Ats Rac Mechanic Nsqf 5

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(Duration: 2 Yrs.)






Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


(Revised in 2018)



Developed By

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091
Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


The DGT sincerely expresses appreciation for the contribution of the Industry, State
Directorate, Trade Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum. Special
acknowledgement to the following industries/organizations who have contributed valuable
inputs in revising the curricula through their expert members:

Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

Sl. Name & Designation Organization Expert Group

No. Sh./Mr./Ms. Designation

Sl. Name & Designation Mentor Council

No. Shri/Mr./Ms. Designation

Expert group on restructuring of Apprenticeship Training Modules

1. T Veeradharanath Mega Services , Hyderabad Managing
2. G Balaji Voltas Ltd., Hyderabad Manager
3. Jaikeshwae Gour M/s Sri Srinivasa Dairy Products Asst. Executive
Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
4. Md. Roshan Setwin, Govt. of Telangana Retd. MRAC
5. TK Bhattacharaya ATI, Hyderabad Trg. Officer
6. B AppaRao ATI, Hyderabad Trg. Officer
Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


Topics Page No.
1. Background 1-2

2. Training System 3-7

3. Job Role 8

4. NSQF Level Compliance 9

5. General Information 10

6. Learning Outcome 11-13

7. Learning Outcome with Assessment Criteria 14-17

8. Syllabus 18-25

9. Syllabus - Core Skill 26-33

9.1 Core Skill – Workshop Calculation & Science and

Engineering Drawing

9.2 Core Skill – Employability Skill

10. Details of Competencies (On-Job Training) 34-36

11. List of Trade Tools & Equipment Basic Training - Annexure I 37-45

12. Format for Internal Assessment -Annexure II 46

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


1.1 Apprenticeship Training Scheme under Apprentice Act 1961

The Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the objective of regulating the programme of
training of apprentices in the industry by utilizing the facilities available therein for imparting
on-the-job training. The Act makes it obligatory for employers in specified industries to engage
apprentices in designated trades to impart Apprenticeship Training on the job in industry to
school leavers and person having National Trade Certificate(ITI pass-outs) issued by National
Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) to develop skilled manpower for the industry. There are
four categories of apprentices namely; trade apprentice, graduate, technician and technician
(vocational) apprentices.
Qualifications and period of apprenticeship training of trade apprentices vary from trade to
trade. The apprenticeship training for trade apprentices consists of basic training followed by
practical training. At the end of the training, the apprentices are required to appear in a trade
test conducted by NCVT and those successful in the trade tests are awarded the National
Apprenticeship Certificate.

The period of apprenticeship training for graduate (engineers), technician (diploma holders
and technician (vocational) apprentices is one year. Certificates are awarded on completion of
training by the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

1.2 Changes in Industrial Scenario

Recently we have seen huge changes in the Indian industry. The Indian Industry registered an
impressive growth during the last decade and half. The number of industries in India have
increased manifold in the last fifteen years especially in services and manufacturing sectors. It
has been realized that India would become a prosperous and a modern state by raising skill
levels, including by engaging a larger proportion of apprentices, will be critical to success; as
will stronger collaboration between industry and the trainees to ensure the supply of skilled
workforce and drive development through employment. Various initiatives to build up an
adequate infrastructure for rapid industrialization and improve the industrial scenario in India
have been taken.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

1.3 Reformation
The Apprentices Act, 1961 has been amended and brought into effect from 22 nd December,
2014 to make it more responsive to industry and youth. Key amendments are as given below:

 Prescription of number of apprentices to be engaged at establishment level

instead of trade-wise.

 Establishment can also engage apprentices in optional trades which are not
designated, with the discretion of entry level qualification and syllabus.

 Scope has been extended also to non-engineering occupations.

 Establishments have been permitted to outsource basic training in an institute of

their choice.

 The burden of compliance on industry has been reduced significantly.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
offers range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different sectors of
economy/ Labour market. The vocational training programmes are delivered under aegis of
National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) and
Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programmes of NCVT for propagating
vocational training.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic trade under ATS is one of the most popular
courses delivered nationwide through different industries. The course is of two years (02
Blocks) duration. It mainly consists of Domain area and Core area. In the Domain area Trade
Theory & Practical impart professional - skills and knowledge, while Core area - Workshop
Calculation and science, Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills imparts requisite core
skills & knowledge and life skills. After passing out the training programme, the trainee is being
awarded National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) by NCVT having worldwide recognition.

Broadly candidates need to demonstrate that they are able to:

 Read & interpret technical parameters/document, plan and organize work processes,
identify necessary materials and tools in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning.
 Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations and
environmental protection stipulations regarding with handling of gas, pressure testing
and electrical works.
 Apply professional skill, knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing
jobs and solve problem during execution.
 Check the job/assembly as per drawing for functioning, identify and rectify errors in
 Document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken in Refrigeration and

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


 Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming instructor in
 Indicative pathways for vertical mobility.


Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two years (Basic Training and On-Job Training): -

Total training duration details: -

1-3 4-12 13-15 16-24
(in months)
Basic Training Block– I ----- Block – II ------
Practical Training ---- Block – I ------ Block – II
(On - job training)

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

A. Basic Training
For 02 yrs. Engg. Course :-(Total 06 months: 03 months in 1styr. + 03 months in 2nd yr.)
For 01 yr. Engg. course :-(Total 03 months: 03 months in 1st yr.)

Sl. No. Course Element Total Notional Training Hours

For 02 yrs. For 01 yr.
course course
1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 550 275
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 240 120

3 Workshop Calculation & Science

40 20
4 Engineering Drawing
60 30
5 Employability Skills
110 55
Total (including Internal Assessment)
1000 500

B. On-Job Training:-

For 02 yrs. Engg. Course :- ( Total 18 months: 09 months in 1st yr. + 09 months in 2nd yr.)

Notional Training Hours for On-Job Training: 3120 Hrs.

For 01 yr. Engg. course :-( Total 12 months)

Notional Training Hours for On-Job Training: 2080 Hrs.

C. Total training hours:-

Duration Basic Training On-Job Training Total

For 02 Engg. yrs. course 1000 hrs. 3120 hrs. 4120 hrs.

For 01 yr. Engg. course 500 hrs. 2080 hrs. 2580 hrs.


The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of course
and at the end of the training programme as notified by Govt of India from time to time. The
Employability skills will be tested in first two semesters only.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

a) The Internal assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative assessment
method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The training
institute have to maintain individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment guideline
(section-2.4.2). The marks of internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure – II).

b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NAC will be conducted by NCVT on completion of course as per
guideline of Govt of India. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by govt of India
from time to time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be basis for setting
question papers for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check
individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline (section-2.4.2) before giving
marks for practical examination.


The minimum pass percent for Practical is 60% & minimum pass percent for Theory
subjects 40%. The candidate pass in each subject conducted under all India trade test.


Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial

barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for team work,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scarp/wastage as per procedure,
behavioral attitude, sensitivity to environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity towards
OSHE and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

 Job carried out in labs/workshop
 Record book/ daily diary
 Answer sheet of assessment
 Viva-voce
 Progress chart
 Attendance and punctuality
 Assignment
 Project work

Evidences of internal assessments are to be preserved until forthcoming semester

examination for audit and verification by examination body. The following marking pattern to
be adopted while assessing:

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

Performance Level Evidence

(a) Weightage in the range of 60 -75% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the  Demonstration of good skill in the use of
candidate with occasional guidance and hand tools, machine tools and workshop
showing due regard for safety procedures equipment
and practices, has produced work which  Below 70% tolerance dimension/accuracy
demonstrates attainment of an achieved while undertaking different work
acceptable standard of craftsmanship. with those demanded by the
component/job/set standards.
 A fairly good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish
 Occasional support in completing the

(b)Weightage in the range of above75% - 90% to be allotted during assessment

For this grade, the candidate, with little  Good skill levels in the use of hand tools,
guidance and showing due regard for machine tools and workshop equipment
safety procedures and practices, has  70-80% tolerance dimension/accuracy
produced work which demonstrates achieved while undertaking different work
attainment of a reasonable standard of with those demanded by the
craftsmanship. component/job/set standards.
 A good level of neatness and consistency in
the finish
 Little support in completing the project/job

(c) Weightage in the range of above 90% to be allotted during assessment

For performance in this grade, the  High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
candidate, with minimal or no support in machine tools and workshop equipment
organization and execution and with due  Above 80% tolerance dimension/accuracy
regard for safety procedures and achieved while undertaking different work
practices, has produced work which with those demanded by the component/
demonstrates attainment of a high job/set standards.
standard of craftsmanship.  A high level of neatness and consistency in
the finish.
 Minimal or no support in completing the

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


Brief description of Job roles:

Mechanic, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Unit installs and repairs refrigeration or air
conditioning plant by replacing defective parts, re-seating valves, refitting coils, insulting,
requiring electrical connections, soldering etc. Installs at site assembled air conditioning unit
and refrigerators giving necessary power connections and making changes to units as
necessary to attain desired results. Examines faulty equipment to ascertain nature and
location of defects. Dismantles equipment partly or completely according to nature of defects
to remove damaged or worn out parts. Replaces or repairs defective parts. Replaces or repairs
defective parts to units by re-seating valves, refitting coils, re-insulating system, etc. over hauls
units and reassembles them after cleaning components and replacing defective or worn out
parts of pumps, compressors, motors, etc., Removes faulty sealed units or sub-units of
refrigerators or air conditioning plants and obtains replacements. Conducts vacuum and
pressure test of pipe lines and charges system with fresh refrigerant. Sets plant to desired
cooling conditions, prevents leakage and ensures attainment and maintenance of required
temperature. Gets burnt out motors or generators repaired by Electrician or Electrical Winder
and installs repaired ones to plant giving necessary electrical connections. May work in ice
factory, cold storage plants, specialized air conditioning units or domestic refrigerators.

Plan and organize assigned work and detect & resolve issues during execution in his own work
area within defined limit. Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team.
Communicate with required clarity and understand technical English. Sensitive to
environment, self-learning and productivity.

Reference NCO: 7127.0100 - Mechanic, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


NSQF level for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic trade under ATS: Level 5

As per notification issued by Govt. of India dated- 27.12.2013 on National Skill

Qualification Framework total 10 (Ten) Levels are defined.

Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome
statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes
that a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.

Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five

domains, known as level descriptors. These five domains are:

a. Process
b. Professional Knowledge,
c. Professional Skill,
d. Core Skill and
e. Responsibility.

The Broad Learning outcome of Mechanic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning trade under
ATS mostly matches with the Level descriptor at Level- 5.

The NSQF level-5 descriptor is given below :

Level Process Professional Professional Core Skill Responsibility

Required Knowledge Skill
Level 5 Job that knowledge a range of Desired Responsibility
requires well of facts, cognitive and mathematical for own work
developed skill, principles, practical skills skill, and
with clear processes and required to understanding Learning and
choice of general accomplish of social, some
procedures in concepts, in a tasks and solve political and responsibility
familiar field of work or problem by some skill of for other’s
context. study selecting and collecting and works and
applying basic organizing learning.
methods, tools, information,
materials and communication
information. .

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


Name of the Trade

NCO-2015 7127.0100
NSQF Level Level – 5
Duration of
Apprenticeship Training Two years (02 Blocks each of one year duration).
(Basic Training + On-Job
Duration of Basic Training a) Block –I : 3 months
b) Block – II : 3 months
Total duration of Basic Training: 6 months
Duration of On-Job a) Block–I: 9 months
Training b) Block–II : 9 months
Total duration of Practical Training: 18 months
Entry Qualification Passed 10th Class under 10+2 system of Education or its
Selection of Apprentices The apprentices will be selected as per Apprenticeship Act
amended time to time.
Instructors Qualification As per ITI instructors qualifications as amended time to time
for Basic Training for the specific trade.
Infrastructure for Basic As per related trade of ITI.
Examination The internal examination/ assessment will be held on
completion of each block.
Final examination for all subjects will be held at the end of
course and same will be conducted by NCVT.
Rebate to Ex-ITI Trainees 01 year
CTS trades eligible for 1. Mechanic Refrigeration and Air conditioning.
MRAC Apprenticeship

 Industry may impart training as per above time schedule for different block, however this
is not fixed. The industry may adjust the duration of training considering the fact that all
the components under the syllabus must be covered. However the flexibility should be
given keeping in view that no safety aspects is compromised.
 For imparting Basic Training the industry to tie-up with ITIs having such specific trade and
affiliated to NCVT.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



The following are minimum broad Common Occupational Skills/ Generic Learning
Outcome after completion of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic course of 02
years duration under ATS.

Block I & II:-

1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping.
2. Understand and explain different mathematical calculation & science in the field of
study including basic electrical. [Different mathematical calculation & science –Work,
Power & Energy, Algebra, Geometry & Mensuration, Trigonometry, Heat &
Temperature, Levers & Simple machine, graph, Statistics, Centre of gravity, Power
transmission, Pressure]
3. Interpret specifications, different engineering drawing and apply for different
application in the field of work. [Different engineering drawing-Geometrical
construction, Dimensioning, Layout, Method of representation, Symbol, scales, Different
Projections, Machined components & different thread forms, Assembly drawing,
Sectional views, Estimation of material, Electrical & electronic symbol]
4. Select and ascertain measuring instrument and measure dimension of components and
record data.
5. Explain the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare legislation and
apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
6. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day
work by optimally using available resources.
7. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to
day work for personal & societal growth.
8. Plan and organize the work related to the occupation.


Block – I

1. Identify RAC tools, instruments and equipments and care and maintenance.
2. Identify and operations of hand tools and power tools used in fittings, able to do fitting
job i.e. sawing, filing, drilling, taping and dieing, counter sinking and boring. E
3. Identify and handling of sheet metal tools and equipments, Sheet metal cutting,
bending, riveting and soldering, making duct.
4. Aware of electrical safety and different wire joints. Able to measure current, volts,
power, and earth resistance etc. Able to make single phase connection of motors.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

5. Able to identify the terminals of sealed compressor and their windings and use of DOL
starter with different types of motors, testing and connection of relays used in sealed
6. Identify the electronic components and their testing of resistors, transistor, capacitor,
diode, amplifier, I.C and PCB and able to work soldering and de soldering.
7. Construction of half wave and full wave rectifiers.
8. Aware of gas and Arc welding and safety. Able to do brazing, welding (Gas & Arc).
9. Identify RAC tools and equipments and familiarize with different parts of RAC system.
Able to do copper tube cutting, flaring, swaging, bending, pinching and brazing.
10. Identify refrigerant and its safety. Able to do leak test, vacuuming, gas charging, wiring
& installation of refrigerator.
11. Able to do door alignment. Door gasket fitting, replacing door gasket.
12. Test compressor motor terminal, start compressor Direct with relay & without relay,
technique of flushing, leak testing, replacing capillary & filter drier, evacuation & gas
13. Familiarizing with frost free refrigerator, checking electrical components, wiring of frost
free freeze & air distribution in refrigerator sector. Leak detection, evacuators & gas
14. Check and repair the electrical wiring system of window Air Conditioner.
15. Installation, service and maintenance of window A.C
16. Leak test, evacuation, gas charging and performance testing of window A.C.
17. Check and repair the electrical wiring system of Split Air Conditioner.(Duct and Multi)
18. Installation, service and maintenance of Split A.C (Duct and Multi)
19. Leak test, evacuation, gas charging and performance testing of window A.C.

Block – II

20. Able to dismantle and assembling of hermetic compressor & test performance.
21. Selection of hermetic compressor for different appliances, starting methods, testing
controls & safety cut out used in sealed compressor.
22. Servicing & de-scaling of Condenser used in different appliances (internals & externals)
23. Fitting & adjustment of drier, filter & refrigerant control used in different refrigeration
24. Servicing of different evaporator used in different appliances.
25. Recovery and Recycling of Refrigerant used, alternative of CFC, HFC re-cover, transfer &
handling of gas cylinders.
26. Retrofit CFC/HFC machine with ozone friendly refrigerant.
27. Packing thermal insulation material and prevent cooling leakage.
28. Servicing and preventive maintenance of walk in cooler & Reach in cabinet.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

29. Servicing and preventive maintenance of cold storage.

30. Fault diagnosis, servicing, leak test, evacuation, gas charging, check magnetic clutch and
wiring of Car A.C. Test performance.
31. Servicing, dismantling, checking different part, re-placing worn out parts, check
lubrication system, Assemble & check performance of commercial compressors.
32. Servicing of water cooled condensers.
33. Servicing of cooling tower and performance test.
34. Service and maintenance of Ice plant/Candy.

NOTE: Learning outcomes are reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will be
carried out as per assessment criteria.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



1. Recognize & comply safe 1. 1. Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe
working practices, working environment in line with occupational
environment regulation and health and safety regulations and requirements.
housekeeping. 1. 2. Recognize and report all unsafe situations
according to site policy.
1. 3. Identify and take necessary precautions on fire
and safety hazards and report according to site
policy and procedures.
1. 4. Identify, handle and store / dispose off
dangerous/unsalvageable goods and substances
according to site policy and procedures following
safety regulations and requirements.
1. 5. Identify and observe site policies and procedures in
regard to illness or accident.
1. 6. Identify safety alarms accurately.
1. 7. Report supervisor/ Competent of authority in the
event of accident or sickness of any staff and
record accident details correctly according to site
accident/injury procedures.
1. 8. Identify and observe site evacuation procedures
according to site policy.
1. 9. Identify Personal Productive Equipment (PPE) and
use the same as per related working environment.
1. 10. Identify basic first aid and use them under different
1. 11. Identify different fire extinguisher and use the
same as per requirement.
1. 12. Identify environmental pollution & contribute to
avoidance of same.
1. 13. Take opportunities to use energy and materials in
an environmentally friendly manner
1. 14. Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure
1. 15. Recognize different components of 5S and apply
the same in the working environment.

2. Understand, explain 2.1 Explain concept of basic science related to the field
different mathematical such as Material science, Mass, weight, density,
calculation & science in the speed, velocity, heat & temperature, force, motion,
field of study including basic pressure, heat treatment, centre of gravity, friction.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

electrical and Apply in day 2.2 Measure dimensions as per drawing

to day work.[Different 2.3 Use scale/ tapes to measure for fitting to
mathematical calculation & specification.
science –Work, Power & 2.4 Comply given tolerance.
Energy, Algebra, Geometry
2.5 Prepare list of appropriate materials by interpreting
& Mensuration, detail drawings and determine quantities of such
Trigonometry, Heat &
Temperature, Levers &
2.6 Ensure dimensional accuracy of assembly by using
Simple machine, graph,
different instruments/gauges.
Statistics, Centre of gravity,
2.7 Explain basic electricity, insulation & earthing.
Power transmission,

3. Interpret specifications, 3. 1. Read & interpret the information on drawings and

different engineering apply in executing practical work.
drawing and apply for 3. 2. Read & analyse the specification to ascertain the
different application in the material requirement, tools, and machining
field of work. [Different /assembly /maintenance parameters.
engineering drawing- 3. 3. Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key
Geometrical construction, information and make own calculations to fill in
Dimensioning, Layout, missing dimension/parameters to carry out the
Method of representation, work.
Symbol, scales, Different
Projections, Machined
components & different
thread forms, Assembly
drawing, Sectional views,
Estimation of material,
Electrical & electronic

4. Select and ascertain 4.1 Select appropriate measuring instruments such as

measuring instrument and micrometers, vernier callipers, dial gauge, bevel
measure dimension of protector and height gauge (as per tool list).
components and record 4.2 Ascertain the functionality & correctness of the
data. instrument.
4.3 Measure dimension of the components & record
data to analyse the with given

5. Explain the concept in 5.1 Explain the concept of productivity and quality tools
productivity, quality tools, and apply during execution of job.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

and labour welfare 5.2 Understand the basic concept of labour welfare
legislation and apply such in legislation and adhere to responsibilities and remain
day to day work to improve sensitive towards such laws.
productivity & quality. 5.3 Knows benefits guaranteed under various acts

6. Explain energy 6.1 Explain the concept of energy conservation, global

conservation, global warming, pollution and utilize the available
warming and pollution and recourses optimally & remain sensitive to avoid
contribute in day to day environment pollution.
work by optimally using 6.2 Dispose waste following standard procedure.
Available resources.

7. Explain personnel finance, 7. 1. Explain personnel finance and entrepreneurship.

entrepreneurship and 7. 2. Explain role of Various Schemes and Institutes for
manage/organize related self-employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea
task in day to day work for for financing/ non financing support agencies to
personal & societal growth. familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes &
procedure & the available scheme.
7. 3. Prepare Project report to become an entrepreneur
for submission to financial institutions.

8. Plan and organize the work 8. 1. Use documents, drawings and recognize hazards in
related to the occupation. the work site.
8. 2. Plan workplace/ assembly location with due
consideration to operational stipulation
8. 3. Communicate effectively with others and plan
project tasks
8. 4. Assign roles and responsibilities of the co-trainees
for execution of the task effectively and monitor the
Block-I & II (Section:10)

Assessment Criteria i.e. the standard of performance, for each specific learning outcome mentioned
under block – I & block – II(section: 10) must ensure that the trainee achieves well developed skill
with clear choice of procedure in familiar context. Assessment criteria should broadly cover the aspect
of Planning (Identify, ascertain, estimate etc.); Execution (perform, illustration, demonstration etc. by
applying 1) a range of cognitive and practical skills required to accomplish tasks and solve problems
by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and information 2) Knowledge of facts,
principles, processes, and general concepts, in a field of work or study 3)Desired Mathematical Skills
and some skill of collecting and organizing information, communication) and Checking/ Testing to
ensure functionality during the assessment of each outcome. The assessments parameters must also
ascertain that the candidate is responsible for own work and learning and some responsibility for
other’s work and learning.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



Duration: (03) Three Months
Professional Skills (Trade Practical) Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory)
1  Familiarization of refrigeration tools, Introduction to basic refrigeration, job
instruments, equipment. opportunities, Safety precautions and
 Care and maintenance of tool, first aids, Applications and History of
instruments and equipment. Refrigeration and Air conditioning.


 Use of hand tools, instruments, Bench Study the different types of Fitting hand
vices and simple marking and tools, power tools, precision measuring
measuring tools. instruments & their use. Equipments
 Marking/Layout practice as per used in fittings like drilling machines,
drawing. Sawing to a line. grinding machines, types, specifications
 Chipping with flat chisel and hammer. and care and maintenance. Vernier
 Filing flat, square & curved surfaces. caliper and micrometer.
Slots, grooves angular profile, Drilling
clear and blind hole, Tapping, Counter
sinking, counter boring, drill bit
grinding and reaming.
 Use of Hand and Power drills.

 Use of sheet metal tools and Sheet metal tools and equipment type
equipment, care and safety. specification, care and safety. Types of
 Sheet metal working basics sheet metal joints and their use. Rivet &
comprising shearing / cutting, riveting- their types and use.
bending at the edges to form flanges Calculation of Blank sizes from
and hemmed locks, Embossing, component drawing.
 Use of sheet metal screws for joining,
using rivets for joining.
 Rectangular duct fabrication.


 Use of electrical hand tools Electrical hand tools & measuring

Instruments. instruments, types, specifications, use,
 Joints on single and stranded care and safety. Common terms used in
the trade. Conductors and insulators.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

conductors and soldering. Selected letters symbols and sign as per

I. S. I. Rules for medium voltage.

5  Measurement of current, voltage, Introduction to Electricity, Safety

power and energy by voltmeter, precaution and first aid. Electric current,
Ammeter, wattmeter & energy meter. voltage, Resistance and their units. Simple
 Measurement of resistance with Ohm electrical circuit, essential requirement of
electrical circuit, series and parallel circuit.
meters Formation of simple electrical
Different types of resistances. Earthing and
circuit, series circuit and parallel
fuses. Types, grades and sizes of insulated
circuit, measuring insulation wire and cables – their selection and use.
resistance & earth resistance. List of material for wiring. Switches, A.C.
 Uses of D.C Circuit, Fixing and Motor, starters and transformer. Their
connecting electrical switches, holders working principles, specification & use.
fuses, plug sockets on T. W. Board and Care & safety. Run/start capacitors and
testing. PTCs. Motor Protection devices.
 Care & maintenance and running of Temperature rise of windings
A. C. Single and poly phase motor,
starters and transformer.
 Single phase motor starting methods
circuit like RSIR, PSC, CSIR & CSCR and
the use of Current and Potential


 Identification of Electronic Introduction to Electronics. Basic

components and tools & instruments, Principles of semiconductors, Principles
colour coding of resistors, verification and application of Diodes Rectification,
of ohms law, use of voltmeter, Zener diode as voltage regulator –
ammeter, multi meter, Practice of transistors parameters- CB, CE, CC,
soldering & de soldering. configuration, amplification.
 Identification of transistors, resistors,
SCR Photo diodes, photo transistors,
capacitors, diodes, S.C.R, U.J.T, I.Cs.
multi – vibrator, CR & LR circuit. SCRs,
 Used in refrigeration & AC, Full wave
UJTs, Ics.
and bridge rectifier circuit, voltage
 Construction of low voltage Power
 Construction of transistor amplifier
 Multi-vibrator circuits and RC wave
shaping circuits.
 Wiring of SCR, UJT for power control
circuits, applications of OP –AMP,

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

soldering, de-soldering practice


 Identification of gas welding, Introduction to basic principles of

equipments& accessories, setting up commonly used Welding processes, Arc
Safety in handling of Oxy Acetylene welding, oxy fuel gas welding, brazing.
Cylinders, Regulators etc.
 Setting oxy-acetylene plant, lighting Welding tools and equipment type
and adjustment of flame-simple joint specification and use. Safety method in
on M.S. Preparing of using a) AIR-LPG, welding. Method of gas welding, gas
used and flames adjustment. Difference
b) O 2-LPG c) Oxy Acetylene plant with
safety. C) O 2-C2H2. Familiarization with between soldering and Brazing in terms
the practice of Gas brazing using close of temperatures, filler materials, joint
strengths and applications. Use of Oxy
fitting lap joints for both soldering/
Acetylene, Oxy LPG and Air LPG for
brazing cu to cu, cu to MS.
 Importance of wetting and capillary
action. Use of appropriate torches,
Nozzles, adjusting required flames and
using proper fluxes, Practice on Oxy


 Familiarization & use of general and Fundamentals of Refrigeration, units

special tools used in refrigeration and measurements, Pressure & its
work practice. Measurements. Heat and Temperature,
 Identification of various Refrigeration Different temperature scales, Ton of
equipments& components of vapour Refrigeration working of vapour
compression system like , compression cycle, low side & high side
compressor, condenser, expansion components of vapour compression
valve and evaporator etc system and functions and applications
 Working on soft copper tubing like, of components.
cutting, bending, flaring, swaging,
brazing cu to cu and cu to steel,
pinching & preparing flare joints. Classification of refrigerants, Properties,
Chemical name and formulas, HFC, CFC.
Ozone rule, substitute of CFC, Montreal
 Identification of refrigerant cylinders. protocol &India’s CFC/HCFC phase out
 Identification of unknown schedules. Ozone rules 2000. Substitute
refrigerants, Recovery & Transfer of refrigerants in lieu of CFC’S their
refrigerant, safe handling Cylinders properties & comparison with CFCs,
and Valves, Leak testing, Evacuation, HFCs and HCs.
Charging refrigerants in Refrigerator.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


 Direct cooled Domestic Refrigerator Study the types of Refrigerator,

stripping accessories & cleaning, construction & working of compressor,
Checking Door alignment & replacing Condenser, Capillaries & evaporators,
of gaskets. Tracing the electrical and suction Heat exchanger, door, gaskets,
mechanical components of sealed Heat Insulation materials, Electrical
refrigerator. components. Importance of flushing in
 Testing Thermostats &semi-automatic evaporator and condenser, necessity of
defrost system, Testing of replacing capillary and drier.
compressor, Identification of CSR Evacuation, leak testing, gas charging
Terminals, Starting of compressor method in refrigerator. Refrigerants
without relay, & starting with Relay, used in Refrigerators and its properties.
testing OLP, and Electric safety
 Reassembly the components & Test
performance. Cleaning, Flushing,
replacing capillary and drier,
evacuation, leak testing, gas charging
in Refrigerator.


 Tracing Electrical circuit, checking and Study the construction of Frost Free (2
testing of electrical accessories like, or 3 door) Refrigerator parts
thermostat, Timer, Defrost Heaters, particularly, the forced draft cooling, Air
Bi-metal etc., checking air distribution Duct circuit, temperature control in
system, servicing of refrigerator, Freezer & cabinet of Refrigerator, the
testing of components. automatic defrost system. Study of
Electrical accessories & their functions
(Timer, Heater, Bi-Metal, Relay, OLP,
T/S etc,.) Refrigerator cabinet volume
calculation. Study the faults, Causes and
their remedies of Refrigerator.


 Identify the electrical and mechanical Study the construction and working of
components, servicing and window A.C, Care and Routine
maintenance, tracing wiring circuit, maintenance, installation procedure.
evacuation, leak testing, gas charging. Study the faults, Causes and their
remedies of Window AC.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


 Identifying various components, Study the construction and working,

electrical circuits, testing components, various components, electrical circuits,
evacuation, gas charging, Installation. testing components, fault detection,
leak testing, evacuation, gas charging,
Installation, trouble shooting. VRV
&VRF system.

13 Internal Assessment/Examination 03days

NOTE: - More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes. Some
real-life pictures/videos of related industry operations may be shown to the trainees to give a
feel of Industry and their future assignment.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


Duration: (03) Three Months
Week Professional Knowledge (Trade
Professional Skills (Trade Practical)
No. Theory)

 Dismantling of Hermetic compressors. Types & working principle of

 Identification of components, cutting compressor like, Reciprocating,
gaskets, lapping and assembling, Add oil , rotary , scroll, wobble, swash plate,
check efficiency (pumping) compressors lubrication method, Compressor
used in refrigerators, window & split A.C. efficiency factors, wet compression,
types like, reciprocating, rotary ,wobble, oil, properties, lubrication methods.
swash plate, scroll type compressors.


 Familiarization with condensers used in Function of condenser, types,

Refrigerators, Bottle coolers, visible Construction of air cooled
coolers, Deep freezer, window and Split condenser, calculating Capacity of air
A.C, Cleaning, Flushing and servicing of cooled Condenser. Effect of chocked
air cooled condenser, leak testing of condenser. Advantages, decaling air
condenser. cooled condenser.


 Identification of evaporators in Working principle, Function, types of

refrigerators, bottle cooler, water evaporators used in refrigerator,
coolers, window and split A.C, water coolers, bottle coolers,
Installation, Leak test, remove oil from window and split A.C, Super heating
evaporator, Flushing, Defrosting. in evaporators, Function of
accumulator and types. Methods of
defrosting, heat exchanger.


 Replacing drier, capillary tube, in Function of drier & Expansion valve

refrigerator and window AC. used in domestic refrigeration and
air conditioning systems. Capillaries,
Automatic and Thermostatic Ex.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


 Filling insulation materials in Function, types, thermodynamic

refrigeration systems. properties of heat insulation
materials used in refrigeration and
Air Conditioning systems.


 Identify parts, Controls & accessories
Specification of Walk in cooler & Reach Details about components, their
in cabinet preventive maintenance of functioning, working principle,
attach components, wiring circuit. Circuit diagram, capacity & types.
Cleaning, leak testing, Evacuation, Care and maintenance.


 Identify parts, Controls & accessories of Study of cold storage plant, parts,
Cold storage and Specification Construction, applications, controls
understanding. & electrical diagram used in cold
 Add oil, add refrigerant, test leak, storage plant. Food preservation
evacuation, gas charging, plant spoiling agents- controlling of
operation. spoiling agents, preservation by
refrigeration system, maintaining
temperature in different places.
Types of cold storage and its details.


 Identifying various components, Study various components, electrical

electrical circuits, testing components, circuits, testing components, fault
fault detection, leak testing, evacuation, detection, leak testing, evacuation,
gas charging, Installation, testing gas charging, Installation, trouble
magnetic clutch, regular maintenance, shooting, Magnetic clutch operation,
condenser de scaling, add refrigerant. free wheeling.


 Dismantling of Commercial type Types, Construction & applications of

reciprocating compressor, centrifugal Open type compressor and working,
compressor, checking of components & Performance of reciprocating

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

accessories. compressor volumetric efficiency,

 Checking valve plate and piston Capacity control, factor influencing
assembly, lapping valve plate etc. volumetric efficiency.
 Preparing gasket, check belt tension and
Selection of lubricant, Function and
characteristic of lubricant, types of
 Checking lubricating system, servicing oil
lubrication methods such as splash,
pump, checking of capacity control of the
forced feed. Construction and
compressor Checking of bearing, shaft
working principle of Centrifugal and
seal etc.
Screw compressor.
 Fitting and testing, cutting gasket,
assembling of compressor.


 Checking leakage, De Scaling of
condenser. Condenser its type and capacity,
 Checking, repairing and testing, Pump water cooled condenser,
down of gas. construction and working, de scaling,
application. Evaporative condenser-
their function, construction and

11 COOLING TOWER & water treatment COOLING TOWER & water

 Cooling tower care & maintenance
dismantling and assembling water Cooling tower, types, Construction,
circulating pumps. capacity, advantage & disadvantages
 Water softening and Ion removing plant- of different types of cooling tower.
its care and maintenance. Efficiency, approach and Cooling
 Water piping. tower range.Water treatment
necessary, Causes of water
contamination control of scale
deposit, corrosion, Slime and algae,
Water softening and De-scaling
method, pump and fan used,


 Identify parts, Controls & accessories Function, construction, working

Specification, Checking ice candy plant principle, Circuit diagram, capacity
& types of compressor used. Brine

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

temperature maintaining. composition to maintain required

 Preparing Brine solution, Checking wiring temperature. Operation,
circuit, test components, replacing maintenance.
components, evacuation, gas charging,
Installation, testing performance.

13 Internal Assessment/Examination 03days

NOTE: - More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes. Some
real-life pictures/videos of related industry operations may be shown to the trainees to give a
feel of Industry and their future assignment.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



Block – I
Sl. Workshop Calculation and Science Engineering Drawing
No. (Duration: - 20 hrs.) (Duration : - 30 hrs.)
1. Unit: Systems of unit- FPS, CGS, Engineering Drawing: Introduction and its
MKS/SI unit, unit of length, Mass and importance
time, Conversion of units - Viewing of engineering drawing sheets.
- Method of Folding of printed Drawing
Sheet as per BIS SP:46-2003
2. Fractions: Fractions, Decimal fraction, Drawing Instruments : their uses
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
and Division of Fractions and Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter (Drafting
Decimals, conversion of Fraction to M/c), Set Squares, Protractor, Drawing
Decimal and vice versa. Simple Instrument Box (Compass, Dividers, Scale,
problems using Calculator. Diagonal Scales etc.), Pencils of different
Grades, Drawing pins / Clips.

3. Properties of Material : properties – Lines :

Physical & Mechanical, Types –
Ferrous & Non-Ferrous, difference - Definition, types and applications in
between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Drawing as per BIS SP:46-2003
metals, introduction of Iron, Cast Iron, - Classification of lines (Hidden, centre,
Wrought Iron, Steel, difference construction, Extension, Dimension,
between Iron and Steel, Alloy steel, Section)
carbon steel, stainless steel, Non- - Drawing lines of given length (Straight,
Ferrous Alloys. curved)
- Drawing of parallel lines, perpendicular
- Methods of Division of line segment
4. Average: Problems of Average. Drawing of Geometrical Figures: Drawing
practice on:

- Angle: Measurement and its types,

method of bisecting.
- Triangle –different types
- Rectangle, Square, Rhombus,
- Circle and its elements.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

5. Ratio &Proportion : Simple Dimensioning:

calculation on related problems.
- Definition, types and methods of
dimensioning (functional, non-
functional and auxiliary)
- Types of arrowhead
- Leader Line with text

6. Mass, Weight and Density: Free hand drawing of

Mass, Unit of Mass, Weight,
difference between mass and weight, - Lines, polygons, ellipse, etc.
Density, unit of density. - geometrical figures and blocks with
- Transferring measurement from the given
object to the free hand sketches.

7. Percentage: Introduction, Simple Method of presentation of Engineering

calculation. Changing percentage to Drawing
decimal and fraction and vice-versa. - Pictorial View
- Forces definition. - Orthogonal View
- Definition and example of - Isometric view
compressive, tensile, shear forces,
axial and tangential forces.
Stress, strain, ultimate strength, factor of
safety for MS.

8. Speed and Velocity: Rest and motion, Symbolic Representation (as per BIS SP:46-
speed, velocity, difference between 2003) of :
speed and velocity, acceleration, - Fastener (Rivets, Bolts and Nuts)
retardation. - Bars and profile sections
- Weld, brazed and soldered joints.
- Electrical and electronics element
- Piping joints and fittings
9. Mensuration: Area and perimeter of Dimensioning practice:
square, rectangle, parallelogram, - Position of dimensioning
triangle, circle, semi circle. (unidirectional, aligned, oblique as per
Volume of solids – cube, cuboids, BIS SP:46-2003)
cylinder and Sphere. - Symbols preceding the value of
Surface area of solids – cube, cuboids, dimension and dimensional tolerance.
cylinder and Sphere.
- Area of cut-out regular surfaces:
circle and segment and sector of
- Volume of cut-out solids: hollow
cylinders, frustum of cone, block

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

- Volume of simple solid blocks.
10. Algebra : Addition, Subtraction, Construction of Geometrical Drawing Figures:
Multiplication, Division, Algebraic - Polygons and their values of included
formula, Linear equations (with two angles.
variables). Conic Sections (Ellipse)
- Circular Motion: Relation between
circular motion and Linear motion,
Centrifugal force, Centripetal force.
11. Work, Power and Energy: work, unit Projections:
of work, power, unit of power, Horse - Concept of axes plane and quadrant.
power, mechanical efficiency, energy, - Orthographic projections
use of energy, potential and kinetic - Method of first angle and third angle
energy, examples of potential energy projections (definition and difference)
and kinetic energy. - Symbol of 1st angle and 3rd angle
projection as per IS specification.
- Drawing of Orthographic projection from
isometric/3D view of blocks

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

Block – II
Sl. Workshop Calculation and Science Engineering Drawing
No. (Duration: - 20 hrs.) (Duration : - 30 hrs.)
1. Trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios, - Machined components; concept of
Trigonometric tables. fillet & chamfer; surface finish symbols.
- Finding the value of unknown sides and
angles of a triangle by Trigonometrical
- Finding height and distance by
Friction and its application in Workshop
2. Heat & Temperature: Heat and temperature, - Screw thread, their standard forms as
their units, difference between heat and per BIS, external and internal thread,
temperature, boiling point, melting point, conventions on the features for
scale of temperature, relation between drawing as per BIS.
different scale of temperature, Thermometer,
pyrometer, transmission of heat, conduction,
convection, radiation.
3. Basic Electricity: Introduction, use of - Reading & interpretation of assembly
electricity, Types of current_ AC, DC, their drawing and detailing.
comparison, voltage, resistance, their units.
Conductor, insulator, Types of connections –
series, parallel, electric power, Horse power,
energy, unit of electrical energy. Concept of
Heat treatment – Necessity, different
common types of Heat treatment.
- Read images, graphs, diagrams
– Bar chart, pie chart.
- Graphs: abscissa and ordinates, graphs of
straight line, related to two sets of varying
4. Transmission of power: By belt, pulleys & - Reading of drawing. Simple exercises
gear drive. related to missing lines, dimensions
and views. How to make queries.
5. Concept of pressure – units of pressure, - Simple exercises related to trade
atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure – related symbols.
gauges used for measuring pressure. - Solution of NCVT test papers.
Introduction to pneumatics & hydraulics
Solution of NCVT test papers

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


(DURATION: - 110 HRS.)
Block – I
(Duration – 55 hrs.)
1. English Literacy Duration : 20 Hrs.
Marks : 09
Pronunciation Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words, Diction
(use of word and speech)

Functional Grammar Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense,


Reading Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and

Writing Construction of simple sentences Writing

simple English

Speaking / Spoken Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates,

English on know, picture reading gain confidence through role-playing and
discussions on current happening job description, asking about
someone's job habitual actions. Cardinal (fundamental) numbers
ordinal numbers. Taking messages, passing messages on and filling in
message forms Greeting and introductions office hospitality, Resumes
or curriculum vita essential parts, letters of application reference to
previous communication.

2. I.T. Literacy Duration : 20 Hrs.

Marks : 09
Basics of Computer Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and
peripherals, Switching on-Starting and shutting down of computer.

Computer Operating Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of

System Windows OS, Create, Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use of
External memory like pen drive, CD, DVD etc, Use of Common

Word processing and Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, opening and closing
Worksheet Documents, use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting
the Text, Insertion & creation of Tables. Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic commands, creating
simple worksheets, understanding sample worksheets, use of simple
formulas and functions, Printing of simple excel sheets.

Computer Networking Basic of computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

and Internet Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet,
Concept of Internet (Network of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, Web Site, Web
page and Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser,
Downloading and Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and
use of email. Social media sites and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in
Information Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.

3. Communication Skills Duration : 15 Hrs.

Marks : 07
Introduction to Communication and its importance
Communication Skills Principles of Effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non verbal, written, email, talking
on phone.
Non verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-
Body language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.

Listening Skills Listening-hearing and listening, effective listening, barriers to

effective listening guidelines for effective listening.
Triple- A Listening - Attitude, Attention & Adjustment.
Active Listening Skills.

Motivational Training Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success.

The Power of Positive Attitude.
Self awareness
Importance of Commitment
Ethics and Values
Ways to Motivate Oneself
Personal Goal setting and Employability Planning.

Manners, Etiquettes, Dress code for an interview

Do's & Don'ts for an interview.
Facing Interviews
Behavioral Skills Problem Solving
Confidence Building

Block – II
Duration – 55 hrs.
4. Entrepreneurship Skills Duration : 15 Hrs.
Marks : 06

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

Concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue

Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial motivation.
Performance & Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation
to the enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas,
Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business.

Project Preparation & Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept &
Marketing analysis application of PLC, Sales & distribution Management. Different
Between Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method
of marketing, Publicity and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
Institutions Support Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-
employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non
financing support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies
/Programmes & procedure & the available scheme.

Investment Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act,

Procurement Estimation & Costing, Investment procedure - Loan procurement -
Banking Processes.

5. Productivity Duration : 10 Hrs.

Marks : 05
Benefits Personal / Workman - Incentive, Production linked Bonus,
Improvement in living standard.

Affecting Factors Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation - How

improves or slows down.

Comparison with Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany,

developed countries Japan and Australia) in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel,
Mining, Construction etc. Living standards of those countries, wages.

Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash
Management handling, Personal risk and Insurance.

6. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education Duration : 15 Hrs.

Marks : 06
Safety & Health Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety
and health at workplace.

Occupational Hazards Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibroacoustic Hazards, Mechanical

Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health,
Occupational hygienic, Occupational Diseases/ Disorders & its

Accident & safety Basic principles for protective equipment.

Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


First Aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of
sick person.

Basic Provisions Idea of basic provision legislation of India.

safety, health, welfare under legislative of India.

Ecosystem Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and

Environment, Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.

Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous

Energy Conservation Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.

Global warming Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and
Harvesting of water.

Environment Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in -house


7. Labour Welfare Legislation Duration : 05 Hrs.

Marks : 03
Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship
Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act,
Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's compensation Act.

8. Quality Tools Duration : 10 Hrs.

Marks : 05
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.
Quality Circles Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality
Circle, Roles and function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation
of Quality circle. Approaches to starting Quality Circles, Steps for
continuation Quality Circles.
Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System qualities.

House Keeping Purpose of House-keeping, Practice of good Housekeeping.

Quality Tools Basic quality tools with a few examples.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



1. Safety and best practices /Basic Industrial Culture (5S, KAIZEN, etc.)
2. Record keeping and documentation.
3. Testing components, observing different faults and rectification, and check the
performance of refrigeration systems.
4. Assembling of different Refrigeration and Air Conditioning components as per
requirement and check functionality.
5. Carryout maintenance of different domestic and commercial Refrigeration and Air
conditioning machines.

Note: Actual training will depend on the existing facilities available in the establishments.

The competencies/ specific outcomes on completion of On-Job Training

are detailed below: -

Block – I
1. Identification of Refrigeration system & components for different appliances in
refrigeration fields/systems.

2. Trace out electrical wiring , disconnect & rewiring of single door refrigerator

3. Servicing of single door refrigerator

4. Recovery of refrigerant, cleaning, flushing, evacuation & charging of single door


5. Fault finding & performance testing of single door refrigerator.

6. Identification of Frost free refrigerator component.

7. Trace out electrical wiring , disconnect & rewiring of Frost free refrigerator

8. Servicing of Frost free refrigerator

9. Recovery of refrigerant, cleaning, flushing, evacuation & charging of Frost free


10. Fault finding & performance testing of Frost free refrigerator.

11. Retro fitting of Frost free refrigerator HFC to HC.

12. Servicing of water cooler, storage type & instantaneous type.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

13. Servicing of bottle cooler and visi-cooler, preventive maintenance, and trouble
shooting and remedial measures.

14. Retrofitting of CFC filled visi-cooler with HC & HFC gas.

15. Servicing of deep freezer. Faults diagnosis and remedial measures.

16. Servicing of water cooler, storage type & instantaneous type.

17. Servicing of bottle cooler and visi-cooler, preventive maintenance, and trouble
shooting and remedial measures.

18. Trace out electrical wiring , disconnect & rewiring of Window air-conditioner

19. Servicing of Window air-conditioner with water and air ( outer )

20. Recovery of refrigerant, cleaning, flushing, evacuation & charging of Window air-

21. Fault finding & performance testing of Window air-conditioner

22. Installation of Window air-conditioner following norms

23. Trace out electrical wiring , disconnect & rewiring of split air-conditioner

24. Servicing of split air-conditioner with water and air [outer ]

25. Recovery of refrigerant, cleaning, flushing, evacuation & charging of split air-
conditioner with new eco friendly refrigerants.

26. Fault finding & performance testing of split air-conditioner.

27. Installation of split air-conditioner. [ gas top up charging procedure]

28. Trace out electrical wiring , disconnect & rewiring of multi duct type s plit air-
conditioner and VRV / VRF system

29. Servicing of multi duct type Split air conditioner with water and air and VRV / VRF

30. Pump down refrigerant, cleaning, flushing, evacuation & charging of multi duct type
split air-conditioner and VRV /VRF system

31. Fault finding & performance testing of multi duct type split air-conditioner and VRV
/VRF system

32. Installation of multi duct type split air-conditioner and VRV /VRF system

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

Block – II
33. Checking and fitting- shaft seal, bearing of commercial compressor

34. Servicing large air cooled commercially used condenser.

35. Servicing large water cooled commercially used condenser.

36. Servicing large Evaporative commercially used condenser.

37. Servicing Cooling tower- Care and maintenance.

38. Installation of different types of cooling tower.

39. Servicing of Water softening plant- Care and Routine maintenance, checking of water
hardness, Ph value.

40. Servicing large air fins cooled commercially used Dx Evaporator.

41. Erection, testing and commissioning of Central air-conditioning plant, Electrical wiring
with all electrical accessories including safety cutouts, control panel board
microprocessor, transducer, thermistor etc.

42. Servicing of Package air-conditioning system (water cooled condenser)

43. Servicing, overhauling, log book maintenance of central air condition plant.

44. Cold storage plant (Ammonia system) Servicing, overhauling, log book maintenance.

45. Installation of Package air conditioning system, pipe laying, electrical wiring with
electrical accessories like all Safety cut outs including control panel board,
microprocessor, transducer, thermistor etc.

46. Installation of Walk in cooler. Electrical wiring with all electrical accessories, Safety cut
outs, control panel board microprocessor, transducer, thermistor etc.

47. Checking and testing installation of automobile Air Conditioning, magnetic clutch
operation, wiring system, leak testing, evacuation and gas charging.


1. Industry must ensure that above mentioned competencies are achieved by the trainees
during their on job training.

2. In addition to above competencies/ outcomes industry may impart additional training

relevant to the specific industry.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



LIST OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT for Basic Training (For 20 Apprentices)
Name of the Tool &Equipments Specification Quantity
1 File flat rough double cut 200mm 17 nos.
2 File, half round, fine double cut, length 150mm 17 nos.
3 File, round, fine double cut length 150mm 17 nos.
4 File flat, fine double cut, length 150mm 17 nos.
5 File square, fine double cut, length 150mm 17 nos.
6 File triangular fine double cut length 150mm 17 nos.
7 Scriber 150mm length 17 nos.
8 Centre punch length 100mm 17 nos.
9 Try square 150 mm 17 nos.
10 Divider spring joint length 150mm 17 nos.
11 Caliper spring joint in side length 150mm 17 nos.
12 Caliper, odd leg, spring joint length 150mm 17 nos.
13 Hammer ball pain 220 gms 17 nos.
14 Cold Chisel flat and cross cut length 150mm 17 nos.
15 Engineers rule 300mm long 17 nos.
16 Tape measuring 10m graduation in mm 17 nos.
17 Pliers combination insulated length 200mm 17 nos.
18 Pliers long nose 200 mm 17 nos.
19 Pliers flat nose 150mm 17 nos.
20 Line tester 500 v heavy duty 17 nos.
21 End cutting nipper 15cm 17 nos.
22 Tweezers 10 cm 17 nos.
Gloves for welding[Treated as
23 17 nos.
24 Leather Apron [Treated as consumable] 17 nos.
25. Surface plate 45 x45 cms 1 no.
26. Oil can 500 ml 5 nos.
27. Surface Gauge universal 150 mm 5 nos.
28. Bench vice 300mm jaw 10 nos.
Hack saw tubular metal frame 300mm
29. 10 nos.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

30. Snip sheet metal straight nose 200 mm 10 nos.

31. Snip sheet metal curved nose 200 mm 10 nos.
32. Anvil 100X200mm 1no.
33. Stakes [ different Types] 100mm 1 no each
34. Tin smith 400mm 1 1 No.
35. Wooden mallet /Nylon mallet 500 gm good finish 5 Nos.
36. Round Punch 3mm,4mm,6mm 5 Nos. each
37. Grover set 4mm forming 1 set
Electrical drill portable drill with chuck capacity 6.4mm
38. 5 nos.
and key,
39. Tape measuring graduation in mm 2m 5nos.
Screw driver, plastic handle, 6mm TIP length 100mm to
40. 6nos.
Screw driver, plastic handle, Flat tip 10mm TIP length 200mm &
41. 6 nos. each
42. Philips screw driver – complete set in leather case 5 nos.
Screw driver, plastic handle, Flat tip handle 3mm TIP length
43. 5 nos.
100mm to 150mm insulated
44. Soldering iron exchangeable copper tip 65 watts 10 nos.
45. Knife folded stainless steel – 150mm 10 nos.
46. Tong tester (clamp on multi meter) 0-10-30 amps 0-500 v 5 nos.
Voltmeter, AC/DC portable precision 0 to 500 volt
47. 5nos.
grade Digital Panel board type
Ammeter, AC/DC portable precision belt 0 to 5 amp
48. 5nos.
grade Digital Panel board type
Ammeter, AC/DC portable precision 0 to 30 amp
49. 5nos.
grade Digital Panel board type
50. Megger 1000v 5nos.
51. Wattmeter multi-range up to 1 KW 1no.
52. Multi meter digital type 5nos.
53. Tenon saw 250 mm 5nos.
54. Firmer chisel 6,12,25mm 2 nos.
55. Rawal plug tool 6 mm 2 nos.
56. K.W. meter 0 -1 K w 4 no.
Fire extinguisher ABC dry powder type2 kg
57. 1 no.
58. Fire buckets 10 Litre 1 no.
59. D.E spanner 6-32 mm 5 set
60. Ring spanner 6 -32 mm 5 set
61. Diagonal cutter 15 cm 5 nos.
62. Service Oscillator 1 no.
63. C.R.O Single beam 5 MHZ 2 nos.
64. C.R.O Dual trace/ Double beam 60 MHZ 2 nos.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

65. A.F.O Oscillators 2 nos.

66. Tong, Close mouth and pick up 1 no.
67. Welding table for gas/Arc 1200x760 1each
68. Flaring tool set, single type for tube. 4.7mm to 16mm O.D 5 nos.
Swaging tool, punch type, set of size for 4.7mm to 16mm O.D
69. 5sets
Swaging tool, screw type with adaptor 4.7mm to 16mm O.D.
70. 5sets
set of size for tube
Bending spring external type, for 3mm to 16mm DIA
71. 5sets
copper tube
72. Pipe cutter miniature for copper tube 3mm to 16mm DIA 5sets
73. Pinch of tool, for copper tube, 6mm to 18mm DIA 5sets
74. Ratchet spanner of 6.4 reversible 5sets
75. Capillary plug gauge 5sets
76. Pinch of pliers/crimping pliers tool 6mm – 18mm DIA 5sets
Piercing pliers & reversing valve with 6-18mm
77. 5sets
access fitting
78. Spanner double ended 4.7mm to 16mm 5sets
79. Ring spanner off set 4.7mm to 16mm 5sets
80. Wrench adjustable length 150mm 5sets
81. Wrench adjustable length 200mm 5sets
82. Wrench adjustable length 250mm 5sets
Valve key handle[Treated as – 4.7mm & 6.4mm sq.
83. 5sets
Pressure gauge Digital type diameter 63mm with
84. 5sets
recalibration set
Compound gauge, diameter 63mm, with
Digital type recalibration set screw, scale
85. 5sets
vacuum 76mm. Pressure 15
86. Service man thermometer in metal case – 30 C to +30 C 5sets
87. Scissor, gasket cutting stainless steel length 25mm 5sets
88. L-Allen key set size 1.5mm to 6.4mm 5 sets
89. T-Allen key set size 5/32” to 1/8” 5sets
Pipe cutter with built in reamer and 3mm to 32mm
90. 5nos.
space cutter, for copper tube
91. Pipe /Tube bender lever type 3-16 mm 1 no each
92. Spanner double ended 19mm to 31.8 mm 5nos.
93. Pipe wrench size 50mm to 150mm 5nos.
94. Gas leak detector for halogen gas 5nos.
Sling psychro meter mounted on scale 50 C to +50 C
95. 5nos.
aluminum back,
96. Lapping plate 250mm x 200mm 2nos.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

97. Hammer ball peen 450 gms 5nos.

98. Puller 3 legged with flexible arm 300mm 5nos.
99. Hand blower portable complete 1/10 HP 2nos.
100. Spirit level precision metallic 200mm 2nos.
101. Stop watch 2nos.
102. Tap set with matching drills 3 mm to 16mm 3nos.
103. Tap set with matching drills ¼’’ to 5/8’’ 3nos.
104. Refrigerant cylinder 2.5 Kg 3nos.
105. Vernier caliper length 250mm 2nos.
106. Micrometer outside measurement 0 to 25mm 2nos.
107. Heating kit with infrared bulb (200 w capacity) 2nos.
108. Plumbing hammer weight 200 gm 2nos.
109. Multi meter analogue type 5nos.
Tachometer digital, multi range 0 r m p to 3000 r m p.
110. Portable small size in leather 2nos.
Micron vacuum gauge capable of reading up to 20
111. 2nos.
Sensor thermometer (digital) -50 degree Celsius to150
112. degree 40Celsius 2nos.

Fin straightened/fin comb. With strong steel wire based

113. 3nos.
combing on wood
114. Filler gauge 0.05 mm – 1 mm 3nos.
Wire gauge metric and Steel plate embossing
115. 2nos.
with worth converse of British & Metric
Dial thermometer remote control, 75mm – 50C to +50 C
116. 3nos.
armored capillary dial
117. Anemometer Digital type 1no.
Compressors testers for small hermetic Fixed with electrical input/
118. 2nos.
compressors output indicating facilities
Electrical accessories [Treated as current and potential relays,
consumable] start & run capacitors, PTCs
119. As required
overload protectors’, relays
120. Engineers square 150mm with 5’ tolerance 5nos.
Digital thermometer [Treated as Graduated disc analogy type
121. 1no.
Temperature &Humidity recorder Capacity to record 24 hrs
122. 1no.
Electronic leak detector Digital type Capable to detect of
123. 2nos.
124. Instrumentation screw driver set 100mm 5nos.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

125. Digital weighing machine 100 kg 1no.

126. Recycling unit 1 no.
Quick couplers/Self sealing coupler 1/4 - 3/8” 2 pairs for
[Treated as consumable] each
128. Schrader valve [Treated as consumable] 1 each
129. Cylinder 134 a 5 kg 1 no.
130. Split phase induction motor ¼ hp, 230 V 1 no.
131. Capacitor start induction motor ½ Hp, 230 V 1 no.
132. AC 3 Phase motor, 400/50 Hz 2 Hp 1 no.
133. Star delta starter 2 hp 1 no.
134. Auto Transformer starter 3 hp 1 no.
135. D.O.L Starter 2 hp 1 no.
136. Portable air – LPC brazing kit 2 kg. LPC cylinder, torches,
1 no.
houses, stand make
137. Oxy-acetylene welding set complete cylinders, regulators welding
torches with difference 1 no.
138. Refrigerator 165L carrying with HFC-
2 Each
134a, & HC
139. Frost free refrigerator 200L carrying with HC blend 2 nos.
140. Three/four door refrigerator 300L carrying with HC R-
2 nos.
141. Bench Drilling machine 20 mm capacity,200-
1 no.
142. Grinding Machine 200mm,3000rpm,Double
1 no.
ended1/2 hp
143. Evacuating and refrigerant charging CAP. 2 kg. In lieu of (b) 1 no.
station, consist of above and with accuracy of
a)Rotary two stage vacuum pump and +/-1 g for charging
motor (with gas ballast and anti such hydrocarbons)
b) manifold with gauges and valves and
capable of pulling vacuum up to 50
microns of Hg and with provision of
connecting to a microns level vacuum
b)Graduated charging cylinder with
provision for temperature correction
and all necessary isolating valves
II) Evacuating and charging station as
above but fitted with weighing scale
144. Two stage rotary vacuum pump capacity approx. 60 – 10rmp 1 no.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

capable of evacuating to 50
microns of Hg and fitted
with gas ballast, anti such
back valve and single phase
145. Air compressor, Two stage for oil – less dry 1 no.
air, with rush proof tank
assembly, heater and
controls max. pr. 10 kgs
/sq.m Capacity 45 ltr. Motor
1 hp.
146. Reciprocating compressor Provision of capacity control 1 no.
etc. for demonstration.
Capacity 9000Kcal/hr. semi
hermetic open type.
147. Dry N2 in cylinder 2 stage regular or 1 no.
commercial N 2 in cylinder
with drier unit and 2 stage
regular 7meter cube
148. Window A.C 1 Ton with R-22 or HFC 2 nos.
Blend reciprocating
149. Split A.C 1.5 Ton with R134a or R-22 2 nos.
reciprocating compressor
150. Duct able split A.C 1.5 ton 1.5 Ton with R134a or R-22 1 no.
reciprocating compressor
151. Recovery unit with cylinders CFC & 134 a 1 each
152. Heat pump 3000 Kcal/hr 1 no.
153. Cassette Air conditioner 4500 kcal/hr with 1 no.
R-404 .
154. De scaling pump set with stainless steel impeller 1 no.
and housing complete with
motor 1/2 hp and
155. Small capacity shell and tube condenser 5 Ton with Cu tubing only 1 no.
156. Fan coil unit with water valves (2 & 3 1 no.
157. Shell and tube, DX chillers (small) 5 Ton with Cu tubing only 1 no.
158. Circulating water pump (small) 0.5 H.P with stainless steel 1 no.
tank capacity 20 liters with
in let/ outlet provision.
159. Shell and tube type condenser 5 Ton 1 no.
160. Rotary hermetic compressor 2 Ton 1 no.
161. Screw compressor 5Ton 1 no.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic

162. scroll compressor 1Ton 1

163. Bottle cooler visible 200 L carrying with HFC- 1 no.
134a& reciprocating
164. Deep freezer 200 L carrying with HFC- 1 no.
134a& reciprocating
165. Water cooler storage type 200 L carrying with HFC- 1 no.
134a& reciprocating
166. Ice candy plant 2 ton with capacity to make 1 no.
32 ice candy at a time with
Forma tray, stainless steel
tank on trolley
167. Walk in cooler 3 Ton cap. with open type 1 no.
compressor, water cooled
condenser, providing with
PUF insulated room sealed
proof size 8X8X10Ft
maintain 0 - 5 degree
168. Air-conditioning, direct and indirect Complete with all controls 1 no.
water chiller. including humidity control
capacity 15000Kcal/hr
169. Package A/C 7.5 ton capacity, Water 1 no.
cooled type with open type
compressor reciprocating
170. Car A.C components(full kit) 1 Set
a) Wobble plate compressor with
mounting brackets.
b) Serpentine Evaporator
c) Parallel Flow Condenser
d) Hoses, tubes, Receiver, Ex. valve.
e) Electrical components & wiring
171. CAR AC tutorial model 1 set

Note: In case of basic training setup by the industry the tools, equipment and machinery
available in the industry may also be used for imparting basic training.

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic



TRADE: Mechanic Refrigeration & Air-conditioning


1) Space Norms : 45 Sq. m.(For Engineering Drawing)

2) Infrastructure:


Name of the items Specification Quantity
1. Draughtsman drawing instrument box 20+1 set
2. Set square celluloid 45⁰ (250 X 1.5 mm) 20+1 set
3. Set square celluloid 30⁰-60⁰ (250 X 1.5 mm) 20+1 set
4. Mini drafter 20+1 set
5. Drawing board (700mm x500 mm) IS: 20+1 set
B : Furniture Required
Name of the items Specification Quantity
1 Drawing Board 20
2 Models : Solid & cut section as
3 Drawing Table for trainees as
4 Stool for trainees as
5 Cupboard (big) 01
6 White Board (size: 8ft. x 4ft.) 01
7 Trainer’s Table 01
8 Trainer’s Chair 01

Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic


Name of the Equipment Quantity
1. Computer (PC) with latest configurations and Internet connection with 10 Nos.
standard operating system and standard word processor and
worksheet software
2. UPS - 500VA 10 Nos.
3. Scanner cum Printer 1 No.
4. Computer Tables 10 Nos.
5. Computer Chairs 20 Nos.
6. LCD Projector 1 No.
7. White Board 1200mm x 900mm 1 No.

Note: - Above Tools & Equipments not required, if Computer LAB is available in the institute.

Mechanic Refrigeration & Air-conditioning



Name & Address of the Assessor : Year of Enrollment :

Name & Address of ITI (Govt./Pvt.) : Date of Assessment :

Name & Address of the Industry : Assessment location: Industry / ITI

Trade Name : Semester: Duration of the Trade/course:

Learning Outcome:

Maximum Marks (Total 100 Marks) 15 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 15 15

Total internal assessment

Ability to follow Manuals/

Application of Knowledge
Attendance/ Punctuality

Quality in workmanship
Skills to handle tools &
Safety consciousness

Speed in doing work

Written instructions
Workplace hygiene

Economical use of

Result (Y/N)

Sl. No


Candidate Name


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