P_Electromagnetic Forces and Mechanical Responses of Stator Winding_Tang_2020

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 5892312, 19 pages

Research Article
Electromagnetic Forces and Mechanical Responses of Stator
Windings before and after Rotor Interturn Short Circuit in
Synchronous Generators

Gui-Ji Tang,1 Hong-Chun Jiang,1 Yu-Ling He ,1 and Qing-Fa Meng2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding, China
Zhongtong Bus Holding Co., Ltd., Liaocheng, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Yu-Ling He; [email protected]

Received 30 July 2020; Revised 9 December 2020; Accepted 20 December 2020; Published 31 December 2020

Academic Editor: Daniela Addessi

Copyright © 2020 Gui-Ji Tang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This paper studies the stator winding electromagnetic force behaviors before and after rotor inter-turn short circuit (RISC) in
synchronous generator. Different from other studies, this paper not only studies the electromagnetic force characteristics, but also
investigates the mechanical responses, the damage regularity, and the countermeasure of the stator winding. Firstly, formulas of
electromagnetic force online and end part are obtained. Then, a 3D finite element model of a 3-pair-pole simulation generator is
applied to get the electromagnetic force, and the dangerous stator slot is found. Finally, the mechanical response of each end
winding is acquired, and especially the directional deformations of nose part are calculated. It shows that the occurrence of RISC
will bring in times of rotor rotating frequency components to electromagnetic force, but the DC component and 2p times of rotor
rotating frequency components are still the main that will be decreased. Additionally, the winding insulation wear in the same
layer is more serious than that in a different layer, nose fatigue fracture begins with the center, and nose insulation wear starts from
the top.

1. Introduction winding was acquired by using the ampere force formula [3].
Meanwhile, Ghaempanah and Faiz reviewed the calculation
With the increase of the generator capacity, the winding methods for the magnetic force exerted on the stator end
electromagnetic force that generates alternating stresses and winding comprehensively [4]. Comparing the finite element
stimulates vibrations becomes larger as well. Consequently, method (FEM) with Biot-Savart method, it has been found
the winding will endure worse fatigue fracture and insu- that FEM was more effective for electromagnetic analysis [5].
lation wearing. Andrey Tatevosyan and Fokina made the study on the
By far, scholars have made a lot of efforts in studying the electromagnetic field of a synchronous generator based on
winding electromagnetic force properties. For instance, the three-phase induction machine [6]. The 2D
Merkhouf et al. proposed a quasi-3D electromagnetic model field–circuit–motion coupling analysis was employed to
to compute the forces on the conductor bars in hydro- calculate the stator current in inverter-fed induction ma-
generators [1], while Sanosian et al. demonstrated how chine, as well as hydrogenerators. And the distribution of
saturation of the stator teeth, actual magnetic field distri- electromagnetic force on stator windings was calculated
bution inside the slot, eddy current in the damper bars, and [7, 8]. Comparatively, Stancheva and Iatcheva employed the
the shape of the salient poles impacted the electromagnetic 3D FEM to analyze the electromagnetic force distribution
forces in the slot [2]. According to Biot-Savart Law, the characteristics of the stator winding in turbo-generators
mirror image method was employed to analyze the end [9, 10]. Chong et al. explored the electromagnetic force of
magnetic field, and the electromagnetic force of the end involute part of the end windings by 3D FEM on nuclear
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

generator, and the vulnerable parts of double windings on fault on air gap flux density and the monitoring method
different layers are obtained [11]. In Ref. [12], the electro- based on the distorted flux density [24, 25]. Furthermore, the
magnetic forces of transformer windings in the occurrence electromagnetic characteristics and mechanical character-
of magnetic flux shunts were studied based on the finite istics, as well as the correlative variety of the electrical pa-
element method, which was validated by a double Fourier rameters induced after rotor inter-turn short circuit on
series method. An advanced FEM has been used in [13] by turbine generator, are analyzed by Wan et al. [26–28]. Then,
defining the superconductivity characteristic, and the results the BP neural network method and the sensorless online
show the efficiency of the applied method to mitigate the detection method were proposed to diagnosis rotor winding
leakage flux and electromagnetic forces of the windings. It inter-turn short circuit fault [29, 30].
has been found that, under the steady-state condition in an Actually, the authors have also proposed a prestudy on
induction motor, there were radial, circumferential, and the electromagnetic force, as well as the mechanical re-
axial forces consisting of a constant component and a si- sponses of the stator end windings in a RISC case; more
nusoidal component at the double frequency [14]. Besides, details can be found in [31]. However, the theoretical model
the armature winding properties, such as the number of in this prestudy is somewhat complex and hard to under-
winding layers and the slot fill factor, will affect the mag- stand, while the FE model, as well as the calculation result, is
netomotive force harmonic components, leading to the not accurate enough (only part of the stator/rotor/winding is
magnetic field changes. Consequently, the electromagnetic established in the FE model). Moreover, there was no ex-
force on stator windings will be influenced [15]. It shows that periment study for the validation in this aforementioned
choosing a right coil pitch may reduce the harmonic con- work. As an improvement, in this paper, we improve both
tents and improve the conductor utilization ratios effectively the theoretical model and the 3D FE model and present an
[16]. experiment study, to obtain a more accurate result. The
At the meantime, Stermecki et al. calculated the me- remainder of this paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 puts
chanical deformations of end winding in three-phase in- forward the theoretical analysis of the winding electro-
duction machines under operating load condition, using a magnetic force for multi-pair-pole generator. Section 3
3D FEM [17]. Fang et al. analyzed the electromagnetic forces calculates the electromagnetic force distribution on the line
and stresses on the stator end windings of an electrical and end part, respectively, with FEM, and it is more rea-
submersible motor during the starting transient operation sonable for comparing with the experimental results as the
[18]. Normally, the nose top, the middle point of the in- vibration of end part winding is mainly caused by elec-
volute, and the joint between the line part and the end part tromagnetic force of the end. At the same time, it carries out
are the most dangerous three positions since they get the the experiment study and validates the correction of theo-
max stresses and deformations in a 600 MW turbo-generator retic and simulated analysis. Then, the mechanical response
[19]. Meanwhile, the forces on the knuckle part of the upper analysis is illustrated in Section 4, and a detailed analysis on
part of a coil end are larger than those on the other parts. In the directional deformations and the insulation wearing
addition, the constant components and the amplitudes of the regularity is specifically carried out for the nose part con-
sinusoidal components of the forces on the same positions of sidering the complex structure and weakness. Finally, main
different coil ends in a phase belt are nearly different on conclusions are drawn in Section 5.
induction machine.
In summary, most of the studies focus on the winding
electromagnetic force properties in normal conditions, and 2. Theoretical Analysis
few of them have considered the electromagnetic force
behavior in faulty cases. Albanese et al. and Zhao et al. 2.1. Electromagnetic Force. The MMF in generator has been
studied on the end winding electromagnetic force spectrum obtained in Ref. [32], but the situation is just for one pair of
characteristics, modal, stress, deformation, and main vi- poles. Since there are some differences between the one-pair
bration shape in inter-phase short circuit conditions [20, 21]. and multipair poles, hereafter, we particularly carried out the
However, the rotor inter-turn short circuit (RISC) is gen- derivation for the multi-pair-pole generators.
erally neglected because the generator can still run for a long For the sake of convenience, in this paper, we ignore the
term until the planned maintenance point when the fault higher harmonics whose values are relatively much smaller,
degree is weak. Actually, it occurs from time to time due to and the normal MMF can be written as
many causes such as the frictions by the residual metal ⎪
⎧ f αm , t􏼁 � Fs cos ωt − pαm − ψ − 0.5π􏼁 + Fr cos ωt − pαm 􏼁

particles in the slots and in-proper assembling, and in this ⎪

case, the exciting electromagnetic force, as well as other ⎪

⎪ � Fc cos ωt − pαm − β􏼁 � Fc cos pωr t − pαm − β􏼁,

typical faulty properties, is different from that in the normal ⎪

conditions. For example, Nadarajan et al. proposed a hybrid 􏽱����������������������

modeling approach to model synchronous generator by ⎪ Fc � F2s cos2 ψ + Fr − Fs sin ψ 􏼁2 ,

combining the dq0 modeling with the winding function ⎪

approach for turn-to-turn short circuit [22]. Yucai and ⎪

⎪ Fs cos ψ
⎩ β � arctan ,
Yonggang analyzed the difference between the virtual power Fr − Fs sin ψ
and the actual electromagnetic power when RISC occurs (1)
[23], while Valavi et al. and Yun et al. studied the effect of the
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

where αm is the mechanical angle to indicate the circum- with

ferential position; see Figure 1(d). p is the number of the pole 1 π
pairs, ω is the electrical angular frequency (ω � pωr, ωr is the ⎧

⎪ a0 � 􏽚 F α 􏼁dαm � 0,

⎪ 2π −π d m
mechanical angular frequency of the rotor), Ψ is the internal ⎪

power-angle of generator, Fs and Fr are the 1st harmonic ⎪

MMF of the stator and the rotor, respectively, and Fc is the ⎨ 1 π 2If nm sin nβ′ 􏼁

⎪ an � 􏽚 Fd α m 􏼁cos nα m 􏼁dα m � − ,
vector summation of Fs and Fr as indicated in Figures 1(a) ⎪ π −π nπ

and 1(b). ⎪

For the sake of clarification, we assume that the inter- ⎪
⎪ π
turn short circuit takes place on the position of β′, as il- ⎩ bn � 1 􏽚 Fd αm 􏼁sin nαm 􏼁dαm � 0.

π −π
lustrated in Figure 1(d). If is the exciting current, and nm is
the number of the short circuit turns. The impact of RISC on (4)
MMF is equal to adding an inverse MMF to the normal one Then, Fd can be reduced to
[33, 34]. For better comprehension, the inversed MMF

produced by the short circuit turns is also shown in 2If nm sin nβ′ 􏼁
􏼨 Fd αm 􏼁 � − 􏽘 Fdn cos nαm , Fdn � . (5)
Figure 1(c). Based on the magnetic flux conservation n�1 nπ
principle, the reversed MMF can be expressed as
Considering that the rotor is rotating at ωr, the reversed

⎪ If nm π − β′ 􏼁 MMF at position αm can be finally described as

⎪ − , −β′ ≤ αm ≤ β′ ,

⎪ π
⎨ ∞
Fd αm 􏼁 � ⎪ (2) Fd αm 􏼁 � − 􏽘 Fdn cos nωr t − nαm 􏼁. (6)

⎪ If nm β′ ,
⎪ n�1
⎩ other,
π As indicated in Figure 1(b), the MMF after RISC can be
where Fd can be expanded by Fourier series as written as

Fd αm 􏼁 � a0 + 􏽘 an cos nαm 􏼁 + bn sin nαm 􏼁, (3)

⎪ f α m , t 􏼁 � F s cos pω r t − pα m − ψ − 0.5π 􏼁 + 􏼐 Fr − F dp 􏼑cos pω r t − pα m 􏼁 − 􏽘 Fdn cos nωr t − nαm 􏼁

⎪ n�1,n ≠ p

⎪ ∞

⎪ � Fcs cos pωr t − pαm − c􏼁 − 􏽘 Fdn cos nωr t − nαm 􏼁,

⎨ n�1,n ≠ p
⎪ (7)

⎪ 􏽲���������������������������

⎪ 2

⎪ Fcs � F2s cos2 ψ + 􏼐Fr − Fdp − Fs sin ψ 􏼑 ,

⎪ Fs cos ψ

⎪ c � arctg
⎩ ,
Fr − Fdp − Fs sin ψ

where Fcs is the vector summation of Fs, Fr and Fdp, as where Λ0 is the PPUA (Λ0 � μ0/g0 ), g0 is the average value of
indicated in Figure 1(b). the radial air-gap length between the stator core and the
Comparing Figure 1(c) and equation (7) with the result rotor core (as shown in Figure 1(d)), and μ0 is the per-
in Ref. [32] (Figure 2 and equation (11) in this reference), it meability of air/vacuum.
is shown that the multi-pair-pole generators will have a Neglecting the affection of windings connection, the
different MMF distribution from that of one-pair current of winding on αm can be written as
B αm , t􏼁lv f αm , t􏼁Λ0 lv
The magnetic flux density (MFD) is composed of the I αm , t􏼁 � � , (9)
MMF and the permeance per unit area (PPUA), and it can be z z
obtained by multiplying these two [33]. where l and v are the effective length and the line velocity of
the magnetic flux cutting the stator bar, and Z is the re-
B αm , t􏼁 � f αm , t􏼁Λ0 , (8)
actance of the stator winding.
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

+A +t +A +t

E0 E0
Fcs Fs
Fc ψ FC ψ

I β I

o Fr Fr-Fdp o Fdp
(a) (b)
Fr y

αm S
N αm
–π π

S 2β′ N x
If nmβ′/π Rotor
αm Stator Shorted
–π –β′ β′ π
–If nm(π–β′)/π circle N S

(c) (d)

Figure 1: MMFs before and after RISC: (a) normal condition, (b) RISC case, (c) inversed MMF (down) and Rotor MMF (up), and (d)
schematic diagram of air gap.

Magnetic shielding F (t)

Pressing ring

Insulated bracket Winding

x (t)

Tie line

Insulated press plate D

Clamping finger Stator core

(a) (b)

Figure 2: End winding model: (a) end winding support; (b) simplified mechanics model in radial direction.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

According to the electromagnetic induction law, the

force on the winding whose upper line (see Figure 3(f )) is at
the circumferential position αm can be written as

f2 αm , t􏼁Λ20 l2 v
FL αm , t􏼁 � B αm , t􏼁I αm , t􏼁l �

⎪ F2c Λ20 l2 v

⎪ 􏼂cos 2pωr t − 2pαm − 2β􏼁 + 1􏼃, normal,

⎪ 2Z

⎪ ∞ ∞

⎪ ⎪

⎪ F2cs cos 2 pωr t − pαm − c􏼁 + 􏽘 F2dn cos 2 nωr t − nαm 􏼁 + F2cs + 􏽘 F2dn ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ n�1,n ≠ p n�1,n ≠ p ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎨ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

�⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ 2 2 ⎪ ⎨ ∞ ∞ ⎪

⎪ Λ 0 l v

⎪ − 􏽘 2F cs F dn cos 􏼂(p + n) ω r t − α m 􏼁 − c 􏼃 − 􏽘 2F cs F dn cos 􏼂(p − n) ω r t − αm 􏼁 − c 􏼃 , RISC,

⎪ 2Z ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ n�1,n ≠ p n�1,n ≠ p ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎩ ⎪
⎩ + 􏽘 􏽘 F dn F dk cos􏼂(n − k) ω r t − αm 􏼁􏼃 + 􏽘 􏽘 F dn F dk cos􏼂(n + k) ω r t − αm 􏼁􏼃 ⎪

n�1,n ≠ p k�1,k ≠ n n�1,n ≠ p k�1,k ≠ n

⎪ FE αm , t􏼁 � 􏽚 FEk αm , t􏼁dlend ,

⎪ lend

⎪ sin θk

⎪ FEk αm , t􏼁 � ke B αm + αk , t􏼁I αm , t􏼁sin θk � ke Λ20 lvf αm + αk , t􏼁f αm , t􏼁

⎪ Z

⎪ ⎪
⎧ ke F2cs Λ20 lv sin θk

⎪ ⎪
⎪ 􏼂cos 2pωr t − 2pαm − 2β − pαk 􏼁 + cos pαk 􏼃, normal,

⎪ ⎪
⎪ 2Z

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ∞ ∞
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪ ⎢

⎢ F2cs cos 2 pωr t − 2pαm − 2c − pαk 􏼁 + 􏽘 F2dn cos 2nωr t − 2nαm − nαk 􏼁 + F2cs cos pαk + 􏽘 F2dn cos nαk ⎤⎥⎥⎥
⎨ ⎪
⎪ ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥
⎪ ⎢
⎢ n�1,n ≠ p n�1,n ≠ p ⎥⎥⎥
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ∞ ∞ ⎥⎥⎥
⎪ ⎨
⎪ ⎢

⎢ − 􏽘 Fcs Fdn cos􏼂(p + n) ωr t − αm 􏼁 − c − pαk 􏼃 − 􏽘 Fcs Fdn cos􏼂(p − n) ωr t − αm 􏼁 − c − pαk 􏼃 ⎥⎥⎥
⎪ ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎢
⎢ n�1,n ≠ p n�1,n ≠ p

⎪ ⎪ 2
ke Λ0 lv sin θk ⎢ ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥,
⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ RISC,

⎪ ⎪
⎪ 2Z ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ∞ ∞ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪ ⎢

⎢ − 􏽘 F F cos 􏼂(p + n) ω t − α 􏼁 − c − nα 􏼃 − 􏽘 F F cos 􏼂(p − n) ω t − α 􏼁 − c + nα 􏼃 ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢
⎢ cs dn r m k cs dn r m k

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ n�1,n ≠ p n�1,n ≠ p ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ⎥⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎢

⎢ ⎥⎥

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎣ + 􏽘 􏽘 F F cos 􏼂(n − k) ω t − α 􏼁 − nα 􏼃 + 􏽘 􏽘 F F cos 􏼂(n + k) ω t − α − α 􏼁 − nα k ⎦
⎩ ⎩ dn dk
n�1,n ≠ p k�1,k ≠ n
r m k dn dk
n�1,n ≠ p k�1,k ≠ n
r m k


where FE and FL are the forces on the end part and the line components, and the frequencies of these new components
part, respectively, and FEk is the electromagnetic force at an are times of the rotor’s mechanical rotating frequency ωr.
arbitrary point K of the end winding, and a bar to indicate a Because the amplitude of Fdn is much smaller, especially
space vector. lend is the curve of the end part, (αm + αk) refers when the harmonic order n goes larger, these new com-
to circumferential position of point K, ke is the MFD factor ponents are mainly weak harmonics, so the DC and the 2ω
of end point K, and θk is the angle between the current vector component are still the main ones. However, their ampli-
and MFD. tudes are both decreased due to the reduction of the MMF by
As indicated in equations (10) and (11), in normal the short circuit, as shown in Figures 1(a) and 1(b), and Fcs is
conditions, the electromagnetic force on both the line part smaller than Fc.
and the end part includes mainly a DC component and a Although RISC decreases the primary components (DC
harmonic component at 2pωr (that is, 2ω), which accords and 2ω), it brings in new harmonics that could be closer to
with the result presented in Ref. [9]. It is also suggested that the natural frequencies of the winding. Consequently, the
the electromagnetic force in RISC case has much more winding is potential to endure the sympathetic vibration,
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Drive motor Exciter
0% 25% 50% 100%
C1 C2 C3 C4

C1 C4
C2 C3


Radial vibration sensor

Axial vibration sensor Tangential sensor


1 2 3 9 10 11 12 18 19 20 21 27 28 29 30 36 37 38 39 45 46 47 48 54 1 2

A1 X1 A2 X2 A3 X3 A4 X4 A5 X5 A6 X6

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6

Figure 3: Continued.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

Stator core Stator windings

windings Rotor



Nose Joint

Upper line

(f )

Figure 3: Continued.
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering


Figure 3: MJF-30-6 prototype generator: (a) picture of generator set, (b) vibration sensor set, (c) winding distribution of Phase A, (d)
winding connection of Phase A, (e) 3D physical model, (f ) structure of stator winding, (g) mesh solution of generator model, and (h) mesh
solution of stator winding.

which is of high probability to damage the winding in both experiment study. The finite element analysis includes both
the metal structure and the insulation properties. Therefore, the electromagnetic force and the mechanical response
it is of great significance to study these new force compo- calculation, while the experiment study mainly tests the
nents. For the sake of comparison reference, the amplitudes winding vibrations (response of the exciting forces). More
of the former 6 force harmonics of a 3-pair poles syn- details can be found in Section 3.
chronous generator, which is the study object in the next
section, are listed in Table 1. 3. FEA and Experimental Study
3.1. FEA and Experiment Setup. We employ the MJF-30-6
2.2. Mechanical Response. The structure of the stator end type prototype generator as the study object as illustrated in
winding is illustrated in Figure 2(a). The electromagnetic Figure 3(a). It is in the State Key Laboratory of Alternate
force can cause the end of stator winding to vibrate and bring Electrical Power systems with Renewable Energy Sources,
about insulation wear, while the line part of stator winding is P.R. China. The primary parameters of the generator are
fixed in the stator slot and fastened with slot wedge. Hence, listed in Table 2, and the stator winding connection of Phase
the influence of line part’s electromagnetic force on the end A is indicated in Figures 3(c) and 3(d).
part can be ignored. The mechanical model of stator- For the electromagnetic force FEA, the 3D transient
winding system is shown in Figure 2(b). The dynamic solution type is selected, and the physical model is shown in
equation can be listed as follows: Figure 3(e). The stator winding includes four parts, namely,
Mx″ (t) � FEk αm , t􏼁 − Dx′ (t) − Kx(t), (11) the line part, the joint, the involute part, and the nose part, of
which the later three form the end winding, as shown in
where M is the mass of the stator winding end part, D is the Figure 3(f ). The line parts are laid in double layers in the slots
damping provided by the tie lines, K is the stiffness provided and are defined as upper bar/line and lower bar/line, re-
by both the winding’s material elasticity and the tie line, and spectively. The end part extends outside the stator core and
x (t) is the displacement/movement matrix of the mass forms a basket-shape. Since each coil is composed of an
points. upper bar and a lower bar, for clarification, each winding is
Specifically, the electromagnetic force excitation on the marked by the slot number of the upper bar. For example,
end winding corresponds to the response of the first order Winding 1 refers to the winding that is composed of the
vibration. The displacement represents the amplitude of upper bar in Slot 1, the lower bar in Slot 9 (see Figure 4), and
vibration. As the electromagnetic force is periodic, the the end part, which connects these two line parts. Moreover,
corresponding response will also be periodic, and this pe- the excitation current is set to DC 1.8 A in the coupling
riodicity of the end winding displacement is represented by circuit of armature winding. As shown in Figures 3(g) and
vibration. The vibration will aggravate the winding insu- 3(h), there are three types of grids in meshing, and the total
lation wear and reduce the service life of generator. number of mesh elements is 146787. The “length based” grid
Hereafter, we will carry out the finite element calculation is used for both cores and windings, and the “surface ap-
through electromagnetics-mechanical coupling and the proximation based” grid is also chosen for windings
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9

Table 1: Amplitude of the former 6 force harmonics.

Normal condition RISC
Component (Line: ×0.5Λ20 l2 v/z, (Line: ×0.5Λ20 l2 v/z, Amplitude varying tendency
End: ×0.5ke Λ20 lv sin θk /z) End: ×0.5ke Λ20 lv sin θk /z)
Line: F2c , Line: F2cs ,
DC component Decreased
End: F2c cos pαk End: F2cs cos pαk
ωr (16.67 Hz) 0 Line and end: Fcs Fd2 + Fcs Fd4 Increased
2ωr (33.33 Hz) 0 Line and end: Fcs Fd1 + Fcs Fd5 Increased
3ωr (50 Hz) 0 Line and end: Fcs Fd6 Increased
4ωr (66.67 Hz) 0 Line and end: Fcs Fd1 Increased
5ωr (83.33 Hz) 0 Line and end: Fcs Fd2 Increased
6ωr (100 Hz) F2c Line and end: F2cs Decreased

Table 2: Key parameters of MJF-30-6 prototype generator.

Parameter Value Winding1
Rated capacity 30 kVA 10
Rated voltage 400 v
Rated rotating speed 1000 rpm Y
Number of pole pairs 3
Connection mode of stator winding 2Y
X 1
Coil pitch 8 28 Z
Power factor 0.8
Operating temperature 75°C
Indexing slots of rotor 42
Real slots of rotor 30 37 46
Number of stator slots 54
Rated exciting current 1.8 A
Number of turns in per stator slot 72 turns
Number of turns in per rotor slot 88 turns
Length of rotor 220 mm A+ A–
Stack length 220 mm C– C+
Inner diameter of stator 1230 mm B+ B–
Outer diameter of stator 2400 mm
Inner diameter of rotor 500 mm Figure 4: Most dangerous insulation damage windings, which are
Outer diameter of rotor 1228.3 mm in black circles.
Air-gap length 0.85 mm
Stacking factor 0.95 Three PCB accelerometers with very little volume and
mass are fixed to the same stator end winding bar. One was
set in radial direction to acquire the radial vibration signal,
considering the complexity of the structure. For the air gap one was set in the tangential direction for the tangential
between the rotor and stator cores, the “cylindrical gap vibration, and the other was set in the axial direction to
based” grid is adopted because of the smallness of the space. acquire the axial vibration signal, as shown in Figure 3(b).
The solution time is solved for 400 ms, and the step length
was set to 0.5 ms. All of the end windings are assigned
parameters of force, and the field results of 240 ms to 400 ms 3.2. Results and Discussion. Since the three-phase windings
are saved for postprocessing. are symmetrically distributed, the electromagnetic force on
During the experiment, the generator was connected to the three-phase windings should be similar as well. Limited
the power grid. The exciting current was set to 1.8 A, the line by the calculating resource, only Phase-A windings are
voltage was 380 V, and the phase current was 30 A. RISC is calculated as presentation.
set by connecting the short circuit taps C1 and C2 through a The MFD on the stator winding is shown in Figures 5(a)
rheochord, as shown in Figure 3(a). The short circuit degree and 5(b). It indicates that the MFD on the line part is larger
can be changed by adjusting the value of the rheochord, and than that on the end part since the magnetic field in the end
it is calculated by region is generally a leakage field, which has smaller am-
plitudes. Moreover, it is shown that the occurrence of RISC
If′ will decrease the MFD. This result coincides with the pre-
Fd � × 25%, (12)
If viously theoretical analysis because Fcs is smaller than Fc, as
indicated in equations (1) and (7), and Figures 1(a) and 1(b).
where If′ is the short circuit current, and If is the exciting And it can be further verified by the current, which is a
current. During the experiment, If′ was 0.09 A, and the inter- significant reflect of MFD, as illustrated in Figures 5(c) and
turn short circuit degree was 1.25%. 5(d).
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

B (tesla) B (tesla)
1.8361e – 003 1.5573e – 003
1.7214e – 003 1.5601e – 003
1.6068e – 003 1.3629e – 003
1.4921e – 003 1.2657e – 003 Z
1.3775e – 003 1.1684e – 003
1.2629e – 003 Z 1.0712e – 003 Y
1.1482e – 003 9.0744e – 004
1.0336e – 003 Y 8.7678e – 004
9.1893e – 004 7.7955e – 004
8.0469e – 004 X
6.8233e – 004
6.8965e – 004 5.8511e – 004
5.7501e – 004 4.8789e – 004
4.6037e – 004 3.9067e – 004
3.4573e – 004 2.9345e – 004
2.3109e – 004 1.9623e – 004
1.1645e – 004 9.9008e – 005
1.8046e – 006 0 100 1.7874e – 006 0 100
Time = 0.36s Time = 0.36 s
Speed = 999.999999 rpm Speed = 999.999999 rpm
Position = 0.000000 deg Position = 0.000000 deg
(a) (b)
50 60

Current of phase A (A)

Current of phase A (A)




–50 –60
300 310 320 330 340 350 360 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Time (ms) Time (s)
Normal Normal
(c) (d)

Figure 5: MFD and current of Phase A: (a) normal MFD, (b) MFD in RISC case, (c) current by FEA, and (d) current by experiment.

The electromagnetic forces are displayed in Figure 6. It is during design and manufacturing. However, the data in
suggested that the electromagnetic force on the joint is the Table 3 shows that the max stress does not happen on the end
largest, while the nose part is the second, as shown in winding 2 because of the complex end involute shape and
Figures 6(a) and 6(b). This result is consistent with [19]. The force directions.
electromagnetic force waves are similar before and after The electromagnetic force spectra of winding 1 are il-
RISC; see Figures 6(c) and 6(d). However, it is distinct that lustrated in Figures 7(a)–7(f ). It is shown that, in both the
the electromagnetic forces on each winding in the RISC normal and the RISC conditions, the electromagnetic force
cases are smaller than those in normal conditions, as il- includes obvious DC and 100 Hz components. However, as
lustrated in Figures 6(e)–6(g). This can be easily compre- RISC takes place, some weak components, which are 1–5
hended since Fc > Fcs and the electromagnetic force F is in times the rotor’s mechanical rotating frequency (16.7 Hz,
proportion to the square of MMF f, as shown in equations 1000 rpm), will appear.
(10) and (11). For a better comparison, the electromagnetic forces
Comparing Figures 6(e)–6(g) with each other, it is spectra of Phase A windings on the upper line parts (U1, U2,
suggested that the electromagnetic forces on different U3), the lower line parts (L1, L2, L3), and the end parts (E1,
windings will be varied. The upper bars have a larger value E2, E3) are illustrated in Figures 7(g)–7(i). Since there are no
than the lower bars, since they are closer to the rotor, and the such harmonics whose angular frequencies are from ωr to
magnetic resistance is smaller (the magnetic resistance is in 5ωr in normal conditions, in Figure 7(h), the force distri-
proportion to the radial air-gap length). The max electro- bution displays only the RISC case. It is suggested that the
magnetic force on the line part appears on winding 1 upper amplitudes of both the DC and the 100 Hz components will
line, while the max electromagnetic force on the end part be decreased as RISC occurs, as illustrated in Figures 7(g)
occurs on winding 2. Therefore, slot 1 and its wedge may and 7(i). These conclusions are consistent with the previous
endure larger stress, and special attention should be paid to it theoretic analysis in Table 1. In the meantime, these weak
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11

Volume-force (N/m)
Volume-force (N/m)
2.1012e + 005
1.9512e + 005 2.0866e + 005
1.8012e + 005 1.9376e + 005 Z
1.6512e + 005 1.7887e + 005
Z 1.6397e + 005
1.5012e + 005
1.3513e + 005 1.4908e + 005 Y
1.2013e + 005 Y 1.3419e + 005
1.0513e + 005 1.1929e + 005
9.0134e + 004 1.0440e + 005
7.5136e + 004 8.9507e + 004 X
6.0138e + 004 X 7.4614e + 004
4.5141e + 004 5.9720e + 004
3.0143e + 004 4.4827e + 004
1.5145e + 004 2.9933e + 004
1.4746e + 002 1.5040e + 004
1.4650e + 002
Time = 0.36s 200 400 (mm)
200 400 (mm) Time = 0.36 s
Speed = 999.999999rpm
Speed = 999.999999 rpm
Position = 0.000000deg
Position = 0.000000 deg
(a) (b)

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

Force (N)
Force (N)

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
300 320 340 360 300 320 340 360
Time (ms) Time (ms)
Upper line part Upper line part
Lower line part Lower line part
End part End part
(c) (d)
1.0 0.18

Force (N)
Force (N)


0.7 0.16
1 2 3 1 2 3
Winding number Winding number

Normal Normal

(e) (f )
Figure 6: Continued.
12 Mathematical Problems in Engineering


Force (N)


1 2 3
Winding number


Figure 6: Electromagnetic forces on Phase A windings: (a) normal force distribution, (b) force distribution in RISC case, (c) and (d)
electromagnetic force waves of winding 1 before and after RISC, and (e), (f ), and (g) max value of force on upper line, lower line, and end
part, respectively.

Table 3: The maximum of deformation and stress of each winding.

Deformation (10−7m)/time (s) Tendency Stress (104pa)/time (s) Tendency
Normal 9.187/0.0385 5.974/0.0620
Winding 1 Increase Decrease
RISC 9.188/0.0385 5.928/00385
Normal 2.1138/0.0555 2.508/0.002
Winding 2 Decrease Increase
RISC 2.1129/0.0555 2.818/0.002
Normal 719.3/0.0380 540/0.0380
Winding 3 Increase Increase
RISC 736.3/0.0380 554/0.038

components on the lower line parts are not as clear as those 430 MPa, respectively. The line parts are constrained by fixed
on the other parts; see Figure 7(h). supports. Automatic meshing is adopted, and 1082 nodes are
The tested vibration result is indicated in Figure 8. It is generated for each end winding.
shown that the harmonic at 100 Hz has the prominent Considering that the stress and deformation distribu-
amplitude. As RISC happens, the amplitude of the key vi- tions of the winding will be similarly repeated, only the
bration component at 100 Hz will be decreased. It is con- results of winding 1 are presented as shown in Figures 10 and
sistent with the previously theoretical analysis and 11. The maximum values of the deformation and the stress,
electromagnetic force FEA result, as shown in Table 1 and together with their occurring moments, are listed in Table 3.
Figure 7(i). Moreover, the vibration is larger in radial than in As indicated in Figures 10 and 11, the joint and the nose
axial or tangential direction, and this phenomenon is in of end winding are the two most dangerous positions be-
accordance with the deformation property in the structure cause they have the serious stress and the max deformation.
FEA simulation, as shown in Figure 9. Because the rotor is The occurrence of RISC will not change these dangerous
rotating at 16.7 Hz, there are some components that are positions. During practical monitoring, these two positions
times of the rotating frequency, for example, 50 Hz, 68.4 Hz, should be paid more attention since fatigue fracture and
and so on. insulation wear will most probably start from these two
locations. Practically, we also found some damage pictures in
4. Winding Damage Regularity these two parts; see Figure 12. The significant counter-
measure against insulation damage is that, during the
The insulation property will be degraded due to the intensified manufacturing/assembling, the nose part is screened with a
alternating stress for a long term, and then the fatigue fracture wear-resistant coating such as grapheme, and the joint is
will happen. On the other hand, the winding deformation protected with high-strength load reduction kits.
reflects the vibration amplitude since the vibration is the It is suggested from Table 3 that winding 3 endures the
periodic movement (deformation). So the insulation material most serious stress and deformation, while winding 1 stands
will be damaged by the wearing due to the excessive defor- the second largest value. The value on winding 2 is much
mation. To study the impact of RISC on the winding stress smaller than that on winding 3. The reason is that windings 1
and deformation, the physical model, as well as two cycles of and 3 are in the phase-shift boundaries, as the armature
electromagnetic force density data, was imported to the magnetic fields of the neighboring phases interact with each
transient structural module for the mechanical response other. Additionally, it is shown that the RISC will decrease
calculation. The winding material is defined as copper alloy the max stress of winding 1 and deformation of winding 2,
whose yield strength and ultimate strength are 280 MPa and while increasing the others.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 13

0.50 m1 0.10 m1 m2
0.40 0.08

Force (N)

Force (N)
0.30 0.06 Name X Y
Name X Y m1 0.00 0.09
0.20 m1 0.00 0.45 0.04 m2 100.00 0.09
m2 100.00 0.41
0.10 0.02
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Freq (Hz) Freq (Hz)
(a) (b)
0.50 m1 0.50
m2 m7
0.40 0.40 Name X Y
m1 0.00 0.43
Name X Y
Force (N)

Force (N)
0.30 m1 0.00 0.44
0.30 m2 16.67 0.03
m3 33.33 0.03
m2 100.00 0.38
0.20 0.20 m4 50.00 0.01
m5 66.67 0.02
0.10 0.10 m6 83.33 0.02
m2 m3m4 m5 m6 m7 100.00 0.40
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Freq (Hz) Freq (Hz)
(c) (d)
0.10 0.50
m1 m2 m1
0.08 0.40 m6
Name X Y
Force (N)

Force (N)

Name X Y m1 0.00 0.42

0.06 0.30
m1 0.00 0.08 m2 16.67 0.02
m2 100.00 0.08 m3 33.33 0.02
0.04 0.20
m4 50.00 0.02
0.02 0.10 m5 66.67 0.01
m2m3m4m5 m6 100.00 0.37
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Freq (Hz) Freq (Hz)
(e) (f )
0.5 0.025

0.4 0.02

Force (N)

Force (N)



U1 U2 U3 L1 L2 L3 E1 E2 E3 16.67 33.33 50 66.67 83.33
Winding number Freq (Hz)
Normal U1 E2
U3 L2
L1 L3
(g) (h)
Figure 7: Continued.
14 Mathematical Problems in Engineering



Force (N)



U1 U2 U3 L1 L2 L3 E1 E2 E3
Winding number


Figure 7: Electromagnetic force spectra: (a–c) winding 1 upper line, lower line, and end part in normal case, respectively, (d–f) winding 1
upper line, lower line, and end part after RISC, respectively, (g) DC component comparison, (h) force amplitude in RISC case for
components from ωr to 5ωr, and (i) amplitude comparison at 6ωr (100 Hz).

150 150 150

X: 100

Y: 105
Radial amplitude (mm/s2)

Axial amplitude (mm/s2)

X: 100
100 100 Y: 88.06 100
Tangential amplitude

X: 50 X: 68.4
Y: 98.99 Y: 93.22
X: 50
Y: 77.18
50 50 50
X: 100
Y: 52.13

0 0 0
0 200 400 0 200 400 0 200 400
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b) (c)
150 150 150
X: 100 X: 50
X: 50

Y: 140 Y: 110.8
Radial amplitude (mm/s2)

Y: 132.4
Axial amplitude (mm/s2)

X: 68.4
100 100 100 Y: 87.13
X: 100
Tangential amplitude

Y: 103.8

X: 100
50 50 50 Y: 67.21

0 0 0
0 200 400 0 200 400 0 200 400
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(d) (e) (f )

Figure 8: Stator end winding vibration: (a), (b), and (c) vibration acceleration spectra in normal, respectively, (d), (e), and (f ) vibration
acceleration spectra after RISC, respectively.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 15

Directional deformation (mm)

B A 0.000875


Axial 0.000375

Tangential 0.000125
Radial Axial Tangential

(a) (b)
0.0002 0.0625

Directional deformation (mm)

Directional deformation (mm)




0 0
Radial Axial Tangential Radial Axial Tangential
Normal Normal
(c) (d)

Figure 9: Directional deformation amplitude of nose part before and after RISC: (a) probe positions, (b) winding 1, (c) winding 2, and (d)
winding 3.

B: normal B: short
Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress-Winding 1-End Time Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress-Winding 1-End Time
Type: equivalent (von-Mises)Stress Type: equivalent (von-Mises)Stress
Unit: Pa Unit: Pa
Time: 6.2e – 002 Time: 3.85e – 002
Nose center

59740 59280
53102 52693
46464 46107
39827 39520
33189 32933
13276 19760
6637.8 13173
2.35e – 9 Max stress 6586.7
2.292e – 8 Max stress

(a) (b)

Figure 10: Maximum stress of end winding 1 before and after RISC: (a) normal condition, (b) RISC.

In actual generators, for instance, hydrocool generators, and top, respectively, so the nose fatigue fracture will begin
the nose is not only the electrical connecting part, but also from the center, and nose insulation wear will start from the
the connecting part for the cooling water. So this part is top.
always the weak point. Figures 8 and 10 indicate that, for the To better study the deformation components in the
nose part, the max stress and deformation occur on center radial, axial, and tangential directions of the nose part, we
16 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

B: normal B: short
Total deformation-Winding-1End Time Total deformation-Winding-1End Time
Type: total deformation Type: total deformation
Unit: m Unit: m
Time: 3.85e – 002 Time: 3.85e – 002
Nose top
9.188e – 7
9.187e – 7 8.1671e – 7
8.1662e – 7 7.1462e – 7
7.1454e – 7 6.1253e – 7
6.1247e – 7 5.1044e – 7
5.1039e – 7 4.0836e – 7
4.0831e – 7 3.0627e – 7
3.0623e – 7 2.0418e – 7
2.0416e – 7 1.0209e – 7
1.0208e – 7 0 Max deformation
0 Max deformation

(a) (b)

Figure 11: Maximum deformation of end winding 1 before and after RISC: (a) normal condition, (b) RISC case.

Nose wearing

Nose damaged

(a) (b)



(c) (d)

Figure 12: Pictures of nose and joint damage: (a) and (b) nose part damage, and (c) and (d) joint part damage.

illustrate these directional deformations before and after while the tangential and the axial deformations will generally
RISC for the three windings of Phase A, respectively, as keep the same. Additionally, the deformation is larger in
shown Figure 9. It is found that the axial deformation on the radial than in tangential direction. Actually, In view of the
nose of winding 1 will be enlarged by RISC, while the radial double-layer lap structure of the end windings, the insu-
and the tangential deformations will generally keep stable. lation wearing in the same layer is mainly caused by the
For winding 2, the deformation components in the three radial and the axial deformations, while the insulation
directions will all be slightly decreased. On the contrary, the wearing in different layers depends on the tangential and the
radial deformation for winding 3 will be greatly increased, axial deformations. Consequently, the winding wearing
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 17

would be more serious in the same layer than different the study achievements obtained in this paper are highly
layers. potential to be employed as a basis for the further investi-
According to Table 3 and Figure 9, in one phase, the nose gations in other related problems for the similar electric
part on the last winding, which touches the main flux lines machines.
later than others along the rotor’s rotating direction, will be Moreover, further study will be based on the shape of
the most dangerous position for insulation wearing. The stator winding [see Figure 3, and (8)] in the electrome-
most dangerous positions for Phases B and C have the same chanical property, and it will be beneficial for the condition
regularity, as the black circled windings illustrated in monitoring and fault diagnosis, as well as the calculation
Figure 4. improvement during design session.

5. Conclusions Data Availability

This paper carries out a detailed investigation on the elec- The data used to support the findings of this study are
tromagnetic force behaviors of stator windings before and available from the corresponding author upon request.
after RISC in multi-pair-pole synchronous generator. Pri-
mary conclusions obtained from theoretical analysis, the Conflicts of Interest
finite element calculation, and the experimental study are
drawn as follows. All the authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
The mathematical expressions show that the electro- regarding the publication of this paper.
magnetic force includes both DC and AC components.
Normally, the 2pωr harmonic is the prominent electro- Acknowledgments
magnetic force component that will excite the winding to
vibrate at 100 Hz. The occurrence of RISC will decrease the This work was supported by the National Natural Science
2pωr harmonic but will bring in new fractional harmonics, Foundation of China (51777074), the Hebei Provincial
which are times of the rotor’s mechanical rotating frequency Natural Science Foundation (E2020502032), the Chinese
ωr. Consequently, the stator winding will have more vi- Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
bration components, which may be close to its own natural (2017MS146, 2018YQ03), and the Hebei Provincial Top
frequencies and lead to a sympathetic vibration. By these Youth Talent Support Program ([2018]-27).
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developing tendency can be assessed fast, and therefore, they References
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