure into the world of programming. By the end of it, you’ll be ready for the world of
the future! What are you waiting for?
Hey there! Since you’re reading this book, you must be a pretty curious and cool person. Why? Because you want to learn how to code!
And who wouldn’t? Coding is an awesome skill that can help you build all kinds of things and solve a lot of problems. When you code, you
take human ideas and then translate them into a language that a machine can understand.
Coding is built around the concept of input and output. We give the computer some input, which is any information or data provided
by us humans, and expect some output, which can be words, pictures, an action, or some other result, after the computer has processed
the input we gave it. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?
How many things can you think of that follow this input/output, or I/O, concept? For example, when we press buttons on a controller
or swipe our fingers left and right on a mobile game, that’s input. And when our character jumps, ducks, moves left, or moves right, that’s
output. How about baking? All of the ingredients we need to make cookies can be considered input. After following the instructions and
using the ingredients, we get our output, which are the baked cookies!
Using examples like these, as well as silly scenarios and conversations with a computer, we’ll explore how to code in Python, and you’ll
understand what we’re doing in no time! The coolest thing about coding is that you can do it from almost anywhere. All you need is a
laptop or computer (Windows PC or Mac is fine), and I’ll help you with the rest.
Are you ready to learn how to speak to a computer? Hooray! Let’s go!

Just like humans can understand many different languages, a computer can understand the ideas and concepts that we input to it
through several different programming languages. In this book, we’ll focus on the Python programming language because Python is easy
to understand, can be used in many different ways, and is quick to learn. Also, it is a popular language that runs on almost every machine
and is used at many big, important organizations like Google, Instagram, NASA, and Spotify.

I know we want to dive right into coding, but we can’t do that until we have the right tools. I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process
of installing Python. Let’s get started!
If you are on a Windows machine, you probably don’t have Python installed already. This is because Windows operating systems don’t
usually come with the Python language. That’s okay, though! We can get it ourselves. :)
1. On your computer, open an Internet browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
2. In the address bar, type “https://www.python.org/downloads/” to go to the official Python website’s Downloads section.
3. Through the magic of coding, the website will probably know what type of computer you are using, and the DOWNLOAD button will
show you the correct version of Python to install! In our case, we want the latest version, which was Python 3.7.0 when I wrote the book.
Don’t worry if it tells you to download a newer version. Go ahead and click the DOWNLOAD button.

4. A download will start and will probably go to the bottom of your window like in the picture.
5. Once your download is complete, click on it to begin the installation. When you do, a window should pop up.

6. Go ahead and click the RUN button. Then, you’ll see this window (yours may say 32-bit if that’s right for your machine):
7. Make sure to check the ADD PYTHON 3.7 TO PATH checkbox.

8. Click INSTALL NOW. Python should begin installing. You should see a window like this one:

9. Wait for the install to finish and the green bar to be full. Once it is done, the final screen should appear, saying that your installation
was successful.
10. Whoo-hoo! You’re done! Click the CLOSE button and you’re ready to go. You’ve installed Python on Windows!

1. On your computer, open an Internet browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
2. In the address bar, type “https://www.python.org/downloads/” to go to the official Python website’s Downloads section.
3. Through the magic of coding, the website will probably know what type of computer you are using, and the DOWNLOAD button will
show you the correct version of Python to install! In our case, we want the latest version, which was Python 3.7.0 when I wrote the book.
Don’t worry if it tells you to download a newer version. You can also find the installer for your specific machine in the Files section.

4. After clicking on the version, a download should start. Wait for it to finish before starting the installer.
5. When you start the installer, you should see a window like this one:
6. Click the CONTINUE button. You’ll then be presented with some important information that you can choose to read or not.

7. Click the CONTINUE button. Next you will see the license information.
8. Keep going! Click the CONTINUE button. You’ll be asked to agree to the terms of the software license agreement.

9. Click the AGREE button. You’ll reach this final window:

10. Click the INSTALL button. If you need to, enter your personal user name and password for your account on your computer. Mac OS
sometimes asks for this to make sure you want to install something. If you don’t see this pop-up window, you can skip to the next

11. Installation should begin.

12. Wait for the installation to finish. Once it is done, you should see this:
13. Congratulate yourself! You’ve just installed Python on your Mac!
>>> You may have noticed we asked you to type “https://www.python.org/downloads/”. But is that https:// really necessary, or could we just start with www? The answer is
this: Python is good about redirecting you to the right site, but adding https:// before typing web addresses is a good practice to get into, so you can be sure your computer is
going to a secure site!

When you download and install Python, it will also install an application called IDLE. IDLE is short for Integrated Development and
Learning Environment (that’s a mouthful!), and it is an integrated development environment, or IDE, that helps us with writing Python
programs. Think of it as an electronic notepad with some additional tools to help us write, debug, and run our Python code. To work in
Python, you will need to open IDLE—opening Python files directly won’t work!
Let’s take a look!

1. Click the Windows Start menu.

2. Start typing “idle”, then select the search result IDLE (Python 3.7 64-bit). Note: Yours might say IDLE (Python 3.7 32-bit) if that’s the kind
of machine you have.
3. A window should pop up that looks like this:

4. Ta-da! Awesome! You opened IDLE on Windows and are now ready to start writing some code in Python! :)

1. Navigate to GO > APPLICATIONS.

2. Find the Python 3.7 folder and open it.

3. Double-click on the IDLE icon.

4. A window should pop up that looks like this:
5. Whoo-hoo! Congratulations! You opened IDLE on a Mac and are now ready to start writing some code in Python! :)

Now that you’ve installed Python and IDLE on your computer, let’s say hi! Open up IDLE on your computer (if it’s not already open).
Whenever you open up the IDLE program on your computer, you will always be brought to the shell first. The shell is the interactive
window that allows you to write Python code within it and then see the results of your code right away. You’ll know when you’re in the
shell because it will say Python 3.7.0 Shell in the title bar of the window.
In your shell, go ahead and type the following code:
print("Hi Python!")
Now, hit the ENTER key. Do you see something like this?

Great job! You’ve written your first line of Python code! Give yourself a pat on the back, or high-five the person closest to you. You’re
about to learn some awesome things.


When we get into the later chapters, our programs will probably be a little longer than the ones we write in the beginning. Wouldn’t it be
useful if we could save our progress so we don’t have to re-type all the code we write? Of course it would! This is where saving your work
comes in handy.
Even though it’s a short program, let’s save our Python greeting to its own file so you can see how easy it is to save your work.
First, let’s create a new file:
1. On the MENU bar in your shell, click the FILE tab to open its context menu, which is a list of actions that you can perform.
2. Click NEW FILE.

3. A new window should pop up, like this:

4. Type in your greeting, using Python code: print("Hi Python!")

We have to put our greeting into this piece of Python code so that the computer knows to “write” this message for us onto the screen.
(You’ll learn more about this later.)

Great! Now you have your code in a file that we can save. This is important, because the first code we wrote was in the shell, which
means it won’t be saved once you close the window. Writing code directly in the shell is just a quicker way to run Python code and see
the results right away. Always create a new file and save it to keep track of your work and save your progress!
Now that we have created a file with our greeting code, let’s save it.
You can save your program in IDLE by following these next steps.
5. On the MENU bar of your shell, click the FILE tab to open its context menu.
6. Click SAVE.

7. The next window will ask you to name your file. Go ahead and give it a name. I’ll call mine “greeting.”
8. Make sure to save your Python program in a place that you won’t forget! If you don’t choose another place, new files are usually saved
in the same folder as the Python download, so go ahead and change the “Save In” place to a better spot. I created a folder called
COOL PYTHON in my DOCUMENTS directory, so that’s where I’ll save my programs.

9. Click SAVE. That’s it!


Saving files and our code is a big part of programming. We programmers do it so much that there are shortcuts created just for
saving, among other things. Here’s a list of very helpful keyboard shortcuts to use while coding.
CTRL key + S key: This is the standard save shortcut. You can press these two keys together to save your progress while coding or to
save a new file!
CTRL key + N key: This shortcut will create a new file for you.
CTRL key + C key: This shortcut copies any text you have selected. Here’s how: Use your mouse to highlight some text or code. To
highlight text, place your cursor before the start of the text you want to copy, click and hold the main mouse button, drag your mouse
to the end of the text you want to copy, and then release the mouse button. After your text is highlighted, use this shortcut to copy
the highlighted text!
CTRL key + V key: After copying some text, use this shortcut to paste it. This places the text you have highlighted and copied
wherever you choose.
CTRL key + Z key: The most awesome command, this shortcut performs an undo action. If you ever need to go back a step, or bring
back some code you have accidentally deleted, this shortcut can save the day! Use this shortcut once, by pressing the CTRL key and Z
key together, and watch your last change undo itself. You can keep pressing this shortcut multiple times to keep going back further
and reversing more actions you have just performed. Remember though, this can’t undo everything—it can only reverse actions up
to the point that the computer has stored in its memory.

This is the best part—seeing your code in action! After you write some code, save it, and are ready to see it run, follow these steps to run
your code (skip to step 4 if you already have your program open in its own window).
1. On the MENU bar in your shell, click the FILE tab to open the context menu.

2. Click OPEN.
3. A window will pop up asking you to pick the file you want to open. Go ahead and find your greeting program and select it. Click OPEN.

4. Your program should open in its own window.

5. Press the F5 key. That’s it! Your code should now execute, meaning the computer will carry out the task you asked it to do in code.
You told it to print something, and it did! You should see your greeting in the shell.
>>> Troubleshooting Tip: Is the F5 key not working for you? Some computers require you to press the Fn button along with the F5 button. Go ahead, try that instead!


Once you start writing more code, you’ll find that you will have many Python files and programs in your folders. A cool thing that the
IDLE program does is keep track of the most recent files you have worked with and make them easily available for you. To get to a file
you have recently worked with, simply click the FILE tab on the MENU bar and hover your mouse over RECENT FILES.

You’ll see the list of files appear that you have recently worked with. Clicking on one will open that file for you. Sometimes this is an
easier way to get to a file you need, rather than hunting through your computer to find it!
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Also I do further declare, that God did never create any Spirit without
a Body, neither of Angels, nor Men, nor no other Creature, neither in
Heaven above, nor in the Earth beneath, nor the Waters under the
Earth. There is no Spirit or Life whatsoever that is created of God,
but it hath a Body to that Life or Spirit; but if a Spirit have any Being
without a Body, that Spirit is none of God's Creation; for God never
created any Spirit whatsoever without a Body, as I said before.
But the Imagination of Reason in Man, which is the Devil, hath
created all Creatures in the Imagination to have Spirits without
Bodies, both of Angels above and Man here on Earth, and all
Creatures upon the Earth, and in the Waters, that have the Breath of
Life, the Imagination of Reason saith, their Spirits may subsist
without Bodies, or go out of those Bodies they have, and enter into
other Bodies, and appear in the Shape of a Body, and yet be of no
Substance: so that the Devil's Creation is all of Spirits without
Bodies, and God's Creation is all with Bodies and Spirits together.
And this Darkness hath overspread the Nature of Man all the World
over, which is the Occasion of that Opinion of Houses and Places
being haunted with evil Spirits, and Spirits walking without Bodies,
and dealing with Familiar Spirits, that peep, and mutter, and whisper
as it were out of the Ground. These Things and many more are
produced by the Imagination of the Heart of Man, for the Imagination
of Man's Heart is evil, and continually evil; for it hath given a Being to
Spirits without Bodies, to fright it self to that which hath no Being of it
For I declare and perfectly know, that there is no such Thing as
Spirits to walk without Bodies, nor assume any Shape after Death,
nor be raised out of the Ground by any Witch or any Familiar Spirit
whatsoever; it is all produced out of the dark Imagination of the
Heart, where Ignorance beareth Rule, for there is no such Thing can
be presented but to the Ignorant and dark minded People.
Thus I have given the Reader to understand something more
concerning the Power of Witches, and how they may be said to raise
Spirits out of the Ground, and from whence that low Speech doth
come, with those Scriptures opened that speak as if a Familiar Spirit
did hear whispering out of the Dust.
Also I have given the Interpretation of that in Samuel concerning the
Witch of Endor, and those Places of Scripture in Isaiah; these Places
are the most concerning Spirits being raised without Bodies, of any
in the Scriptures; but there have been some other Places of
Scriptures, that do seem to carry a shew as if Spirits might rise again
without Bodies, and I have been desired by some to open those
Scriptures that seem to tend to that Purpose, though the common
and general Objection amongst all People is, that of the Witch of
Endor and King Saul, which I have opened before; yet for the further
Satisfaction of the Reader, I shall open and interprete the other
Places objected, that seem to tend to the same thing.
The Places of Scripture are three; the first is Isa. lxi. 1. the Words
are these, The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord
hath anointed me to preach good Tidings unto the Meek: He hath
sent me to bind up the Broken-hearted, to proclaim Liberty to the
Captives, and the opening of the Prison to them that are bound——
So Luke iv. 18. the Words in Luke are much to the same Purpose,
and little Difference; only that which Isaiah did prophesy of, it was
fulfilled by Christ in his time——So the first Epistle of Peter, Chap. iii.
and 18, 19, 20. Verses; the Words are these, For Christ also hath
once suffered for Sin, the Just for the Unjust; that he might bring us
to God, being put to Death in the Flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.
Verse 19. By which also he went and preached unto the Spirits in
Prison: Verse 20. Which sometime were disobedient, when once the
Long-suffering of God waited in the Days of Noah, while the Ark was
a preparing, wherein few (that is) eight Souls were saved by Water.

As for that Saying of the Prophet Isaiah, it was a Prophecy of Christ,

that he should be anointed to preach Glad-tidings, unto the Meek,
and that he was sent to bind up the Broken-hearted, to proclaim
Liberty to the Captives, and the opening of the Prison to them that
are bound. This Prophecy was fulfilled when he was upon Earth, as
may plainly appear by those Words in Luke aforementioned.
Also the Reader may understand, that these Places of Scripture
have no Relation at all to the raising of Spirits without Bodies; nor of
Spirits being in Prison, nor delivered out of Prison by the Power of
Christ without Bodies.
But the Meaning is this, that the Spirit of the Lord Almighty was upon
Christ, and in him, and did anoint him to preach Glad-tidings of
Salvation to the Meek in Heart, who did believe in him and trusted in
his Words; all such as were broken-hearted, who were led Captive
by the Error, Ignorance, and Darkness of the Mind; he came to
proclaim Liberty to the Spirit of Man, who was in Captivity; and to
open the Prison-door of Mens Hearts.
For this I say, all Mens Spirits by Nature are shut up in the Prison of
Spiritual Darkness in the Mind, and are lead Captive by the
Ignorance of Truth; so that the Spirit or Soul of Man is shut up a
Prisoner in the Body of Man, until the true God and Saviour hath
been preached to them, as it was by Christ himself, when on Earth
he was anointed to preach Glad-tidings of Salvation; and he
anointed his Apostles to preach Glad-tidings of Peace to Men, and to
open the Prison, and to deliver the Captive out of Captivity, and to
set the Spirits of many that were in a Prison of Darkness in their own
Minds go free: This Prophecy was fulfilled at that Time by Christ and
his Apostles in their Commission.
But the same Captivity and Prison of Darkness is now upon the
Spirits of all Men, as it was at that Time: For this I say, and many
People can Witness, that their Spirits have been shut up Prisoners in
Spiritual Darkness in their own Bodies, until the true God the Saviour
hath been preached unto them by his last Messengers.
For this I declare, that those Words of the Prophet Isaiah, they were
spoken with Relation to a Spiritual Liberty, and to a Spiritual
Captivity, of the Mind or Spirit of Man, and not to a Natural Captivity.
Neither was it meant the opening of the natural Prison Doors, to
them that were bound by the Powers of the Nations; but the Doors of
Mens Hearts were opened at the preaching of Christ and his
Apostles, in that Light, and Life, and Salvation was preached unto
them, that whoever Believed that this Jesus is the Christ, the Saviour
of the World, should be saved and delivered from the Fear of Eternal
Death: So that the Soul of Man that was lead Captive into Prison,
and bound in Chains of Darkness, and strong Doors lockt fast to
keep the Spirit of Men in Prison, by the Works of the Law, and the
Expounders of the Law before Christ came, the Spirit of Reason in
them did lead the Generality of People their Spirits into Spiritual
Captivity, and shut them up in Prison, and tied their Spirits up in the
Observation of the Ceremonial Law of Moses.
Which was as Chains of Darkness: and not only so, but shut the
Door of Hope upon them, so that there was no Hope to be saved in
them, but by observing the Law aforesaid, which Paul calls beggarly
Rudiments, Gal. iii. So that this Spiritual Captivity and being bound in
Prison, and the Doors being shut, it was the Spirits of People that
were Captives and Prisoners in their own Bodies, kept by the Legal
and Ceremonial Righteousness of the Law of Moses; and when
Christ came to preach, and to give Power to his Apostles to preach
the Gospel of Truth, both to Jew and Gentile, then was the Door of
Hope opened in People's Hearts, and many that were bound in
Prison, whose Spirits were led Captive, they were set at Liberty from
that Bondage of the Ceremonial Law, wherein they were bound, and
brought out of that Prison of Darkness in the Mind, into the glorious
Light and Life of Faith, by the preaching of Christ and his Apostles.
Then was this Prophecy of Isaiah fulfilled in the Apostles
Commission; then was Liberty preached to the Spirits of many that
were bound and in Prison in their own Minds, the Word of Faith
preached unto them, it opened a Door of Hope of Deliverance from
the Bondage of the Law as aforesaid, wherewith they were bound;
so that by Faith they had in Christ, their Chains fell off their Feet, and
Darkness of their Understanding; so that they were at perfect Liberty,
and delivered out of Prison, and the Prison-Door of Hope in Christ
being opened, all true Believers in Christ were set at Liberty, free
from Captivity, and out of that Spiritual Prison of Darkness into the
glorious Liberty of the Sons and Daughters of God for ever and ever.
So is it now in this Commission of the Spirit, we the Witnesses of the
Spirit have preached Glad-tidings of Salvation, and have opened the
Prison-Doors of Mens Hearts, and have let many out of that Spiritual
Prison, that were bound to the Righteousness set up by the
Imagination of Reason now in these last Days, who were led Captive
by their own Traditions, and kept in Prison in their own Bodies for
many Years; but by the Declaration of Truth in all our Writings and
our Speakings, many People have been delivered out of Captivity
and out of Prison, their Spirits have been let loose out of the Chains
of Darkness, because the Door of their Hearts hath been opened by
the Word of Faith in the true God, which we have preached and
written; this many can witness at this Day the Truth of it. So that now
that Scripture is fulfilled again these last days; and this is the true
Meaning of the Prophet Isaiah, in those Words concerning opening
the Prison, and giving Liberty to the Captives that were imprisoned in
their own Bodies by the Conceptions of the Imaginations of their own
So that there is not the least Colour or Ground from those Words, for
the Reason of Man to think that Spirits may be let out of Prison
without Bodies, or that the Spirit of Christ did Preach to any Spirit in
Prison without his Body.

And as for those Words of Peter aforenamed, where he saith, Christ

was put to Death in the Flesh, but quickened by the Spirit; by which
also he went and preached unto the Spirits in Prison, which
sometime were Disobedient, when once the Long-suffering of God
waited in the Days of Noah, while the Ark was a preparing, &c.
The Meaning of those Words are as followeth; that Christ was put to
Death in the Body of his own Flesh, this is confessed by most
People that profess the Scriptures of Truth, but very few do truly
believe, that the Soul or Spirit of Christ did die, or was put to Death
at all, notwithstanding the Scripture saith, that He poured out his
Soul unto Death; and he himself saith, His Soul was heavy unto
Death. Therefore that the Reader may understand what is meant in
that Christ was put to Death in the Flesh but quickened by the Spirit;
I declare, that it was the Soul or Spirit of Christ, which was the
Godhead-life that dwelt in that Body of Flesh and Bone of Christ; for,
as the Scripture saith, In him all the Fulness of the Godhead dwelt
Bodily: And this Godhead-life that dwelt in the Body of Christ's Flesh,
it was put to Death in the Body of Christ's Flesh, and the same
Godhead-life that was put to Death in the Body of his Flesh. And
when Christ's Body was crucified upon the Cross, then was the Soul
and Life of Christ, or the Godhead-life did die, and was put to Death
in that Flesh of Christ; for that Flesh of Christ was God become
Flesh, as the Scripture saith; and the Soul and Life of Christ was the
Soul and Life of God. And,
When Christ poured out his Soul unto Death, it was the Godhead
Life that was poured out unto Death; so that the Godhead Spirit was
put to Death, and did die in the Flesh of Christ when he was
Crucified. But this Godhead Life which was put to Death in the Flesh
of Christ, it quicken'd again where it was put to Death, even in the
same Flesh where it was put to Death. And in its quickening again, it
raised the same Flesh again, and so spiritualized the same Flesh
that suffered, and made it uncapable to suffer Death any more.
For this I say, no Spirit or Life that is put to Death whatsoever, could
possibly quicken again in the same Body, but the Life of God only, so
that Christ must needs be God as well as Man; for it was Christ that
was put to Death in the Flesh, and the same Life that was put to
Death, and did die, that which did die did quicken again, and so is
called a quickening Spirit.
Now observe, it cannot properly be called a quickening Spirit, if it
had not been once dead: For if the Spirit and Life of Christ did not
die, nor was not dead, then I say, there was no need that this Spirit
and Life, should quicken again, for it was always quick and alive.
For the Spirit quickening doth imply, a sensible Life is quickned out
of an insensible Life; as a Child in the Womb before it is quick, it
feeleth no Pain, neither doth it stir in the Womb, and the Midwife
doth not care to destroy it to save the Womans Life, because the
Child was not quick, it was an insensible Life, no more capable of
Pain then there is in Death, or a dead Lump of Earth; but when a
Child is quick in the Womb, it is capable of Pain, though it hath not
Strength to express it to us that are strong, yet it is capable of Pain,
because it is quickened into a sensible Life, that is, a living Soul, a
living Spirit, and so may be called a quickened Spirit of Life, out of
that which was dead; yet by the Appointment of God in his Creation,
and the Warmness of the Womb, there is new Life or Spirit doth
quicken in the Womb in its Season, according to the Appointment of
God when he created all Things, and placed a Law of Generation in
So likewise the Spirit or Life of Christ was put to Death in his own
Body of Flesh, as aforesaid; and in its Season he himself had
appointed before, namely three Days and three Nights, this Spirit of
Christ so put to Death, it quickened again in the same Flesh a new
and Glorious Life, which made that Flesh that suffered Glorious also.
And this is the true Interpretation of Peter's Words, and the Faith of
all true Believers, that the Spirit, Life, and Soul of Christ did die, and
was put to Death in the Body of his own Flesh, that was Crucified on
the Cross by the Jews; and that the same Spirit that was put to
Death, it did quicken again out of Death into a new and Glorious Life
by his own Power, therefore called a quickening Spirit.
So that here is no Ground at all for that vain Conceit in People, who
do believe that Spirits may be raised without Bodies, or appear
without Bodies, but altogether to the contrary. And as for that saying
of Peter, By which also he went and preached unto the Spirits in
Prison, which sometime were disobedient, when once the Long-
suffering of God waited in the Days of Noah while the Ark was a
These Words do seem to carry some shew, as if the quickening
Spirit of Christ, after he was risen from the Dead, or in the time he
did lie in the Grave, as if his Spirit in that Interim of Time went into
some local Place where Spirits were in Prison without Bodies, to
preach unto them, who had been Disobedient in the Days of Noah:
This is the vain Conceit of most People from those Words of Peter,
who saith, By which he went and preached unto the Spirits in Prison,
as if the Spirits of the Disobedient People in the Days of Noah had
been in Prison in some local Place in the Earth without Bodies, who
had been departed in the Days of Noah, in the Destruction of the
World by Water.
This the Imagination of Reason in Man doth imagine, that Spirits
may be shut up in Prison without Bodies, and that the quickening
Spirit Christ might Preach unto them without a Body.
But the true Light and Revelation of faith doth know to the contrary,
that no Spirits can have any Being at all without Bodies, neither of
God, Angels, nor Man, nor no other living Creature, who hath the
Breath of Life in it.
But to give the Interpretation of this Scripture, that the Reader may
understand, it is thus; the Spirit of Christ, that quickened from the
Dead to Life again, I say, is the same Spirit that preached to the
Spirits in Prison in the Days of Noah, and the Spirits of the
disobedient World were in Prison in their own Bodies in the Days of
Noah, as they were when Christ came upon Earth, for then he
opened the Prison to them that were bound, by preaching Glad-
tidings of Freedom to those that were bound, and Liberty to those
Spirits that were in Captivity.
Now (as I said before) this Captivity is Spiritual Captivity, and to be
bound and in Prison, it is meant a Spiritual Imprisonment in the Mind,
and not a natural Imprisonment of the Body. And this I say, the very
same Spirit of Christ that preached to the Jews when he was upon
Earth, did preach to the old World in the Days of Noah, though in a
twofold Manner.
And as the Spirits of Men were in Prison in their own Ignorance,
Blindness and Darkness of Understandings, in that they were led
Captives and Prisoners by their wicked and unnatural Lusts in the
Days of Noah: So were both Jews and Gentiles in the Days of Christ
when on Earth, their Spirits were led Captive, and into the Prison of
Unbelief and Persecution of the Lord of Life, in that their Fathers
persecuted the Lord's Prophets and Messengers he did send; so did
these Jews persecute the Lord himself, when he preached to their
Spirits that were in Prison, and led Captives by their wicked
murdering Wills into the Prison of Unbelief; for he did preach when
on Earth, that whosoever did believe in him should be saved. And as
many as did truly believe in him, their Spirits were brought out of that
Captivity of Unbelief, and out of the Prison of Darkness in the Mind,
into a glorious Liberty and Light of Life Eternal. And thus did the
preaching of Christ Spirit deliver many Spirits of Men and Women
out of Prison, in the Days when he was upon Earth.
So likewise this quickening Spirit of Christ, it preached unto the
Spirits in Prison in the Days of Noah. And why were their Spirits in
Prison in the Days of Noah? Because they were disobedient. And
how may they be said to be disobedient? Because they did not
believe that good Man Noah, who was a Preacher of Righteousness.
And how did he preach Righteousness unto that wicked People? In
that he prepared the Ark, and being so many as a hundred Years in
building, all that while God is said to wait for their Repentance, and
that they might believe that God would destroy the World by Water.
But instead of Repentance and believing they hardened their Hearts,
and mocked at Noah and the Ark; so that while the Ark was
preparing, God waited for the People's Repentance; and all that
while that Noah was building he preached to the People, that the
World would be drowned.
And the Spirit of Christ, which is the Spirit of God which was put to
Death in the Flesh, but quickened by the Spirit, by which he went
and preached unto the Spirits in Prison in the Days of Noah, it was
the same Spirit that instructed Noah to build the Ark; so that the
building of the Ark by Noah, he being a Preacher of Righteousness,
in that he believed God, and built it as the Spirit of God had
commanded and instructed him; as God did Moses, shewed him the
Pattern of the Tabernacle in the Mount.
And in as much as Noah did obey the Commandment of the Lord,
according as the Spirit of the Lord did reveal unto him, Noah may be
said to be a Preacher of Righteousness; and he doing all things by
Inspiration of the Spirit of Christ, which was not at that time made of
Flesh, but in the Fulness of time became pure humane Flesh, and
suffered the Pains of Death. And the same Spirit that suffered Death,
that very same Spirit that quickened, was that Spirit that preached to
the Spirits in Prison in the Days of Noah, as aforesaid.
And the making of the Ark by the Inspiration of God's Spirit in the
Sight of the People, who were in Prison in Ignorance and Darkness
of Mind, is called by the Revelation of Faith, A preaching to the
Spirits in Prison: So that the Spirit of God in Noah may be said to
preach unto those Spirits in Prison, in the Days of Noah, and that
there was but eight Persons saved from the Flood.
So that this Place of Scripture doth no way prove, that the Spirit of
Christ did ever preach to Spirits in Prison without Bodies; neither did
Christ's Spirit preach in the Days of Noah without a Body; for he
always preached with a Body himself, or else chose Men that have
Bodies, and gave them Power to preach to Spirits in Prison, and to
deliver the Captives, and to set the Prisoner at Liberty, and the
bound in Prison to go free.
So that the Reader may see how and in what Manner the Spirit of
Christ did preach unto the Spirits in Prison in the Days of Noah, and
how their Spirits may be said to be in Prison, and how their Unbelief
in the Days of Noah was called Disobedience, to the preaching of
Noah all that while the Ark was building. And being built by the
Inspiration of the Spirit of God, it may and is called the preaching of
Christ's Spirit to them that were in Prison in Spiritual Darkness in
their Minds; for their Minds being darkened, they did those Things
that were unseemly; yea, unnatural as the People of Sodom did.
Now, were not the Spirits of these People in Prison, and led Captive
of those unnatural Lusts, I think no sober Man will deny; yet these
were those Spirits in Prison that Christ's Spirit preach unto in the
Body of Noah, in the Days of Noah; and that there was but eight
Persons in the Days of Noah, that were saved from the Destruction
by Water, by the preaching of that Spirit of God in Noah. This is the
true Interpretation and Meaning of those Words of Peter the Apostle
aforementioned; and how the Spirit of Christ went and preached unto
the Spirits in Prison in the Days of Noah.

Again, there are some other Places of Scripture, which several

People have objected, as if the Spirit or Soul of Man might go out of
the Body, and subsist in Bliss and Happiness, or in Misery and a
tormented Condition, without its Body it always lived in; from that
Place Luke xxiii. 43. Jesus said to the Thief on the Cross, Verily I say
unto thee, This Day shalt thou be with me in Paradise. Now observe,
this no way proves that the Thief's Soul went out of his Body into a
paradisiacal Place, and so escaped suffering Death, or did not die;
for if the Soul of Christ did die at that time, as is clear by Scripture it
did; then the Soul and Life of the Thief did die also.
Then where was the Paradise the Thief's Soul, and Christ's Soul that
was heavy unto Death, where did they go? To this, I say, they went
to a Place of rest, where all righteous Souls go, which is to the sleep
of Death, for their was nothing did die but the Souls of them both;
and the Paradise Christ and the Thief went into that Day they
suffered Death, I declare it was this, that Christ was sure in himself
that he should rise from the Dead the third Day, and afterward
should enter into eternal Glory, and this Assurance in Christ that he
should rise again the third Day, it was Paradise and Peace to his
Soul, that he should pass through that Death, he was now to suffer
that very Day into a new Life, that should not be capable to die any
So likewise when the Thief did truly believe that Jesus was the
Christ, the Saviour from eternal Death to those that did believe; as it
is certain he did when he said, Lord, remember me, when thou
comest into thy Kingdom; for he did really believe, that Christ would
rise the third Day, and that he would raise him to eternal Joy and
Happiness at the last Day; and the Thief dying in this Faith, he
entred into Peace of Mind, and had Rest and Freedom to die, in
Hope and full Assurance that Christ would raise him up Soul and
Body to eternal Happiness at the last Day.
And this was that Paradise that Christ and the Thief were in, that
very Day they both suffered Death; for the Assurance of everlasting
Life in a Man's self here in Mortality, is the Paradise of Peace in this
Life. This I know to be true, and this was the Paradise Christ did
mean the Thief should be in that very Day he believed; and not that
either of their Souls went out of their Bodies to any other Place or
Paradise, then what was in their own Bodies, as aforesaid.
In like Manner People imagine, that the Soul of Man goeth out of the
Body at his Death, from that Saying Acts 7. 59. from those Words of
Stephen, when he was stoned to Death, he said, Lord Jesus, receive
my Spirit. The Meaning is this, that when any Man died in the true
Faith of Christ, in the Hope and full Assurance that Christ will raise
him up to eternal Happiness at the last Day, he commits his Spirit
into the Hands of Christ, knowing that though he doth lose his Life
for Christ's Sake here, that Christ will raise it again, and save his
Soul hereafter; and so Christ may be said to receive his Spirit. For
this I must tell the Reader, that there is not a quarter of an Hour's
time to the Dead to his rising again, no not a Minute; for there is no
time to the Dead, not a Minute of an Hour, though a Man have been
dead five thousand Years, yet it is not a Minute of an Hour to him
that is dead.
For all time belongs to the living; for after Death there is nothing but
Eternity, on the other side of Death either eternal Happiness or
eternal Misery: So that when Men die, they may be said to go
immediately to Heaven or to Hell, to Joy or Torment, to be receiv'd
into Christ's Hands of Mercy, or into the Hands of Christ's Wrath,
where they shall be tormented with the Devil and his Angels, yet
shall never see the Devil, nor his Angels, nor themselves, to Eternity;
as they did not know the Devil here, neither shall they know or see
him hereafter, yet be tormented with him.
And in this Sense a faithful Spirit or Soul, as Stephen was, may be
said to commit his Spirit into the Hands of Christ, and that Christ
doth receive his Spirit into his Hands, and will raise it up at the last
Day, which will not be a Minute of an Hour's time to the Dead, as I
said before; therefore let not the Seed of Faith think the time long
between Death and the Salvation of their Souls, because so many of
the Faithful have been so many hundred Years in the Grave: And let
not the wicked unbelieving People comfort themselves, that the
Dead shall never rise again, because the Fathers are Dead, and the
Prophets are dead, and we see none of them rise again; therefore
we conclude, their Spirits are gone to Heaven without Bodies, and
the Spirits of the Wicked are gone to Hell without Bodies, but a
Minute of an Hour's time will decide this Matter, when the dead are
raised: For they shall not remember they have been a Sleep in the
Dust one Minute of an Hour, for their is no Remembrance of time in
the Grave. Therefore let that vain Conceit that is in most People fall,
of Spirits going to God without Bodies: For I can assure you there is
no such Thing, neither can there be any true Peace in that Conceit. I
know it by Faith now, and by Experience, for I was of that Opinion
once my self, when I was zealous in Religion according to the
Puritan Way; but I knew no Scripture truly, neither was there one true
Interpreter of Scripture, no not one in those Days, that could shew a
Man the true Righteousness of God, or the true Way to everlasting

There is another Place of Scripture that is objected, that seems as if

the Soul went out of the Body when they die; as in 1 Kings xvii. 21.
where Elijah prayed, that the Child's Soul might come into him again.
The Meaning is this, that Elijah did pray in Faith unto God, that he
would assist him in this or other Things; as in shutting up the
Heavens that it should not rain, and calling for Fire from Heaven to
destroy those two Captains and their Fifties, and many other
wonderful Things he did; so he prayed unto God to strengthen his
Faith, so that he might have Power to raise this Child's Life out of
Death again.
Therefore he stretched himself upon the Child, and prayed that the
Child's Soul might come into him again; that is, that the Child's Soul
or Life might quicken in the Body of the Child again; for Elijah knew
the Soul of the Child was dead, and by the warm Flesh of the
Prophet laid upon the Child's dead Flesh, and the Faith and Prayer
of the Prophet together, it begot Life in the Child again; so that the
Soul that was dead it became Life in the Child again; and that Life
that was quickened, it run through the Veins of the Childs Body, and
so the Child's Soul did come into him again.
For this I say, if the Soul of the Child had been gone out of the Body,
then Elijah did not raise the dead Child to Life again; for how can a
Man be said to be dead, when as Life doth not die, but slips out of
the Body, as most People do vainly imagine; but it may be clear to
those whose Understandings are enlightened, that Elijah did raise
the Child from Death to Life, and that the Child's Soul was dead in its
Body, and that the Soul of the Child was revived in the Child's Body
again by the Power of Faith in Elijah.
And the very same thing was done by the Prophet Elisha, as in 2
Kings iv. 34. the Prophet Elisha did the same thing to the Sunamite
Woman's Son, he went up, and lay upon the Child, and put his
Mouth upon his Mouth, and his Eyes upon his Eyes, and his Hands
upon his Hands, and he stretch himself upon the Child; and the
Flesh of the Child waxed warm, and Elisha stretched himself upon
the Child a second time: Here the Reader may see, that the Child
was dead, and by the Faith and Prayer, and by the Warmness of the
Prophet Elisha his Flesh, the Child revived to Life again both Body
and Soul. And Elisha did use the same Means and Way as Elijah
did? for he went in and shut the Door, and prayed unto the Lord as
Elijah did, and stretched himself upon the Child as Elijah did, and
raise the Child to Life again by the Power of Faith.
Yet Elisha maketh no mention of the Soul coming into the Child
again, but he delivered the Body and Soul of the Child, that were
both dead together, he delivered them both alive together to the
Child's Mother. It was the same thing done by Elijah, only some
difference in the Words, but the Sense and Meaning is all one.
So that the Reader may understand, if any true Light of Life be in
him, that the Soul of the Child went not out of its Body, but died in
the Body; and by the Power of Faith in the Prophet, it quickened
alive out of Death in the Child's Body again; for the Soul or Life of
the Child never went out of the Body as is vainly imagin'd; but the
Soul, Life, and Spirit of the Child was absolutely dead in the Body,
and by the Power of Faith in the Prophet, the dead Soul or Life of the
Child was quickened alive again, and caused the Body to live also.
For if the Woman should have had the Soul of the Child given unto
her without the Body, she would have given the Prophet no Thanks
for raising her Child's Soul without a Body; but the Body and Soul
being one Person, they were both dead together, and the Prophet
raised them both together alive, and the Woman received them both
together, and rejoyced greatly in God, and gave Honour to the
Thus in short, I have given the true Interpretation of all those
Scriptures that most seem, or most commonly are objected against
the Mortality of the Soul, or to prove that Spirits do go out of the
Body at the time of Death, or that Spirits may be raised without
Bodies, or have any Being without Bodies, or that a Spirit may
appear in a Shape without a Body, or that a Spirit can assume what
Shape it please, yet have no Body or Substance.
These things the vain Imagination of Reason in Man hath created in
it self, to fright it self with, for their is no such thing as Spirits walking
without Bodies, neither doth any Spirit go out of the Body when Men
die, as is imagined by most People; but these are Fictions of Mens
Brains, created by the Imagination in the dark Minds of Men and
Women, for God never created any such thing, as I have shewed
And as for that saying of Solomon, Eccl. xii. 7. Then shall the Dust
return to the Earth as it was, and the Spirit shall return to God who
gave it. His Meaning (I suppose) in these Words is, as is generally
conceived by all People, the Body to the Dust, and the Spirit returns
to God that gave it when Men die: But these Sayings of Solomon are
no Scripture, for Solomon was no Scripture Writer, for his Writings
were not written by the Revelation of Faith, but by the Revelation of
Reason; yet it was the purest of Reason, and he had the greatest
Measure of the Wisdom of Reason, and the Knowledge of Nature, of
any that was before him since Adam, or any that shall come after
Therefore God chose him King, and gave him the purest Wisdom of
Reason, according to his Desire in his Prayer to God, that his
Wisdom might resemble Heaven for Glory, as it did; for what Glory
could a King have upon Earth greater than he had? Which was a
true Resemblance of the Glory of Heaven; and this Glory was
procured by that Power and great Wisdom of Reason in him; yet for
all this he was ignorant of the Revelation of Faith, and of spiritual
and heavenly Things, ignorant of the true God, and of the right Devil,
and of some things in Nature.
As that the Spirit of a Man should return to God that gave it without a
Body; when as God never gave any Spirit to Man without a Body, nor
to no other Creature: But Solomon being ignorant, that the Spirit or
Soul of Man is generated and begotten by the Law of Generation as
well as the Body; this was in the Creation when God made Man in
his own Image, the Ignorance of this caused him to speak thus; for
he knew not where the Spirit went when the Body is laid in the Earth,
no more than the learned Philosophers do, who say, A Spirit cannot
die; as if the Spirit and Life of every Creature were the Spirit or Life
of God, else they think no Creature could move and have a Being.
And though Solomon was a wise Man, as the Heathen Philosophers
were wise Men in Nature; yet they were all ignorant in this one thing,
of the Law of Generation or Procreation, to increase and multiply, as
God hath placed in Nature, when he created the World in the
beginning; for every Creature as well as Man, were to increase and
multiply by the Law of Generation; and this I am sure, they begot
Spirit, Life, and Soul by Generation, as well as Bodies.
But if it be objected, that God breathed into Man the Breath of Life,
and he became a living Soul; and so Man's Spirit is of a more noble
divine Life or Spirit than any other Creature.
To this I say, the Law of Generation to increase and multiply, was
placed in Man's Seed and Nature by God the Creator, as in other
Creatures: For this is to be observed, that Adam did not come to be
a living Soul by Generation, as we do ever since; but he and Eve
were first made as a Foundation for Generation; so that God made
or created but one Man and one Woman, all Men and Women that
have been generated and begotten ever since, cannot properly be
said to be made nor created, but begotten by Generation; for God
never made and created but one Man and one Woman, all others
are generated and begotten.
Therefore when Man begets a Son or Daughter in the way of
Generation, he begets the Soul or Spirit of the Child as well as the
Body; and the Soul or Spirit came out of the Man's Loin well as the
Body: As it was said by Jacob, Seventy Souls came out of his Loins;
if so then that Spirit or Soul that is begotten by Generation, it must
and doth die: For this I say, God never breathed the Breath of Life
into no Man, but into Adam: The Spirit of Life in all Men and Women
else or since have been generated and begotten, and what Spirit
and Soul of Man that is generated, it doth die and turn to Dust, till the
Regeneration, when God shall raise it again, which will not be a
Minute of an Hour to the dead Spirit, as I said before. So it may be
clear to those that have the true Light of Faith in them, that the Soul
or Spirit of Man doth die as well as the Body: They both came into
the World together alive, and they shall both go out of the World
again dead, as I have shewed before. Also the Reader may see, that
those Scriptures have been misunderstood through the Ignorance
and Darkness of Mens Minds, to think that the Soul or Spirit of Man
doth not die, but slips out of the Body; but to imagine that Spirits may
walk without Bodies, or that any Witch can raise any Spirit without a
Body; and many other Conceits that do arise out of the dark Mind of
Man; which have been grounded upon those Scripture Words;
therefore I have given the Interpretation of all those Places of
Scripture that are of most Concernment, and seem to bear such a
Sense, as is generally conceived among Professors of the
Scriptures: So that whoever understands the Interpretation, may
receive great Satisfaction in their Minds in this Point; so much for
Satisfaction of the Understanding in Heart, and for the Discontent of
the Ignorant and Dark-minded People, who believe by Tradition that
their Spirits do not die, but slide out of the Body at the time of Death;
and if they have been evil and wicked Livers, their Spirits do walk
afterwards, and cannot be at rest. These Conceits have been
exceeding brief in the World heretofore, when People were in
Darkness, and so is still where the Darkness of Mind ruleth.

There is one thing more that would be necessary for the wise in
Heart to know, which the Scriptures speak of in several Places; but I
never heard any of the Ministry tell what that Satan is the Scriptures
speak of, therefore I shall speak a Word or two to shew what Satan
is, and so conclude. 1 Chron. xxi. 1. And Satan stood up against
Israel; and Job i. 6. And Satan came also among them; and Chap.
xxi. 22. And the Lord said to Sathan, From whence comest thou?
And God said to Satan, Hast thou considered my Servant Job?
Ezek. iii. 1. And Satan standing at his right Hand. Mat. xvi. 23. Get
the behind me, Satan. Luke x. 18. I beheld Satan as Lightning fall
from Heaven.
1 Chron. xxi. 1. And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked
David to number Israel. This Satan that provoked David, it was the
Motions of Reason in himself, being lifted up in his own Mind, in that
he had overcome the Children of Ammon, he thought to make
nothing of the Philistines; therefore the Thoughts of his Heart moved
him to number the People, to know his Strength. And this Motion that
did arise in his Heart, it was Satan, it is called Satan, because those
Motions proceed from the Spirit or Seed of Reason in him. In 2 Sam.
xxiv. 1. it is said, The Anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel,
and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel: that is,
the Lord suffered the Motions of Reason in David to be powerful and
strong in him, that no Arguments should disswade him from it, but
the People must be numbred; and this was that Satan in David, and
no Spirit without him.
So Job i. 6. The Sons of God came to present themselves before the
Lord, and Satan came also among them. To this I say, the Book of
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