2. State the Law of Supply. 1
3. Explain the factors affecting supply of a commodity. 5
5. Explain the factors affecting demand for a commodity. 5
6. Explain the ‘market mechanism’ phenomenon. 5
7. Explain the per unit cost method of estimation. 5
8. Explain the types of estimates. What do you mean by cost index? 8
9. Explain the process of economic decision making . 5
10. Explain power sizing model of cost estimation. 5
11. Explain the segmenting model of cost estimation. 5
12. Explain the economic problems faced by an engineer with suitable examples. 5
13. “Estimation is the foundation of economic analysis”—Explain. 5
14. Explain the difference between depreciation and obsolescence. 5
15. Explain the cause of depreciation 5
16. Define Break – even point. Develop appropriate expressions for BEP (in number of units)
and BEP sales (in rupees) algebraically with proper representation of the elements
diagrammatically. 5
17. Discuss about break-even analysis with a short note. 5
18. Calculate the current cost of a piece of equipment that has 50% more capacity than a similar
piece of equipment that cost ₹ 30,000 five years ago. The appropriate power-sizing exponent
for this type of equipment is 0.8, and the ratio of the cost indexes (current to 5 years ago) is
1.24. 5
19. Explain the cost index model of estimation. 5
20. Miriam is interested in estimating the annual labour and material costs for a new production
facility. She was able to obtain the following labour and material cost data:
Labour costs:
Labour cost index value 10 years ago was at 124 and is 188 today
Annual labour cost for a similar facility 10 years ago was ₹. 575,500
Material Costs:
Material cost index value was at 544 three years ago and is 715 today
Annual material cost for a similar facility was ₹. 2,455,000 three years ago
Determine the present annual labour and material cost. 5
21. Miriam has been asked to estimate the today’s cost of a 2500 sq. ft heat exchange system
for the new plant being analysed. She has the following data:
Her company paid ₹50,000 for a 1000 sq. ft heat exchanger 5 years ago. Heat exchangers within
this range of capacity has a power sizing exponent (x) of 0.55.Five years ago the Heat
Exchanger Cost Index (HECI) was 1306; it is 1487 today. Calculate the cost as determined by
Miriam. 5
22. Five years ago, when the relevant cost index was 120 a nuclear centrifuge cost $ 40,000.
The centrifuge had a capacity of separating 1500 gallons of ionized solution per hour. Today,
it is desired to build a centrifuge with a capacity of 4500 gallons per hour, but the cost index
now is 300. Assuming a power-sizing exponent to reflect economies of scale, x, 0.75, use the
power sizing model to calculate the approximate cost (expressed in today’s dollars) of the new
centrifuge. 5
23. Suppose that an aircraft manufacturer desires to make a preliminary estimate of the cost of
building a 600-MW fossil fuel plant for the assembly of its new long distance aircraft. It is
known that a 200-MW plant costs $100 million 20 years ago when the approximate cost index
was 400 and that cost index in now 1200. The cost capacity factor for a fossil fuel power plant
is 0.79. 5
24. A certain index for the cost of purchasing and installing utility boilers is keyed to 1988,
where its baseline value was arbitrarily set at 100. Company XYZ installed a 50,000lb/hour
boiler for $525,000 in 2000 when the index had a value of 468. This same company must install
another boiler of the same size in 2007. The index in 2007 is 542. Calculate the approximate
cost of the new boiler. 5
25. Explain about Improvement and Learning Curve. 5
26. Calculate the time required to produce the hundredth unit of a production run if the first
unit took 32.0 minutes to produce and the learning-curve rate for production is 80%. 5
27. A company purchased a machine on 1 April 2017 for ₹ 2,60,000; shipping and forwarding