1, pp 222-230, 2023
Copyright © 2023 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1313-3551 (online) doi:10.15547/tjs.2023.s.01.038
Maslow's hierarchical model of human needs has been identified by some researchers as one of the
most cognitively contagious ideas in the behavioral sciences. This model is the most recognized, the
most widely known, and it is the basis for other major content theories of motivation. Scientific
discussions in the 21st century about the merits and limitations of Maslow's theory of basic needs have
periodically intensified, since human actions cannot be explained, predicted or managed without an
understanding of their motives, the main content of which are human needs.
In spite of the controversial attitude towards the theory, it is widely used in management practice
because it is coherent, logical, evolutionarily sound and easy to understand. The paper discusses the
principle of extreme deficiency as a condition for maintaining the hierarchy of needs, the ideas of
architectural extensions of the pyramid, and rethinking the content of some of the major groups of
needs in Maslow's model - self-actualization, status, and belonging/love. The enrichment and
expansion of Maslow's hierarchy, especially at the highest levels of the needs of self-actualization and
self-transcendence, has the potential to increase the predictive power of the model in exploring
people's motivation for activity in different contexts.
Key words: hierarchy of needs, Maslow's model, model revisions, self actualization need
Maslow's interpretation of self-actualization as roles that carry meaning, value, and creativity.
difficult for any person to achieve and as The economic world has long had such
inherent mostly in successful people, does need conjectures, e.g. projected in advertising
revision and expansion. The available ideas and messages. Persuasive phrases such as "for the
assumptions discussed so far provoke the best mother" carry much more meaning than
following hypothesis (Figure 2): the realization simply satisfying a need for love and affection
of potentials and abilities can occur in domains for a child. These messages focus on a certain
that have little to do with success in society as type of meaning, self-fulfilment, self-
Maslow originally presented it. Rather, self- actualisation of the woman as mother. Kenrick
realization can be achieved and experienced in et al. (2) seem to have a point.
intimate, personal spheres for the individual,
such as love, hobbies, domestic pursuits, and in
226 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 21, Suppl. 1, 2023
In fact, self-actualization can be seen not as a Maslow concludes that there is a crucial
separate need but as the peak stage at which a difference in the motivational lives of self-
person is able to realize talents and feel meaning actualized people due to a kind of cognition he
in activities that satisfy his basic psychological calls knowledge of being (B-cognition). B-
needs for love, affection, and status. That is, if cognition is the cognitive state of complete
frustration of these needs can potentially trigger absorption, surrender, functioning and
activity for the realization of abilities and the integration, enjoyment, spontaneity and focused
discovery of meaning, for the maintenance and perception, i.e., of peak (24). It carries within it
peak satisfaction of these needs, self- its own reward. Perceptions transcend the ego,
actualization-sustaining activity is in fact are completely devoid of ego, impersonal,
triggered. In cases in which the individual finds selfless and unmotivated, focused on something
meaning in love and affection, he may realize in that has its own independent reality. Maslow
them his needs for respect and self-esteem, but can be said to be positing the protoview of
also for self-actualization and self- intrinsic motivation and the flow theory.
transcendence. Maslow himself (1, 23), also in
his other work “The farther reaches of human B-cognition is an identification of the perceiver
nature”, expound at length on his key term and the perceived, without relation to its value
"peak experience," during which the subject for the observer or its consequences for him.
connects with reality and with himself Maslow himself gives the example of the
unintentionally, not because of the benefits he mother's selfless perception of the child, with a
expects, but because of the connection itself, love that is whole, complete in its true nature,
unmotivated. The quest for self-actualization, free of utility and connection.
awareness, maturity and identity can be
Therefore, the pyramid can be modified as
satisfied at various levels of basic psychological
visualized in Figure 2.
needs, including love, dignity, self-esteem, etc.,
and is also a condition for health, happiness, and An important clarification is that, as previously
well-being. The path to self-actualization is discussed, in Maslow's hierarchy (1), each of
peak experiences, "...moments of highest the needs, when satisfied, contains satisfaction
happiness and satisfaction" (23:73). of the lower needs to a degree specifically
optimal for the individual.
Figure 2. Possible domain of self-actualization against the updated hierarchy of Kenrick, Griskevicius, Neuberg,