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Basics of React

1. What is React?
React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, primarily
using a component-based architecture.

2. What are the features of React?

Key features include virtual DOM, JSX syntax, component-based structure, unidirectional
data flow, and support for hooks.

3. Explain the difference between a class component and a functional component.

Class components use class syntax and lifecycle methods, whereas functional components
use functions and React hooks for state and lifecycle management.

4. What is JSX?
JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows writing HTML-like syntax directly in
JavaScript code.

5. What are props in React?

Props (short for properties) are immutable inputs passed from parent to child components to
communicate and customise behavior.

Advanced Topics

6. What is the virtual DOM, and how does it work?

The virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the actual DOM; React updates it first and syncs
changes efficiently with the real DOM.

7. What is state in React?

State is a local, mutable data store managed within a component that determines how the
component renders and behaves.

8. Explain React lifecycle methods.

Lifecycle methods, like componentDidMount and shouldComponentUpdate, control
component behavior during mounting, updating, and unmounting.

9. What is the use of useState in React?

The useState hook enables adding state to functional components, returning the state
variable and a function to update it.

10. What is the Context API?

The Context API is a way to share data globally across components without passing props
manually at every level.

Performance and Optimisation

11. How does React handle performance optimisation?

React optimises performance using techniques like virtual DOM, React.memo, lazy loading,
and code splitting.

12. What is React.memo, and how does it work?

React.memo is a higher-order component that prevents unnecessary re-renders by
memoising a component’s output.

13. Explain lazy loading in React.

Lazy loading dynamically loads components or routes as needed, reducing initial loading time
and improving performance.

14. What is the difference between a controlled and uncontrolled component?

Controlled components have their state managed by React, while uncontrolled components
rely on DOM for their state.

15. What is the significance of keys in React?

Keys help React identify and manage individual elements efficiently during reconciliation.


16. What are React Hooks?

Hooks are functions like useState and useEffect that let you manage state and lifecycle in
functional components.

17. What is useEffect used for?

useEffect handles side effects in functional components, like fetching data or subscribing to

18. Explain the difference between useEffect and useLayoutEffect.

useEffect runs asynchronously after render, while useLayoutEffect runs synchronously after
layout calculation.

19. What is useRef in React?

useRef is a hook that allows creating a mutable object reference, often used to access DOM
elements directly.

20. How does useReducer work?

useReducer is an alternative to useState for managing complex state logic using a reducer


21. What is React Router?

React Router is a library for managing navigation and routing in React applications.

22. What is the difference between BrowserRouter and HashRouter?

BrowserRouter uses clean URLs with history API, while HashRouter uses URL hashes for

23. What are dynamic routes in React Router?

Dynamic routes allow matching URL parameters, enabling rendering different components
based on the URL.

24. What is the use of useNavigate in React Router v6?

useNavigate replaces useHistory for programmatic navigation in React Router v6.

25. How can nested routes be implemented in React?

Nested routes are implemented by defining child <Route> components inside a parent
<Route> component.

State Management

26. What is Redux?

Redux is a state management library for React that centralises application state in a single

27. What are the core principles of Redux?

Redux follows three principles: a single source of truth, state is read-only, and state changes
through pure reducers.

28. What is the use of connect in Redux?

The connect function links React components to the Redux store, providing state and
dispatch as props.

29. What is Redux middleware?

Redux middleware, like Thunk or Saga, intercepts actions and enables asynchronous logic
between dispatching and reducers.

30. What is the difference between Redux and Context API?

Redux is a full-fledged state management library, while Context API is simpler but suitable for
lightweight state sharing.

Error Handling and Testing

31. How do you handle errors in React components?

Use error boundaries (componentDidCatch or ErrorBoundary components) to catch
JavaScript errors in the UI.

32. What is Jest in React?

Jest is a testing framework used for unit and snapshot testing of React components and

33. What is the use of Enzyme?

Enzyme is a testing utility for React that simplifies shallow, mount, and render testing.

34. How do you test React components?

React components can be tested using tools like Jest, Enzyme, or React Testing Library for
unit and integration tests.

35. What is snapshot testing in React?

Snapshot testing captures the rendered component's output and ensures it doesn’t change


36. What are higher-order components (HOC)?

HOCs are functions that take a component and return an enhanced version of it, often used
for reusing logic.
37. What is reconciliation in React?
Reconciliation is the process React uses to update the DOM efficiently by comparing the
virtual DOM with the real DOM.

38. What is the difference between React and React Native?

React is for web development, while React Native is for building mobile applications using
React concepts.

39. What is the importance of PropTypes?

PropTypes validate props passed to components, ensuring they have the correct types and

40. What is the role of strict mode in React?

React’s StrictMode helps identify potential problems in an application by running checks in
development mode.

Advanced Topics

41. What is React Suspense?

React Suspense enables waiting for asynchronous operations (like lazy loading) before
rendering components.

42. How do you optimise React applications for SEO?

Use server-side rendering (SSR) with libraries like Next.js for better SEO performance.

43. What is Next.js?

Next.js is a React framework for building server-rendered or statically generated web

44. What is the use of portals in React?

Portals enable rendering components outside their parent DOM hierarchy.

45. What is the Fiber architecture?

React Fiber is an internal engine that enables better reconciliation and improves React's
rendering performance.

Practical Scenarios

46. How to manage large-scale state in React applications?

Use state management libraries like Redux or MobX, or split state into localised slices using

47. How do you handle large data rendering in React?

Use techniques like pagination, infinite scrolling, and libraries like React Virtualized to
optimise rendering.

48. What are controlled forms in React?

Controlled forms have input values managed entirely by React state, offering more control
and validation options.

49. How does React differ from Angular?

React is a library focusing on the view layer, while Angular is a comprehensive framework for
building entire applications.
50. What is the role of webpack in React?
Webpack bundles JavaScript, CSS, and assets into a single file, optimising React applications
for deployment.

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