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Jurayeva Dilorom Rakhmatillo qizi

Samarkand State institue of Foreign languages

Abstract: Human beings express their ideas not only by sentence itself but also
by their melody of speech. Inclusion of intonation changes the sense of a sentence. As
a result, we can convey different meanings with one sentence. And this phenomenon
is often produced with the help of intonation, pitch, stress and other ways of expressing
further meaning to speech. In dialogic speech it becomes more obvious that we use
prosody most. In linguistics, the term prosody is used as a conclude notion for above
mentioned words.
Key words: speech, dialog, intonation, stress, emotiveness, prosody, dialogic
speech prosody.

During the last few centuries the influence and position of English has been rising.
Therefore, learning and understanding this language has become "the demand of the
age". Because English has been the language of science and industrialization. While
using a new language, people learn not only written but also spoken form of
communication. In spoken language except for giving information, we express our
emotions also. While speaking we can use our voice in a varieties of ways when we
talk. Our speech can be pitched high or low, loud or gentle, and rapid or slow. The term
for this change in pitch, loudness, and duration is named as prosody. Prosody in speech
is a term that refers to the way. It’s similar to making music. When we speak, we use
different voices. We can express sarcasm, emotion, and even change the way we speak.
Even the significance of what we’re saying can be changed according to prosodic


characteristics of our speech. Therefore, spoken prosody is crucial when we are

investigating language or conveying information. It is critical component of spoken
language. But how do people make prosody? How do listeners perceive and
comprehend these differences? Is it conceivable? And how the prosody of English is
interpreted in different languages? This paper clarifies the prosody phenomonon in
British dialogic speech.
Communication, speech and dialog
The term "communication" is now widely used to refer to a variety of concepts;
but, in a basic sense, it simply refers to the process of passing information from one
person to another. According to David Crystal, “Communication has been described as
a form of social cement. It is the means by which the members of a society – whether
human or animal – share their experience and knowledge and form relationships.
Without good communication, social groups can disintegrate.” [8, 127]. In order to
comprehend prosody one should be aware of speech and dialog foremost. According
to Daniel Hirst, "Speech is the medium by which we humans usually communicate
using sounds."[5, 12]. Speech is considered human vocal communication using sounds.
Written language is also made up words however it is not the same thing as speech.
Even they are close terms, there is a great difference between them. And prosody is an
inclusive notion for speech.
There are many definitions of the term dialogue. The following are suggested by
the Merriam-Webster dictionary: a written composition in which two or more
characters are represented as conversing;
a : a conversation between two or more persons; also : a similar exchange
between a person and something else (as a computer);
b : an exchange of ideas and opinions ;
c : a discussion between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at
resolution ;
the conversational element of literary or dramatic composition;
a musical composition for two or more parts suggestive of a conversation.


The definition of dialogue more suitable for the linguistic approach to this notion
is given by Douglas N. Walton. According to him, dialogue is an exchange of speech
acts between two (or more) speech partners in turn-taking sequence aimed at a
collective goal. In his work ‘Dialogue Theory of Critical Thinking‘ he describes many
distinct types of dialogue, characterized by different goals and by different kinds of
procedural rules that facilitate getting to the goal from an initial situation [9, 176].
Dialog can be both written and spoken. Here we analyze it from speech
perspective. In the dialogic speech participators are not content only with transmission
of information. Each communicant tries to influence the emotions of the conversation.
The more the desire to influence on interlocutor is, the more the attention to choice of
language means and their use in the speech is. Expressiveness of information causes
the more serious choice of language means [6, 105].
What is prosody?
Prosody is defined differently in the works of different aouthors. Prosody is a
branch of linguistics that studies components of speech that are not discrete phonetic
segments (vowels and consonants), but rather are properties of syllables and larger
units of speech, such as intonation, stress, and rhythm. Suprasegmentals are the term
for such elements."For a long time, the non-discrete nature of prosodic features, as well
as the idea that they serve just an expressive function, has overshadowed the
importance of these aspects of the language.However, since the 1980s, studies in
experimental phonetics and applied linguistics (sociolinguistics, discourse analysis,
pragmatics, systemic-functional linguistics) have led to their re-evaluation, as studying
language in context has allowed linguists to point out the distinctive and contrastive
functions of prosody and to highlight its contribution to th syntactic, semantic and
pragmatic characterization of the message in spoken communication.[7. 120]
There exist some means which help to make prosodic our speech.
Intonation is the language’s music. The pitch, pattern, or melody of the words in
a sentence is discussed.Because of the fluctuating pitch, intonation allows us to deduce


the underlying meaning of a statement.It also conveys other emotions such as surprise,
bewilderment, and so on. It can be falling or rising.
Stress. Stress in phonology refers to placing emphasis on a certain syllable of a
word.In English, stress is an important factor to consider while composing or delivering
sentences.At the sentence level, incorrect stress placement can completely change the
meaning of the sentence, therefore we must be very careful.As a result, we will have a
better understanding of how a word is stressed.
Rhythm. One of the aspects of speech that deals with motions is rhythm. It depicts
the movements of the words in a sentence, such as speech and cadence. Rhythm, like
intonation and stress, is a key component of effective sentence construction and
delivery. Rhythm, like intonation and stress, is a key component of effective sentence
construction and delivery. They are stress ans syllables.
One of the most challenging difficulties in modern linguistics is the reflection of
emotional experiences in language. To begin with, emotions as a phenomenon of the
human psyche are immensely complex, and their linguistic representations are also
complicated. To begin with, emotions as a phenomenon of the human psyche are
immensely complex, and their linguistic representations are also complicated. Second,
the study of emotionality in language is carried out in a variety of methods and by
diverse departments of linguistics, making linguistic emotionality a borderline item
that belongs equally to the spheres of general linguistics and psycholinguistics. In this
paper we have taken a look several ways of expressing emotiveness in British dialogic
speech from theoretical point of view. To convey emotiveness prosody plays crucial

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