Childhood Adverse Experiences and Personality Disorders in Outpatients With Addiction
Childhood Adverse Experiences and Personality Disorders in Outpatients With Addiction
Childhood Adverse Experiences and Personality Disorders in Outpatients With Addiction
Citation: Anna Rita Atti, Maurizio Speciani, Ferdinando Cerrato, et al. Childhood Adverse Experiences and Personality Disorders in
Outpatients with Addiction. Int J Psychiatr Res. 2020; 3(3): 1-7.
Introduction: This study aims to disentangle the relationship between childhood adverse experiences (CAE),
personality disorders (PDs) and substance use disorders (SUDs), in patients attending an Italian addiction service.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional naturalistic study of 320 consecutive outpatients. Participants were
evaluated by a semi-structured interview including the SCID-II (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II
PD), and the CECA-Q (Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse - questionnaire). Multivariate Logistic Regression
analyses were used to estimate Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (95%CI).
Results: 65.5% of the sample experienced some kind of CAE (living in an institution before age 17; suffering
of physical punishment; being separated from parents) and the prevalence rate of PDs was 62.2%. PDs were
associated with a history of physical punishment in childhood: OR (95% CI)=1.82 (1.05-3.16), p=0.034, and with
childhood institutionalization: OR (95% CI)=2.15 (1.02-4.54), p=0.041. Three adverse events together increase
the probability of Cluster B PD: OR (95% CI)=5.92 (2.21-15.92), p=0.001.
Conclusion: In outpatients with SUDs, PDs are related to CAE. Regardless of drugs use, CAE have substantial
effects on personality development and occupational functioning.
Table 3: Childhood Adverse Events and Borderline and Antisocial The second possible causative hypothesis is related to biological
Personality Disorder (Odds Ratio and 95% Confidence Intervals by effects of child maltreatment on brain development on structural
Binary Logistic Regression Analyses). and functional aspects of encephalon. Structures especially affected
p OR (95%CI) are prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, hippocampus and
No adverse experience
- Rif. amygdala [32–35]. Changing in these structures can affect mind
Pun 0.011 2.58 (1.24-5.39) functions and ultimately affect personality [36]. In fact, altered
Sep 0.007 3.00 (1.35-6.65) functioning in these brain areas can disturb mental operations like
response inhibition, working memory and emotion processing
Ins 0.123 4.94 (0.65-37.55)
[37]. Moreover, child maltreatment is associated with altered
Pun + Sep 0.099 2.09 (0.87-5.02)
white matter organisation in prefrontal cortex and this is associated
Ins + Pun 0.123 4.94 (0.65-37.55) with impaired cognitive control and behavioural regulation [38].
Ins + Sep 0.438 1.98 (0.35-11.01)
Ins + Pun + Sep <0.001 5.92 (2.21-15.92) Nevertheless, it is necessary to underline that such unfavorable
Pun = Physical Punishment, Sep = Loss or separation from parents, outcome is not obliged for people which had CAE: healthy
Ins = Institutionalization. adaptation is an alternative outcome too. There must be a research
effort focused on protective factors, in order to find interventions
Discussion that could prevent psychopathology development [4].
In our naturalistic study embedded in an outpatient’s addiction
service in Northern Italy childhood adverse experiences occur CAE have been shown to be associated with SUDs, too. A study on
in the 64.4% of participants. Among patients who experienced at 339 patients affected with addiction, comparable to ours for age,
least one CAE, 72.1% developed a PD. PDs rate, and lifetime prevalence of substance abuse demonstrated
that physical punishment and abandonment were closely related
Int J Psychiatr Res, 2020 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | 4 of 7
to Antisocial PD with sadistic traits whereas emotional violence needed to make stronger causal attributions about the effects
were closely related to Borderline PD, suggesting that child of childhood trauma on personality disorders. In addition, our
maltreatment contributes to the co-morbidity of personality findings are generalizable only to treatment seekers SUD patients
disorders in people with problems of addictions [39]. A correlation and replications in community-dwelling population are needed to
between disinhibition, behavioral dyscontrol and SUD’s has been further generalize these findings.
shown [40]. This kind of relation has been recently confirmed: in
particular neuroticism, behavior disinhibition and SUD’s were Finally, prior research has suggested that a range of other factors
shown as associated [41]. may also influence the nature of the impact of the maltreatment,
including perpetrator’s characteristics, duration and chronicity
As we said above child maltreatment can lead to altered functioning of maltreatment and its timing [44,45]. We did not assess any
of specific brain circuits that are related with altered behavior relationship between these factors and their impact on PDs and
regulation, disinhibition and defective emotion processing. SUD.
According to these data and to the ones from our study, it is
possible to hypothesize a psychopathological arc that moves from Conclusion
child maltreatments, passing through altered personality traits or In summary, our findings support the view that CAE contribute to
PD’s, leading to SUD’s. the high prevalence of personality disorders in persons suffering
of addiction. Although there is still more to discover about PDs
For these reasons, it is essential to plan prevention programs for etiology, our findings support the view that all adverse events
early intervention - such as training project for teachers and school occurred in childhood could play a central role in pathological
assistants - in order to stop the process that leads from CAE to personality development and addictive behaviors. Future studies
PDs. Goal of these preventive programs could be the detection with longitudinal designs will allow to enlighten this complex
of prodromal phenomena, in order to operate an effective early phenomenon.
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