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The Law of Journalism and Mass Communication 7th

Edition Susan D Ross Amy L Reynolds Robert E



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Susan Dente Ross

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Amy Reynolds

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Robert Trager

University of Colorado Boulder


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Ross, Susan Dente, author. | Reynolds, Amy, author. | Trager, Robert, author.

Title: The law of journalism and mass communication / Susan Dente Ross; Amy Reynolds;
Robert Trager.

Description: Seventh edition. | Thousand Oaks, California : CQ Press, an imprint of Sage

Publications, Inc., [2020] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019020903 | ISBN 9781544377582 (pbk. : alk. paper)

Subjects: LCSH: Mass media—Law and legislation—United States. | Press law—United States. |
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List of Features
About the Authors
Chapter 1 • The Rule of Law: Law in a Changing Communication
Chapter 2 • The First Amendment: Speech and Press Freedoms
in Theory and Reality
Chapter 3 • Speech Distinctions: Different Categories Trigger
Distinct Treatment
Chapter 4 • Libel and Emotional Distress: The Plaintiff’s Case
Chapter 5 • Libel: Defenses and Privileges
Chapter 6 • Protecting Privacy: Conflicts Among the Press, the
Government and the Right to Privacy
Chapter 7 • Gathering Information: Opportunities and Obstacles
Chapter 8 • Overseeing Justice: Speech and Press Freedoms In
and About the Courts
Chapter 9 • Electronic Media Regulation: From Radio to the
Chapter 10 • Obscenity and Indecency: Social Norms and Legal
Chapter 11 • Intellectual Property: Protecting and Using
Intangible Creations
Chapter 12 • Advertising: When Speech and Commerce
Case Index
Subject Index
List of Features
About the Authors
Chapter 1 • The Rule of Law: Law in a Changing Communication
Body of the Law
Common Law
Equity Law
Administrative Law
Executive Orders
Structure of the Judicial System
Court Jurisdiction
Trial Courts
Courts of Appeal
The U.S. Supreme Court
Processes of the Law
Civil Suits
Summary Judgment
Emerging Law
Finding the Law
Reading Case Law
Briefing Cases
Analyzing Marbury v. Madison
Cases for Study
Marbury v. Madison
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Chapter 2 • The First Amendment: Speech and Press Freedoms
in Theory and Reality
Where the First Amendment Came From
Foundations of First Amendment Theory
When “the Press” Changes
How the First Amendment Is Understood
Why We Value the First Amendment
How Government Restrains First Amendment Freedoms
How the Supreme Court Reviews Laws Affecting First
Amendment Rights
Content-Based Laws
Content-Neutral Laws
Speaking Politics
Speaking For and As the Government
Requiring Speech
Political Campaigning and Financing Elections
Speaking Anonymously
Assembling and Speaking in Public and Nonpublic Places
Private Property as a Public Forum
Funding as Forum
Associating Freely
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
New York Times Co. v. United States
Reed v. Town of Gilbert
Chapter 3 • Speech Distinctions: Different Categories Trigger
Distinct Treatment
Evolving Court Tests to Protect Disruptive Speech
From a Bad Tendency to a Clear and Present Danger
From Clear and Present Danger to Incitement
Speech Harms
Offensive Speech
Fighting Words
Hate Speech
Intimidation and Threats
Symbolic Speech
Burning Speech
Do Media Incite Harm?
Physical Harms
Harmful Images
Other Harms
National Security and Tranquility
Threats to National Security
Speech in the Schools
Public Forum Analysis
The Tinker Test
The Fraser Approach
The Hazelwood Test
Choosing the Proper Test
Campus Speech
Speech Codes
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School
Elonis v. United States
Chapter 4 • Libel and Emotional Distress: The Plaintiff’s Case
A Brief History
The Elements of Libel: The Plaintiff’s Case
Statement of Fact
Actual Malice
Emotional Distress
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Actual Malice
Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan
Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell
Chapter 5 • Libel: Defenses and Privileges
Anti-SLAPP Protection
Fair Report Privilege
Letters to the Editor and Online Comments
Rhetorical Hyperbole, Parody and Satire
Section 230 Immunity
Other Defenses
Neutral Reportage
Wire Service Defense
Single-Publication Rule
The Libel-Proof Plaintiff
Additional Defense Considerations
Summary Judgment
Motion to Dismiss for Actual Malice
Statutes of Limitations
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co.
Dallas Morning News v. Tatum
Chapter 6 • Protecting Privacy: Conflicts Among the Press, the
Government and the Right to Privacy
Constitutional Right to Privacy
Privacy Torts
Intrusion on Private Property
False Light
Plaintiff’s Case
Commercialization and Right of Publicity
Plaintiff’s Case
Private Facts
Intimate Facts
Legitimate Public Concern
First Amendment Defense
Privacy and Data Protection
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn
Carpenter v. United States
Chapter 7 • Gathering Information: Opportunities and Obstacles
Brief Overview of Access
First Amendment Right of Access
Access to Public and Quasi-Public Places
Right to Record
Statutory Right of Access
Access to Federal and State Records
Access to Federal and State Meetings
Face-to-Face and Participant Recording
Statutory Limits to Access
Intrusion and Trespass Laws
Exemptions to Open Records
Exemptions to Open Meetings
Covert Recording or Intercepting “Wire”
Other Limits to Gathering Information
Harassment and Stalking
Fraud and Misrepresentation
Problems With Sources and Confidentiality
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
U.S. Department of Justice v. Reporters Committee for
Freedom of the Press
Wilson v. Layne
Chapter 8 • Overseeing Justice: Speech and Press Freedoms In
and About the Courts
Access to Courts and Court Records
Presuming the Openness of Trials
Broadcasting and Recording Court Proceedings
Using Newer Technologies in the Courts
Accessing Court Records
Electronically Accessing Court Records
Advancing Fairness in Trials
Following Sheppard
Judging Impartially
Balancing Interests
Requiring Evidence
Penalizing Failure to Disclose
Protecting Juveniles
Protecting Sexual Assault Victims
Protecting State Secrets and National Security
Closing Courts
Advancing the Flow of News
Guiding Media Coverage of Courts
Protecting Confidential Information
Providing a Limited Privilege
Applying Shield Laws
Clarifying What Shield Laws Cover
Finding Other Protections
Challenging Closures
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. Virginia
People v. Owens
Chapter 9 • Electronic Media Regulation: From Radio to the
Brief Overview of Electronic Media
History of Broadcast Regulation
Reasons to Regulate Broadcasting
Spectrum Scarcity
The Public Interest Standard
Federal Communications Commission
How Does the FCC Work?
What Does the FCC Do?
FCC Ownership Rules
Public Broadcasting
Broadcast Programming Rules
Political Broadcasting Regulations
Children’s Programming Requirements
Multichannel Video Programming Distributor Regulation
History of Cable and Satellite Regulation
Must-Carry and Retransmission Consent
Public Access Channels
Internet Regulation
Net Neutrality
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Red Lion Broadcasting Co., Inc. v. Federal
Communications Commission
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Federal
Communications Commission
Chapter 10 • Obscenity and Indecency: Social Norms and Legal
Comstock and Hicklin
Current Obscenity Definition
The Miller Test
Sexually Explicit Material and Children
Other Considerations
Federal Communications Commission Regulation
Obscenity, Indecency and the Internet
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica
Federal Communications Commission v. Fox Television
Stations, Inc.
Chapter 11 • Intellectual Property: Protecting and Using
Intangible Creations
What Does a Copyright Protect?
Exclusive Rights and Limitations
Duration, Licensing and Scope
Copyright Infringement
Fair Use Defense
DMCA Safe Harbor Protections
Distinctiveness Requirement
Registering a Trademark
Domain Names and Keywords
Trademark Infringement
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Matal v. Tam
American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, Inc.
Chapter 12 • Advertising: When Speech and Commerce
Defining Commercial Speech
Testing Commercial Speech Protection
Compelling Commercial Speech
Promoting Disfavored Products
Prescription Drugs
Advertising on Government Property
Promoting and Publicizing Businesses and Professionals
Restricting False or Misleading Commercial Speech
Regulating Commercial Speech Concerns
The Federal Trade Commission
The Federal Communications Commission
The Federal Election Commission
The Food and Drug Administration and Others
Emerging Law
Cases for Study
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service
Commission of New York
Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc.
Case Index
Subject Index

Chapter 1 • The Rule of Law: Law in a Changing

Communication Environment

Cases for Study 36

Marbury v. Madison 36

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 39

International Law

Four Foundations of the Rule of Law 4

U.S. Rule of Law Does Not Rank First 4

U.S. Courts May (or May Not) Apply International Laws


Judicial Selection Processes Need to Support Rule of

Law 24

Points of Law

The Three Branches of Federal Government 7

Three-Part Test for Specific Court Jurisdiction 16

Real World Law

Precedent Is a Cornerstone of the Rule of Law 11

Scalia Said Rules, History Should Guide Court

Interpretations 25

Chapter 2 • The First Amendment: Speech and Press

Freedoms in Theory and Reality

Cases for Study 77

New York Times Co. v. United States 77

Reed v. Town of Gilbert 80

International Law

The U.S. War on Information? 51

Points of Law

Supreme Court’s Doctrine in Near v. Minnesota 59

What Is a Prior Restraint? 61

Strict Scrutiny 63

O’Brien Intermediate Scrutiny 65

Intermediate Scrutiny After Reed v. Town of Gilbert 65

Where Can I Speak? 75

Real World Law

What’s Publication? 52

Courts Grapple With Meaning/Significance of Emoji 53

Some Core Values of Free Speech 58

Post–Citizens United: Outside Donors Shape Political

Campaigns 70

Right to Speak Anonymously Likely Fails to Protect Your

Data 72

Controlling Space to Limit Protest? 74

Chapter 3 • Speech Distinctions: Different Categories

Trigger Distinct Treatment

Cases for Study 122

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School

District 123

Elonis v. United States 126

International Law

Is Online Censorship the Answer? 99

Points of Law

The Brandenburg Incitement Test 94

Fighting Words 98

Test for a True Threat 102

Media Liability for Negligence 106

Court Review of Non-University-Student Speech 115

Real World Law

Democracy’s Unreasoned, Uncivil Promise 92

Cyberbullying 97

Are Campuses Free-Speech-Free Zones? 118

Chapter 4 • Libel and Emotional Distress: The Plaintiff’s


Cases for Study 169

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 169

Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell 171

International Law
U.S. Jurisdiction and Libel Tourism 155

Points of Law

The Plaintiff’s Libel Case 138

“Reckless Disregard” Criteria 154

Plaintiffs and Standard of Fault 158

IIED and NIED 167

Real World Law

What Is Fake News? 137

The President and Defamation 140

Lessons Learned From the Rolling Stone Defamation

Lawsuit 144

Contemporary Threats to Times v. Sullivan 150

Chapter 5 • Libel: Defenses and Privileges

Cases for Study 200

Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co. 200

Dallas Morning News v. Tatum 203

International Law
International Jurisdiction in Libel Actions 194

Points of Law

Fair Report Privilege 181

Post-Milkovich Opinion Defense 186

Does Section 230 Immunity Apply? 191

Neutral Reportage 192

The Wire Service Defense 193

Real World Law

Fair Comment and Criticism 184

Chapter 6 • Protecting Privacy: Conflicts Among the

Press, the Government and the Right to Privacy

Cases for Study 246

Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn 246

Carpenter v. United States 249

International Law

Global Data Protection Regulation in the EU 239

Points of Law

Constitutional Right to Privacy 217

Intrusion by Trespass 221

False Light 225

Appropriation 230

Private Facts 238

Real World Law

Does Potential Illegality Impact Newsworthiness? 232

Chapter 7 • Gathering Information: Opportunities and


Cases for Study 293

U.S. Department of Justice v. Reporters Committee for

Freedom of the Press 294

Wilson v. Layne 298

Points of Law

Records Under FOIA 265

State Open-Meetings Laws: The New York Example

Media Distribution of Illegally Intercepted Calls 273

States That Forbid Hidden Cameras in Private Places


Wilson v. Layne: The State of Ride-Alongs 275

Freedom of Information Act: The Nine Exemptions 278

Real World Law

Sample FOIA Request Letter 267

Chilling Hospital PR: Patient Approval Required 287

Chapter 8 • Overseeing Justice: Speech and Press

Freedoms In and About the Courts

Cases for Study 344

Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. Virginia 344

People v. Owens 350

International Law

India’s Supreme Court Allows (Security) Cameras in

Courts 309

Canada Says Stop Trampling on Reporters’ Rights 333

Points of Law

Open Courts 307

Contempt of Court 324

The Press-Enterprise Test for Court Closure 328

Closing Media Mouths: The Nebraska Press Association

Standard 329

What Is Fair Coverage of Criminal Trials? 331

The Reporter’s Privilege Test 335

Whom Shield Laws Protect 339

Real World Law

Managing New Media in Courts 311

Does Publicity Bias Jurors? 316

Judicial Impartiality and “Friends” of the Court 321

Your Data Are Not Safe From Government (Sp)Eyes


The Questionable Truth of “True Crime” 338

Chapter 9 • Electronic Media Regulation: From Radio to

the Internet

Cases for Study 383

Red Lion Broadcasting Co., Inc. v. Federal
Communications Commission 383

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Federal

Communications Commission 388

International Law

Expand Foreign Ownership? 371

Points of Law

Section 315 of the Communications Act of 1934 369

Real World Law

The FCC Commissioners 361

Modernization of the FCC 362

Media Consolidation and Diversity 367

FCC Overturns Sports Blackout Rules 374

Online Video Distributors 376

Chapter 10 • Obscenity and Indecency: Social Norms

and Legal Standards

Cases for Study 418

Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
To the Editor of the Boston Journal:
[The following remarkable poem was sent me from the
South by a friend, who informs me that the author of it was
a slave named Mingo, a man of wonderful talents, and on
that account oppressed by his master. While in the slave-
prison, he penciled this poetic gem on one of the beams,
which was afterwards found and copied. My friend adds
that Mingo did escape, at night, but was recaptured and
destroyed by the bloodhounds. My friend promises to
send other poems of his, which, he says, are in
possession of Mingo’s aged wife.]
C. W.

Good God! and must I leave them now—

My wife, my children, in their woe?
’Tis mockery to say I’m sold—
But I forget these chains so cold,
Which goad my bleeding limbs, though high
My reason mounts above the sky.
Dear wife, they cannot sell the rose
Of love, that in my bosom glows.
Remember, as your tears may start,
They cannot sell th’ immortal part!
Thou sun, which lightest bond and free,
Tell me, I pray, is liberty
The lot of those who noblest feel,
And oftest to Jehovah kneel?
Then I may say, but not with pride,
I feel the rushings of the tide
Of reason and of eloquence,
Which strive and yearn for eminence.
I feel high manhood on me now,
A spirit-glory on my brow;
I feel a thrill of music roll,
Like angel harpings, through my soul,
While poesy, with rustling wings,
Upon my spirit rests and sings;
He sweeps my heart’s deep throbbing lyre,
Who touched Isaiah’s lips with fire.

To Plymouth Rock, ye breezes, bear

These words from me, as I would dare,
If I were free: Is not our God
Our common Father?—from the sod
He formed us all; then brothers—yes;
We’re brothers all, though some oppress,
And grind their equals in the dust.
O Heaven! tell me, is this just?
’Tis fiendish. No! I will not go,
And leave my children here in woe!
God help me! Out, bright dagger! gleam,
And find the coward’s heart, and stream
With fiendish blood! This night, this night,
Or I am free, or it shall smite
The master and his slave, and we
Will seek the heavenly liberty!
There will my master’s bloody lash
No longer lacerate * * *

Note. The last line was, from some cause, incomplete;

perhaps his feelings overcame him at the conception. I
concluded to give it as it was. C. W.
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Archaic or variant spelling has been retained.
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