Lecture 6-Role of pharmacist and pharmcy ethics

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Lecture 6
Ethical Principles
1-The responsibility for the consumer
2-The community
3-The profession
4-The business
5-The wider healthcare team.
1-The responsibility for the consumer
• recognizing the consumer’s health and wellbeing
as their first priority, and utilize knowledge and
provide compassionate care in an appropriate
and professional manner.
• Make patients your first concern, well-being and
safety of patients are at the heart of professional
• Even if you do not have direct contact with
patients in your decisions or behavior can still
affect their care or safety.
• To maintain the reputation and trust that the
public has placed on the profession and refrain
from abusing this trust and respect.
• To acknowledge their place in the wider
community, including their professional role and
responsibilities to control and supply
pharmaceutical goods for optimal health
3-The profession
• Development and enhancement of the
profession by becoming involved in activities
such as training staff, teaching, being a preceptor
or mentor for students, interns or colleagues,
participating in initiatives to develop the
profession and demonstrate positive leadership.
• To keep up-to-date with knowledge of pharmacy
practice with lifelong learning and self-
development to maintain professional
competence and personal health to continue
4-The business

• The consumer’s best interest in mind and due respect

to colleagues and the reputation of the profession.
5-The wider healthcare team
• Work in cooperation and collaboration with
healthcare professionals to achieve the optimal
health outcomes for consumers.
• Show respect for others.
• Develop your professional knowledge and
• Be prepared to challenge the judgment of your
colleagues and other professionals if you have
reason to believe that their decisions could affect
the safety or care of others.
‫أقسم باهلل العظيم أن أكون أمينا ً وحريصا ً على‬
‫الشرف والبر والصالح فى مزاولة مهنة‬
‫الصيدلة وال أطلب أجرا ً يزيد على عملى وال‬
‫أفشى سرا ً وال أستغل مهنتى فى إفساد الخصال‬
‫الحميدة أو ارتكاب اآلثام وال أعطى سما ً البتة‬
‫وال أدل عليه وال أشير به ‪ .‬وأن أكون موقرا ً‬
‫للذين علمونى معترفا ً بفضلهم مسديا ً ألوالدهم‬
‫ما فى وسعى من معروف وإحسان‬
‫وهللا على ما أقول شهيد‬
Pharmacist ethics
1. Pharmacists respect relationship between the patients and
2. Pharmacist promotes the good of every patient in a caring
and confidential manner.
3. Pharmacist respects autonomy and dignity of each patient.
4. Pharmacist acts with honesty in professional relationships.
5. Pharmacist maintains professional competence.
6. Pharmacist respects the values and abilities of colleagues
and other health professionals.
7. A pharmacist serves individual, community, and social needs.
8. A pharmacist seeks justice in the distribution of health
ethical responsibilities importance
• Benefiting the patient,
• Supporting a patient’s right to self-determination
• Avoid harming the patient.
• Assisting and advocating on behalf of the patient to
ensure effective and safe healthcare.
• Protecting the patient’s medical privacy.
• maintaining professional skills and knowledge.
1-Relations between pharmacist and patient
Pharmacist must:
• Treat each patient with respect from meaning
individual approach showing no preference or
• Have psychological communication skills to be
able to achieve confidence and mutual
understanding between him and the patient.
• Act honestly and objectively, without using
personal or institutional benefit, lack of information
and ignorance of the patient about drugs and
medical products to urge the patient to purchase
2-Pharmacist and scientific progress
• Pharmacist must raise his professional level and
• Pharmacist should contribute to conducting of
various studies aimed at increasing efficiency and
accessibility of rendering pharmaceutical care.
• When creating preclinical, clinical trials of drugs,
registration, manufacture and their sales
pharmacist must follow the requirements of
international standards.
• Clinical trials of new drugs should be carried out
according to bioethical principles.
3-Relationship between pharmacist and
his colleagues
• Pharmacist must build relationships with
colleagues based on mutual respect, trust,
abide by professional ethics.
• Pharmacist should create and maintain
favorable moral and psychological climate in
the team.
• Pharmacist must criticize incompetence and
unprofessional actions of colleagues that may
harm health of the population.

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