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Read the following advertisement and mark the letter A, 8, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the cori-ect
opfion that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 6.
tJdemy: Learn Anything, Anytime
tfdeniy is an online learning platform [1) people learn new skills and inip rove their knowledge. With
over 150,000 (2) , students can (3) from a wide range of subjects. Whether you want to learn about
topics like biisines s, design, IT, and more. Udemy offers flexible learning (4) your own pace, so you can fit
courses around your schedule. \Yhet1ier you're looking (5) in your career or learn something new, tfdeniy has
something for everyone. You can access courses on your computer, tablet, or phone, making learning easy and (6)
Start Iearning today and unlock your potential with Udemy
[Adapted from U deinv — Online C o urses)
§/uestion 1: A tfiat helps fl. helping C. which help D. helped
§/uestion 2: A. learning online courses B. courses online learning
C. courses learning online D. online learning courses
Question 3: A. select B. chooxe C. pick D. find
Question 4: A. in fl. on C. at D. with
Question S: A. to be advanced fi. advancing C. advance D. to advance
Question 6: A. accessibility fl. accessing C. accession D. accessible
Read the following leaflet and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option
that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 7 to 12.
The Problem of £hiId Labour
Child labour is a significant issue that (7) many children worldwide. It often forces them to work long
hours in poor conditions, affecting their (8) and mental lie alth. Many children are unable to attend school.
which has a long-term impact on their futures. (9) these challenges, organizations like UNICE F are (10)
to p rovide better opportunities for children. They believe that through offering education and protection.
child labour can be sigiiificanfly reduced. Although child labour still remains in (11) parts of the world, efforts
are being made to (IN) its impact.
[Adapted from U N1CE F — Chil d Labour)
Question 7: A. includes B. involves C. affects D. causes
Question 8: A physical fl. mental C. social D. emotional
Question 9: A. Because of B. In spite of C. Due to D. Instead of
Question 10: A focusing on fl. look for ward to C. come up with D. find out
Question lt: A. much B. many C. little D. iiiost
Question 1z: A. decrease fi. lesse ii C. control D. reduce
Pharm the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentence to
mahe a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 13.
a. John: That sounds amazing! Italy is such a beautiful country to visit.
b. ivlary: Yes, I’m going to Italy next month, and I can't wait to explore the countryside.
c. John: Have you booked your holiday for this summer yet?
A. a - c - b B. c -a -b C. c -b- D. b -c-a
a Question 14.
a. Jenny: I'll be working as a graphic designer for an advertising
b. Jenny: Yes, I'iii really excited about it.
c. Tom: That sounds like a fantastic opportunity.
d. Toni: What will you be doing there?
e. Tom: I heard you're starting a new job next week! D.e-adbc
A. rl-a-e-b-c B. d-b-e-a-c C.e-b-d-a-c
Question 15.
Dear Michael,
a. I'iii really gratefiil for your feedback: it gave me a fresh perspective.
h. Thanks for reviewing the draft of my article on environmental issues.
c. I'm making the necessary edits now' and hope to submit it by the end of the week.
d. If you have time, maybe we can discuss the revisions over coffee.
e. I look forward to your thoughts on the updated version once it's ready.
Best wishes,
A. b-a-d -c-e B. b—a—c—e-d C. d—a—c—b—e D. b-c-d—a-e
Question 16.
a. Although it was initially difficult to adjust, I've grown accustomed to the fast-pace d work environment.
b. i.ly team and I collaborate regularly to meet tight deadlines, which keeps me on my toes.
c. For instance, iv'e’re currently vvo rking on an important project that requires constant com munication and creativity.
d. Since joining this company, I've gained a tremendous amount of experience in iiiaiiaging complex tasks.
e. Overall, 1 feel proud of the work iv'e’ve accomplished and how far iv'e’ve come as a team.
A. b -c-a -d-e B. d-a-b -c-e C. d-c-b-a-e D. c-b-d-a- e
Question 17.
a. In addition to teaching, I participated in language exchange p rogram s and helped organize cultural events for
the local community.
b. Recently, I completed a six-month internship in France. where I taught English to students of various ages.
c. Looking back I realise how much I've grown both personally and professionally during my time abroad.
d. This experience not only improved my teaching skills but also deepened my understanding of different cultures.
e. I've alvs'ays been fascinated by languages, and my studies have taken me to several different countries.
A. d - c -a -b -e B. e-b-d-a-c C. e-c-b-d-a D. c-d-e -b-a
Read the following passage about the benefits of learning a foreign language and marir the letter A, fl, C, or D
on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 18 to 22.
Learning a foreign language has become increasingly important in our globalized world. lt not only opens up
new oppoiTiinities for communication and cultural exchange but also (18) . Despite these advantages, there
are still challenges involved in Iearning a new language, especially in (19)
i.lany educational institutions are incorporating foreign language p rograms [20) . These programs are
designed to enhance students' cultural awareness and improve their career prospects. For example, (21) in
various job markets, where employers value language skills. However, it is essential (2z) to meet the needs
of diverse learners.

Question 18. [Adapted from The Benefits of learning a Foreign languageJ

A. provides a competitive edge in a highly interconnected and diverse society
B. provide a competitive edge in a highly interconnected and diverse society
C. that provides a competitive edge iii a highly interconnected and diverse society
D. providing a competitive edge in a highly interconnected and diverse society
Question 19.
A. from which maintain motivation and interest in learning to practice every day
fl. maintaining motivation and interesting in learning to practice every day
C. that maintain motivatio n and interest in learning to practice every day
D. maintaining motivation and interest in learning to practice every dny
Question 20.
A. with the goal to improve students' overall language skills
fl. that aim to improve students' overall language skills
C. aiming to improve students' overall language skills
D. with the aim of improving students' overall language skills
Question 21.
A. 8ilingual programscan offer competitive advantages in a globalized job iiiarket
fl. Bilingual programscan help individuals to navigate multicultural iv'o rkplac es effectively
C. Bilingual pmgrams can significanfly increase eznploynbility and advancement opportunities
D. Bilingual prograiiiscan create pathways for international career development
§/uestion 2z.
A. that language education must be app ropriate to the goals and environment of use.
B. to include practical and experiential acñvities for use in the workplace.
C. that all language education focuses solely on grammar and vocabulary
D. that language education be tailored to accomzaodate various lenroiag preférences
Read the following passage about peer pressure among students and marh the letter A, fl, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the best answer to each of the following quesfions from 23 to 30.
Peer Pressure Among Youth
Peer pres sure can be particularly p revalent among teenagers, who are at a vulnerable stage of development
and seeking their identity. It is a povverfiil force that can significantly impact the thoughts, actions, and behaviors of
teenagers. During adolescence, individuals strive for acceptance and belonging, making them particularly susceptible
to the influence of their peers. Understanding the nature of peer pres sure and its effects is essential for supporting
teenagers in navigating this challenging aspect of their social lives.
One aspect of peer pressure is the p ressure to conform to the norms and expectations of a social group
Teenagers iiiay feel compelled to adopt certain behaviors, preferences, or attitudes to fit iii and avoid s cioalrjcetioe .
This conformity can range fro M relatively liarniles s choices, such as fashion trends, to more concerning behaviors,
such as substance abuse or risky activities.
Peer pressure can manifest in both explicit and implicit ways. Direct peer pressure involves explicit requests,
invitations, or demands from peers to engage in specific actions or beliavio rs. Indirect or implicit peer pressure, on
the other hand, is more subtle and involves observing others' behaviors and feeling pressured to conform
without anv explicit re 0rests. This type of pressure can be equally influential and difficult for teenagers to navigate.
It is iiiiportant to note that peer pres sure can have positive or negative implications. Positive peer pres sure can
motivate teenagers to engage in healthy behaviors, such as participating in sports, pursuing academic goals, or
engaging in community service. However, can lead to risky or hariiiful behaviors, such as substance abuse,
delinquency, or academic underachievement.
Parents, educators, and mentors play a crucial role in helping teenagers navigate peer pres sure. By fostering
open and supportive relatio iiships, adults can provide a safe space for teenagers to discos s their experiences and
concerns. Proiiioting critical thinking, assertiveness skills, and self-confidence can empower teenagers to resist
negative peer
pres sure and make independent, healthy choices.
[Adapted from "Peer Pressure: Its Influence on Teens and Decision i.faking’]
Question 23: The vs'ord "conform" in paragraph 2 is opposite in iiieaning to:
A. rexist B. adapt C. follow' D. iiiiitate
Question 24: Which of the following is NOT mentioiied as a potential outcome of peer pressure?
A. Participating in sports B. tfsing harmful substances
C. Poor academic performance D. Deve1op'ing unique personal interests
Question 25: The phrase "social rejection" in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by:
A. social approval B. social exclusion C. social interaction D. social engagement
Question 26: Which of the following best paraphrases the underlined sentence in paragraph 3?
A. Pee r p ressure can be seen direcfly through demands made by friends.
B. Friends can influence each other by their actions and behaviors without direct communication.
C. Indirect peer pressure is easier to recognize and avoid than direct requests from peers.
D. Observing tfie behaviors of those around us to conform in order to avoid being different.
Question 27: The word "it" in paragraph 4 refers to:
A. acadeiiiic performance fl. iiegative behavior C. peer pressure D. social group
Question 28: Wliich of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Pee r p ressure has only negative effects on teeiiagers.
B. Positive peer pressure can lead to healthy behaviors.
C. All peer pres sure is easy to identify.
D. Teenagers do not seek social acceptance.
Question 29: In whicli paragraph does the ivriter disciiss the role of aduJts in addressing peer p ressure?
A. Paragraph 2 B. Paragraph 3 C. Paragraph 4 D. Paragraph 5
Question 30: In whicli paragraph does the writer explain the different forums of peer pressure?
A. Paragrapli 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 4
Read the following passage about the importance of conserving water and mark the letter A, 8, C, or D ou your
answer sheet to indicate the best answer to each of the following quesfions from 31 to 40.
[1] Water is one of the most essential resoiirces on our planet, vital for all forms of life. However, increasing
demand and pollution are putting immense pressure on our freshvvater supplies. [II] According to recent stiidies,
nearly 2 billioii people worldvvide live iii countries experiencing hieh water stress. leading to a decline in the
availability of this precious resource. This situation not only affects drinking water but also agriculture, sanitation, and
energy production.
The primary causes of water scarcity incliide population groiv't1i, urbanizatioii, and climate change. As cities
expand, the demand for water increases significantly. Mo reover, agricultural p ractices that rely lieavily on water are
becoming uiisustainable in many regions. Cliniate change further exacerbates thèse issues, causing iinpredictable
weather pattern s and eKtreiiie droiights, wliich reduce water availab ility.
[III] In response to this growing crisis, everyone must prioritize water conservation. Simple actions, such
as fixing leaks, using wate r-efficient appliances, and practicing mindful consumption, can make a significant
difference. Additionally, implementing policies that promote sustainable water management and investing in
technologies for water recycling can help mitigate the impacts of water scarcity. [IV]
Despite thèse efforts, the challenges remain substantial. lt is ciaicial that we recognize the importance of
conserving water and take immediate steps to protect this vital resource for future generations.
Question 31: Where in this passage does the foüovving sentence best fit?
" Th ese stra tegi'es ca ri signi/îco ntly improve water a va ilabi'lity in stressed régions."
A. [I] B. [II] C. [II I] D. [IV}
Question 32: The word ’vital" in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by:
A. iinimportaiit B. crucial C. optional D. ha@iful
Question 33: The phrase "high water söess" in paragraph 2 refers to:
A. excessive rainfall B. significant water shortage
C. improved water quality D. reduced water
demand Question 34: The phrase "exacerbates’ in paragraph 3 is 0 PP0SITE in
meaning to:
A. worsens B. alleviates C. maintnins D. coin plicates
Question 35: Acco rding to paragraph 2, iv'hich of the following is NOT a contributing facto r to water scarcity7
A. U rbanization fl. Population growth C. Extreme droughts D. City expansion
Question 36: Wliich of the followiiig best summarises paragraph 3?
A. Governments should focus solely on teclinology to solve water issues.
B. Both the government and each individual have a role to plny in protecting water resourœx.
C. Water conservation is primarily a government responsibility, not individual.
D. The role of each individuel in protecting water resoiirces is very important.
Question 37: Wliich of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Water scarcity affects only drinking iv'ater supplies.
fi. tfrbanization decreases the demand for water.
C. Climate change negnÔveJy impacts water availabiiiiy.
D. Sustainable practices are unnecessary for water management.
Question 38: Which of the following best paraphrases the underlined part in paragraph 3?
A. Individuals should consider water conservation a secondary concern when addressing this problem.
B. Society ifeeds to focus on water conservation to effectively address the growing water shortage problem
C. Water conservation is not an urgent issue for people facing this crisis.
D. People can manage the crisis without prioritizing water conservation.
Question 39: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Applying technology can solve all probleiiis of water shortage.
B. Water conservation measures need to be widely applied to create an impact.
C. Climate change is an important factor that affects water resources globally.
D. Govei-iiiiieiits play an important role iii protecting polluted water sources.
Question 40: Which of the following best summarises the passage?
A. Crater sli o rtage is a major p roblem that requires immediate government action.
8. The importance of water conservation to combat the growing iv'ater sho rtage caused by increased demand and
cliiiiate change.
C. The impact of water shortage due to climate change on human life and agricultural developm ent.
D. Immediate action is needed to address the growing water shortage crisis.

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