CEO Medical Plan 5 /
CEO Medical Plan (Worldwide) 5
provides prime protection to let you enjoy your
lifestyle wherever you are in the world.
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Cover at a glance
Product Nature Medical protection insurance plan (Reimbursement)
Plan Type Basic plan and add-on plan
Insured’s Age at Application 15 days to age 70
Basic plan: annually / semi-annually / quarterly / monthly
Premium Payment Mode Add-on plan: follow the corresponding basic plan
Overall Lifetime Limit 50,000,000 6,250,000
Annual Limit 20,000,000 2,500,000
Annual Deductible Choices 0 / 16,000 / 25,000 / 50,000 0 / 2,000 / 3,125 / 6,250
Geographical Cover
• CEO Medical Plan (Worldwide) 5 Worldwide
• CEO Medical Plan 5 Worldwide excluding the United States
Room Type Standard private room
• worldwide cover for hospital stay
• time-saving and convenient day surgeries
• high quality specialist network
Core Benefits • broad post-hospitalisation care
• extended caring protection for your specific needs, including cancer treatment, dialysis
treatment, stroke rehabilitation benefits and pregnancy complications benefit
• global emergency treatment and worldwide emergency assistance services
• outpatient benefits
Optional Benefits
• dental benefits
For more information, please read the benefits schedule for CEO Medical Plan 5 / CEO Medical Plan (Worldwide) 5 in this brochure.
“AIA”, “the Company”, “We”, “our” or “us” herein refers to AIA International Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).
Cover year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A claim of HK$40,000 is
reimbursed in the 5th year
Access a high-quality medical network* For more information and the list of designated
hospitals, please refer to our Credit Facility
Service for Hospitalisation leaflet. View e-copy
This is a value-added service designed to further enhance your
peace of mind in a medical situation. Our medical network has
a group of multi-disciplinary medical specialists and provides
you with access to a number of advanced day case medical Worldwide emergency assistance
centres, a safe and convenient alternative to hospitals. You can
book day case procedure at network clinics and day case A worldwide assistance hotline is open 24/7 for any
procedure centres, the network doctor will apply for the Medical emergency support you might need, especially when you are
Expense Pre-approval Service on your behalf. abroad. Help is always just one call away.
You can also enjoy the convenience of
cashless hospitalisation (also known as Credit
Facility Service for Hospitalisation) and a
dedicated hotline for centralised booking.
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For more information, please refer to the
specialist network leaflet.
* This service is provided in Hong Kong by the designated service provider engaged by AIAHK and is not applicable to Macau Region.
Flexibility to suit your needs Whether you are looking for full protection or top-up cover to
supplement your current medical plan, annual deductible
choices allow you to specify how much you are willing to pay
We understand that everyone’s situation is different. That’s before you claim. Higher deductible amount could lower your
why we offer various benefit combination choices to suit premium. For example, if you chose an annual deductible of
your personal medical needs: HK$16,000 and your eligible medical expense is HK$100,000,
you would receive HK$100,000 less your deductible, which
Worldwide / would be HK$84,000.
Geographical Cover Choices Worldwide (excluding
the United States) You can also choose to reduce your annual deductible
amount to a specified amount without having to provide us
+ with current details of your health upon the anniversary of
your cover at the age of 50, 55, 60 or 65. The premium will be
HK$ US$ adjusted based on your selected deductible amount, and
0 0 your out-of-pocket limit for a claim will be reduced. Before
16,000 2,000 making your request for this reduction of deductible,
Annual Deductible Choices you may have to reassess if this reduction can suit your
25,000 3,125
personal needs.
50,000 6,250
(The following example is hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only. If there
are any changes in the values, no separate announcement will be made.)
Alan wants a plan which is able to provide a broad protection for him and his family with greater
flexibility to cover the insufficiency of his employer’s current group medical plan. Guaranteed
CEO Medical Plan 5 offers Alan superior protection at an affordable premium with an overall
lifetime renewal
lifetime limit of up to HK$50,000,000 to supplement his employer’s group medical plan. The plan
provides broad extended benefits to ensure sufficient cover from pre-hospitalisation to post-hospitalisation on the road
to recovery continuously.
Scenario: Alan is diagnosed with cancer and stroke before and after retirement respectively. He makes claims for the expenses of
pre, during and post-hospitialisation.
Insured’s Age
Age 35 Age 53 Age 55 Age 75
Alan purchases Received treatment and recovered in Hong Kong Completed the Received treatment and recovered in Hong Kong
CEO Medical Plan 5 Case reviewed and managed by our designated service treatment of Case reviewed and managed by our designated service provider
colorectal cancer
Overall provider of Personal Medical Case Management Services and fully recovered of Personal Medical Case Management Services
lifetime limit: Eligible treatments can be claimed: Eligible treatments can be claimed:
• pre-hospitalisation outpatient consultation • pre-hospitalisation outpatient consultation
Annual limit:
+ +
• confinement and reverse colostomy surgery • confinement
+ +
• cancer treatment, including blood test in day surgery • post-hospitalisation outpatient consultation
centre, chemotherapy and outpatient consultation
and medication related to chemotherapy Claimed in full after deductible (if any)
• post surgery home nursing • post-hospitalisation ancillary treatment, including the
treatment of physiotherapy, Chinese medicine practitioner and
Claimed in full after deductible (if any) occupational therapist
Core benefits
Maximum Benefit
A. Confinement Benefits
1 Hospital daily room and board benefit
2 Physician’s visit
3 Specialist’s fee Fully covered
4 Miscellaneous hospital expenses benefit
5 Intensive care benefit
6 Private nurse’s fee Fully covered
Nursing service after surgery or discharge from Intensive Care Unit 30 days per year
7 Hospital companion bed benefit Fully covered
Expenses for one companion bed during the insured’s hospital stay
Maximum Benefit
B. Surgical Benefits
10 Surgery benefit
Including surgeon’s fee, anaesthetist’s fee and operating theatre fee
Fully covered
a. All surgeries
Including organ transplantation surgical cost for insured as a receiver
b. Other items
Prosthetic device other than specified in item 12a
96,000 12,000
c. Reconstructive devices or materials
each item per life each item per life
External, prosthetic or reconstructive devices / materials
implanted during reconstructive surgery
13 Day surgery cash benefit 1,600 per procedure 200 per procedure
Applicable when item 11 is payable for the same procedure 1 procedure per year
C. Post-Hospitalisation Benefits
14 Post-hospitalisation / day surgery outpatient consultation
Follow-up consultation, medication prescribed for a maximum of 30 days
for such consultation and diagnostic tests within 60 days after the
Fully covered
discharge from hospital / day surgery
Maximum Benefit
D. Extended Benefits
19 Pre-hospitalisation / day surgery outpatient consultation
Including consultation, medication prescribed for a maximum of 30 days
for such consultation and diagnostic tests within 30 days before hospital
stay or day surgery
21 Dialysis benefit
For both on an inpatient or outpatient basis
22 HIV / AIDS treatment benefit 800,000 per life 100,000 per life
23 Mental or nervous disorder benefit 40,000 per year 5,000 per year
For stay and treatment in a mental or psychiatric hospital, or in the
mental or psychiatric unit of a hospital 30 days per year
Maximum Benefit
E. Emergency Treatment Benefits
27 Emergency outpatient treatment benefit
Caused by covered accident
Fully covered
28 Emergency dental benefit
Caused by covered accident
b. Repatriation of remains
5,000,000 625,000
c. Compassionate visit by one immediate family member per life per life
For staying in hospital more than 5 consecutive days
Optional benefits
Maximum Benefit
G. Outpatient Benefits
31 Outpatient consultation Fully covered
45 visits per year
1 visit per day
32 Diagnostic procedures and laboratory tests
Fully covered
33 Prescribed medicines and drugs
34 Alternative treatment 8,000 per year 1,000 per year
Including medical treatment performed by a Chinese medicine
practitioner, physiotherapist, or chiropractor 1 visit per day
36 Vaccinations and health check-up 2,400 per year 300 per year
1 check-up per year
Effective from 1 January 2018, all policy owners are required to pay a levy on each premium payment made for both new and in-force Hong Kong
policies to the Insurance Authority (IA). For levy details, please visit our website at or IA’s website at
Product Limitation provided to the insured in such region will be permanently reduced
to 60% of his benefit pay-out amount. Such reduction applies to all
1. Cover for specific items will be effective on the following dates: items in the benefits schedule except items 29 and 30:
Effective Date Regions Countries
Items (after the policy
commences) North America United States and Canada
Accidental injury Immediately Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland,
Illness 30 days France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,
Western Europe Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands,
Investigation / treatment / surgery for tonsils, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
adenoids, hernias or a disease particular to 120 days Switzerland, United Kingdom and Vatican City
female generative organs
Specialist Network service 180 days 5. If the eligible expenses have been reimbursed under any law, or
Optional dental benefit 6 months medical program or other insurance policy provided by any
Pregnancy complications benefit 10 months government, company, other third party or us, such will not be
reimbursable by us under this policy.
HIV / AIDS treatment 5 years
6. Worldwide emergency assistance services are covered during the
2. We only cover the charges and / or expenses of the insured on trip only (except for 24-hour worldwide telephone enquiring
medically necessary and reasonable and customary basis. services), which are additional benefits. A trip refers to a journey
where the insured person departing abroad from either Hong
“Medically necessary” means that the medical services, Kong, Macau or Mainland China (of which the insured is the
diagnosis and / or treatments are: permanent resident at the time of departure). The services are
• delivered according to standards of good medical practice; provided by third party service provider(s). AIA shall not be
• necessary; and responsible for any act, negligence or omission of medical advice,
opinion, service or treatment on the part of them. AIA reserves the
• cannot be safely delivered in a lower level of medical care. right to amend, suspend or terminate the service without further
Experimental, screening, and preventive services or supplies notice.
are not considered medically necessary.
7. Medical network services, Credit Facility Service for
“Reasonable and customary” means: Hospitalisation, and Medical Expense Pre-approval Service are
• the medical services, diagnosis and / or treatments are additional benefits and do not form part of the contractual
medically necessary and delivered according to standards service. Medical network services are provided by network
of good medical practice; doctor. AIA shall not be responsible for any act or omission of
network doctor in the provision of medical network services.
• the costs of your medical services and the duration of your Credit Facility Service for Hospitalisation is provided by third
hospital stay are not more expensive or longer than the party service provider(s). AIA reserves the right to amend,
usual level of charges or duration for similar treatment in suspend or terminate these services without further notice.
the locality of such services delivered; and
• does not include charges that would not have been made if Claim Procedure
no insurance existed.
We may adjust any and all benefits payable in relation to any If you wish to make a claim, you must notify us in writing within 20
hospital / medical charges which is not a reasonable and days of the date the covered event happened, and send us the
customary charge. appropriate forms and relevant proof within 90 days of the same
date. You can get the appropriate claim forms from your financial
3. The insured will be covered for any room type in which he stays planner, by calling the AIA Customer Hotline (852) 2232 8888 in
at hospital, but there will be a reduction in his benefit pay-out Hong Kong, or by visiting any AIA Customer Service Centre. If you
amount in case the insured stays in a room type higher than the wish to know more about claim related matter, you may visit “File A
plan covered. In such a case, the benefit pay-out amount will be Claim” section under our company website
adjusted by multiplying the following factor:
Cancellation Right
Daily room charge of the standard private room in the
hospital admitted by the insured You have the right to cancel and obtain a refund of any premiums
= ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– and any levy paid by giving written notice to us. Such notice must be
Daily room charge of the room the insured stays signed by you and submitted to the Customer Service Centre of AIA
International Limited at 12/F, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North
4. If the insured continuously stays for 365 days in one of the Point, Hong Kong within 21 calendar days immediately following
following regions, the medical services and / or treatments either the day of delivery of the policy or the Cooling-off Notice to
you or your nominated representative, whichever is the earlier.
health (B)
Please contact your financial planner or call AIA Customer Hotline for details
Hong Kong (852) 2232 8888