Abandonment – the existential condition of
being thrown into one’s existence with nothing to
cling to as a guide.
- Our existence is not our choice. Rather, it was a
A view that rejects the claim that a human person is matter of destiny. We are destined to live in this
free world.
States that a human person is not free bc his/her
Having Freedom Means Being Abandoned in 2 Things:
conditions, actions, & behavior are determined by
his/her: A. – it is not our choice to exits; but we exist, and it is not
our choice to experience life struggles but we
Biological Determinism – our actions, experience such things.
behavior, & how we make decisions are - When we experience life struggles, we longed for
gently controlled by our biological makeup someone to talk to but, there are times when no
(genes). one is available.
Psychological Determinism – are influenced - This is the time when you realized that the only
by the mental states particularly the one who can help you is you alone.
unconscious level of mind. - On the other hand, sometimes, you can talk your
Sociological Determinism – are influenced by frustrations with other people such as family, and
the external conditions (surrounding friends and they can give you
environment) - But still, in the end, it’s you, and you alone who
will decide and face your own problem.
B. – you are free but you didn’t choose freedom; it is a
HUMAN PERSON AS A SELF-DETERMINING BEING human condition you are thrown into an affiliated for
living in this world.
– you are abandoned to be free to choose, face and
create you life the way you want it to be.
It is true that there are mental states and that our past What we are is not dependent on the consequences of our
experiences, drives hopes, desires, wishes, etc. may actions but on the totality of our actions itself.
affect our decisions, actions, and behaviors.
But as a human person, we have the capacity to
choose what is right, we have the power to be aware,
Life in Action
to process, weigh things and to use them on our
advantage than being driven by them. - It is on the manner we engage with life that
Conditioning – process of training or accustoming a person or
- Therefore, when we fail, it is not directly the end.
animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain
It is in our ability to create and recreate
Determines his/her thoughts
This is borne out by: Sartre emphasizes the importance of free individual choice,
regardless of the power of other people to influence and coerce
Our inner awareness of an aptitude to do right or our desires, beliefs and decision.
The common testimony of all human beings; To be human, to be conscious is to be free to imagine, free to
The rewards and punishment of rulers; and choose and be responsible for one’s life.
The general employment of praise and blame.
Moral Acts You could not do anything that you please WITHOUT taking
consideration the norms of your society.
- Are in power and we are responsible for them.
Character or Habit is no excuse for immoral
RESPONSIBILITY, as a result, he/she is
responsible for the consequences of his/her
- “your world view and your understanding about the world are Before we begin to relate with others, we must first to know the
according to world that I have created for you.” “SELF” as what the famous Socrates will say “Know Yourself”
- “you act according the image that I set. As you do it, I find If you began to know yourself by then you will know the
satisfaction and security. “OTHER”
- human being sees the other person as a mere “thing”. What is Intersubjectivity?
Selfhood – is the state of having a distinct identity, or being an Ex. Your friends grandfather is sick, and it makes your friend
individual distinct from others; individuality. sad. You can ENTERTAIN your friend by _
- Our meaning comes our connectedness. The Prudence – the ability to govern or discipline oneself.
extent to which we are disconnected is the
extent to which we find meaningless. Frugality – careful and saving use of resources.
- The “I-It” relationship is in fact a relationship
with oneself; it is not a dialogue but a
monologue. Erich Fromm – proposed a new society that should encourage
the emergence of a new human being that will foster prudence
and frugality towards environment.
Characterizing Dialogue