IV-12.1 Assignt - Module 11 Cognitive Impairment-I

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Module 11 – Cognitive and

Mental Health Issues and Brain

Issues - Assignment

General Direction:

A. The assignment will count for 20% of your final mark in Module 11.

Name: ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

©N A C C P S W 2 0 2 2 Section IV. Module 11. Cognitive and Mental

Health Issues and Brain Injuries 1 | 5
1. Cognitive impairment can disrupt the person’s ability to participate in their ADL’s. List
three examples of specific difficulties with ADL’s that could arise, and then provide one
action the PSW could implement to support and assist the client to promote autonomy
and dignity with the task. (6 marks)

i) ADL task: __________________________________________________

PSW support: ______________________________________________

ii) ADL task: __________________________________________________

PSW support: _______________________________________________

iii) ADL task: __________________________________________________

PSW support: ______________________________________________

2. Mr. Heron is a 78-year-old client of the agency you are employed with. He lives in a
retirement home but is supported by your agency two mornings each week. He has
been a client of yours for a month. Mr. Heron’s forgetfulness is progressing slowly, but
he remains a person with precise ideas and preferences regarding how things should be
done. Mr. Heron’s occupation was a high school principal. He held that position for over
thirty years. He is married and has two adult children and five grandchildren.

Three times in the last two weeks when you have visited Mr. Heron you have found him
hovering near the elevator in his building. He has appeared slightly agitated and has not
been fully dressed. Today you find him in the same location wearing a suit jacket with
no shirt underneath, and he seems particularly upset. He says to you, “The train is
leaving, and I’ve got to be on it or I will be late for school.”

a. How might Mr. Heron’s personality and past experiences influence the behaviour
you witness today? (2 marks)




©N A C C P S W 2 0 2 2 Section IV. Module 11. Cognitive and Mental

Health Issues and Brain Injuries 2 | 5
b. What actions or verbal direction might you do or suggest in order to make Mr.
Heron more comfortable? (2 marks)


3. Why is depression often mistaken for dementia? (1 mark)


4. Using the three stages of dementia, explain how you would support your client with
their mealtimes and eating in each of the stages. (3 marks)

Mild Stage: ______________________________________________________

Moderate Stage: __________________________________________________

Severe Stage: ____________________________________________________

5. A client you are assigned by your home care agency has been diagnosed with
Alzheimer’s Disease – Stage 2. List five safety concerns you would have in the client’s
home. (5 marks)

i) _________________________________________________________

ii) _________________________________________________________

iii) _________________________________________________________

iv) _________________________________________________________

v) ________________________________________________________

©N A C C P S W 2 0 2 2 Section IV. Module 11. Cognitive and Mental

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6. Mrs. Green is a client of your agency. She has been diagnosed with multi-infarct
(vascular) dementia. She has been assessed to be in the first stage and is only mildly
forgetful the majority of the time. She is most comfortable when she gets the answers
she needs, although she may forget them in a short period of time. Today she asks you,
“Have you seen my daughter? I haven’t seen her in a very long time.” You know that
Mrs. Green’s daughter visits on a regular basis but you are unsure as to when she was
last in. (5 marks)

i) What is dementia? __________________________________________________


ii) What is meant by multi-infarct dementia? ________________________________


iii) How might Mrs. Green’s forgetfulness interfere with her safety needs?


iv) Considering effective communication techniques, how would you respond to Mrs.


v) Explain how this approach would be helpful. _____________________________


7. “When a resident is cognitively impaired, does it really matter whether he/she is

attractively dressed? Are we just trying to make an impression on visitors and other
residents? If the confused resident doesn’t know or care how he/she is dressed, why
should we? It’s not bothering him/her.” (2 marks)




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8. You have been assigned a client with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. At the time of their
in-home assessment, the client was well controlled on medication and had excellent
outside support from social work and family who live in the area. Desiring to be
prepared for any change that could potentially occur from non-compliance with their
medication regime, what are three signs that you would take note of that your client
may be in mental health crisis? (3 marks)

___________________, _____________________, _____________________

9. “The elderly are not at risk of committing suicide.” Do you agree or disagree?


Explain your answer: (2 marks) ______________________________________



10. Define: (4 marks)

i) Affective disorder:

Give one example:


ii) Anxiety disorder:


Give one example:



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