Worksheet Structure TExt

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English Worksheet
LKPD (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik) Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Guru pengampu: Yusriyani Zanu R, S.Pd.

Topic: Procedure Text

Structure Text of:
• How to make a cupcake
• How to make avocado smoothie

Student Name : …………………………

Head Number : …
Learning objectives
(Tujuan pembelajaran):

1. Membandingkan struktur teks dari beberapa teks prosedur (“how to make

cupcake” and “how to make avocado smoothie”)
2. Mengidentifikasi action verbs pada kedua teks prosedur. .

Warm-Up Questions
(Pertanyaan Pemantik):

Have you ever

seen such kind
of food?
What is the If yes,
topping what dp
made of? you call it?

Do you know Have you ever

how to make eaten such
it? kind of cake?

Do you
know what Hoe does it
the cake is taste? Are you
made of? familiar with
this drink?
How can we
make it kerja Do you know
it’s name?
1. Siapkan alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan.
2. Masukkan setiap bahan atau sampel ke dalam wadah.
Is it a healthy How does it
3. Tetesi 2 - 3 tetes iodine ke dalam tiap sampel.
drink? taste?
4. Aduk sampel yang sudah ditetesi iodine.
5. Tunggu hingga 1 - 2 menit.
What tools Have you ever made
do you use to it by your own? How
6. Amati perubahan warnamake
yangit terjadi.
do you make itr?
Activity 1
Read the following two recipes to compare carefully.

How to make a cup cake

To decorate
• 50 gram soft butter
• 50 gram soft butter
• 110 gram of caster sugar
• 50 g caster sugar
• Two eggs
• Colored sweets
• 1 tsp of vanilla extract
• 1 tsp yellow food coloring
• 110 gramsof self-rising flour

• First, mix the sugar, butter, eggs, and vanilla extract together in a bowl,
• Slowly, add the flour and mix all together.
• Carefully spoon the mixture into cupcake cases and bake it in the oven for 8-
10 minutes
• Take the cake out and let it cool.
• While waiting, make the icing. Mix the sugar, butterr and food coloring until
they are creamy.
• Cover the cupcake with the icing.
• Finally, sprinkle some sweets on it.

How to Make Avocado Smoothie

1. Take your knife and cut the avocado in half
vertically and take the pit out
2. Take a spoon and scoop the avocado meat.
Ingredients 3. Put the meat of the avocado in a blender.
1 ripe avocado 4. If you use sugar or honey, add it know, too.
1 cup (236 ml) cold milk, 5. Press the power button of the blender to give it
any variety. a quick whirl to get the juices flowing and the
1 Tbsp (15 g), sugar, flavors combined.
honey, or sugar 6. Add the milk. Little by little.
substitute 7. Finish blending, garnish and serve chilled.
Activity 2
Pay attention to the structure of the procedural text from the recipes

Goal Ingredients

Activity 3
Read the recipes again and complete the tables.
The List of Action Verb
No Action Verb Meaning Picture

My New Vocabs Today
No Word Meaning Picture

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