Tutorial Answers
Tutorial Answers
Tutorial Answers
Opening questions
15.1 ‘Income’ is often subdivided into ‘revenues’ and ‘gains’, but is there a difference
between them?
Traditionally, it has been considered that there is a difference. Generally speaking, revenues
relate to the ordinary income-generating activities of an entity—for example, from sales or
rental receipts—whereas gains relate to ‘other income’, which does not necessarily
constitute part of the ordinary activities of an entity. This is consistent with how revenue is
defined within AASB 15, which is ‘income arising in the course of an entity’s ordinary
15.2 What is the general rule in terms of when revenue shall be recognised from contracts
with customers?
The general rule is stated at paragraph 31 of AASB 15:
An entity shall recognise revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance
obligation by transferring a promised good or service (i.e. an asset) to a customer. An
asset is transferred when (or as) the customer obtains control of that asset. (AASB 15)
Transfer of ‘control’ of the asset is a central requirement in the recognition of revenue under
the accounting standard.
15.4 Organisations often sell products to customers with a ‘right of return’. What is a ‘right
of return’, and how, if at all, shall the right of return be accounted for at the point of
A ‘right of return’ exists when an entity transfers control of a product to a customer and also
grants the customer the right to return the product for various reasons (such as
dissatisfaction with the product) and receive any combination of the following:
(a) a full or partial refund of any consideration paid
(b) a credit that can be applied against amounts owed, or that will be owed, to the
entity, and
(c) another product in exchange.
Where a sale with a right of return is provided to a customer, revenue, a refund liability and
an asset relating to the right to recover the product will generally be recognised. The revenue
to be recognised will be based on the sale of products that are not expected to be returned
15.5 If an organisation is constructing a building, and that building will take a number of
years to complete, can the organisation recognise revenue throughout the contract, or
does the construction-based organisation have to wait until project completion before
it recognises the revenue associated with the construction contract?
Yes, as long as certain conditions are satisfied, the revenue can be recognised over a period
of time. AASB 15, paragraph 31, states:
An entity shall recognise revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance
obligation by transferring a promised good or service (ie an asset) to a customer. An
asset is transferred when (or as) the customer obtains control of that asset. (AASB
• the reporting entity’s performance creates or enhances an asset (for example, work in
progress in the form of a building) that the customer controls while the asset is being
created or enhanced, or
• the entity’s performance creates an asset with no alternative use to the entity and the
entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.
15.6 AASB 15 identifies five steps that need to be taken when recognising revenue from
contracts with customers. What are these steps?
These five steps, which would be addressed sequentially, are:
1. Identify the contract(s) with customers.
2. Identify the performance obligation(s) in the contract.
3. Determine the transaction price of the contract.
4. Allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation.
5. Recognise revenue when each performance obligation is satisfied.
15.2 If there was a constant and repetitive series of transactions then once a point was chosen in
the production/sales cycle, the revenue to be recognised each year at that point would be
equivalent to the revenue recognised at any other point—that is, there is a constant flow
through the system. Hence, beyond the first (and last) year, the choice of points in the
revenue recognition cycle would make little difference.
15.3 A bad debt occurs when a specific debtor is deemed unlikely to pay its debts and as a result
the reporting entity recognises a bad debts expense and also reduces the balance of the
debtors’ ledger (with a corresponding reduction in the debtors’ subsidiary ledger). It is also
possible that a debtor that goes ‘bad’ was anticipated and that a sufficient amount was
previously recognised as a doubtful debts expense, with a corresponding increase in the
allowance for doubtful debts. If this is the case, there would be a debit to the allowance for
doubtful debts and a credit to accounts receivable (also called debtors).
A doubtful debt is recognised when it is considered, perhaps on the basis of past experience,
that not all debtors will pay the amounts that are due. No specific debtors are identified as
being unlikely to pay. Rather, a general allowance is created (an allowance for doubtful
debts) which is offset against accounts receivable. That is, the allowance for doubtful debts
is a contra account. When a doubtful debts expense is recognised, no adjustments are made
directly to the debtors’ ledger or the associated subsidiary ledgers.
15.4 What it means is that different approaches to asset and income recognition and measurement
will directly impact the quantum of revenues reported by an entity. For example, if an entity
values its assets at fair value, then the increase in the value of the assets could—depending
upon the category of assets—be treated as revenue. Alternatively, if an entity strictly applies
historical cost accounting then, although there may be an increase in the market or fair value
of its assets, this increase may be ignored until such time as a sale occurs. Consequently,
prior to the sale, less revenue will be reported by the historical cost organisation relative to
an entity that adopts a ‘mark to market’ approach to valuation.
As a further example, some forms of current cost accounting value all assets at market
value, but where the increase in market value is simply due to changing price levels in the
economy, the change in value is treated as a capital reserve, rather than as part of profits.
Some entities adopt a modified version of historical cost in which, consistent with AASB
116 Property, Plant and Equipment, they elect to perform asset revaluations. However,
15.10 When the first Exposure Draft Revenue from Contracts with Customers was released in June
2010 it was proposed that reporting entities should recognise revenue at the amount of
consideration that the company expects to receive from the customer. Thus, it was initially
proposed that when determining the ‘transaction price’ the entity would consider the effect
of the customer’s credit risk and record only the net expected amount as revenue. This
would have represented quite a departure from traditional accounting practice. However,
when the second Exposure Draft was released in November 2011, the requirement was
changed back to the traditional approach and this approach has been incorporated within
AASB 15. That is, a reporting entity shall recognise revenue at the amount of consideration
to which the entity considers it is ‘entitled’. An entity shall exclude expectations of
collectability when determining the amount of the transaction price (and thus the amount to
be recognised as revenue).
15.11 If the promised amount of consideration in a contract is variable, an entity shall estimate the
total amount to which the entity will be entitled in exchange for transferring the promised
goods or services to a customer. There are two main ways to make this estimate—the
expected value, and the most likely amount. Paragraph 53 of AASB 15 requires:
An entity shall estimate an amount of variable consideration by using either of the
following methods, depending on which method the entity expects to better predict
the amount of consideration to which it will be entitled:
(b) The most likely amount—the most likely amount is the single most likely amount
in a range of possible consideration amounts (ie the single most likely outcome of
the contract). The most likely amount may be an appropriate estimate of the
amount of variable consideration if the contract has only two possible outcomes
(for example, an entity either achieves a performance bonus or does not).
15.15 Multiple performance obligations could be bundled within one contract. A distinct
performance obligation can arise even if the related promise is incidental or part of a broader
marketing campaign. We identify the performance obligations at the commencement of the
contract. This requires us to identify each contractual promise to deliver goods and/or
services to the customer. This is required so that we can subsequently allocate amounts of
the ‘transaction price’ to each ‘performance obligation’ as it is satisfied.
15.17 When amounts to be received from customers are to be discounted (for example, the amount
is to be received beyond 12 months), then the discount rate to be applied is discussed at
paragraph 64 of AASB 15, which states:
15.18 A put option gives its holder the right to sell an asset, at a specified exercise price, on or
before a specified date. The writer (or seller) of the put option agrees to buy the asset at a
future date, for the exercise price, if the put option holder (buyer) should request it. The
holder of the put option (who may also be in possession of the underlying asset) would
typically only exercise the option (that is, require the other party to buy the underlying asset)
if the exercise price was above the market price.
Where a transaction involves the use of a financial instrument such as an option, it is
necessary to evaluate the conditions attaching to the transaction to establish whether, in
substance, the transaction is a financing arrangement rather than a sale.
In considering whether to recognise revenue when there are associated options, the
probability of the exercise of the options must be considered. Where it is probable that the
put option will be exercised and Eddie is required to repurchase the equipment, revenues
should not be recognised by Eddie since the requisite degree of certainty that the inflow of
economic benefits has occurred will not have been attained. The higher the price recorded
on the put option, the greater the probability that Mass Marketer will require Eddie to re-
acquire the assets. Hence the greater the price recorded on the option (which increases the
differential between the fair value, and the option price at the exercise date) the lower the
justification for recording the sales revenue.
Hence, if an entity sells an asset to another organisation and the other organisation
(customer) has a put option that requires the entity to acquire the asset at a price in excess of
15.20 To the extent that the benefactor does not have any rights to make a claim to have the
donation returned, then the donation would be treated as income, as it would satisfy the
definition and recognition criteria of income as provided in the Conceptual Framework. The
donation represents an inflow of economic benefits in the form of an increase in assets,
which is not a contribution from the owners of the entity. Further, the inflow has occurred
and is for a specific amount—hence the inflow satisfies the ‘probable’ test as well as being
capable of reliable measurement. Whether it would be treated as ‘revenue’ or a ‘gain’
(remember, the conceptual framework divides income into revenues and gains) would be
dependent upon the nature of the business. If the entity was the sort of entity that relied upon
donations to support its business (for example, if it is a registered charity) then the donation
might be treated as revenue. Otherwise it might be treated as a gain.
15.21 When a reporting entity has entered into a contract with a customer—including a long-term
construction contract—then when either party to the contract has performed, the reporting
entity might present the contract in the statement of financial position as either a contract
liability, a contract asset or a receivable depending on the relationship between the entity’s
performance and the customer’s payment. In explaining this, paragraph 106 of AASB 15
identifies when a contract liability should be recognised. It states:
When using the cost basis (an input measure) for a construction contract, the extent of
contract completion is measured by comparing costs incurred to date with the most recent
estimate of the total costs to complete the contract. Care must be taken in recognising when
costs are incurred and which costs are attributable to a specific project. When the extent of
contract completion is measured using the cost basis, adjustments have to be made to
include only those costs that reflect work performed. When the stage of completion is
determined by reference to the contract costs incurred to date, only those contract costs that
reflect work performed are included in costs incurred to date.
The costs incurred on construction contracts can be divided into:
i. costs related directly to a specific contract such as direct materials, direct labour,
depreciation of plant and equipment used on a contract, costs of moving plant and
equipment to and from a site, expected warranty costs, costs of design and technical
15.23 Entities may enter into transactions whereby non-monetary assets are ‘sold’ and
simultaneously leased back to the vendor, frequently by way of a long-run, non-cancellable
lease. The substance of these sale and leaseback transactions is that, although legal
ownership of the leased property has been transferred to the purchaser/lessor, the
vendor/lessee would normally retain control of the future economic benefits embodied in the
leased property by virtue of the lease agreement. Because control of the asset has not been
transferred, it would be inappropriate to recognise revenue. The vendor/lessee has, in effect,
entered into a financing arrangement whereby the leased property has been used as collateral
for a loan. Payments made by the vendor/lessee under the lease will ensure that the
purchaser/lessor recoups the investment in the lease and receives an appropriate return on
the investment. The transaction does not constitute a sale and does not give rise to revenue,
since the inflow of economic benefits in the form of the proceeds from disposal has resulted
from an equivalent increase in liabilities (a lease payable), with the result that there has been
no increase in equity. Consistent with this, any gain on a sale and leaseback transaction,
where the lease is deemed to be a financial lease, should be amortised to the statement of
comprehensive income over the term of the lease rather than recognising the profit at the
point of sale. Hence, given the requirements identified above, Noosa Ltd would not record a
profit of $300 000 in the year of sale, but rather, would recognise an amount ($300 000 ÷
life of the lease) each year for the duration of the lease.
Challenging questions
15.24 Some reasons for the lengthy time period associated with the development of this accounting
standard can be tied back to its perceived importance. Because of the importance of the
15.25 The choice of accounting method should be dictated by considerations of what method is
appropriate in given circumstances and not by what method will provide management with
their preferred results. That is, a reporting entity should adopt accounting methods on an
objective basis. With that said, if a firm is currently being scrutinised because of its high
accounting profits (perhaps by employee unions attempting to secure increased wages for
their members), then researchers adopting the central tenets of Positive Accounting Theory
(for example, that all individual action is driven by self-interest and not issues such as
objectivity, fairness, etc.) would argue that the firm may prefer to adopt a method which
defers income recognition to future periods. This could be accomplished by demonstrating
that the organisation cannot reliably measure the stage of completion on a particular project,
or that control of the asset has not effectively been passed to the customer, and consistent
with AASB 15, the firm will then only recognise revenue to an amount equal to the costs
incurred. That is, no net profit would be recognised until the project is complete.
Journal entries
2023 2024 2025
(i) To record costs incurred:
Dr Construction in progress (contract asset) 2.5 4.0 1.5
Cr Cash, accounts payable, accum. deprec. 2.5 4.0 1.5
Stage of completion cannot be reliably determined. In this case, contract costs must
be recognised as an expense in the financial year in which they are incurred and,
where it is probable that the costs will be recovered, revenue must be recognised
only to the extent of costs incurred.
2023 2024 2025
(i) To record costs incurred:
Dr Construction in progress (contract 2.5 4.0 1.5
Cr Cash, accounts payable, etc. 2.5 4.0 1.5
Following the above journal entries, the total expenses recognised on the contract will be
$11 million, and the total revenues $10 million, giving a total loss on the contract of $1
million. These numbers are reconciled as follows:
Construction Construction
expenses revenues
2023 2.5 3.125
2024 5.5 3.875
2025 3.0 3.0
11.0 10.0
(b) Assuming stage of contract completion cannot be reliably determined.
2023 2024 2025
(i) To record costs incurred:
Dr Construction in progress (contract 2.5 5.5 3.0
Cr Cash, accounts payable, etc. 2.5 5.5 3.0
15.29 (a)
15.30 (a) If management was rewarded in terms of accounting profits then it would be reasonable
to assume that the management would prefer to have non-volatile profits such that they
would receive a more uniform series of cash flows. Also, it would be reasonable to assume
that they would prefer that accounting profits not be deferred to future periods, given that
the present value of the future receipts would be lower than those received in earlier years.
With this in mind, management rewarded by profit-based schemes would probably prefer to
adopt the percentage-of-completion method. In adopting this accounting method they would
necessarily need to ensure that the requirements associated with recognising revenue over
time, as noted in AASB 15 (such as the requirement that the customer has control of the
asset; revenue can be reliably measured; and the contract costs to complete the contract and
the stage of completion can be measured reliably), are satisfied.
(b) If a firm is subject to a debt-to-asset constraint, a debt-to-equity constraint or an interest
coverage constraint then we may expect that the management would prefer to adopt an
approach that recognises revenue over time. If we recognise revenue throughout the term of
the contract we take the income to profit or loss and we increase the asset, ‘construction in
progress’ by the amount of profit recognised. This has the effect of loosening the
aforementioned accounting ratios.
15.31 (a) To provide the journal entries for part (b), we need to determine the interest
component of each $6000 payment. The easiest way to do this is to draw up a table,
as shown below. The interest element is calculated by multiplying the opening
receivable for a period by the rate of interest implicit in the arrangement.
To determine the interest rate, we can divide the fair value of the asset at the date of
sale by the periodic payment.
$19 019 $6000 = 3.1699. Reviewing our present value tables for four years, we
find that this equates to an interest rate of 10 per cent.
Interest revenue equals the outstanding liability at the beginning of the financial
period, multiplied by the interest rate implicit in the agreement, which in this
question is 10 per cent.
The reduction in the principal is calculated by subtracting the interest revenue from
the cash payment.
15.32 The general expectation was that because revenue recognition is now dependent upon the
customer having control of the asset under construction (pursuant to AASB 15), this will
mean that for many contracts revenue recognition will need to be delayed until such time as
control has passed to the customer. This will have implications in terms of deferring the
recognition of revenue and therefore profits, and in deferring the recognition of assets.
Managers often receive some form of bonuses tied to some measure of performance.
Accounting profits are often used in such plans—for example, a manager might be offered
1% of reported profits. Deferring revenue recognition will have implications for reported
profits, and therefore for remuneration plans that use some measure of accounting
15.33 Upon transfer of control of the products, the entity would not recognise revenue for the three
products that it expects to be returned. Consequently, the entity would recognise:
(a) revenue of $147 500 ($50 × 2950 products expected not to be returned)
(b) a refund liability for $2500 ($50 refund × 50 products expected to be returned)
(c) an asset of $1000 ($20 × 50 products) for its right to recover products from customers
on settling the refund liability.
Hence, the amount recognised in cost of sales for 2950 products is $59 000 ($20 × 2950).
The accounting entries would be:
Dr Cash 150 000
Cr Revenue 147 500
Cr Refund liability 2500
(to recognise the initial sale)
Dr Cost of goods sold 59000
Dr Right to recover (an asset) 1000
Cr Inventory 60 000
(to recognise transfer of inventory to the customer)
Dr Refund liability 2500
Cr Cash 2500
(to recognise the refund provided to the customer
when the goods are ultimately returned)
Dr Inventory 1000
Cr Right to recover 1000
(to place the returned assets back into inventory)
15.34 Because the artworks have been given irrevocably as a gift, and not as a loan, it becomes an
asset of the National Gallery of Australia. Because there has been an inflow of economic
Solutions Manual t/a Financial Accounting 9e by Craig Deegan
Copyright © 2020 McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Pty Ltd
benefits which is not of the nature of a contribution by an owner, the donation is to be
treated as income. In determining the amount to be recorded for the asset, and therefore for
the income, the inflow should be recorded at its fair value. Because it did not go to sale, the
amount will need to be determined by somebody with expertise in valuing such works of art.
A valuation might be obtained from an independent ‘market analyst’.