Hydroxy Gas as an Additive for Improvement of Exhaust

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*Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans Šmigins
Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies, Latvia
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]

Lowering emissions expelled from internal combustion engines has been the focus of researchers worldwide. Adding
hydroxy gas to current internal combustion engines can be an effective way of lowering CO 2, CO, HC and particle
emissions, as well as improve combustion. Because of this, a review of previously conducted research on the
addition of hydroxy gas to different internal combustion engines has been produced. During this review, it was
concluded that addition of hydroxy gas can be an effective way of lowering fuel consumption and CO, CO 2 and HC
emissions in petrol engines, as well as fuel consumption and CO and HC emissions in diesel engines.
Key words: Hydrogen, Hydroxy, Emissions, Exhaust gases, Internal combustion engine.
Introduction a fuel additive in various researches using both petrol
Worldwide, the total amount of motor vehicles is and diesel engines. Researchers have found that using
constantly increasing. According to the International HHO gas as an additive in regular internal combustion
Energy Outlook 2021, liquid fuels such as petroleum engines has resulted in a 10% increase in thermal
fuel remain as the largest energy source (Energy efficiency, up to 34% decrease in fuel consumption
Information Administration, 2021). International and a reduced concentration of nitrogen oxides (NO x),
Energy Outlook 2019 has projected that liquid fuel carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC)
consumption is expected to increase by approximately emissions in petrol engines (El-Kassaby et al., 2016)
50% between 2019 and 2050 (Energy Information and 41% reduction of particle emissions, 13.5%
Administration, 2019). Fossil fuels are the main fuels reduction of CO emissions and 5% reduction of HC
used in the automotive sector, both in personal emissions in diesel engines (Bari et al., 2022; Yilmaz
vehicles and industrial machinery. The biggest et al., 2010).
drawbacks of these fuels are the large amounts of
toxic components in the exhaust. Besides of that the Materials and Methods
source of fossil fuels, crude oil, is being depleted at a A monographic research method has been used in
fast pace. Since the demand of energy is constantly this research, in order to summarize and analyze the
increasing, but the source of this energy is depleting impact of adding hydroxy gas to internal combustion
rapidly, the use of alternative and renewable energy engines in order to reduce toxic emissions. This
sources is required. research combines scientific literature from various
A good alternative to traditional fossil fuels is journals and authors. Articles from scientific journals
hydrogen gas. It contains zero carbon, making it a published from 2007 to 2023 were used, while more
clean burning fuel. Additionally, it has a high recent research was favored. The use of research that
combustion efficiency (Ma et al., 2007). Hydrogen was recent and contained the use of dry cell hydroxy
gas can be generated from various sources, such as generators was favored, as this method is better suited
water, coal, biomass, and fossil fuels. Hydrogen fuel for use in automotive applications. Multiple articles
is renewable, and it is an efficient and clean fuel that were analyzed, and articles that contained similarly
can be used for multiple applications, mainly as an conducted research were selected for the review.
additive or substitute for fossil fuels. However, the
usage of hydrogen gas in vehicles can be challenging Results and Discussion
because of the difficulty of storing hydrogen gas in its Hydroxy gas
liquid state at low temperatures or in its gaseous state Hydroxy gas is extracted from water by splitting
at high pressure. Moreover, any damage caused to water into two molecules of hydrogen and one
such systems can have disastrous consequences as molecule of oxygen via the process of electrolysis.
hydrogen gas is highly flammable. Because of these The process is caried out in an electrolytic cell.
safety concerns, researchers are proposing the use of a Hydroxy gas has a low density of 0.5378 kg∙m-3. That
different form of hydrogen gas that can be created on- means, hydroxy gas is lighter than air, and in open
board of the vehicle, such as hydroxy gas, also known environment it will rapidly disperse (Paparao &
as Brown’s gas. Murugan, 2021).
Hydroxy or HHO gas consists of a mix of The comparison between hydroxy gas and other
hydrogen and oxygen with a stoichiometric ratio of gaseous fuels can be seen in Table 1. Based on the
2:1. HHO gas is mainly produced via water data in Table 1 it can be concluded that hydroxy gas
electrolysis (Newborough & Cooley, 2021). It has can be used as a gaseous fuel in internal combustion
been used as


Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES – A REVIEW

Properties Hydroxy Hydrogen Methane Propane Butane Biogas

Chemical Formula HHO H2 CH4 C3H8 C4H10 -

Density (kg∙m ) at 16 °C and 1.01 bar 0.5 0.1 0.7 0.5 2.5 0.7-0.9
Molecular weight 12.0 2.0 16.0 44.1 58.1 16.6
Lower heating value (MJ∙kg-1) 13.2 119.9 47.1 45.6 45.3 23
Higher heating value (MJ∙kg-1) 25.9 142.2 52.2 50.36 49.1 -
Flame Velocity (cm∙s ) 265-325 265-325 42 46 87 20
2 -1
Diffusivity in air (cm ∙s ) 0.6 0.6 0.3 - - -
Stoichiometric Air-Fuel Ratio - 34.3 17.2 15.7 15.5 17
Octane Number - 130+ 100 105 92 130
Motor Octane Number (MON) - - 120 97 - -
Auto-ignition temperature (°C) - 585 565 490 287 650
Flash Point (°C) - -253 -188 -104 -60 >230
Boiling Point (°C) - -253 -161.5 -42 -0.5 -
Melting Point (°C) - -259 -182 -188 -135 --
Flammability limits (Volume % in air) 4-95 4-75 5-15 2.1-10.1 - -


INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES – A REVIEW Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans

engines in a wide array of air-fuel ratios. As it Table 1

require a safer engine operation to avoid damage.
contains hydrogen, it also requires less energy to be Hydroxy generators
ignited. Since hydrogen has high diffusivity, hydroxy The easiest way to produce hydroxy gas onboard a
gas can mix well in the air-fuel mixture, resulting in a vehicle is by electrolysis of water mixed with an
uniform mixture. A major drawback for hydroxy gas electrolyte, for example sulfuric acid (H2SO4),
is that it has a low quenching distance, which creates potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide
a large possibility for backfire. And finally, since (NaOH).
hydroxyl gas contains hydrogen, it has higher flame
speeds, that

Comparison between gaseous fuels (Paparao & Murugan, 2021)

The gas can be produced via a dry cell HHO gas Whencompared,thedrycellgeneratorhasasmaller
generator, principles of which are shown in Figure 1, volume, so a smaller amount of water and electrolyte
or wet cell hydroxy generators, shown in Figure 2. mixture is needed for the reaction to happen.
As seen in Figure 1, the water and electrolyte However, using wet cells, the electrical connections
mixture is filled into the tank. The mixture then fills are submerged in the water and electrolyte mixture,
up the HHO generator. Power is supplied to the reducing the time it takes for the connections to
generator from the vehicle battery, and the process of corrode (Shah et al., 2018).
electrolysis begins. The gas, containing both hydroxy Overall, comparing both generators, the dry cell
and water/electrolyte vapors is then transported back generator would be more acceptable for the use in
to the tank, where vaporized water and electrolyte automotive applications, as the tank for water and
mixes back into the liquid water/electrolyte mixture, electrolyte mixture can be stored separately and the
but the hydroxy gas rises to the top and is expelled generator itself and the whole assembly can be better
from the tank. This gas is ready to be injected into the integrated in the vehicle.
engine. As seen in Table 2, the addition of hydroxy gas in
In the case of wet cell hydroxy generators, the engines can be an effective way for reduction of CO,
cathode and anode are submerged in the tank HC and NOx emissions, and decreasing the fuel
containing the water and electrolyte mixture, and consumption in petrol engines and smoke opacity in
power is supplied to them from the battery. The HHO diesel engines.
gas emitting from the electrolysis process rises above However, to achieve optimal results, the
the water level, and then is ready for injection into the modification of engine control parameters is
engine. necessary, mainly the modification of fuel delivery.


Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES – A REVIEW

Author Vehicle/engine used Fuels used Results obtained

Skoda Felicia 1.3l Petrol 10% increase in thermal efficiency 34% decrease in
Mohamed M. EL- GLXi Petrol + HHO gas fuel consumption 15% reduction in NOx emissions
Kassaby (El-Kassaby 18% decrease in CO emissions 14% decrease in HC
et al., 2016) emissions

Skoda Felicia 1.3 Petrol No effect on CO concentration

MPI LPG Slight increase in HC concentration
Petrol + HHO gas When driving on petrol, no effect on CO2, O2 and
LPG + HHO gas NOx. On LPG and HHO gas, CO2 concentration
Skoda Fabia 2 1.4 Adding HHO gas to both petrol and LPG resulted in
MPI slight decrease in CO concentration.
Petrol + HHO gas
LPG + HHO gas
Kia Ceed 1.6 CVVT Petrol
Adding HHO gas resulted in slight decrease of engine
František Synak E85
power and torque.
(Synák et al., 2021) Petrol + HHO gas
Specific fuel consumption increased after adding
E85 + HHO gas
HHO gas.
When used with E85, the addition of HHO gas did not
result in changes to engine power and torque.
Skoda Felicia 1.9D Diesel Engine power and torque were not affected. Increase
Diesel + HHO gas in NOx levels from 8 ppm to 29 ppm. Slight reduction
in smoke opacity.
Kia Sportage 1.6 Diesel
Slight decrease in engine power and torque.
CRDI Diesel + HHO gas
Slight increase in HC from 8 ppm to 11 ppm. 14.46%
reduction in CO2 emissions.
CO and NOx levels are unchanged.
Table 2

Figure 1. Operation of a dry cell hydroxy generator. Figure 2. Operation of a wet cell hydroxy generator.
Results of adding hydroxy gas to internal combustion engines

Results of adding hydroxy to engines


INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES – A REVIEW Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans

Continuation of the Table 2

Zhe Zhao (Zhao et al., VW EA888 engine Petrol
2022) Petrol + HHO gas With λ = 1, CO emissions decrease by 18%.
With λ = 1.1, CO emissions decrease by 91.67%.
With λ = 1.4, CO emissions decrease by 92.38%.
With λ = 1, HC emissions decrease by 17.18%.
With λ = 1.1, HC emissions decrease by 20.52%.
With λ = 1.4, HC emissions decrease by 32.8%.
NO emissions increase when th mixture is lean (λ =
1.1 and λ = 1.4).
Sa’ed A. Musmar Honda G200 0.7l Petrol
Increase in thermal efficiency with HHO gas added.
(Musmar & Al- single cylinder engine Petrol + HHO gas
Decrease in specific fuel consumption with HHO gas
Rousan, 2011)
50% reduction in NO emissions
20% reduction in CO emissions
54% reduction in NOx emissions
Saiful Bari (Bari et al., Cummins 6BT5.9- Diesel
2022) G2 engine Diesel + HHO gas Average 41% reduction in particle matter
No impact on performance parameters
No significant reduction in CO2 emissions
CO emissions were reduced by 5.5%, 3.4% and 2.32%
(at 0.42 LPM, 0.84 LPM and 1.25 LPM hydroxy
No significant change in NOx emissions.
Ali Can Yilmaz 3567 cm3 4-cylin- der Diesel
19.1% Increase in engine power
(Yilmaz et al., 2010) direct-injection diesel Diesel + HHO gas
14% reduction in specific fuel consumption is
5% reduction in HC emissions
13.5% reduction in CO emissions
Jorge M. Rodriguez LISTER PETTER Diesel
3.81% increase in engine power
Matienzo (Rodríguez LPW2 engine Diesel + HHO gas
2.79% increase in engine torque
Matienzo, 2018)
At low and medium load, brake specific fuel con-
sumption is reduced in a range of 2.66% to 9.29%.
Lower vibration levels that indicate smoother com-
Mohamed F. Al-Da- Kirloskar TAF-1 Diesel 9% to16% increase in brake power (from 1500 to
wody (Al-Dawody et 0.553 l diesel engine Diesel + 10% HHO 3500 RPM)
al., 2023) gas 31.5% increase in thermal efficiency
20% reduction in fuel consumption
Decrease in NOx emissions
Mohammad Sabe- ghi 8CRZ 2800 cm3 Diesel
(Sabeghi et al., 2022) diesel engine Diesel + HHO gas
66% reduction in CO emissions
33% reduction in CO2 emissions 38% decrease in HC
emissions 11% decrease in NOx emissions
Fiat Cinquecento Petrol
170A.000 Petrol + HHO gas 1% increase in NOx emissions 24% reduction in HC
emissions 34% increase in CO emissions
Renault Twingo 1149 Petrol 17% reduction in NOx emissions 45% reduction in HC
cm3 Petrol + HHO gas emissions 20% reduction in CO emissions

Piotr Jaklinski Opel Corsa 1398 cm3 Petrol 50% reduction in NOx emissions 35% reduction in HC
(Jakliński & Petrol + HHO gas emissions
Czarnigowski, 2020) No change in CO emissions
Skoda Octavia 1896 Diesel 10% increase in NOx emissions 80% increase in HC
cm3 Diesel + HHO gas emissions 95% decrease in CO emissions

Opel Combo 1248 Diesel

100% increase in NOx emissions 37% decrease in HC
cm3 Diesel + HHO gas
No change in CO emissions


Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES – A REVIEW

Comparing results, it can be observed, that in cases an increase in NOx emissions, because the added
where the fuel delivery system has been left hydrogen increases the total amount of fuel and
unmodified, the obtained improvements are energy. The combustion speed is increased, and so is
significantly reduced. the temperature and pressure inside the cylinder,
Hydroxy gas contains hydrogen that is a type of which results in an increase in NOx emissions. In
fuel by itself. Therefore leaving an engine unmodified petrol engines, at low load conditions the addition of
and adding hydroxy gas could result in an overall hydroxy gas does not increase the temperature
increase in fuel delivery without leaving significant significantly, so no major changes in NO x emissions
decrease in emissions, fuel consumption or smoke can be observed (Jakliński & Czarnigowski, 2020). If
opacity. the fuel management system is adjusted for the added
Adding hydroxy gas to the air-fuel mixture can hydrogen and the air/fuel mixture is made leaner, NOx
reduce specific fuel consumption, thanks to the emissions can be reduced.
additional oxygen contained in hydroxy gas. This CO and CO2 emissions are byproducts of
results in enhanced combustion efficiency and lower combustion, resulting from the oxidizing of carbon
fuel consumption. Hydroxy gas also provides a more present in the fuel. Hydroxy gas does not contain
homogenous mixture with air and dissolves better carbon, which causes the reduction in CO and CO 2
with the fuel-air mixture which further increases emissions. Additionally, the addition of hydroxy gas
efficiency of combustion (Aydin & Kenanoğlu, 2018). makes the air-fuel mixture burn faster and more
Multiple researchers claimed that the addition of completely, resulting in further reduction in CO and
hydroxy gas resulted in reduced vibration and CO2 reduction (Yilmaz et al., 2010).
smoother work of the test engines. This is due to the At higher engine rotation speeds, the reduction of
fact that hydrogen has a very high flame speed that HC emissions becomes less visible. The time, intake
positively affects the combustion process. Hydrogen valves are kept open, is becoming shorter, so
has a high auto-ignition temperature, which means the sufficient amount of air cannot be supplied to the
main fuel is ignited first, and that ignites the hydrogen engine. This results in a decrease in combustion
gas that then ignites the remaining unburnt fuel, efficiency and lower improvements in HC emissions
resulting in smoother and more complete combustion. (Aydin & Kenanoğlu, 2018).
Exhaust gas emissions Diesel engines contain particle matter emissions,
Consumption of fossil fuels creates a large number that are comprised of carbon soot particles. They are
of harmful and toxic pollutants that are one of the created inside the cylinder during combustion in fuel
main causes of global warming. These pollutants rich areas. Adding hydroxy gas adds oxygen that helps
include carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), in combustion of soot particles in fuel rich areas, as
hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate well as hydrogen that increases the temperature of
matter (PM). combustion and accelerates the oxidation of particle
The consumption of 1 liter of petrol in an internal matter, resulting in an increased amount of CO 2
combustion engine creates at least 2.28 kg of carbon emissions (Bari et al., 2022). Since hydroxy gas does
dioxide. In diesel engines, at least 2.76 kg of CO 2 is not contain carbon, the overall amount of
emitted from each liter of diesel fuel (Pinto & Oliver- CO2emissions still remains lower when compared to
Hoyo, 2008). Carbon monoxide is produced from traditional petrol or diesel combustion without added
partial oxidation of carbon. CO production is higher if hydroxy gas.
the engine is in poor technical condition, there is
limited oxygen or if the engine has not reached proper Conclusions
working temperature. Nitrogen oxides are created in The following conclusions can be drawn from the
high pressure and high temperature conditions, analysis of addition of hydroxy gas to internal
especially if the air-fuel mixture is lean. Nitrogen combustion engines:
oxides include nitrous oxide (N2O), that depletes the 1. Addition of hydroxy gas can be an effective way of
ozone layer and is toxic, nitrogen oxide (NO) that is lowering fuel consumption and CO, CO 2 and HC
responsible for the creation of smog and acid rains emissions in petrol engines.
and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) that is irritating and also 2. Addition of hydroxy gas can be an effective way
causes smog. Particulate matter is produced in cases of lowering fuel consumption and CO and HC
of local oxygen deficiency, resulting in free carbon emissions in diesel engines, as well as a reduction
molecules that connect with free hydrocarbons and in smoke opacity.
form larger particles. Particulate matter can cause 3. When used in diesel engines, the addition of
respiratory diseases in humans (Synák et al., 2021).
The use of hydroxy gas additive can be used to
improve emissions, resulting in a decrease in smog
formation, decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and
slow down global warming.
Adding hydroxy gas to diesel engines can result in


INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES – A REVIEW Kārlis Amatnieks, Aivars Birkavs, Ruslans

hydroxy gas could increase NOx emissions. can be improved via the addition of hydroxy gas.
4. Specific fuel consumption can be reduced via the 6. Smoother combustion can be observed with the
addition of hydroxy gas. addition of hydroxy gas.
5. Thermal efficiency of both petrol and diesel engines
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