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[Time: 3 hours] [Full Marks- 70]

1. In a Mendelian dihybrid cross between a pea plant with axial, violet flowers and another pea plant with terminal, white
flowers, the F2 progeny consisted of some plants with axial, white flowers. The genotypes of these plants must be
(a) AAVV and Aavv (b) AaVV and Aavv (c) AAvv and Aavv (c) Aavv and aavv
2. Select the correct sequence of forms in human evolution.
(a) Ramapithecus Dryopithecus Homoerectus Australopithecus Homohabilis
(b) Australopithecus Dtyopithecus Ramapithecus – Homo erectus Homohabilis
(c) Dryopithecus Australopithecus Ramapithecus Homo habilis Homo erectus
(d) Dryopithecus Ramapithecus Australopithecus Homo habilis Homo erectus
3. Which of the following statements regarding AIDS is incorrect?
(a) It is caused by HIV, a retrovirus.
(b) Retroviruses have RNA genome, which replicates via DNA intermediate.
(c) HIV selectively infects and kills B-lymphocytes.
(a) It causes immunodeficiency and thereby makes a person susceptibleto many other infections.
4. Which of the following statements about stirred-tank bioreactors is incorrect?
(a) They are used for processing large volumes of cultures.
(b) They have a curved base for easy mixing of contents.
(c) They provide optimum conditions of pH, temperature, oxygen availability, etc. for maximum growth of cells.
(d) They are the completely automated devices for continuous culture of cells.
5. A botanist studying Viola (common pansy) noticed that one of the two flower types withered and developed no further
due to some unfavorable condition, but the other flower type on the same plant survived and it resulted in an assured
seed set. Which of the following statements will be correct?
(a) The flewer type which survived is cleistogamous and it always exhibits autogamy
(b) The flower type which survived is chasmogamous and it always exhibits geitonogamy.
(c) The flower type which survived is cleistogamous and it exhibits both autogamy and geitonogamy.
(d) The flower type which survived is chasmogamous and it never exhibits autogamy.
6. Concentration of which ofihe following substances will decrease in the maternal blood as it flows from embryo to
placenta through the umbilical cord?
(i) Oxygen
(ii) Amino Acids
(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) Urea

(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv) (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)
7. Identify the correctly matched pair
(a) Free-living N2 - fixing bacterium — Frankia
(b) Free-living N2 - fixing cyanobecterium– Azospirillum
(c) Symbiotic fungus — Glomus
(d) Mycorrhizae — Nostoc
8. In the illustration given below of a simplified food wdb on an island, the arrows indicate the direction of energy flow
and the Roman numbers indicate species within the food web.

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At which trophic level or levels does the species VIII function?
(a) 2nd and 3rd consumer (b) 1st consumer (c) Producer (d) 3rd and 4th consumer
9. Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained when
(a) the value of ‘r’ approaches zero (b) the value of K is equal to N
(c) the value of K is greater than N (d) the value of K is less than N
10. The repetitive/satellite DNA is separated from the bulk genomic DNA for genetic experiments, by
(a) gel electrophoresis (b) elution (c) density gradient centrifugation (d) chromatography
11. Cry protein coded by the gene cry IAb controls
(a) cotton boliworm (b) corn borer (c) tobacco budworm (d) mosquito
12. In cattle animals, the methane-producing microbes are present in their
(a) colon (b) reticulum (c) runien (d) caeciam
Question No. 13 to 16 consist of two statements — Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting
the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
13. Assertion (A): Special methods are necessary to incorporate the alien or recombinant DNA into the host cells.
Reason (R): DNA is a hydrophobic molecule.
14. Assertion (A): Saheli, an oral contraceptive for females, contains a steroidal preparation. Reason (R): It is a “once a
week” pill with very few side effects.
15. Assertion (A): When the two genes in a dihybrid cross are located on the same chromosome, the proportion of
parental gene combinations is much higher than non-parental types.
Reason (R): Higher parental gene combinations can be attributed to crossing over between the two genes.
16. Assertion (A): Temperature and soil moisture are the important climatic factors that regulate the process of
decomposition. Reason (R): Temperature and soil moisture influence the activities of soil microbes.
17. How is GIFT different from ZIFT?
18. (a) Write two differences between Homo erect us and Homo habilis.
(b) Rearrange the following froM early to late geologic periods:
Carboniferous, Silurian, Jurassic.
19. List any four features evolved in animals to adapt to their parasitic mode of life.
(a) How is the standing crop in an ecosystem expressed?
(b) Mention the limitations of ecological pyramids.
20. Mention any four side effects of using anabolic steroids in human female sportspersons.
21. Give the full form of ELISA. Which disease can be detected by using it? Discuss the principle underlying the test.
22. Explain the characteristic features of flowers that facilitate wind’ pollination.
23. Draw a schematic diagram of the E.coli vector pBR 322 and mark the following in it:
(a) Ori (b) rop
(c) ampicillin-resistant gene
(d) tetracycline-resistant gene
(e) restriction site BamHI
(f) restriction site EcoRl
24. Draw a labelled diagrammatic view of human male reproductive system.
25. (a) Explain the cause in a human to have sex chromosomes as ‘XXY’ instead of ‘XX or ‘XY’.
Yuvodaya CBSE, Balangir- Connect: 06652-230136, 9437367867/9777884488 2
(b) What are true-breeding lines that are used to study inheritance pattern of traits in plants?
26. Write the three basic facts that are highlighted in Mendel’s Law of Dominance.
27. Baculoviruses are good examples of biocontrol agents. Justify & giving three reasons.
(a) A patient had suffered myocardial infarction and clots were found in his blood vessels. Name a ‘clot buster’ that
can be used to dissolve the clots and the microorganism from which it is obtained.
(b) A woman had just undergone a kidney transplant. A bioactive molecular drug is administered to oppose kidney
rejection by the body. What is the bioactive molecule? Name the microbe from which this is extracted.
(c) What do doctors prescribe to lower the blood cholesterol level in patients with high blood cholesterol Name the
source organism from which this drug can be obtained.
28. (a) Mention the possible levels of regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes.
(b) What is ribozyme?
Question No. 29 and 30 are case — based questions. Each question has subparts with internal choice in one
29. Immunity in our body is of two types: ( innate immunity and ( acquired immunity. Innate immunity is a non-specific
defence mechanism, whereas acquired immunity is pathogen-specific; it is called specific immunity too. Acquired
immunity is characterised by memory. Antibodies are specific to antigens and there are four different types of
antibodies produced in our body; they are IgA, IgB, IgG and IgM. It shows primary response when it encounters the
pathogen for the first time and secondary response during the subsequent encounters with the same
(a) Name the two types of specialised cells which carry out the primary and secondary immune responses.
(b) Why is the antibody-mediated immunity called ,humoral immune response?
(c) The organ transplants (grafts) are often rejected if not taken from suitable compatible persons.
(i) Mention the characteristic of our immune system that is responsible for the rejection.
(ii) Name the type of immunity and the cells involved in it.
How is active immunity different from passive immunity?
30. Multiple copies of the desired gene or DNA segment are synthesised in vitro using polymerase chain reaction. A
schematic representation of the steps in polymerase chain reaction is shown below. Answer the questions that follow:

Yuvodaya CBSE, Balangir- Connect: 06652-230136, 9437367867/9777884488 3

(a) Name the steps A and D in the diagram.
(b) Identify B. What are they chemically?
(c) What is C? What is special about it? Name its source organism.
Mention four uses of this technique in molecular diagnostics.
31. Give a schematic representation of oogenesis in human females. Mention the number of chromosomes at each
stage. Correlate the life phases of the individual with the stages of the process.
(a) Describe the three types of pollination that can occur in a chasmogamous bisexual flower.
(b) Draw the diagram of a mature pollen grain released at the two-celled stage and label four parts in it.
32. (a) Give three reasons as to why the prokaryotes are not given any figures for their diversity by the ecologists.
(b) Write the scientific name of the plant that produces reserpine. How does it show genetic diversity?
What does an ecological pyramid indicate? Explain the three different types of upright pyramids in nature with the
help of an example of each.
33. (a) Depending upon the chemical nature of the template (DNA or RNA) and the nature of nucleic acids synthesised
from it (DNA or RNA), list the types of nucleic acid polymerases.
(b) Why is the Human Genome Project called a mega project?
How do mRNA, tRNA and ribosomes help in the process of translation?

Yuvodaya CBSE, Balangir- Connect: 06652-230136, 9437367867/9777884488 4

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