Obojima-book Potions Preview

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agic abounds on Obojima. It permeates the landscape, and it pools in certain objects. Over the generations, sages
discovered that this latent magic can be unleashed through what has become the honored craft of potion brewing.
The craft is mysterious, wondrous, and more than a bit chaotic. Most people don’t even attempt it. Seasoned brew-
ers can’t be entirely certain about what kind of potion will result when combining ingredients. Even so the tradition remains
among the island’s proudest.
This chapter discusses how to gather ingredients, how to brew potions, and what kind of potions one can make.

Potion Types and Rarities

Potions come in one of three categories based on their func- Uncommon potions are potent concoctions and likely the
tion. Combat potions provide abilities or buffs that prove upper end of power that folks would expect to encounter.
helpful in a fight. Utility potions are generally useful both Rare potions do truly marvelous things and most folk on
in and out of combat. Finally, whimsical potions embody Obojima live their lives without ever experiencing their
peculiar and sometimes playful effects. effects.
Potions also come in different rarities. A potion’s rarity is The people of Obojima might not describe potions in the
determined by the rarity of the ingredients used to brew it. categories and rarities outlined above, but they are useful
A potion can be common, uncommon, or rare. terms meant to help players understand how the potion
Common potions are familiar enough to be used by many system works.
people in their day-to-day lives. However, they are not so
plentiful as to be considered mundane.

Ingredients Foraging and Salvaging Almanacs Ingredients of Circumstance
At the heart of potion brewing are ingredients. A vast Characters might happen upon useful ingredients while Granny Prumple’s Almanac of Island A few ingredients can’t be foraged in the wild or salvaged
variety of objects scattered all throughout the island. Some adventuring, but many ingredients demand a more active Ingredients: The How-Tos and What- from derelict machines. Instead they appear through
ingredients are plentiful and easy to find, while others are search. The nature of the ingredient determines what skill Fors on the Craft of Potions, in circumstance. Rubble from a rubble golem, for example,
seldom seen and might require a dangerous quest to obtain. will be tested. Seven Volumes–or simply must be harvested from the creature of the same name,
Ingredients come in various types including plants, miner- ◊ If an ingredient grows or is naturally found in the wild, Almanac for short–has which first requires the golem to exist. Other ingredients
als, creatures and creature parts, as well as human-made- you might roll a Wisdom (Survival) check to determine been the definitive guide can only be found as the result of a strange occurrence,
things such as machine parts, toys, and food. its location. to ingredients for the such as Essence of Ill Omen, which can randomly appear as
past several decades. The a byproduct of divination magic. These ingredients might
Like potions, ingredients have different rarities: common, ◊ If an ingredient is found amongst abandoned machinery, information is not read- require more effort or a bit of luck to acquire.
uncommon, or rare. To locate all 130 known ingredients, a you might roll a Intelligence (Salvage) check to disassem- ily available, however.
potion brewer must be skilled both behind the cauldron and ble and locate the part needed. Buying or Trading for Ingredients
Many years ago, witch
in the field.
Any character who spends at least 1 hour foraging can covens managed to divide the volumes, secreting them
Common ingredients are abundant and generally easy to away across Obojima to guard jealousy in their own lairs Ingredients like pink candle wax, flash paper, and Haku-
make the appropriate check. The DC of the check is deter-
come by with a little bit of knowledge and effort. and covet the ones they don’t possess. Every major coven mon’s ramen broth aren’t found in the wilderness. Artisans
mined by the table below. Not all ingredients show up in
has one, except for the distinguished Fish Head Coven, make them, so they must be procured from the source, or
Uncommon ingredients are harder to come by and require each region with the same frequency. See the regional
which has somehow come into the possession of two! purchased from merchants. Common ingredients are typi-
a bit more specialized knowledge about where to find them. ingredients list on page ($$) to determine what ingredients
cally found at local markets, uncommon ingredients require
are native there. Characters foraging or salvaging ingredients get advantage
Rare ingredients are another story altogether. Obtaining an in with a special dealer, and rare ingredients are so
them is a matter of great effort, and might require an expe- on their rolls if they have access to the volume for the scarce that finding a dealer is an accomplishment in itself.
dition devoted to finding just one. region they are in. Additionally, players with access to an For characters looking to buy and trade ingredients follow
You can find information on the new salvage almanac are aware of the attributes associated with each these general guidelines.
skill on page ($$) ingredient listed in the book.
Cost. Merchants and artisans generally know what their
Tracking down a rare ingredient makes for a fun Almanac Volumes by Region and Coven ingredients are worth. For ingredients that are typically
adventure hook. Finding Ingredients DCs sold, feel free to assign a cost as you see fit, or consult the
1. Brackwater Wetlands: The Crowsworn table below for a suggested cost.
2. Coastal Highlands: League of the Gilded Gourd Making a Trade. Some folks are reluctant to give up an
Identifying and Gathering 3. Gale Fields: Fish Head Coven ingredient. The rarer the ingredient, the tougher the coax-
Ingredients Foraged or Salvaged Suggested DC
Ingredients 4. Gift of Shuritashi: The Tall Hats
ing will be. You are encouraged to roleplay the transaction.
The table below offers suggested DCs for Charisma (Persua-
Only certain objects are potent enough to be ingredients sion) checks to successfully convince hesitant or shrewd
Common ingredients native to area 10-15 5. Land of Hot Water: Patchwork Robe Coven
for the purpose of brewing potions. The Potion Ingredients sellers to go through with the trade, though it’s up to the
section below features a comprehensive list of ingredients. 6. Mount Arbora: Cloud Cap Coven
Uncommon ingredients native to area & DM whether the terms of the trade are reasonable.
Many objects players hope to brew into potions don’t carry 16-20 7. The Shallows: Fish Head Coven
common ingredients not native to area
within them the necessary magic, therefore it’s important
that players have a way to determine what is and isn’t a Uncommon ingredients not native
21-25 Ingredients for Sale Suggested Suggested
proper ingredient. That’s where Arcane Detection Kits and to area
Hero’s may be able to find copies of almanac or Trade Cost DC
almanacs come in handy. Bear in mind that the GM can
Rare ingredients aren’t normally found pages in local shops, libraries, or witch huts.
amend the ingredients list as they see fit. Common ingredients native
through foraging/salving. See each rare Finding a single almanac page will give informa- 1-5 gp 10-15
tion about one ingredient in particular. to area
ingredient entry for information on
how to find them. Uncommon ingredients native
to area & common ingredients 5-10 gp 16-20
Testing Ingredients not native to area

Arcane Detection Kits, or ADKs, are used to determine Uncommon ingredients not
20-25 gp 21-25
if something has the properties necessary to be a potion native to area
ingredient. As a downtime activity, characters can spend an
DM’s DM’s
hour using their ADK to test up to six substances. Once a Rare ingredients
discretion discretion
test is complete, the DM shares which substances are ingre-
dients and the attributes those ingredients hold.
ADKs are listed in the equipment section in this book.
Alternatively, witches are usually willing to identify
ingredients for a meager donation of coin or as part of
a trade.

2 3
Brewing Potions Boom Beri How to Brew Potions save increases by 2 for each potion successfully used in a
singular day. Thrown or poured potions do not count when
After collecting ingredients and crafting a recipe, characters calculating for potion sickness.
Ingredient Attributes Combat can start brewing. To successfully brew a potion, a charac-
If a character is persistent and continues to use multiple
Each ingredient holds a unique set of attributes that help 7 ter must have access to, and be proficient with alchemy
potions in a day, they might stumble into a potion mishap.
supplies. Next, they must craft the base mixture to all
determine what type of potion it will be used to craft. These Utility These random magical effects occur when a character fails
potions: a strange liquid known by witches and brewmas-
attributes are combat, utility, and whimsy. a potions sickness check after already successfully using 3
6 ters as muk–a fine mixture of herbs, mud, candle wax, gold
potions that day. In addition to potion sickness, this charac-
These three attributes have a number associated with dust, and a plethora of other simple substances. Muk is
Whimsy ter would also roll on the potion mishaps table below.
them, which vary by ingredient. The boom beri for example what unlocks the latent magic in ingredients and makes
has a whimsy score of 1, a combat score of 7, and a utility 1 it ready for brewing. Mixing up a batch is easy enough, so
score of 6. long as they have the gold needed to make it. Crafting muk
consumes gold, and each potion requires an amount of muk
based on the rarity.
Flash Paper
Boom Beri With all the necessary ingredients, the right amount
Combat of muk, and alchemy supplies a potion can be made in
Whimsy Combat Utility 10 minutes.
1 7 6 Utility Common Potion 15 Gold worth of Muk
9 Uncommon Potion 75 Gold worth of Muk
Recipes Whimsy Rare Potion 300 Gold worth of Muk
Potions require recipes. Every potion recipe has three main 1
ingredients, which determines the type of potion the recipe Using Potions
will result in. Ingredients in a recipe must be unique, mean-
ing there can’t be duplicates of one ingredient in the same Each potion has magical effects that occur when imbibed,
Rust Crab poured out, or thrown. These effects last for a specified
recipe. Recipes can be discovered through experimentation
or they can be found throughout Obojima–usually in the amount of time, which is noted in a potion’s description.
Combat Unless otherwise noted, it takes a bonus action to use the
hands of potion experts.
To understand which potion a recipe will brew, follow the 8 potion and gain its benefits.

steps for brewing below: Utility Multiple Potions at Once

1. Select three ingredients. 4 Desperate, reckless, or curious characters will inevitably
2. Determine the three ingredients’ attribute numbers. Whimsy try to use more than one potion at the same time or in
At the end of this step you should have a total of
nine numbers. 2 rapid succession. In most cases, potions don’t have stacking
effects. The most recent potion imbibed negates any previ-
3. Find the sum of the three combat scores, three utility ous ones.
scores, and three whimsy scores. At the end of this step There are exceptions, however. Some potions are perma-
you should have three new numbers, each associated nent, which means their effects persist even when other
You then find the sum of all three combat attribute scores,
with one attribute. potions are used. To see if a potion has this property, check
utility attribute scores, and whimsy attribute scores. Which
4. Determine which of these three attribute scores has the looks something like this: its description for the permanent keyword.
highest number associated with it. The winning attri-
bute determines the list the potion comes from, and Potion Sickness & Mishaps
Combat Utility Whimsy
the number determines which potion on that list the
recipe will create. If there is a tie between attribute 7+6+8=21 6+9+4=19 1+1+2=4
scores, the potion brewer can choose between the two This is an optional rule for DMs to add into
winning attributes. Now that you have three new numbers associated with their game as they see fit.
the three attributes, all you need to do is determine which
Example: You’ve decided to create a potion using these
attribute’s number is the highest. In this case it looks like it
three common ingredients. A handful of boom beris, a Using multiple potions also comes with the risk of
is Combat at 21.
couple sheets of flash paper, and a jar of squid ink. You start succumbing to Potion Sickness, a very unpleasant afflic-
by pulling out an ADK and determine that these are the That means if you were to brew this potion you will have
tion that comes on at a moment’s notice. Characters who
associate attribute scores for each of your ingredients. brewed the 21st potion on the combat potion list.
decide to use more than one potion in a day must first pass
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or fall violently ill. In
place of the special effects the potion would normally grant
the character instead vomits as the strange concoction of
magical elixirs swirls inside their stomach. The DC for this

4 5
Potion Mishaps Table Regional Ingredient Lists
Coastal Highlands Bora Bug Gift of Shuritashi Laughing Moss
d10 Result
Bundle of Driko Twigs Munchanka Root
Camp Mite Nakudama Spice
1 Sand fills your mouth, making it impossible to speak. This effect lasts for 1 minute. Blue-Backed Salmon Apper Carrot
Chicken Egg Noodle Eel
Boom Beri Bamboo
You loose the ability to use your arms as they turn jelly like in nature. This effect last until the end of Clay Snake Tail Petrified Alligator
2 Bora Bug Bashu Powder
your next turn. Cloud Horn Shadowroot
Bundle of Driko Twigs Blue-Backed Salmon
Earwax Spark Plug
Your vision blurs than pops back into clarity, only now all creatures look exactly the same to you and are Chicken Egg Boom Beri
3 Fish Head Spring
indistinguishable accept by touch. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Creeping Bolete Bora Bug
Green Slime Toka Truffle
In a blur of magic, you shift into one of the following adorable critters, as if the spell Polymorph was cast Earwax Bundle of Driko Twigs
Hakuma Sapwood Vinyl Record
on you. (roll 1d6): Fish Head Camp Mite
4 Hill Dragon Egg Wychwood
Flash Paper Chicken Egg
Kitten Songbird Puppy Black bear cub Piglet Otter pup Howler Fur
Green Slime Cloud Horn Land of Hot Water
Itchi Beri
Jumping Bonfire Creeping Bolete COMMON
In a blinding flash of light and a sonic boom, you are teleported away. Roll 1d4 to determine direction Jumping Bonfire
5 with “1” being cardinal north and moving clockwise. Then roll 1d4 to determine how many hundred of Jack-O-Lantern Bits Earwax Amber
Jack-O-Lantern Bits
feet that you are teleported to. Kojo Root Fish Folk Tooth
Nobblewort Bamboo
Mountain Ox Dung Fish Head Bashu Powder
You can no longer control your voice, causing it to randomly change in volume as you speak. This effect Monkey’s Coil
last for 1 hour. Mouse Tree Flash Paper Blue-Backed Salmon
Pink Candle Wax Green Slime Boom Beri
Pyramid Melon
7 Eels grow in your gut for the next hour. Every so often you cough one up. Poison Hakuma Sapwood
Rattle Shoot Brush Reed
Sheep Dragon Wool Jumping Bonfire Bundle of Driko Twigs
For the next week, the sight of potions makes you sick. You must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving Sheep Dragon Wool
8 Spindle Leg Spider Webs Jack-O-Lantern Bits
throw to drink a potion. Spindle Leg Spider Webs Chicken Egg
Snap Vine Sap Knobble Leaf Seaweed Clay Snake Tail
Being within 5 feet of any kind of magic causes you to instantly break out in itchy hives, reducing any Venus Fly Rat Lovers Vine
9 Earwax
Charisma checks by -2. This allergy lasts for 1d4 days. Windbloom
Yuma Shrub Mellowort (plant) Fish Folk Tooth
Witch’s Broom
10 You gain the effect of a random common whimsy potion. UNCOMMON Nobblewort Fish Head
Yugi Sap
Bottle Cap Narutomaki Flash Paper
Essence of Glumbug Pink Candle Wax Gohaku Rice
Bottle Cap
Kojobi Fruit Queen’s Dilemma Jumping Bonfire
Dragon Root
Lions Blume Scalefruit Rind Oporion Glass
Feather Rock
Nakudama Spice Seashell Origami Crane
Glow Worms of the Vale
Noodle Eel Sea Water Pink Candle Wax
Kojobi Fruit
Petrified Alligator Spindle Leg Spider Webs Poison
Living Spud
Spark Plug Varrow Raka Paste
Noodle Eel
Spring Yugi Sap Seashell
Petrified Alligator
Vinyl Record UNCOMMON Sea Water
Spark Plug
Bottle Cap Varrow
Gale Fields Spring
Dawn Petal Windbloom
Sun Shroom
COMMON Fizzing Green Noodle Eel
Vinyl Record
Apper Carrot Happy Joy Cake
Wolfenite UNCOMMON
Blue-Backed Salmon Kojobi Fruit Bottle Cap

6 7
Crackling Jasper Raka Paste Seashell Howler Fur Combat Utility Whimsy
Gargoyle Powder Spirit Root Rust Crab Kloth Leech Amber 9 5 4
Kojobi Fruit Windbloom Sea Water Knobble Leaf Seaweed This chunk of petrified tree sap is prized for its color and gem-like luster and is often used in jewelry. Some
arcane jewelers claim that it has special properties, especially if an ancient insect is trapped within it. Amber can
Molted Lizard Skin Yugi Sap Squid Ink Lovers Vine
be found in rocky areas where petrified wood is found, and it has been known to wash up on certain beaches.
Petrified Alligator Yuma Shrub Tangle Weed Mellowort (plant)
Spark Plug Noodle Eel Witch’s Eye Coral Narutomaki
Combat Utility Whimsy
Spirit Tea UNCOMMON UNCOMMON Poison Apper Carrot 0 3 1
Spark Plug Black Cinnamon Black Pearl Queen’s Dilemma The Apper Carrot is well known throughout Obojima as a superior strain of carrot that has a delicious flavor and
Spring Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Raka Paste a hearty crunch. Its bulbous top peeks out from the soil when it’s ready for harvesting, making it easy for forag-
ers to spot Apper Carrots in the wild. They can be found in most grassy lowland areas.
Vinyl Record Dawn Petal Noodle Eel Ribbon Rot
Yellow Slime Essence of Glumbug Pek Pek Flakes Scalefruit Rind
Seashell Combat Utility Whimsy
Mount Arbora Forge Slag Petrified Alligator
Bamboo 3 3 3
Gargoyle Powder Sea Water
Brackwater Used in everything from building material to drinking vessels and musical instruments, bamboo is perhaps the
Mountain Snail Wetlands Varrow most versatile material on the island. Patches of bamboo can be found in most places on Obojima, however there
Amber are a few bamboo forests in the foothills and mountainous regions where it can grow as thick as a tree.
Opu Opu Spring Water UNCOMMON
Blue-Backed Salmon COMMON
Petrified Alligator Bottle Cap
Boom Beri Bamboo
Spark Plug Corrupted Seawater Combat Utility Whimsy
Bora Bug
Blue-Backed Salmon
Corrupted Slime
Bashu Powder 2 0 0
Bundle of Driko Twigs Bora Bug
Vinyl Record Hakumon’s Ramen Broth This russet powder is made from the ground seed pods of the bashu tree. Bashu powder is used commonly by
Clay Snake Tail Brush Reed chefs who want to add a spicy yet smoky flavor to their dishes. Most Obojimans believe that bashu powder also
Wolfenite Laughing Moss helps alleviate minor ailments like coughs and colds. Bashu trees are found inland in the warm and arid regions
Earwax Bundle of Driko Twigs
Mournshade of Obojima.
Shallows Camp Mite
Fish Head
Night Thistle
Chicken Egg Combat Utility Whimsy
Hakuma Sapwood COMMON Noodle Eel Blue-Backed Salmon 3 4 7
Howler Fur Blue-Backed Salmon Clay Snake Tail
Petrified Alligator The fat-marbled, delicious flesh of the blue-backed salmon are a staple in many villages across the island. A fully
Mandrake Root Brush Reed Creeping Bolete grown salmon can reach up to almost two meters in length and any fisherman will tell you that they are crafty,
Earwax hard to catch, and can deliver a nasty bite. Blue-backed salmon are found in rivers all across Obojima and in the
Nobblewort Fish Folk Tooth Scumweed deepest parts of the surrounding reef.
Oporion Glass Fish Head Fish Folk Tooth
Spark Plug
Peeping Willow Knobble Leaf Seaweed Fish Head Combat Utility Whimsy
Green Slime
Spring Boom Beri 0 3 1
Poison Oporion Glass Vinyl Record
Gohaku Rice These small red berries are a delicious sweet treat for roughly three weeks of the year. Before or after that time
Queen’s Dilemma Pungent Sea Foam Wolfenite they’re quite disgusting and left untouched by forest dwellers. They’re often found near the base of mountains or
cliff faces.

Combat Utility Whimsy

Bora Bug
These hazelnut-sized beetles can be found sipping the sugary sap from trees or drinking the juice from overripe
fruit that has fallen to the forest floor. Obojimans crush up dried bora bugs to produce a beautiful turquoise dye.
Bora bugs are usually found on or around any tree that produces fruit or a sweet sap.
Common ingredients are found all across Obojima and There are 69 known common ingredients. It’s been
are widely used in and out of potion making. The average reported by the Fish Head coven that their witch appren-
islander is most likely aware of, or can identify a handful of tices find one uncommon ingredient for every five common
Combat Utility Whimsy
common ingredients, though they likely use them for alter-
nate purposes. As the name would suggest, common ingre-
ingredients when exploring the wilderness. That makes it
roughly five times easier to find a common ingredient than
Brush Reed 1 10 6
dients are much easier to come by than their uncommon it is to find an uncommon ingredient. Aside from making a nifty hairbrush, brush reed also is well-known for its potion making properties. Brush reeds
or rare counterparts, but the ratio at which the different can be found next to ponds and lakes in the lowland areas.
ingredients can be found are often shocking.

8 9
Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy
Bundle of Driko Twigs 1 1 2 Earwax 0 0 0
The aromatic wood of the driko tree is a common scent in temples, shrines, and village markets on Obojima. An unpleasant truth is that the role of earwax in potion making is more important than people like to discuss.
Many woodcutters dry stacks of driko twigs in the sun making the summer months smell fantastic. Aside from Though earwax is plentiful, it’s not all the same in potion mixing terms, and some varieties come at a steeper
being able to get driko twigs in almost any village, there are an abundance of driko trees all over the island. price than others.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Camp Mite 6 4 8 Fish Folk Tooth 9 4 3
These small, spherical bugs are covered in stiff hairs that enable them to stick to fabric and even skin. They are Fish folk teeth have long been used by witches in making potions, especially those used for breathing underwa-
drawn to the warmth of campfires and bedrolls; a fact attested to by anyone who’s spent more than a couple of ter. Fish folk go through many teeth in their lifetimes and over the centuries, thousands of discarded teeth have
nights sleeping under the stars. washed up on the coastline near their underwater caves and grottoes. But a word to the wise, most fish folk are
very territorial and are not fond of interlopers idly beachcombing on their shores.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Chicken Egg 1 1 2 Fish Head 4 5 4
While to some, an egg is an egg, there are Obojiman chicken farmers who can discuss late into the night the For potion brewing, any old stinky fish head will do.
various qualities and virtues of the perfect egg.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Clay Snake Tail 8 6 5 Flash Paper 6 9 1
Clay snakes are fairly docile and non-venomous, which makes catching one a fairly easy task. The tips of a clay This highly combustible paper can be procured during the numerous festivals that villages all over Obojima cel-
snake’s tail are in high demand from witches and potion makers, and luckily for the clay snakes, their tails grow ebrate during the various seasons. Because of these festivals, there is a tradition of making flash paper and every
back within a few weeks. Clay snakes are found by riverbanks and lakeshores where there are rich deposits of village makes a different variation from ones that burn in bright, vivid colors to others that sizzle and whistle.
clay, but the most desirable ones are found in the Land of Hot Water.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Cloud Horn 1 0 0 Green Slime 8 6 7
Cloud horn flowers bloom in the spring. In the late summer months, a seed pod in the middle of the flower Green slime appears as a viscous green mass with weak acidic properties. Healers favor green slime as an un-
cracks open and a light, fibrous fluff emerges—a fluff that is highly sought after by potion makers and brewers. guent in topical ointments. Howlers often keep globules of green slime tucked in their cheeks. The substance
Cloud horns are usually found in meadows and grasslands, and prefer dry climates. green slime is cultivated from larger, living omnivorous monsters of the same name.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Creeping Bolete 3 10 6 Chisuay’s Heavenly Tea 2 7 5
These colorful mushrooms are constantly on the move, creeping through the forest floor. No one knows exactly Even outside of potion brewing circles, the properties of Chisuay’s Heavenly Tea is talked about in reverent
what they are looking for, if anything, or if they’re just spreading their spores. tones, and there are many competitions around the island to see who makes the best blend of tea, and Chisuay’s
Heavenly Tea blend always takes first place. Although wild tea is found throughout the highlands of Obojima, the
highest-quality tea is found in fields where heirloom tea is cultivated and raised with great attention and care.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Dorrin Plate 7 8 4 Gohaku Rice 3 2 3
Dorrin plate is a naturally occurring stone that can be broken off in large sheets and used as roof tiles, crockery, For some reason, the lustrous and plump rice grown in the Gohaku region is always of exceptional quality and
or building material. Potion makers have discovered that Dorrin plate is filled with minute crystals that are good taste. At some point, the magical properties of the rice were discovered, a fact that Gohaku rice farmers talk
for enhancing magic properties. Dorrin plate is found in rock formations near the mountain town of Dorrin. about with a certain amount of pride.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Dried Fruit 2 1 4 Hakuma Sapwood 5 1 9
Dried fruit is plentiful on Obojima but there are certain artisans who know how to preserve and concentrate the Hakuma sapwood is a fragrant and combustible wood that comes from the center of the hakuma tree. It is
flavor and vibrancy of the fruit in such a way that it borders on mysticism. Although dried fruit can be bought at burned at shrines and sacred sites throughout Obojima, delivering a complex and pleasing incense that clears
markets and from farmers from all over Obojima, the best dried fruit for making potions is from fruit trees that the mind and soothes the soul. Hakuma trees are quite common across the island, but unless you are a priest, a
grow around the base of Mt. Arbora. druid, or know the proper rituals, most Obojimans frown on taking limbs from these trees.

10 11
Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy
Hill Dragon Egg 9 3 8 Lovers Vine 0 0 2
Looking like pumpkin-sized acorns, hill dragon eggs can remain dormant in the ground for a year or more before The lovers vine is actually two distinct vines that have developed a symbiotic relationship where one draws
they hatch. Hill dragon eggs are usually buried out of sight, but certain flowers like to grow around burial pits nutrients from the soil and the other provides a strong stem and ability to grasp and climb. Singly, neither vine
giving their positions away and egg-hunting hogs can be trained to sniff them out. Not known for powerful ma- provides a medicinal or magical effect, but when both are boiled together, their mixed properties are truly po-
ternal instincts, hill dragons lay their eggs in clutches all across the plains, dales, and rolling hills of Obojima. tent. Lovers vine can be found in most forests but it is especially fond of marshy areas.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Howler Fur 10 5 4 Mandrake Root 8 5 2
Howler fur has certain arcane properties that are sought after by witches and warlocks for their various brews. This hardy root is difficult to process and is often boiled for hours before being used medicinally. Once softened
Some Obojimans believe that a tuft of howler fur that is burned in a fireplace can ward off evil spirits. Howler the crimson root can be used in a number of balms and elixirs. It is often found in shady areas near the base of
fur can be found snagged on bramble thickets, along game trails, and near howler camps within and around the shrubs and trees.
forests and caves where they dwell.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Itchi Beri 0 1 0 Mellowort 4 8 7
Itchi berries can be harvested in clusters from under the vibrant green leaves of the Itchi plant, which are known Go into any hot spring or spa and the scent of Mellowort is sure to be wafting around with its soothing aroma.
to cause severe rashes on exposed skin. The berries themselves are harmless and sweeten when reduced to a jam. There are many songs written by bards about the benefits and relaxing properties of this flowering plant. Mel-
Itchi plants are most often found on riverbanks, their leaves pointing toward the peak of Mt. Arbora. Sages have lowort is a tall, slender plant that is found in the lowlands of Obojima.
speculated about this phenomenon for generations, but no conclusive evidence has laid the matter to rest.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Jumping Bonfire 6 4 10 Monkey’s Coil 2 0 1
This brightly colored flower is well-known throughout Obojima for the unique way that it propagates its seeds. Monkey’s Coil is a tiny flower that sprouts a spiraling growth wound so tightly that it can only be forced open
When the flower of a jumping bonfire plant is knocked by a passerby, its petals begin to wriggle about mimicking with tremendous strength. Among a local guild of sages from the Coastal Highlands there are those to claim to
flames and the seeds within it shoot out from the central stem with an audible popping sound like logs cracking know the secret of releasing the coil in a less forceful manner. The flower grows on a kind of ivy that links mon-
on a fire. The jumping bonfire plant is the delight of children all over Obojima, and every village is sure to key coil flowers together into a lattice that farmers often plant in place of hedgerows.
have one.
Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy
Jack-O-Lantern Bits 2 1 3 Mountain Ox Dung 10 3 8
Many witches say that the process of carving a Jack-o’-lantern bestows a certain amount of magic into the pump- In the hands of a skilled potion crafter, a nice, sun-dried, ox dung pie has many uses. Mountain oxen roam wild
kin, and lighting a candle within it absorbs the energy of the special time of the fall season when most witches in the foothills and are quite grumpy, so caution is advised.
agree that magic is at its most potent. Thus, pieces of a Jack-o’-lantern are imbued with eldritch energies that are
key to certain potions and magics.

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Kloth Leech 1 1 1 Mouse Tree Nut 4 6 5
Kloth leeches are approximately the size of a handkerchief and come in a variety of colors. They tend to gather Despite its overall nutritiousness, the bitter, grittiness of the mouse tree nut often precludes it from being eaten
in groups made up of leeches of different colors, forming what resembles clumps of patchwork cloth. There are as a snack by most folk. However, the mouse tree nut is beloved across the island because of its shell, which is
druidic communities in the Gale fields who have learned to make entire garments from trained kloth leeches. used to make instruments like castanets or a type of flute called a “mouse kisser.” Mouse tree nuts grow on stout,
gnarly trees that grow in normally unsuitable areas, such as cliff sides or inside ruined buildings.

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Knobble Leaf Seaweed 1 1 1 Narutomaki 0 0 0
There are many different kinds of seaweed on and around Obojima, most of which are quite tasty and nutritious, These delicious narutomaki cakes are made in markets and taverns all over the island of Obojima. Many villag-
but none is more sought after than knobble weed. Many cooks use knobble weed in their soups and salads, and es have naruto competitions to see who can make the most tasty and aesthetically pleasing naruto cakes, all in
there are some witches and warlocks that use it for spells. Knobble weed can be found washed up on the beaches honor of the local guardian spirit or to celebrate a good season of fishing or a bountiful harvest.
of Obojima and growing in thick kelp beds along the sea floor surrounding the island.

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Kojo Root 6 3 2 Nobblewort 3 1 2
You can find kojo root hanging within every shrine and temple on Obojima as it is considered good luck. Dried Nobblewort is a fairly common lichen whose bumpy, knobbly texture gives it its name. You can often see a
kojo root is also ground into a powder and used as seasoning in many dishes across the island. bundle of nobblewort hanging from the eaves of many village houses as it is said to ward off bad luck and
mischievous spirits. Nobblewort can be found clinging to most deciduous trees across the island.

12 13
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Oporion Glass 1 10 0 Raka Paste 4 10 0
This translucent glass can be found in many different colors and is often used by swordsmiths as sharpening A pulpy mixture of soot and the oil pressed from the seeds of a raka plant, raka paste is commonly used to repair
stones because of its high durability and fine polish that it leaves on the blade. It is often found underwater broken pottery vessels. When it dries, it hardens into a glossy glass-like substance. Many households have raka
or in caves. paste, which is commonly stored in a shallow hexagonal dish and covered in a film of wax to keep it from
drying out.

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Origami Crane 6 0 10 Rattle Shoot 10 8 7
Obojiman wizards say that due to their focus and intention, origami artists weave subtle energies into the folds Rattle shoot plants are wanted for their seed pods which dry out in the summer. As soon as the first rain comes,
and shapes of their creations so that even a simple crane contains a bit of magic. However, the best and most the seeds begin to rattle inside the dry pods and then blast out in a peppering of seeds that scatter them a great
useful cranes are found in sky kite village. distance. Rattle shoot plants are found mainly in the Gale Fields in the center of the island.

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Pink Candle Wax 2 2 0 Ribbon Rot 5 3 9
Wax tinted pink is part of the folk magic tradition associated most closely with the villages of the Gift of Shu- Ribbon rot is a strain of purple mold that devours wood. Obojiman villagers are always on the lookout for any
ritashi. According to such traditions, minor prayers or blessings are inscribed in the wax. When a candle made signs of this as ribbon rot can quickly eat the supports of a house and bring the whole structure down within a
from pink wax is lit, it is believed that the magic is released, increasing the likelihood that the prayer will be matter of months. Ribbon rot can be found in old, dilapidated houses and snags within damp forests.
fulfilled. The practice remains common in rural communities, while brewers across Obojima seek the wax for
their own trade. Pink candle wax is found in most herbalist and wizarding shops.
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Peeping Willow 0 0 1 Rust Crab 8 4 2
The peeping willow is known for its peculiar peeper flowers, which bear an unsettling resemblance to eyeballs. Rust crabs are plentiful and cantankerous, making them a prize for fisherman but a tricky crab to catch as they
Unless dried, the flowers are poisonous to eat. The “eyelid” petals are prized by clothiers as a source of deep often clip through cages with their unusually strong claws. Rust crabs are quite fond of chicken. They can be
red dye. found in the waters surrounding Obojima.

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Poison 9 8 0 Scalefruit Rind 4 2 2
There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned poison to spice up a potion. Scalefruit are fist-sized fruits that are covered by a thick, scaly rind. Although the outside of a scalefruit is
rather unappetizing, the interior is sweet and delicious, and is easily scooped after the fruit is cut in half. Many
scalefruit farmers can be easily identified as they always carry a sharp cleaver and a metal scoop. Scalefruit trees
are found along the coastline as they love sandy soil. Many seaside villages have their own creative versions of
scalefruit drinks that they proudly serve to travelers.
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Pungent Sea Foam 5 7 5 Seashell 0 0 1
Collected from the seashore in corrupted areas, this sea foam is toxic to the touch. Only the most skillful of The beaches of Obojima are covered with different kinds of seashells. Many paths and walkways in the seaside
potion makers can use its magic properties without causing harm. villages are covered with simple white shells. Some of the more decorative ones are sold in shops.

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Pyramid Melon 2 2 2 Sea Water 1 0 0
Some druids claim that the pyramid melon gets its shape from the forces that form the cosmos. and to contem- Sea water is a staple in many potion brewing processes but some master potion makers will demand seawater
plate the melon will reveal secrets beyond space and time. Most children, however, simply enjoy the tart fruit from certain areas around Obojima due to the particular elements, minerals, and energies present in the waters
and make a game of spitting the seeds. around that particular region. For those adventurers with a penchant for fibbery or a desire for easy money,
a master can taste the difference in the waters around Obojima, so don’t try to fool them with just any old
sea water.
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Queen’s Dilemma 7 5 3 Sheep Dragon Wool 10 8 7
Long ago, when the nakudama ruled the land, it is said that Queen Okumi was tricked by a wicked beast who The thick wool of the sheep dragon has been used by Obojimans for centuries as clothing, blankets, and even felt
sought to steal her heart. As they were about to be betrothed, a mushroom spirit sacrificed itself to poison the armor. Many villages have dyed sheep dragon wool in many vibrant colors. While most sheep dragons are domes-
beast and reveal his true nature. Because of the mushroom’s courage, Queen Okumi spread its spores throughout ticated, there are still wild sheep dragons roaming the grasslands of Obojima.
Obojima, and that is why queen’s dilemma mushrooms are so plentiful.

14 15
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Spindle Leg Spider Webs 5 9 6 Windbloom 6 7 0
The silky, strong webs of the spindle leg spiders are woven in thick hammock-like nets under bushes and in These miniature sweet-smelling flowers drift in vast clouds, staying aloft for weeks riding wind currents. It is
dense tall grass. The webs are strong enough to catch small animals which the spindle web spiders wrap and not uncommon for windbloom clouds to attract various swarms of pollinating insects. Though they are most
hang in their silken larder. Spindle leg spiders are found in forests, under large bushes, and in areas where the commonly found in their airborne state in the Gale Fields and the Land of Hot Water, windblooms originate on
grass grows tall. the slopes of Mt. Arbora, clinging to sparse patches of earth.

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Snap Vine Sap 0 2 0 Witch’s Broom 3 0 5
Snap vines are carnivorous plants with a thick central stalk and many thinner grasping, hook-like tendrils that The thick, straight stalks of witch’s broom are perfect for enchanting as they don’t warp or shatter when imbued
they use to ambush unsuspecting birds and small rodents. The sap is a viscous orange-red fluid. with powerful magic—especially the kind used for flying brooms. But other parts of witch’s broom—the leaves
and flowers—are used as well for making potions and herbal concoctions. Witch’s broom can be found in abun-
dance along roadsides and pathways of Obojima.

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Spirit Root 6 0 9 Witch’s Eye Coral 1 0 10
Spirit root is called such because many Obojimans believe that if you leave it under your pillow at night it will This coral is seen as a bad omen by most Obojiman fisher folk. Some say that a new clump of witch’s eye coral
remove any bad spirits—especially those who plague children with nightmares. Some villagers also believe that grows every time a curse is uttered. Witch’s eye coral can be found after some underwater searching in most
spirit roots are where dara come from. Spirit root can be found growing out from between rocks in and around parts of the Shallows.
mountainous and seemingly desolate areas.

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Squid Ink 4 9 7 Yugi Sap 0 4 2
Squid ink is highly sought after by calligraphers and fine clothiers as the ink makes for excellent writing ink and Though yugi sap is commonly found seeping from trees of every species, it is not a naturally occurring sub-
a rich, colorful dye for the finest clothes. Some chefs also prize the ink to add some color and a unique flavor stance. Spirits who retreat into a tree have a transformative effect on it. Leaves might grow in a different shape
to their soups and dishes. Squid ink can be found in the many different kinds of squid that live in the waters or color, or a dazzling new fruit might emerge. However, every tree inhabited by a spirit produces yugi sap. This
surrounding Obojima. sticky substance is often used as a sweetener. However, some canny craftspeople know the secret to making
strong glass-like vessels from it.
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Tangle Weed 8 8 4 Yuma Shrub 5 8 4
Fisherfolk are at constant war with these plants, which snare fishing lines. It is commonly believed that tangle The leaves of the yuma shrub secrete a strong, pleasant-smelling oil that is known to repel biting insects and
weed is not natural but is a species bewitched by [fishfolk] to torment land dwellers who come too close to the flies. Most soapmakers use yuma shrub oil in their soaps, and dogs and cats are often seen with a cluster of yuma
water. This invasive species can be found clumped together throughout the Shallows. leaves tied to their collars to keep fleas and ticks away. Once the smell of the yuma shrub is experienced, then
they are quite easy to find by their smell alone and they can be found all over the island.

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Ube 2 6 5
Ube has long been eaten as a staple by Obojimans and there is rarely a festival feast that doesn’t feature ube
cooked in a variety of ways. Many villages have a shrine with offerings dedicated to the spirit of the ube, usually
in the form of a jolly spirit yam. While ube grows wild, there are many farmers who cultivate it to create new,
more delicious varieties, especially in the western foothills and lowlands where the climate is just right.

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Varrow 0 1 0

Every Obojiman has fond memories of the scent of varrow on summer days as the plant secretes a fragrant resin
to protect its leaves on days when the sun is hot. Many Obojimans use varrow as flavoring in teas or as an in-
cense as its smoke has a distinct and pleasant aroma. Along with its medicinal properties, Varrow, fresh or dried,
is a good base for any magic potion. Varrow grows almost everywhere on Obojima but is commonly found near
the coast. Like their common counterparts, uncommon ingredients There are 45 known uncommon ingredients. It’s been
Combat Utility Whimsy
are found all across Obojima, though their uses outside of reported that the Fish Head coven believes uncommon
Venus Fly Rat 9 2 8
potion making are often more eclectic. The average islander ingredients are roughly one hundred times easier to locate
is most likely aware of, or can identify a single uncom- and procure than a rare ingredient. This would make a rare
Named after a strange document found in the ancient observatory, the Venus fly rat can draw blood from an mon ingredient. One such reason islanders are less aware ingredient five hundred times more difficult to obtain than
unwary beast without any sensation, using its needle-sharp teeth and numbing saliva. Swarms of Venus fly rats
of these more uncommon ingredients is often due to their a common ingredient.
have been known to kill livestock, making them the bane of farmers everywhere. Venus fly rats live in caves near
affiliation with more dangerous locations or creatures.
the Observatory where the first of their kind was found. They echo-locate in the darkness using their ears and
sensitive pronged tails.

16 17
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Black Pearl 13 14 15 Dragon Root 14 15 16
Nothing is more coveted by purveyors of magic than the dreamlike luster of a black pearl. Some magicians claim There is no discernable rhyme or reason for where dragon root is located on Obojima. But like all such mysteries,
that gazing into the swirling iridescence of a black pearl can bring you visions of a possible future event or help legends abound. The story most often repeated regarding dragon root claims that wherever it is found, it marks
you find a missing object. Black pearls are found inside the giant hornshell clams that are found in the Shallows the footfalls of a spirit dragon from a bygone age named Runivarish. Whether or not this is true, or not, locals
around Obojima, and most of these are guarded fiercely by [gorlup] warriors. do find it peculiar that dragon root, once harvested, will grow in the exact same spot, as if marking something.
Dragon root burns hotter than most woods and coals and is therefore valuable to both brewers and smiths.
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Black Cinnamon 16 12 11 Essence of Ill Omen 16 12 11
For some reason that is unknown, black cinnamon trees emanate a subtle magic and one in every hundred or so There is great debate among witches whether this mercurial substance is caused by or is the cause of evil tidings,
cinnamon trees across Obojima gains this special trait. There are many legends surrounding the first black cinna- though it is understood that this ashy residue is a potent component in warding magic or spells associated with
mon tree. Kuroki village tells the tale of a wizard who walked into a cinnamon tree, turning it black—the sacred fortune. Essence of Ill Omen is created spontaneously as a kind of magical feedback from divination magic,
tree still stands to this day in the center of Kuroki Temple. which manifests as a puff of sooty vapor that can be captured in any kind of airtight vessel.

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Bottle Cap (Supa-Fizz!) 11 13 16 Essence of Glumbug 11 11 17
Perhaps the metal of the bottle cap is why they contain latent magic so sought after by potion makers… or per- Whoever first learned the art of glumbug tickling has been lost to time, but there are a few old-timers left who
haps is simply the power of Supa-Fizz! With a bit of knowledge and some diligent digging, these bottle caps can are willing to teach a willing pupil a few tricks. Glumbug ticklers are the only ones who know how to extract
be found in and around the more habitable areas of Obojima. the glowing glumbug essence, as it cannot be gathered by squashing or dissecting the shiny bugs. Glumbugs are
mostly found under stones and in caves.

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Crackling Jasper 17 15 12 Feather Rock 13 17 15
Some say that crackling jasper contains restless fire spirits that incessantly battle among one another causing As its name suggests, feather rock is a paradoxical stone with a peculiar nature that seems to contradict the pull
the stones to spit sparks, shoot tiny flames, and sometimes burst apart with a bang. Obojimans are known to put of gravity. These spindle-shaped stones always reach skyward, while remaining anchored to the ground on a
crackling jasper into tin cans tied to poles during festivals to scare away mischievous spirits. Crackling jasper is tapered point. Even if these stones are tipped over, they return to their “reaching” position. Howlers covet feath-
found near hot springs and lava tubes within the Land of Hot Water. er rock. Small chunks of feather rock are distributed across the island, but larger stones are found in deposits
primarily in the Gale Fields.
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Corrupted Seawater 17 11 14 Fizzing Green 12 14 12
Only the most advanced brewers or the most demented witches and warlocks are willing to expose themselves Deep within the forests of Obojima, there is a very special plant called a spiral fern that is the source of fizzing
to corrupted seawater as there is still little known about it. This purplish water has the corruption’s signature green. Only a few druids and naturalists know the secret to getting a spiral fern to release fizzing green, and they
sickly, acrid stench. For those who are intrepid enough to venture to the eastern side of Obojima, corrupted are reluctant to tell, but will gladly go and harvest the strange, effervescent substance for a trade.
seawater is easy enough to find, but be sure to bring a container that can keep the noxious fluid from spreading
its contamination.
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Corrupted Slime 16 14 13 Forge Slag 15 14 11
Slime that has become affected by the Corruption becomes opaque and inky, staining things it comes in contact Forge slag can be gathered at any foundry or blacksmithing forge, but the slag created by the fire and hammer
with. Corrupted slime retains its viscosity but it’s quite sticky. By all accounts, being near corrupted slime is strokes of a master smith is what potion makers are searching for, as there is always latent magic in the work
uniquely unpleasant and those who touch it have been known to become lethargic and listless. Corrupted slime of a master.
can be cultivated from slime monsters that have themselves been corrupted.

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Hakumon’s Ramen Broth 12 14 17 Gargoyle Powder 15 16 13
The ramen broth made by master ramen chef, Hakumon, is legendary among chefs and potion makers alike for Gargoyle powder comes from ground-up dragon eggs that have been encased in ash from ancient eruptions.
its particularly potent effects. Many ramen competitors and potion makers have been known to pay a high price Grinding up these eggs releases the magic within their bones and is often used in petrification spells, hence the
to secure a container-full of broth from Hakumon’s famed ramen shop. But be warned! For Hakumon, ramen is name. Gargoyle powder can be bought or traded only with merchants and wizards who specifically deal with
no laughing matter, and the master chef takes great pains to ensure that thieves and miscreants cannot steal his such materials. Other than that, seeking out petrified eggs in the ancient ash fields on the sides of the volcano is
broth so easily. a much more difficult and perilous task.
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Dawn Petal 11 13 17 Glow Worms of the Vale 12 15 14
The petals of the dawn blossom petals are admired by Obojimans for their unique shape, fragrance, and golden Glow worms are found in caves and marshes across Obojima and work fine as ingredients in potions, but intrepid
luster. Dawn blossom trees don’t propagate like other trees as each dawn blossom tree has been planted by a potion brewers have discovered that the wildly-colored glow worms found in the Vale of Abundance have a
nature spirit that then inhabits the tree. Despite the efforts of ambitious horticulturists, dawn blossom trees much greater potency.
only grow where they are planted by their host spirit. Because of this, they are quite uncommon and considered
sacred by most villagers.

18 19
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Happy Joy Cake 12 13 12 Mournshade 14 15 12
The makers of Happy Joy Cake are a secretive family and it is believed that at least one of them is a spirit, but As a potion ingredient, the mountain snail’s value is in its shell, which when pulverized into a powder, is used
Obojimans are nevertheless in love with the small, bite-sized treats whose recipe has been handed down for gen- in magics associated with protection. However, it’s a perilous pursuit cultivating mountain snails, for they tend
erations. Although Happy Joy Cakes are made only in Gooma Village, there are a few trusted traveling merchants to live in the lairs of dangerous predators who live in mountain caves. There, the snails feed off meat scraps left
who are allowed to distribute them across the island. behind. The snails avoid detection by masquerading as stones, though they are drawn to music.

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Kojobi Fruit 14 14 14 Munchanka Root 17 11 11
Almost every village has a couple of kojobi trees in it but they only fruit every two or three years. When a kojobi The root of the deadly munchanka plant must be handled and processed with skill and care, for it is said that
tree bears fruit it is a cause for celebration and everyone comes to take part in a Kojobi Festival where the abun- those who have eaten the wrong parts of this plant have been driven mad. Munchanka root can be found in dry,
dant fruit is made into all kinds of dishes and beverages to be enjoyed by all. arid regions.

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Laughing Moss 11 16 16 Nakudama Spice 12 15 14
Laughing moss is well-known amongst naturalists and woodcutters. As it’s fairly easy to find when you know With its distinct earthy flavor, this spice was once part of a culinary fad among nakudama. It has since fallen out
what you’re looking for. To find a patch of this moss is quite simple, as all you need to do is head to the woods of fashion, but the name remains. The spice comes from the zelk bean, which grows from a species of pond lily.
and listen for the distinctive sounds of hearty laughter emanating from a campsite in the evening. Along with These beans are harvested, fermented, and then dried before being ground into a purple powder. A few nakuda-
finding it in the wild, laughing moss is sold in special apothecaries around the island. ma farmers continue to make it, but because the process of producing nakudama spice is time-consuming and
labor-intensive, it isn’t cheap.
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Living Spud 14 12 17 Night Thistle 14 17 16
Every now and then, a spud pops out of the ground and begins a long meandering trek. Obojiman farmers call It is said that the night thistle came with the corruption and only grows on the graves of restless spirits. It
them “living spuds” and they are objects of curiosity and reverence. Wagons will stop on roads and people in blooms only on the darkest night of the new moon, putting forth an eerily skeletal, bioluminescent flower that
crowded markets will make way to let a living spud trundle through. But whatever it is that animates these attracts nocturnal pollinators. Night thistles are only found near and within corrupted regions making it danger-
wayward potatoes, that magic is desired by potion brewers who will use even the smallest snip of a living spud to ous to collect.
power their brews.
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Lions Blume 17 13 16 Noodle Eel 13 12 16
This carnivorous flower is characterized by a maw at the center of its array of honey-colored petals. Beekeepers Every now and then, a ramen chef finds a gorged noodle eel sleepily coiled in an empty bowl of ramen. All
consider the flower an invasive weed that devours bee populations. Lions blume grows in patches known as ramen chefs see them as pests as apparently noodle eels have a rather refined palate and don’t come to just any
prides on the high moors of the Coastal Highlands. Each pride has its own lineage which tries to choke out other bowl of ramen, seeking only to slurp down the finest ramen—a major irritant to serious chefs. This makes catch-
prides growing nearby. Brewers seek out lions blume because of the flower’s milky sap as well as its “teeth.” ing one difficult as it requires good ramen and no self-respecting chef will sacrifice their quality ramen for bait.

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Magic Monk’s Rice Wine 16 12 15 Opu Opu Spring Water 11 16 14
Magic Monk’s Rice Wine is a delicious and refreshing high-end spirit. Many who imbibe it say it stimulates the The sacred water from the Opu Opu Spring has always been famous for its healing properties. Villagers would
intellect and afterward their dreams are far more vivid. On each of the solstices, a delivery of Magic Monk’s Rice come from all around and make the long trek up into the mountains to collect the spring water, but recently a
Wine is handled by teams of spirits who mysteriously appear and distribute it to the taverns and temples of Obo- large troll has moved into the area and the villagers have been too afraid to travel there. Because of this, supplies
jima. Magic Monk’s Rice Wine is brewed and distilled in some unknown location within the spirit realm. of the spring water are now at an all-time low.

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Molted Lizard Skin 15 12 12 Pok Pok Flakes 13 14 13
For maximum results, try to find a whole skin that has been thoroughly dried by the sun. The crispier the better. For those potion makers who have a culinary flair, using dried flakes from the pok pok fish is a way to give a
savory and sorcerous kick to any brew. Pok pok fish are notoriously hard to catch, but there are a few fisherfolk
on the island who know all the tricks of the trade. They usually sell their wares direct to potion makers or market
shops that specialize in potion ingredients and spell components.

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Mountain Snail 14 15 12 Petrified Alligator 15 16 13
As a potion ingredient, the mountain snail’s value is in its shell, which when pulverized into a powder, is used Bards speak of the mad druid Fennistrix, who had a penchant for petrification along with a bizarre alligator
in magics associated with protection. However, it’s a perilous pursuit cultivating mountain snails, for they tend obsession that resulted in almost all of the alligators on Obojima being petrified and displayed. Legend says that
to live in the lairs of dangerous predators who live in mountain caves. There, the snails feed off meat scraps left when Fennistrix’s taxidermy hut exploded, petrified alligator parts scattered all over the island. It’s rare nowa-
behind. The snails avoid detection by masquerading as stones, though they are drawn to music. days to find a foot or a head, let alone an entire alligator, but even a small amount of it ground up releases some
of Fennistrix’s potent magic.

20 21
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Rubble from a Rubble Golem 16 11 15 Toka Truffle 15 12 14
When the animus of a rubble golem falls silent, some amount of magic continues to radiate from the chunks of Toka truffles are the goal of every truffle hunter as their pungency and deliciousness are renowned. But it was
debris that its body was formed from. At night, occasional motes of white light shoot off from these broken bits. only recently that potion makers discovered the magic properties of the truffle, making competition to find these
Brewers seek this material for its inherent magical quality, which they can use for various purposes. valuable delicacies even more heated. Toka truffles are found underground near oak trees. Apart from magic
spells or items, prized truffle hunting hogs are the best way to find these hidden treasures.

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Shadowroot 15 13 12 Vinyl Record 15 15 15
This small, knobby root only grows where its black leaves are left in perpetual shadow. Once harvested, the root These black disks are covered in a continuous spiral that moves to the center of the disk—believed to be an
must be wrapped or sealed away from light or it will rapidly wither and ancient and lost way of recording knowledge. Some sages know how to unlock the messages within the grooves,
while many Obojiman potion makers grind or melt these “records” to release the magic they contain. These
objects are found in caches where they are often stacked like plates in a restaurant. But discoveries are few and
far between, and merchants are sure to drive a hard bargain.
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Scumweed 11 12 11 Wolfenite 11 17 11
Whether it was brought by the corruption or a local plant was mutated by it, scumweed has appeared on the cor- Wolfenite is found high in the mountains in cracks and crevices between the granite boulders. For those who are
rupted coastlines of Obojima and is creeping further inland along sloughs and marshes that are affected by the more intrepid and willing to take the risk, sneaking into a howler den is another way to find a cache of this rare
encroaching corruption. Scumweed is slimy and thick. Dried scumweed can even make hardy armor in a pinch mineral as they are for some reason drawn to this rare mineral.
and more than a few monsters and witches have been known to use it for precisely that purpose.

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Sleeping Merchant 13 13 13 Wychwood 14 13 15
Known for its naturally soporific effects, the sleeping merchant got its name through its use by traveling traders The twisted, spined branches of a wychwood tree are well known by wizards and those who practice magic
who traditionally drink its dried blossoms as a tea after a busy day of hawking their wares. This water lily can be involving spirits. Many warlocks and druids use wychwood wands for their spellcasting. It is said that wychwood
identified by the nodding white blossom under a leafy umbrella. The sleeping merchant only grows in certain trees only grow in a few groves where spirits are plentiful, places where magic flows from the ground, and where
ponds and lakes which has made attempts to grow sleeping merchant plants in other bodies of water impossible. the light of the full moon can touch their branches.
Thus, the demand for this plant is high among the tea vendors of Obojima.
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Spark Plug 11 17 11 Yellow Slime 17 11 11
Spark plugs are used by potion makers to add in a small charge of magic, just enough to be a catalyst for a specif- Only those with iron constitutions or equipped with the right protective gear can withstand the nausea often
ic reaction. Most Obojimans still have no idea what these strange items are, let alone where they come from but brought on by the slime’s ripe, vinegary stench. Brewers have spent generations learning how to neutralize the
the rangers and rogues who do keep the information to themselves. unpleasant smell because yellow slime also possesses the ability to metabolize many venoms and poisons. The
substance yellow slime is cultivated from larger, living omnivorous monsters of the same name.

Combat Utility Whimsy

Spirit Tea 11 11 17
There are many fine teas to be tried all over Obojima, but only a few are legendary. One such tea is made by the
master tea blender, Chiyosei. It is said that Chiyosei leaves his body and brews this tea in the Border Ethereal,
then, through powerful magic, he brings this delicate spiritual brew back into the Material Plane. Spirit tea can
only be found at Chiyosei’s teahouse.

Combat Utility Whimsy

14 17 15
Springs come in various sizes from different machines. Because of their spiral shape and ferrous material, they
are prized by magic users to channel energies into spells and potions. Merchants who deal in arcana are always
looking for springs found within the ruins of those who came before.
Rare ingredients are unlike common and uncommon There are 21 known rare ingredients, each of which are
ingredient in many ways. The average islander has most unlisted in any recorded witch almanac. In order to find a
Combat Utility Whimsy
likely never heard of a rare ingredient, and if they have rare ingredient, potion brewers are often required to chase
Sun Shroom 13 16 14
its unlikely they’re aware of the fact that it can be used in down rumors or offer up heavy trades to get an idea of a
potion crafting. When using a rare ingredient, you’re often rare ingredients location.
Discovered by the wizard known as Karoglin the Sleepless, the sun shroom allows those who consume it to stay utilizing a resource with limited or no capabilities of replen-
awake for long periods of time. Overuse can lead to extended bouts of uncontrollable laughter and eventually
ishing itself, making it even hard for the next potion brewer
deep restless sleep. Sun shroom has a briny taste and is most commonly consumed by mixing it in tea. Sun
in need of said ingredient.
shrooms tend to grow near the roots of trees in the Wandering Forest, a fact that has led some to speculate that
energizing mushrooms are what keep the trees on the move.

22 23
Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy
Blossom of Spirit Vine 18 18 19 Fairy Willow 18 18 20
There are three cryptic alchemical tomes on Obojima that speak of the arcane energies of spirit vine and its uses. The fairy willow grows in the Spirit Realm but it appears in the physical world when it is time to bloom their soft
Only the most expert potion makers understand how to work with this plant, and of those, only a few can fully catkins in early spring. There is a botanical society on Obojima that tries to predict every year where the fairy
release its power. Spirit vine only grows in the Spirit Realm, where it is abundant. However, what makes this willow will bloom, and they haven’t yet chosen the same place twice in a row.
plant unique is the blossom. At any given moment, there is only one blossom in existence. When it wilts or is
harvested, another one will form on another vine in a random location.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Bottled Lightning 20 20 18 Giant Koi Fish Scale 18 20 18
Few wizards attempt such a feat and even fewer succeed at bottling lightning. The method, magic, and equip- The giant flying koi lazily drift among the clouds where the sun reflects on their glistening scales. Every now and
ment used in achieving bottled lightning are all closely guarded secrets. For those wishing to get some of this then, one of these scales flakes off and floats down to the ground, sometimes landing on a rooftop which is al-
crackling power, be warned that wizards charge a hefty fee for even the smallest bottle. Wizards who bottle most always seen as a good omen and cause for celebration. There are many temples and shrines that have giant
lightning can be found, usually by hearing stories of their mountaintop towers or their mad wandering into koi scales as venerated objects, and some have scenes painted on them by master artisans.
lightning storms.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Bubble Gum 18 19 20 Golden Root 18 18 18
Though its flavors are many, all bubble gum is rare. It is most commonly found stuck to walls or floors in ruined There are only a few ancient trees with roots that stretch into the deepest depths of the heart of Obojima. These
buildings or stuck to the bottoms of shoes. Rarer still is bubble gum found un-chewed and still in its foil wrap- roots absorb the harmonious energy of the natural world, which turns them into gold. Gathering them requires a
per. The chew-it-but-don’t-swallow-it nature of bubble gum is confounding to many on the island, and academics respectful and cooperative relationship with the forest spirits that guard these ancient trees. Only then will they
on the island refer to the delightful substance as “masticant.” offer a golden root to a worthy potion maker

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Coal From The Spirit Train 19 19 20 Hand of Eryo 9 5 4
As the Spirit Train trundles across the island, the occasional bit of coal that feeds its boiler bounces out, landing These extremely rare mushrooms are the most desired of all the edible mushrooms on Obojima. They tend to
by the side of the track. These fist-sized chunks resemble mundane coal in most respects, but they have bright grow in the uppermost branches, where they appear to be grasping at the sky. Forest spirits who locate one of
blue iridescent flecks in them and they vibrate sporadically. As there are no coal mines on Obojima, the origin of these mushrooms will descend on it with ravenous frenzy, so foragers who hope to harvest some of their own
this coal remains a mystery. might find stiff competition.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Crimson Octopus Ink 19 18 19 Irimbi Chrysalis 9 5 4
Artisans and scribes who use ink from the rare crimson octopus profess it makes the highest quality ink and Every ten years, deep in the forests of Obojima, the rare irimbi caterpillar climbs to the highest branches to make
dye on the island. But potion makers have found arcane uses for the ink as well, and sometimes there are heated a jade-green chrysalis in which it transforms into an irimbi butterfly. The chrysalis feels like delicate rice paper
arguments about who deserves to use the extremely rare and prized ink more. There are only three known crim- to the touch, and finding one intact is almost impossible due to tree mites, which tend to make quick work of
son octopuses in the Shallows and the Lionfish King feverishly guards one of them. To make matters even more their favorite meal.
difficult for would-be poachers or ink harvesters, crimson octopuses are intelligent, wary masters of camouflage
who rarely come out during the day.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Dragon Fang of Yutro 20 18 19 Lionfish Poison 20 0 0
In a bygone age, the dragon Yutro tormented Obojima from its lair on the [Mt. Mujin]. It threatened to eat every Only the Lionfish king or one of his royal line is capable of producing this potent poison, and to procure even a
last living creature on the island unless each family sent one member as a sacrifice. Ineh, a young nakudama tiny bit of it is a treasure indeed. Many who have tried to steal such a prize have wound up shark food or washed
metalsmith, was sent to represent her family. But she brought with her a hammer, for she had no intention of up on shore—poisoned by the very substance they sought to steal.
being eaten. A battle ensued. Aided by many spirits, Ineh smashed the fangs from Yutro’s maw, scattering them
to the far corners of the island. Fangless, Yutro surrendered to Ineh and retreated into the mountain. To this
day, however, Yutro’s fangs can be found in random places on Obojima, often embedded in the earth, in trees, or
even in stone.

24 25
Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy
Nokumai’s Frozen Breath 0 0 20 Starstone 18 0 19
High up beyond the snowline is a stark realm where many magical beings reside. One of them is the legendary Starstone is a glittering crystalline rock that came from an ancient comet that broke up over Obojima long ago
snow dragon, Nokumai, whose icy breath is desired by all who deal in things of an arcane nature. It’s rumored and scattered fragments across the island. Nakudama sages talk of this event in their sacred books, saying it was
that Nokumai’s Frozen Breath never thaws, and the great dragon only breathes once every thousand years, al- an auspicious omen, and ever since that time, the hunt for fragments of this Starstone has been undertaken.
though no one living has actually seen Nokumai and the dragon may be long gone. Starstone is very rare and is found lying on the ground or embedded in the earth. It is identified by its signature
teardrop shape and magical shimmer.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Orange Slime 20 20 20 Tears of the Moon 18 18 18
Use with caution. Handle with care. You have been warned. Orange slime is highly combustible, even in small On certain nights, a cloud in the Spirit Realm passes into the physical world and is struck by the moon’s rays
globules. It is also quite volatile. With the slightest agitation, the sticky, gelatinous substance can reduce stone which crystallizes it into a glittering mist known as moonbreath. On rare occasions, moonbreath may form into
and concrete to rubble. Most towns and villages prohibit orange slime, and its discovery is often met with panic. larger crystals known as tears of the moon, that fall to the earth to be discovered by a lucky traveler.
If orange slime is discovered, there’s usually a designated mage nearby who can be summoned to contain or dis-
pose of it. The substance orange slime is cultivated from larger, living omnivorous monsters of the same name.
It is exceedingly rare, as orange slime monsters appear only in a handful of caverns near the peak of Mt. Abrora.

Combat Utility Whimsy Combat Utility Whimsy

Ota Lantern Oil 0 20 0 Wufu Whisky 19 19 19
A lamp lit with Ota Lantern Oil can give one glimpses of the Spirit Realm. The oil is a special blend known only The location of the Wufu Distillery is a mystery, but the master distiller, Wufu, is well-known throughout Obo-
to members of the insular Ota Clan, but some of its ingredients are said to be sourced from the Spirit Realm jima where once every year he is seen buying the highest quality grains for his masterful Wufu whiskey. Master
itself. The Ota Clan sells only very small batches of their lantern oil at exorbitant prices from their village shop, Wufu only sells a few bottles of his whiskey to the highest bidder or gives them as gifts to old friends. Some
but they have been known to trade for other rare and unique items. think he is a spirit or a wizard as all attempts to track him have failed. Wufu whiskey is kept in beautiful earth-
enware jars, sealed with the Wufu emblem. Those who have tasted the legendary whiskey are said to have tasted
the spirit of kings.

Combat Utility Whimsy

Plumage of a Running Kirio 18 18 19
The Running Kirio is a rare bird of paradise with brilliant red plumage that appears only when an elder spirit is
nearby. For the extremely lucky forager, the running kirio bird may shed a tail feather with all its vigorous sprint-
ing and hopping when heralding the manifestation of an elder spirit, but many of those tail feathers are collected
by the druids who, after a sighting of an elder spirit, are sure to scour the area for this most exotic of prizes.

Combat Utility Whimsy

Ronin Neko Figurine 0 19 18
This artifact depicts a limited edition figurine of Ronin Neko, a heroic cat who fought against monsters and de-
fended the innocent. Only a few of these figurines have ever been found, but there are a few Obojiman histori-
ans who have unearthed illustrated tomes depicting the story of Ronin Neko and his brave exploits.

Combat Utility Whimsy

Sage Arol’s Beetle 18 20 0
These beetles were made famous by the legendary sage, Arol, for his use of their mandibles as quills for his pen.
But potion makers began to use the beetles for potion crafting when a witch from the Fish Head coven began to
see the rare bug in her dreams. Sage Arol’s Beetles live deep underground, fleeing even the dimmest light. On
rare occasions, they come to the surface, though the reason remains a mystery.

26 27

5 9

2 8

6 10



It is said that this potion was first brewed in the Gale
Fields by a young shepherd looking to protect their flock.
The irony was not lost on them when they drank the
After imbibing this potion, you gain lively flaming locks,
which last for 1 hour and shed bright light in a 20-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Once on
potion and took on wolflike features. When you drink each of your turns for the duration, you can cause an
this potion, you grow claws which last for 1 hour. For the unarmed strike made with your head to deal an extra 1d4
duration, your unarmed strikes using your claws deal fire damage. Additionally, you can take an action to cause
slashing damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modi- the flame on your head to flare up and burst outward,
1 RABBIT’S SPEED 4 BEAST HIDE fier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an dealing 2d4 fire damage to all other creatures within 5
unarmed strike. feet of you; using this ability causes the effects of this
Within seconds of downing this potion, you feel a Drinking this potion thickens your skin and grows potion to end early.
distinct lightness and spring in your step. For the next 10 patches of fur all around your body. Frost that would
minutes, your walking speed increases by 5 feet. normally freeze your skin instead melts on contact. For 1
minute, you have resistance to cold damage. When thrown at a point that you can see within 60 feet
of you, this volatile liquid explodes. Each creature within When you drink this potion, your eyes grow slightly
5 feet of the explosion must make a DC 14 Dexterity larger and turn the golden color of an eagle. For the next
When you drink this potion, you gain a sense of clarity saving throw, taking 1d8 force damage on a failed save, or minute, attacking at long range doesn’t impose disadvan-
and focus, and the swing of a certain weapon becomes When poured on a creature that isn’t wearing armor, this half as much damage on a successful one. tage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.
second nature to you. For the next 24 hours, you gain potion covers the target with a magical force. For the next
proficiency with a melee weapon of your choice. hour, the target has an AC of 15 while it isn’t wearing
armor. This effect ends if the target dons armor.

3 SPIRIT OF SALYRI When you drink this multicolored potion, you instantly When you drink this potion, you gain heightened senses
6 DISPLACEMENT FIELD feel magical. For 1 minute, everything you are wearing along with the sneaking suspicion that you are being
This potion is said to contain the spirit of Salyri, a great or carrying is considered magical, allowing weapons you stalked. For the next 8 hours, you can’t be surprised.
Obojiman warrior known for her fighting prowess. Drinking this silvery, glittering potion causes you to wield to overcome resistance and immunity to nonmagi-
Anyone who drinks this potion gains a certain under- shimmer and flicker, making you appear to be standing cal attacks and damage.
standing of how to effectively wear armor in combat. For next to your actual location. Until the start of your next 13 BOTTLED TORCH
the next 24 hours, you gain proficiency with one type of turn, all attacks against you are made with disadvantage. When uncorked, this potion spews a hot yellow flame
armor of your choice. from its bottle for 1 minute, which resembles the shape of
a blade. For the duration, you can make a melee weapon
attack with the fiery blade as if it were an improvised
weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 fire damage. The
blade disappears early if it is submerged in water.

28 29


21 25
14 18


15 19



This potion makes you feel tingly as it charges you When you drink this glowing red elixir, you gain advan- You can coat one melee weapon with this potion. When Your hands turn into a handsome set of powerful crab
up with static electricity. Immediately after a creature tage on the next attack roll you make within the next you hit a creature with the coated weapon in the next claws. For 1 minute, your unarmed strikes using the claws
touches you or hits you with a melee attack made with 24 hours. hour, you can force it to make a DC 12 Constitution saving deal double damage to objects and structures, and you
a metal weapon in the next 24 hours, you can use your throw. On a failed save, the weapon is no longer coated in make grapple checks using them with advantage. The
reaction to send a charge of static electricity back at that the potion, and the target begins to convulse in a manner claws can’t wield weapons or shields or do anything that
creature, dealing 1d10 lightning damage to it. Once you do
18 SLUGSKIN that could be mistaken for an awkward, clumsy series of requires manual precision, such as using tools or magic
so, the effects of this potion end. Drinking this potion makes your skin thick, slippery, and dance steps. The target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the items or performing the somatic components of a spell.
rubbery. Spears and sharp objects that would normally end of its next turn, after which the convulsing ends.

15 INCOMING! pierce your skin have a hard time getting through this 25 RUBBERSKIN
tough texture. For the next minute, you have resistance 22 PRICKLESKIN
Upon drinking this potion, you become hyper-aware to piercing damage. While the potion is active, you can When you drink this blue goo, your skin turns into
of threats from afar and your reflexes snap into action, choose to exude a slime trail as part of your movement. Drinking this potion causes spines to emerge all over your a thick gray rubber. For 1 hour, you have resistance to
empowering you to slip out of harm’s way or knock body. These spines lay flat but can be controlled by you to lightning damage.
missiles aside. For 1 minute, you gain a +2 bonus to AC stand on end. When you successfully grapple a creature
against ranged attacks.
19 THUNDERBELCH and as a bonus action while it remains grappled, you can
deal 1d4 piercing damage to the target. The effects of this
Upon ingesting this fiercely fizzing potion, roll a d4 to
determine the number of rounds before you let forth a potion last for 1 minute. When you open this potion, a keening wail comes out of
thunderous belch of epic proportions. On your turn that the bottle. When imbibed, this potion gives the drinker’s
For 24 hours after drinking this shimmering gold liquid, round, you must use your action to release the belch. 23 TINY BUBBLES vocal cords a magic resonance. As a bonus action, you can
your voice gains a crackling quality to it and your breath Each creature other than you within 10 feet of you must make a ranged attack against a creature within 60 feet of
sparks and sputters. For the duration, you can use a make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, Drinking this pink, bitter-tasting potion, causes hundreds you, using your Charisma (Performance) bonus for the
bonus action to exhale an arc of lightning at a creature a creature takes 3d8 thunder damage and is deafened of small, iridescent bubbles to emerge from your nose and attack bonus. The target is unaffected if can’t hear you.
you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the mouth and fill a 20-foot cube that you can see within 30 On a hit, the target takes 1d6 thunder damage. The effect
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 lightning creature takes half as much damage and isn’t deafened. feet of you. If the bubbles are left untouched, they float in of this potion lasts for 1 hour.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a place, remaining there for 1 hour. When a creature enters
successful one. Once you exhale this lightning, the effects a space occupied by the bubbles for the first time on a
20 TBD turn, it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a
of this potion end.
Upon ingesting this fiercely fizzing potion, roll a d4 to failed save, a cacophony of popping erupts as the bubbles When poured over a nonmagical weapon, this potion
determine the number of rounds before you let forth a burst, dealing 1d6 thunder damage to all creatures inside fills the mundane item with kinetic energy, causing it to
thunderous belch of epic proportions. On your turn that the cube. The sound of the bubbles popping can be heard vibrate with anticipation. The next time you hit a crea-
round, you must use your action to release the belch. from a mile away. ture with the weapon, the energy explodes, doubling the
Each creature other than you within 10 feet of you must damage rolled by the weapon’s damage dice. The effects of
this potion end after 1 hour or once the energy explodes.

30 31

33 37


29 31



When thrown at a point that you can see within 60 feet After imbibing this elixir, your eyes glow with a silvery- When you drink this potion, you are overwhelmed by a Drinking this potion causes you to hyperfixate on your
of you, this volatile liquid explodes, releasing a crimson blue hue. For 1 hour, you gain advantage on saving throws warm lethargic feeling that rests like a blanket over an strikes but potentially opens you to counterattacks. The
ball of gas. Each creature within 5 feet of the explosion against being charmed and resistance to psychic damage. intense burst of energy you feel swirling inside of you. effects of this potion last for 1 minute. For the duration,
regains a number of hit points equal to 1d4 + 1. Once within the next 24 hours when you take the Attack the first time you hit a target with a weapon attack on
action, you can make two additional attacks as part of each of your turns, it deals an extra 1d12 damage of the
that action. Once you do so, the effects of this potion end. same type. Until the potion’s effects end, you also take a
29 CINDERSKIN While the potion is active, you gain the ability to purr like −2 penalty to AC.
When you drink this bubbling, black potion, your skin a cat.
becomes encrusted with charcoal. For 1 hour, you have 37 RATATAM’S GLOWSKIN ELIXIR
resistance to fire damage. 34 DURABILITY
When you drink this potion, your skin begins to shed dim
When you drink this potion, your skin becomes as tough light in a 10-foot radius around you. As a bonus action,
as thick leather that, for a short time, repairs itself. For 1 you can choose to intensify this light—shedding bright
minute, you gain 10 temporary hit points at the start of light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light for an additional

each of your turns. 10 feet—or diminish the intensity again. Additionally,
you can take an action to produce a flare of blinding light
around you. Each creature within 30 feet of you that can
UNCOMMON 35 FIRE SHIELD see must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
This potion burns like a hot tamale when you drink it or become blinded for 1 minute. An affected creature can
and fills you with fiery strength. The next time you would repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
take fire damage, you take no damage and instead regain a ending the effect on itself on a success. The effects of this
number of hit points equal to half the damage you would potion last for 8 hours or until you use the flare.
31 GARGOYLE HOOCH 32 ELIXIR OF JIPAMPA have taken. The effects of this potion last for 24 hours or
This gray liquid tastes like mud and makes your tongue When you drink this potion, you can feel your nervous until you regain hit points in this way. 38 DON’T HIT ME JUICE
numb. Within seconds of swallowing the potion, your system gain a boost of furtive energy from the rabbit
skin turns to living stone. For the next hour, you gain spirit, Jipampa. Your pupils dilate and your reflexes When thrown at a creature you can see within 30 feet of
a +2 bonus to AC, and your walking speed is reduced by become enhanced. For the next 24 hours you gain a +5 you, this bright pink elixir breaks, covering the creature
5 feet. bonus to initiative rolls. Additionally, if a trigger would in juice. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom
allow you to take a reaction, but you have already used saving throw or be pacified for 1 minute. A pacified crea-
your reaction this round, you can choose to take a second ture can’t attack, cast a spell that affects an enemy, or deal
reaction; using this ability causes the effects of this damage to another creature. The target can repeat the
potion to end early. saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success.

32 33
39 43
41 46


40 44


When you open this potion, it bursts forth with a When consumed, this warming harvest beverage trans- For 24 hours after drinking this shimmering gold liquid, When you drink this potion, motes of pink light erupt
symphonic fanfare. Until the start of your next turn, forms your head into a Jack-o-Lantern. From your newly your voice gains a crackling quality to it and your breath from your body and orbit around you. For 1 minute,
you are immune to all damage. On your next turn, you formed eyes you cast a cone of glowing light, which sparks and sputters. For the duration, you can use a whenever you take damage from a hostile creature, you
can’t move or take actions, as a wave of lethargy sweeps causes creatures in a 15-foot cone to be under the effects bonus action to exhale an arc of lightning at a creature can use your reaction to teleport up to 15 feet to an unoc-
over you. of the faerie fire spell. At the start of each of your turns you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make cupied space you can see.
while the effects last, you decide which way the cone a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 lightning
faces and whether the cone is active. The effect of the damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
potions lasts for 1 minute. successful one. Once you exhale this lightning, the effects
When thrown at a creature you can see within 30 feet of this potion end. This dangerous and disliked potion transforms when
of you, this thick mudlike potion breaks, covering the used. As an action, you can uncork the potion and point
creature in tacky glue. The target must succeed on a DC 15 it toward a creature within 10 feet of you. The target takes
Strength saving throw or become restrained for 1 minute. One swig of this hearty potion will see you growing a 3d6 necrotic damage, and the potion transforms into a
The restrained target can use its action to make a DC thick coat of sheep dragon wool all around your body. When thrown at a point that you can see within 60 feet healing elixir. A creature that consumes this elixir
15 Strength check. On a success, the target is no Besides keeping you warm, it aids your survival and of you, this volatile liquid explodes. Each creature within regains a number of hit points equal to the necrotic
longer restrained. protects you from the cold. For the duration your AC 5 feet of the explosion must make a DC 16 Dexterity damage dealt.
increases by 1, and you gain resistance to cold damage. saving throw, taking 3d8 force damage on a failed save, or
The effects of the potion last for 1 hour. half as much damage on a successful one.

This potion reacts instantly with air, rapidly expanding Uncorking this potion, you are immediately assaulted
into a 15-foot-radius cloud of irritating gas when exposed. with a powerfully pungent, acrid odor. Once you drink it,
You can throw it at a point you can see within 60 feet of This potion makes you feel tingly as it charges you When consumed, you feel the essence of a long-dead your skin takes on a glowing burgundy hue and your eyes
you, causing it to break open and release the cloud there. up with static electricity. Immediately after a creature spirit overwhelm you. You feel on edge and have an turn a sickly crimson. For 1 minute, you gain a +2 bonus
Each creature within the cloud when it appears must touches you or hits you with a melee attack made with undertone of rage that boils below the surface. Roll 2d8. to AC and resistance to cold, fire, and lightning damage,
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a metal weapon in the next 24 hours, you can use your For the duration, whenever you cast a spell, you can cause as well as bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
a creature spends its reaction coughing and snorting and reaction to send a charge of static electricity back at that one target that took damage from it to take extra force from nonmagical attacks. Until the potion’s effects end,
its concentration is broken if it was concentrating. creature, dealing 3d10 lightning damage to it. Once you do damage equal to the number rolled. The effects of this your creature type changes to Demon (Fiend).
so, the effects of this potion end. potion last for 1 minute.

34 35
52 55

57 59






This crystal clear potion captures the essence of the four
great river spirits Mu, Go, Yon, and Din. For the next 24
hours, you can call on their strength to aid you. If you fail
When poured over a weapon, this heroic elixir stains it
blue and causes it to shimmer as if it were a gemstone
reflecting light. For the next minute, the weapon gains
a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead. You a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Until this effect
can do so three times before the magic of the ends, creatures hit by this weapon don’t benefit from
potion fades. any damage immunities or resistances they have, if any,
for 1 minute.
After drinking this light and dewy potion, you gain the When you drink this potion you can call upon an ancient
ability to breathe a cloud of withering vapor. For the next and devious spirit known as Many Hands. When you This potion was invented by none other than the legend- Consuming this foggy brew gives you a headache you
minute, you can use a bonus action to exhale a cloud in a do, a host of long, spindly, spectral arms reach out from ary Carla Cackletooth, a witch of considerable potion can never quite alleviate. While under the effects of this
60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC your body. Anyone who can see you when the hands first making prowess. When poured out, it summons 10 potion, you can take two reactions each round instead
17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature’s emerge must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw corrupted muks, which are at your beckon call and under of one. Each time you take a second reaction, you lose
speed is halved, it can’t take reactions, and it has disad- or be frightened until the start of your next turn; crea- your control until destroyed. a number of hit points equal to half your level. This
vantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn. tures that are friendly to you have advantage on this save. potion’s effect is permanent, and it doesn’t count against
At the start of your next turn, roll a d6. You regain the Additionally, the arms lash out from you, clawing at all the number of potions you can have affecting you at once.
use of this ability on a roll of 4–6. other creatures within 20 feet of you. Each creature in 57 HUNTER’S SPEED
that area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, a target takes 10d6 necrotic damage and When this amber potion is consumed, you gain the attri- 60 DRAGON FROG TRANSMUTATION
52 ASTOUNDING VIGOR can’t regain hit points until the start of your next turn. butes of the Hunter, one of the great beasts of Obojima.
Roll a d4. For the duration, you gain a flying speed of 90 After guzzling down this froggy potion, you turn into an
When you drink this hearty potion, you feel the strongest On a successful save, the creature takes half as much
feet, and whenever you take the Attack action, you can Ancient Dragon Frog, as if by the true polymorph spell.
and healthiest you’ve ever felt. For the duration, you gain damage, but suffers no other effect.
make an additional number of attacks equal to 1 + the This transformation lasts for 1 minute, or 10 minutes a
a number of temporary hit points equal to your hit point number rolled on the d4. The effects of this potion last Dragon Fang of Yutro was used when brewing this potion.
maximum. The effects of this potion last for 24 hours or 54 EPIC BOTTLED BOMB for 1 minute.
until these temporary hit points are lost.
When thrown at a point that you can see within 60 feet
of you, this volatile liquid explodes. Each creature within
30 feet of the explosion must make a DC 19 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 20d6 force damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.

36 37
9 14
1 5






For 1 hour after drinking this potion, everything you see
and hear is recorded perfectly in your memory. You can
recall these memories up to 24 hours later. After that, all
Once imbibed, a tingling sensation builds within you,
bubbling up into a giddy euphoria of confident charm. For
the next 10 minutes, you gain expertise in the Persuasion
the memories begin to fade with only the most memora- skill, which means you can add twice your proficiency
ble parts remaining. bonus to any ability check you make with it.


When this potion is poured over your eyes, your long- This potion is brewed for the specific task of detecting
This effervescent green potion tastes like an old sock. This potion has a violet color and smells like a spring range vision enhances. For 4 hours, you can see up to 300 tracks left by a secret path potion. These tracks appear to
When imbibed, it heightens all the senses with an expan- meadow. When you drink it, you become very calm feet away as if looking at something one-tenth as far away you as glowing footprints made with uncanny detail. You
sive, almost euphoric feeling. For the next hour, you gain and are able to sense the subtle cues from all kinds from you. also gain the ability to see into the Spirit Realm (Ethereal
a +3 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks. of animals. For the next hour, you gain a +3 bonus to Plane). The effects of this potion last for 1 hour.
Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks.
5 DETECTIVE’S TONIC Ironically, glowskin potions are jet black in color. For 4
This blue potion sparkles and fizzes when opened and hours after drinking this potion, your skin sheds bright Legend has it that Obojiman rangers would use this
makes your tongue tingle when imbibed. For the next hour, This subtle bourbon-flavored potion burns when light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional potion during long treks in the wilderness so they could
you gain a +3 bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. consumed. For the next hour, you gain a +3 bonus to 30 feet. eat unknown roots and fungi as well as drink from
Intelligence (Investigation) checks. lakes and lowland streams without fear of illness. When
3 BRUTE BREW imbibed, you gain 5 temporary hit points and resistance
10 TINY TELEKINESIS to poison damage for 1 hour.
Drinking this brownish broth fills your sinews with When you drink this potion, you feel a slight pressure
ogreish power. For the next hour, you gain a +3 bonus to When poured on your hands and feet, they temporarily behind your eyes as though something is pushing on the
Strength (Athletics) checks. become stained with a deep indigo color. For the next 14 FACE OF FUGARI
inside of your skull trying to get out. For the next minute,
10 minutes, you gain the ability to move up, down, and you gain the ability to move an inanimate object within Fugari is a figure of legend, a dragon frog who would
across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, 60 feet of you with your mind. The object can be no glower at his subjects, filling them with dread at being
while leaving your hands free. You also gain a climbing larger than 5 inches in diameter and weigh no more than swallowed whole. Drinking this potion gives you a grim,
speed equal to your walking speed. 1 pound, and it can’t be worn or carried. Moving an object bullfroggish demeanor which strikes fear into those who
in this way requires an action. You can move the object view you. For the next minute, you have advantage on
up to 30 feet in any direction, and you can’t move it more Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
than 60 feet away from you.

38 39
17 24 28

19 26

22 23 27
16 18

25 29


When you drink this brackish-smelling potion, your This potion tastes like a soup made with love. When you When you imbibe this potion, your eyes become catlike, After drinking this pink pastel potion, there is a brief
hands and feet begin to tingle. Within seconds, they turn consume it during a short rest, you can roll 1d4 Hit Dice and you can choose their color. For the next hour, you uncomfortable transformation, where the imbiber grows
a bright orange and become webbed like a mallard’s feet. (adding your Constitution modifier to each and regaining gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already a beautiful, snuffling pig snout. For the next hour, you
For the next hour, you gain a swimming speed of 40 feet hit points equal to the total) without expending them. have darkvision from another source, its range increases become very fond of truffles, perhaps even to the point of
and are able to make a very convincing quacking sound. by 30 feet. belligerence, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Percep-
tion) checks that rely on smell.
Drinking this highly sought-after potion grants you a
When you drink this potion, a billow of thick fog pours unique sense helpful for detecting ingredients. For the Also known as “craftsman in a bottle,” this well-loved
from your mouth, duplicating the effect of the fog cloud next hour, you gain a +3 bonus to all ability checks made potion is found in most homes and shops. You can pour When poured over a machine that is in working condi-
spell (no concentration required) centered on you. The to locate an ingredient. this potion over an object to repair a single break or tear tion, this dark black liquid powers up the device, allowing
cloud lasts for 1 hour, and it moves with you, remaining in it, as if by the mending spell. it to function as if it were whelmed by a spirit or acti-
centered on you. As an action, you can expel all remain- vated by the jolt spell. The machine stays powered by this
ing fog from your stomach, causing it to remain centered potion for 1 minute.
on that space for the duration. The fog produces a scent
This fiery red elixir smells of home and drinking it gives a
of your choice. sensation of comfort when consumed. For the next 24 hours, Although frowned upon in many villages, this useful 29 POTION OF SOFT STEPS
you always know the direction of the place you consider potion is still sought after by many islanders for both
home, provided it is on the same plane of existence. wholesome and nefarious reasons. You can pour the When you drink this frothy brew, you float an inch off
potion into a lock, loosening the mechanism inside and the ground and walk on a cushion of air. For the next
When this potion is applied to a pair of boots, it allows decreasing the DC to pick it by 1d4. Once a lock’s DC is 10 minutes, you gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth)
their wearer to leave a trail of magical tracks that are reduced by this potion, its DC can’t be reduced by another checks, and you leave no discernible tracks.
invisible to the naked eye. This trail is only visible to a When consumed, this liquorice-flavored potion turns liquid lockpick potion. The effects of this potion last
creature who can see invisible objects (such as one bene- your hands and feet into fur-covered paws. For the next for 1 hour.
fiting from see invisibility or truesight) or has imbibed
10 minutes, you have advantage on Dexterity checks.
a pathseeking potion. When this potion is brewed, the This lively swirling concoction transforms and solidifies
creator can choose the color of the tracks. The boots leave
into a friendly cat when poured out. The cat serves you as
tracks for 24 hours, and the tracks last for one month 22 POTION OF HEALING TOUCH
This grayish potion tastes like chewed up paper. For 1 a familiar, as if from the find familiar spell. The cat disap-
before fading from view. hour after drinking it, you understand the literal meaning pears after 24 hours.
When this glowing blue potion is poured on your hands,
it gives you the ability to heal. As a bonus action, you can of any spoken language that you hear.
touch a creature, causing it to regain 2d4 hit points.
This potion’s effects last 1 hour or until you have used
this ability.

40 41




34 42



This tropical fruity elixir tastes just as delicious as your
favorite juice. For the duration, you can breathe underwa-
ter. The effects of the potion last for 1 hour.
When this potion is applied to a magic item, any creature
that was attuned to it is no longer attuned. If the item
is being worn or carried by the attuned creature, it can
resist the effects of this potion with a successful DC 13
Wisdom saving throw.

When thrown at a creature, object, or magical effect 41 GARDNER’S SOLUTION

31 TWIN VISION 33 ESSENCE OF THE RIVER SPIRIT within 30 feet of you, this potion breaks, releasing its
contents on the target. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on When this oily, greenish potion is rubbed on a plant,
This potion must be shared with another creature, each This small, stoppered vial contains a clear liquid that the target immediately ends. the plant instantly grows to full maturity. If the plant
of them ingesting half of the potion. When the second shimmers with a faint blue light. When the vial is is too big for the space—such as a redwood tree—it will
half of the potion is consumed, the first creature gains opened, you can pour the liquid into a small pool of stop growing once it has reasonably filled the space. If
the ability to see through the eyes of the second creature, water, such as a bath or hot spring, transforming it into a 38 POCKET STOMACH the potion is imbibed, it does nothing, but it tastes like
gaining the benefits of any special senses that creature healing pool. A creature that soaks in the pool for at least maple syrup.
When imbibed, your stomach temporarily functions as a
has. While seeing in this way, the first creature is blind 10 minutes regains 4d4 + 4 hit points. The pool loses its
bag of holding, allowing you to store any object you can
with regard to its own senses. This ability lasts for 8 magic after 1 hour or once six creatures have benefited
fit in your mouth inside its extradimensional space. The 42 POTION OF EXERTION
hours, and it can’t be used if the creatures are more than from this effect.
effects of this potion last for a 1 hour, after which you
1 mile apart.
throw up anything consumed. When you drink this potion, you gain a surge of manic
34 POTION OF FREEZING energy allowing you to take another action this round at
32 SPIRIT REPELLENT initiative count 1.
Pouring this grayish blue potion into any liquid will cause 39 LIQUID ARCANA
This potion can either be imbibed or poured on a 1-foot that liquid to freeze solid for 1 hour, after which it begins
The brewer of this potion rolls a d4 to determine the 43 BREAKFAST IN A BOTTLE
square causing the nearby area to become repulsive to to thaw as normal. This effect can freeze no more than a
maximum level of the spell slot it can restore. When you
spirits. Any spirit that has a challenge rating of 5 or lower 20-foot cube of liquid.
drink it, you immediately regain an expended spell slot of The brewer of this potion rolls a d4 to determine the
within 30 feet of you or the square must make a DC 15
that level or lower. number of servings it creates. When poured out, this
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the spirit is tele-
ported to a random unoccupied space that is 35 feet away
35 POTION OF ATTUNEMENT liquid quickly forms into an appetizing breakfast, such as
from you or the square, and can’t willingly move to a some bread or pancakes. A creature that consumes a serv-
As an action, you can pour a drop of this potion onto ing of it feels satiated for the day, and its exhaustion level
space within range for 1 minute. A spirit that hasn’t made a magic item that requires attunement and drink the
this save must immediately so if it moves within range, is reduced by 1. It takes 1 minute to consume one serving,
rest. Once you do so, you instantly become attuned to and once a creature benefits from this effect, it can’t do so
becoming affected by the repellant for the duration on a that item.
failed save. again until it finishes a long rest. The food spoils after 24
hours, losing its magic.

42 43


50 51



47 53


This potion must be shared with another creature, each

of them ingesting half of the potion. When consumed,
the potion allows the imbibers to communicate telepath-
When you uncork this potion of scintillating liquid, your
senses are calmed with the smell of vanilla and honey
along with a warm spring breeze. When imbibed, you feel
ically across any distance. The effects of this potion last like your whole soul is embraced in a loving hug, caus-
for 24 hours. ing you to regain 4d8 + 4 hit points, and removing any
conditions affecting you, excluding the grappled, prone,
or restrained condition.
When imbibed, this potion offers temporary relief from 49 SHARP MIND
an ill effect. For the next hour, you gain the benefit of an When consumed, this numbing concoction sends you When this potion is downed, a crystalline cocoon begins
effect of your choice from the greater restoration spell. When you drink this potion, your mind becomes charged into a deep sleep. When you awake, your mind has taken forming around you. The cocoon becomes fully formed at
When this potion’s effects end, you lose the chosen bene- with magical energy. For the next 8 hours, you gain a +2 over a perfect clone of yourself. The clone appears to be the start of your next turn, and you can’t be contacted or
fit, causing the ill effect to return. bonus to Intelligence saving throws, and you gain resis- the same as you in every way, but it has half of your hit interacted with in any way. The cocoon is immune to all
tance to psychic damage. In addition, you can devour point maximum and is formed without any equipment damage, and it can’t be moved or destroyed by any means
whole tomes of text, reading 10 times faster than normal. other than mundane clothes. Otherwise, the clone uses short of a wish spell. While in the cocoon, you are in
46 POTION OF UNCANNY FOCUS all of your statistics, except that it is a construct. The stasis and don’t need to eat or breathe. The cocoon lasts
clone lacks the ability to learn or become more powerful, between 1 hour and 4 decades. Roll on the table below to
For 1 minute after imbibing this purplish liquid, you 50 MIND OVER MIGHT so it never increases its level or other abilities, nor can it determine the measurement of time for the effect, from
have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to
regain expended spell slots. hours to decades. Then roll a d6 to determine the exact
maintain concentration on spells. In addition, becoming When consumed, this chalky elixir turns an intellectual
While the clone exists, your original body stays in a amount of time the cocoon exists.
incapacitated doesn’t cause you to lose concentration on scholar into an athlete. For the next 24 hours, you can
a spell. use your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (your choice), constant deep sleep, where it requires no nourishment,
in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, when but it can still suffer damage as normal. The clone lasts d6 Measurement of Time
making Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) until you dismiss it or it drops to 0 hit points, at which
47 MEDITATIVE TRANCE point it disappears in a cloud of butterflies. When it
checks. You also gain proficiency in those skills for the 1 Hours
duration, if you don’t already have it. disappears, your mind returns to your original body.
This violet colored potion smells like lavender and citrus.
2 Days
The next time you take a short rest after ingesting it, you
enjoy a deep, dreamless sleep, granting you the benefits of 52 HIDDEN HAND 3 Weeks
a long rest, even if you already benefited from a long rest
in the past 24 hours. When consumed, this grainy potion heightens your 4 Months
senses and gives you a sunken feeling of untapped strength.
For the next 24 hours, you gain telekinetic powers as if you 5 Years
were under the effects of the telekinesis spell.
6 Decades

44 45



57 1

55 3


When you drink this potion, you gain the ability to cast This potion was discovered by accident by the great brew- Consuming this sweet potion gives you a calming sensa- This pale blue potion smells like ozone. When you drink
a spell that was cast by another creature within the last master, Bowark. Unsealing it fills the room with a strong tion before reinvigorating your life force and pushing you it, your mind expands, and you gain a brief but exceptional
minute. The spell has to have been cast within 100 feet of scent of hops and yeasty goodness. When consumed this into action. You regain 100 hit points, and as part of the capacity to comprehend the vast complexities of the arcane.
you, and you must be aware that the spell was cast. Once beer gives you a warm euphoric calm that makes you feel same bonus action to consume it, you can immediately For the next minute, you can concentrate on two spells at
imbibed, you can cast the copied spell once within the like everything will be alright. Until this potion’s effects make a melee weapon attack, cast a spell that targets only the same time. If you are forced to make a Constitution
next minute, without expending a spell slot or material end, you can choose to reroll any ability check, attack roll, one creature or object, or move up to your speed. saving throw to maintain your concentration, you must
components. If the spell requires a saving throw or spell or saving throw you make. You can reroll in this way a make a separate saving throw for each spell.
attack roll, you use the DC and attack bonus of the crea- total of 7 times before the potion wears off.
ture that originally cast the spell.


When consumed, this potion produces a burning sensa-
After drinking this potion, which glows like a full moon, tion that fills your body, leaving you with newfound
you gain a strange and wondrous affinity for the moon’s intellectual and physical strength. For the next hour, two
light. This potion’s effects are permanent. ability scores of your choice increase to 25.
While moonlight touches you, you can use a bonus
action to expend three hit dice. You can use this ability 58 UMI’S POWERFUL UNDERTOW
once per long rest.
This potent elixir allows the drinker to enhance their 1 POTION OF MELODIOUS BIRD CALLS 3 POTION OF INTOXICATING AROMA
When you first consume this potion, your hit point
aquatic spells with the ocean’s wrath. For the next hour,
maximum is increased by 2d10 until this potion’s effects
when you cast a spell that produces or manipulates water When you drink this frothy liquid, you can perfectly When consumed, you smell of an expertly crafted
end. This doesn’t count against the number of potions
in some capacity, the spell is cast as if using a spell slot mimic the call of any songbird for 24 hours. perfume. The effects of this potion last for 22 years. This
you can have affecting you at once.
of one level higher. Additionally, spells that use water doesn’t count against the number of potions you can have
to deal damage to a creature or object, deal an extra 2d12 affecting your body at once.
bludgeoning damage.
Alternatively, you can throw the potion into an unoc- When you drink this gritty potion, a 1-foot-diameter 4 LADYBUG KINSHIP
cupied space within 30 feet of you, breaking the glass and bubble emerges from the top of your head. The bubble
summoning three water elementals in the nearest unoc- lasts for 1 hour and moves with you, remaining centered When opened, this potion begins to evaporate quickly. For
cupied spaces. These creatures are under your control on you. Until this effect ends, you can choose to project 1 minute, as the potion evaporates, ladybugs fly out of the
until destroyed. your thoughts into the bubble, where they manifest as bottle at a rate of 500 per round. The potion stops produc-
illusory but silent words or images (your choice), which ing ladybugs once it has fully evaporated.
anyone can see.

46 47
7 16

5 9



12 17



This potion makes everything taste amazing. When you After drinking this potion, you are instantly adorned with After consuming this clear and flavorless potion, you When consumed, this potion tastes as if it were a freshly
pour it on any food, no matter if it’s a hunk of tofu or a striking and distinctive plumage. You can control it to quickly undergo a radical transformation, becoming brewed tea with the perfect amount of honey mixed in.
slab of slow-roasted brisket, essence of umami makes it create dazzling displays of shimmering feathers, irides- the child version of yourself for the next 4 hours. For For the next hour, you are unable to speak without sing-
glow with magic. When the food is tasted, it magically cent colors, and stunning patterns. When you do so, you the duration, you are one size smaller (to a minimum ing, and you have advantage of Charisma (Performance)
gives the taster their own personal version of the ulti- gain advantage on all Charisma (Performance) checks of Small), and your Strength and Dexterity become 10, checks using your voice.
mate culinary experience. made to distract or amaze. The effects of this potion last unless those scores are already less than 10.
for 24 hours.
10 MUSICAL MIXER This nearly weightless liquid grants to drinkers the attri-
Once imbibed, you can perfectly mimic the speech of a When consumed, this multicolored potion allows you butes of a dandelion, allowing them to float safely to the
person you’re not familiar with. If you can’t think of a When uncorked, this silvery elixir produces beautiful, to produce a variety of oil paints from the tips of your ground when falling and be easily carried by the wind. For
person you’ve never met, you instead mimic a random ethereal music for 1 hour as it slowly evaporates. fingers. You can change the color of the paints at will, and the next hour, you are under the effects of the feather fall
voice. The effects of the potion last for 1 hour. they never seem to run out. The effects of the potion last spell and weigh no more than 1 pound.
for 8 hours.
It stinks and now so do you! After drinking this potion, 15 AUDIO ODDITY
Drinking this fuzzy liquid gives the sensation of wool all other creatures within 15 feet of you must succeed on Is this just booze? For the next hour, you become incred-
rubbing against your entire body. When consumed, you a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be unable to will- When opened, this embarrassing and noisy potion ibly intoxicated. For the duration, you gain expertise in a
instantly grow facial hair, even if you would not normally ingly move closer to you for the duration. A creature that sounds like a man sobbing. When consumed, this potion skill of your choice, which means your proficiency bonus
be able to do so. The style of facial hair is random, and hasn’t yet made this save must immediately do so when it strangely mutes the sound produced by any spell cast by is doubled for any ability check you make with it. Until
it stays on your face until shaven off. This doesn’t count moves within 15 feet of you. The effects of the potion last the imbiber for the next 1 hour. this effect ends, all ability checks you make that don’t use
against the number of potions you can have affecting 1d4 rounds. the chosen skill are made with disadvantage.
your body at once.
8 PHOTOSYNTHETIC SKIN A well-known potion amongst investigators and
This potion is easily mistaken for brackish water. Once merchants, this thick brew acquires special insight on an As part of the bonus action to consume this potion, you
This vibrant green potion tastes like freshly cut grass. For you drink it, you can produce an egg, rock, coin, or object when poured over it. The only downside is that speak a message and hiccup a bubble, which magically
the next 24 hours, while the sun is out you regain 1 hit 2-foot-long string from your mouth. This effect lasts until you must then lick the brew off the object to obtain any contains the message inside it. You then describe a creature
point at the start of every hour. utilized. This doesn’t count against the number of potions of this information. When poured and then licked off, you are familiar with and the bubble floats to that creature,
you can have affecting your body at once. the potion reveals a minor but useful bit of information traveling at a speed of 1 mile per hour, and then pops. The
about the object. bubble pops early if it takes any damage. When the bubble
pops, it releases the contained message in your voice.

48 49
21 25 34




22 31
24 29


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. You are filled with intense feelings of confusion before This mischievous little slime can sometimes form in place When you apply this oil to an object, you assign a signa-
Aliquam molestie maximus tellus, quis convallis velit an apparition emerges from your body that resembles a of a potion. If noticed before being consumed, it can be ture sound that accompanies the object when it’s used.
egestas eu. Donec consequat libero sed ipsum suscipit young girl with onyx skin and hair and piercing green thrown to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you,
posuere. Nulla cursus leo vitae augue vulputate, eu frin- eyes. Only you can see it, and it can’t speak. It functions releasing the slime when it shatters. After hurling the
gilla turpis tincidunt. Sed suscipit ornare congue. Curabi- as the unseen servant spell and lasts for 1 hour. potion, a soda slime appears in the space and acts of its
tur ac ex in felis vehicula congue. own volition.

This bitter potion grants you a special form of speech that

This unassuming potion temporarily doubles your age when sounds like absolute gibberish to anyone who isn’t also
consumed. The effects of the potion last 1d12 months. under the effects of a hsirebbig potion. Even spells like
comprehend languages fail to decipher this speech. The
effects of this potion last 24 hours. UNCOMMON

This bland and underwhelming-looking potion coats your 27 SKY SWIMMING

mouth and gullet as you drink it, leaving a thin film. For
the next hour, all liquid you consume turns into wine After drinking this potion, you feel the sudden and
when you drink it. unpleasant feeling of wearing soaking-wet clothing. For 31 MOSSPOT 33 GRAND FRIENDSHIP
the next 10 minutes, you gain a flying speed of 15 feet and
can hover, but it looks and feels as if you’re swimming After drinking this earthy mixture, your form quickly This potion can be divided into as many as eight parts.
24 CARBONATED SNAKE through the sky. While flying in this way, you must also shifts and shrinks. You immediately polymorph into When two or more creatures consume this golden elixir,
obey the rules for underwater combat. a mossling spirit, as if by the spell. This effect doesn’t they gain a conditional ability to fly. For the next 24
When shaken and pointed in a direction, the contents
require your concentration and ends after 1 hour. hours, creatures that consumed the elixir gain a flying
of this zippy elixir shoot out of the bottle, turning into a
speed of 60 feet, but only while holding hands with all
poisonous snake midair and landing in a space within 10 28 PASSING MEMORY other creatures that partook of the potion.
feet of you. 32 INCREDIBLE LUCK
When brewed, this powerful elixir stores one of the
creator’s memories of their choice within it. When After drinking this wonderful liquid your spirits lift and 34 WITCH’S LAMENT
consumed by another creature, that creature gains the optimistic feelings pour over you. You gain advantage on
stored memory. the next 1d4 ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws Once consumed, this potion calls forth a rain cloud that
you make. weeps for you. Then in a flash of lightning, your head
takes on the form of an anthropomorphic animal chosen
by the GM. This effect is permanent.

50 51
35 41 44




38 42 45

40 47


This bitter unappealing elixir turns your stomach and is When consumed, this viscous brew tastes like wet soil. When brewed, this potion takes on the essence of Once consumed, this potion gives sentience to your
often a fight to keep down your gullet. Once consumed, For the duration, you become immune to the prone a random humanoid within 1 mile. A creature that shadow. The shadow starts to act independently of you
you grow a 6-foot-long prehensile tail, which takes a form condition. Whenever you would fall prone, you instead consumes the potion takes on the visage of that creature but is still bound to your body. It has its own emotions
decided by the GM. The tail can be used as if it were a stand up as if an invisible force kept you that way. Even for the next 24 hours. and personality but can’t interact with the world in any
third arm and can easily support your own weight. The by choice, you cannot go prone. The effects of this potion way beyond what a normal shadow could. The effects of
tail lasts for 1d12 days before falling off. last 10 days. this potion last until removed, as if it were a curse. This
44 SPIRIT SWEETS doesn’t count against the number of potions you can have
This bitter concoction tastes and smells horrible to phys- affecting your body at once.
ical beings, yet couldn’t taste more delicious to spirits,
When poured over an object that weighs 500 pounds When poured out, this silvery liquid rapidly expands and many of which would trade quite a bit for a sip of the 47 OBJECT EMBODIMENT
or less, it begins to weigh lighter and lighter. The object coats the surrounding area, creating a chalky white sheen brew. A spirit with a challenge rating of 8 or lower that
weighs up to 1d100 pounds less at the start of every hour across everything it touches. For the next 8 hours, gravity consumes this potion becomes drunk and happy for 1d4 When you drink this metallic potion, your body twists
until it weighs exactly 10 pounds. It remains weighing in a 20-foot-radius, 300-foot-high cylinder centered on days. Alternatively, the potion can be poured out, attract- and alters into an object of your choice, as if by the true
10 pounds for 1 week, after which the effects of this the potion is like the moon’s gravity. The jump distance ing spirits with a challenge rating of 2 or lower that are polymorph spell. This effect doesn’t require your concen-
potion fade. for all creatures inside the cylinder is tripled, and falling within 1 mile. When poured out, the potion attracts spir- tration and ends after 1 hour.
damage taken inside the cylinder is halved. its for 8 hours or until it is consumed.


This unappealing potion allows the imbiber to eat what- When imbibed, this elixir burns your throat and ignites
ever they can fit in their mouth with no ill effect—metal, When consumed, this potion causes your hair to grow at When consumed, this unassuming elixir magically trans- an ember within you. For 24 hours, you are immune to
poison, seawater: you name it, you eat it. The effects of an accelerated rate. Roll 1d4 + 2 and multiply it by 100 to forms your head into a random anthropomorphic animal, fire damage. When the potion’s magic finally fades, the
this potion last 1 hour. Any magical objects consumed in find out how many feet of hair you grow. After 1 minute, such as a horse, panda, pig, or raccoon. This effect lasts fire inside of you burns intensely from within, consum-
this way are hurled back up after the end of the hour. the potion wears off and all your hair falls out. until removed, as if it were a curse. This doesn’t count ing you in flames and turning your body to ash. 1 hour
against the number of potions you can have affecting later you appear in the nearest bonfire, reborn anew. All
your body at once. objects and clothing that were on your person when you
38 POCKET PORTAL 42 INVISIBLE TONIC were turned to ash are left by your original body.
When buried and left to sit for 24 hours, this potion will When poured over an object that is Small or smaller, the
sprout and form a temporary portal to the Spirit Realm object becomes invisible. The effects of this potion last
from knotted roots and mud. The portal stays open for 24 until removed, as if it were a curse.
hours before closing.

52 53






This bizarre blend of flavors reminds you of freshly cut

grass, petroleum jelly, and honey. When consumed, it sits
in your stomach like a rock and slowly swells in power.
When this potion is poured out, an illusion of your choice
appears in its space, as if by the major image spell.
A creature that uses its action to examine the image can
You gain the ability to cast one random spell of 6th level determine that it is an illusion with a successful DC 18
or lower, without expending a spell slot. This spell uses a Intelligence (Investigation) check. The illusion lasts
save DC of 17 and a spell attack bonus of +9. The effects of for 1 hour.
this potion last until the spell is cast. This doesn’t count
against the number of potions you can have affecting
your body at once.
When poured over a surface that is at least a 50-foot- The brewer of this potion chooses the likeness of a
square area and isn’t obstructed by obstacles (such as humanoid that they are familiar with. When imbibed,
trees or boulders), this pungent liquid begins to quickly you take on the illusionary form of the chosen creature.
foam and expand. After 1 minute, a newly formed and This illusory disguise is perfect in every way and matches
furnished home of grand size appears in the space. both the creature’s visage and its voice. Only creatures
with the ability to detect magic or see through illusions
(as with truesight) can discern this disguise. The effects of
52 MIND TRANSFER this potion last for 7 years or until removed, as if it were
When imbibed, this acrid elixir loosens your soul from a curse. This doesn’t count against the number of potions
your body and prepares it for transfer. The first time you you can have affecting your body at once.
are touched by a creature after consuming this potion,
your mind and soul transfer into that creature’s body. 54 UPS-A-DAISY
While inhabiting the creature’s body, you can force it to
make a contested Intelligence or Wisdom check (you both When poured over a creature or object, this creamy elixir
choose which ability to use) at the start of each of its instantly awakens the target, as if by the awaken spell.
turns. If you succeed, you gain total control over the crea- The awakened creature remains charmed by you for 1
ture until the start of its next turn. While your mind and year, instead of 30 days.
soul are away, your body is left unconscious. If the crea-
ture dies while your mind and soul are still inside it, you
also die. You inhabit the creature’s body for 1 hour, until
you dismiss the effect as an action, or until the creature is When poured, this dark elixir stains the earth and creates
targeted by a Dispel Evil and Good spell. a 10-foot cube that is void of the island’s magic, as if it
were under the effects of the antimagic field spell This
effect lasts for 1 year.

54 55



57 59


When consumed, you feel a rush of magical inspiration When you drink this potion, your hair turns dark red
flow through you. You instantly learn a random 3rd-level (if you have any), and you gain the ability to speak with
spell. You can cast it without expending a spell slot, and chickens permanently, as if by the speak with animals
once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until spell. Additionally, you can crow a sacred and thunder-
you finish a long rest. This potion’s effect is permanent, ous cackle that summons 100 chickens in a 20-foot radius
and it doesn’t count against the number of potions you centered on you. These chickens appear running from a
can have affecting you at once. distance, digging out from the ground below, and falling
from the sky in a veritable tsunami of flapping, clucking
poultry. Each creature in the area (excluding you) must
57 CRAFTER’S BREW make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 30d6 slash-
The crafter’s brew can be added to any larger container ing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
of water or a small body of water to create an enchanting successful one. Once you’ve summoned the chickens in
bath. The first nonmagical object submerged in the water this way, you can’t do so again. This doesn’t count against
for at least 1 minute gains a permanent magical effect. the number of potions you can have affecting your body
This effect is random and powerful enough that the item’s at once.
rarity should be considered uncommon or higher.
58 DANCING FEET When consumed, your body vanishes along with all the
After drinking this potion, you no longer walk or run— items you were wearing or carrying, and your sentience is
now you dance. Going from one place to another is no transferred into a random object within 100 miles of you.
longer a mundane trudge, a shuffling expression of ennui.
How you get from point A to point B is now a dazzling
dance performance. From smooth, elven waltzes, to
nakudama hops and gyrations, to the interpretive dance
forms of the dara, you explore them all. Your stylish
moves increase your walking speed by 10 feet, give you a
+5 bonus to Charisma (Performance) checks that involve
dancing, and grant you proficiency in Dexterity saving
throws if you don’t already have it. This lasts until you
dismiss the potion’s effects as an action.

56 57

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