ABG 1 ESG Performance Report 7ce0f6974f

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Report 2024
Message from The Chairman Environmental Stewardship
To address the pressing environmental challenges of our
time, we have set ambitious Environmental, Social, and
Governance (ESG) objectives. These include achieving
Dear Reader, net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, attaining 'zero harm'
at the workplace, and enhancing transparency through
In a world of complex challenges and boundless possibilities, businesses today must transcend conventional measures of robust governance mechanisms. Aditya Birla Group's
success. At the Aditya Birla Group, we hold a steadfast belief that our growth is interconnected with the well-being of society ESG agenda is rooted in our purpose.
and the planet. This belief forms the foundation of our commitment to being a Force for Good.
Our path toward sustainable growth is structured
At the heart of our philosophy lies the conviction that business can and must serve as a catalyst for positive change. Beyond through our strategy on Sustain-ability. Central to this
the pursuit of profit margins, we envision a world where economic prosperity harmonises with social welfare and strategy are our initiatives to enhance resource efficiency,
environmental stewardship. This vision guides our strategic decisions, propelling us to harness the transformative power of promote a circular economy, and invest in renewable
business to create collective prosperity. energy sources. By setting higher standards for resilience
and adaptability, we are preparing ourselves to respond
Being a Force for Good entails a multifaceted approach that extends across our entire value chain. From proactively to evolving environmental challenges.
fostering inclusive growth and empowering local communities to mitigating environmental impact and
To achieve our sustainability goals, we are integrating
creating prosperity for our nation and its people, our commitment to operating responsibly is woven green technology, alternative materials, and recycling
into the fabric of our business endeavours. It is part of our DNA and our legacy. It defines who we are. processes across our key businesses. This includes
investments in renewable energy and innovations that
Our journey at Aditya Birla Group is guided by a transformative vision: to foster shared prosperity while addressing critical reduce our carbon footprint. Our approach reflects our
global imperatives like social equity and environmental resilience. This vision reflects our conviction that business can, and belief that responsible resource use benefits both the
must, be a catalyst for positive, enduring change. Our purpose, “To enrich lives by building dynamic and responsible environment and our long-term value creation.
businesses and institutions that inspire trust,” serves as our North Star.
Message from The Chairman
Social Impact Our commitment to sustainability is inseparable from
Our commitment to being a Force for Good extends far beyond our products. Through our corporate social responsibility our business strategy. By seamlessly integrating
(CSR) initiatives, we aim to reach and positively impact millions of lives. We have made a meaningful difference in the lives of sustainability we aim to not only thrive in an evolving
over 11 million people across more than 9,000 villages through programs focused on education, healthcare, sustainable global landscape but also contribute meaningfully to a
livelihoods, and rural development. vision of shared prosperity. We are confident that as we
navigate this path, we will continue to shape a future
Our CSR initiatives are crafted to empower communities, strengthen local economies, and build lasting resources. The that sustains, inspires, and endures.
impact of our CSR efforts is a testament to our purpose to enrich lives. We believe that when businesses invest in the holistic
well-being of communities, they create a ripple effect that fuels prosperity and drives societal advancement. Our Company's multidimensional achievements
underscore what has been a foundational philosophy of
Corporate Governance our group-that true corporate success is measured by
Our governance framework is built on principles of transparency and integrity, ensuring that we operate with the highest the enduring value we create for all our stakeholders.
ethical standards. This includes prudent resource allocation, sound environmental policies, and robust compliance practices. And that is our legacy, our promise, and our future.
Our leadership team is committed to fostering a culture of accountability that permeates all levels of the organization,
enabling us to uphold the trust of our stakeholders and communities.

Looking Ahead
As we look to the future, Aditya Birla Group is poised for transformative growth. We are actively exploring new opportunities
in emerging sectors and industries that align with our values and commitment to sustainability. Our journey ahead will focus Kumar Mangalam Birla
on responsible governance, sustainable practices, and customer-centered innovation, elements that continue to set us apart Chairman, Aditya Birla Group
as leaders with a lasting purpose.
Dear Reader, Zero Harm
Our safety approach is holistic and remains a top priority,
The journey toward a sustainable future is rich with opportunities for innovation and collaboration. The IPCC’s 2023 report
achieving an average 17% annual reduction in Lost Time
emphasises the significant role of human activities in climate change, highlighting the importance of collective action to
Injuries since FY20. Leveraging advanced AI analytics to
create a positive impact.
proactively manage Serious Injuries & Fatalities, we
As we embrace sustainable practices, businesses are enhancing supply chains and investing in resilient infrastructure, continue to mitigate risks effectively while adopting
positioning themselves to thrive in an evolving landscape. Proactive environmental policies and carbon pricing from TapRooT's root cause analysis digital application for a
governments offer a clear pathway for organisations to contribute meaningfully to our planet’s well-being. robust, reactive approach to incident investigation and
risk management. We proactively assessed heat stress
For conglomerates like Aditya Birla Group, with multiple businesses that are leaders in their factors across 56 sites, ensuring the safety and
sectors, this challenge presents a unique opportunity to lead by example, drive positive change, well-being of our workforce.
and become a 'Force for Good'.
It motivates us to leverage our scale, resources, and leadership to amplify and create disproportionately positive outcomes Assurance continues to be a key pillar of the ABG
for all our stakeholders - employees, consumers, partners, investors, and society at large. To this end, we have developed Governance system. The ABG Sustainable Business
and implemented comprehensive sustain-ability frameworks across our diverse businesses, focusing on reducing carbon Framework is being rigorously implemented across
emissions, optimising resource efficiency, and promoting social responsibility. various businesses through a robust dual-layered
assurance system, combining internal self-assessment
By integrating sustain-ability into our core operations and setting ambitious targets, at Aditya Birla Group, we are not only with external verification by third-party experts.
enhancing our resilience but also leading the way in creating long-term value. In FY24, as in previous years, we made
significant strides toward our sustain-ability goals by launching new initiatives and building on ongoing efforts. Decarbonisation
In FY24, UltraTech Cement, Hindalco, Birla Carbon, and
Birla Cellulose collectively reduced emissions by 1.4%
compared to FY23, keeping us on track for our Net-Zero
goal by 2050. We also made significant advancements in
renewable and alternative energy adoption.
Biodiversity Management Digital for Sustain-ability
Aligned with our No-Net Loss of Biodiversity approach, we We expanded our ESG 360 Accelerator Digital Project and
have adopted the Task Force on Nature-related Financial introduced 'Chirpy,' a Gen AI-powered sustain-ability I AM THE PURPOSE
Disclosures (TNFD) framework. Group companies are set to co-worker. Additionally, the Supplier ESG Management
publish their first TNFD report by next year, reflecting our Platform is being implemented to enhance supply chain THAT EMERGED WITH INDIA'S
commitment to transparent and effective biodiversity sustain-ability. INDEPENDENCE.
Empowering Communities THAT MAKES DOING GOOD,
Water Resilience The Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural OUR BUSINESS.
In water resilience, Hindalco Copper and Birla Cellulose Development continued our CSR efforts making a significant
Fiber reached our target of a 50% reduction in freshwater impact on healthcare, education, sustainable livelihoods, and
withdrawal intensity. Notably, eight sites in high water- infrastructure development. In addition to our flagship
stressed areas have now surpassed this 50% reduction programmes, we awarded 1,000 scholarships, reached 30,000 TO TAKE INDIA TO THE WORLD,
target, up from six in FY23. children through mobile science labs, and provided financial AND THE WORLD TO INDIA.
literacy to another 30,000 students. BECAUSE INDEPENDENCE
Waste to Wealth for Circularity IS NOT A MOMENT IN HISTORY,
We continue to champion waste reduction and resource While we are on track in many areas, we recognise the need
efficiency. Hazardous waste recycling surged to 78%, and to accelerate efforts in some areas. The enthusiasm and
waste utilisation increased by 11%. UltraTech Cement set a commitment to sustain-ability across our businesses is
benchmark in plastic waste management, becoming 3.4 palpable, driving continuous knowledge sharing and healthy
times plastic negative. competition that accelerates performance across material
Supply Chain
This Report details our sustain-ability performance on our
In FY24, the Group Sustain-ability Cell introduced the Group-
material issues across businesses. I encourage you to read it
level Supply Chain Code of Conduct, further strengthening
and share your valuable feedback.
our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.
Additionally, we are evaluating use of digital platforms to
streamline and accelerate supplier onboarding, enhancing
efficiency and compliance. 100 Nationalities. 41 Countries. 6 Continents.
Deeksha Vats One Purpose. One Force.
Group Chief Sustainability Officer,
Aditya Birla Group
About Aditya Birla Group
A USD 66 billion1 global conglomerate, Aditya Birla Group is in the league of Fortune
500 with a consolidated market cap of over USD 100 billion. Anchored by an extraordinary Anchored by
workforce of 187,000+ talented individuals belonging to 100+ nationalities, the Group is built an extraordinary
on a strong foundation of stakeholder value creation. workforce of
With over seven decades of responsible business practices, the Group businesses, spread
across 6 continents and over 40 countries, have grown into global powerhouses in a wide 187,000+
range of sectors - from metals to cement, fashion to financial services and textiles to trading. talented individuals

Globally, Aditya Birla Group is Through consistent and diligent pursuit of

target and goals, our Group companies have also
#1 #1 #2 #2 #3 garnered several sustain-ability laurels:
in Aluminium Recycler of in Carbon in Viscose in Cement**
Rolling Aluminium Black* Staple Fibre Hindalco
achieved the Top 1% S&P Global ESG score in the
*(based on installed production capacity) | **(excluding China)
Aluminium industry.

ranked 6th in the Global Sectoral ranking of the S&P
Global Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI).

Birla Carbon
achieved 'Gold' rating by EcoVadis for sustainable
business practices in 2023.

ranked 8th globally in the textiles, apparel and luxury
goods industry as per S&P Global Corporate
Sustainability Assessment.

Birla Cellulose
is the first global viscose producer to receive a Dark
Green Shirt ranking.

As on 31 March 2024 (based on FY22 constant currency)

Governance Systems
Aditya Birla Group prioritises transparency and ethical governance as core values. By focusing on transparency
Beyond meeting regulatory requirements, the organisation implements strong and ethical conduct, ABG
measures for data confidentiality, risk management, and digitalisation. This leads in responsible
proactive approach fosters trust, enhances brand reputation, and supports long- corporate governance.
term success while cultivating strong relationships.

Our governance structure engages senior management and extends to all levels of the organisation through Group, Business,
and Site-level Cross-Functional Teams (CFTs), ensuring uniformity in driving change across the organisation.

The Group's Investor Relations platform offers to our comprehensive information and direct communication channels for The Group Legal and Compliance Division has
shareholders on the corporate website. Regular engagement with institutional investors, quarterly updates, and Annual strengthened governance across ABG by establishing
General Meetings promote transparency. The Group also strengthens relationships through one-on-one meetings, non-deal six Centres of Excellence. These centres focus on key
roadshows, conferences, plant visits, and special events like 'ABG Day,' enhancing collaboration with investors and analysts. areas such as Litigation and Alternative Dispute
Resolution, Compliance, Employment and Industrial
Relations, Intellectual Property and Brand Protection,
Competition Law, Technology Laws and Data Privacy,
and ESG and Mining Laws.

At the business level, Grasim's Legal and Compliance

Division (GLCD) advanced transparency and ethics
with automated regulatory compliance reports and
proactive training programmes.

Hindalco's Legal and Compliance Division (HLCD)

upheld ESG compliance and provided strategic
advisory to senior management, showcasing
governance in action through rigorous on-site audits.

Aditya Birla Capital highly value and integrate

sustain-ability into their daily operations and decision
making processes. The organisation firmly believes in
upholding sound and effective corporate governance
practices through full and fair disclosure.
Here is a snapshot of how ABG's EHS governance systems were strengthened in FY24:

Environmental Health Safety

Governance Governance Governance

Ÿ Working Groups on Ÿ Business-level Ÿ Safety Executive

Decarbonisation, health committee Council
Water and Waste formed at
Ÿ Business Safety
to Wealth 5 businesses
Ÿ Water Centre of Ÿ Cross-Business
Ÿ Working group on
Excellence Working Group
SIF, Machine
Ÿ Policies and - ABG PEHEL Safeguarding
Standards - Accreditation Activities Program, Process
- Exit Interview
Safety and
- Mines Group
Electrical Safety
- Specialist Circle
among doctors

Note: For a more detailed report on governance, please refer to the business-specific sustainability reports, through links provided in the Reporting and Transparency chapter.
Sustain-ability Assurance
The effective implementation of the ABG Sustainable Business Framework (ABG SBF) across various businesses is ensured by
our robust Assurance system. This Assurance is obtained at two levels:

Level 1: Level 2:
Self-Assurance to demonstrate conformance to Second and third party assurance using internal
Technical Standards and Management Standards issued team members trained and/or to third-party for
through ABG SBF, on specific EHS topics and systems. maintaining high standards of independence.

The two approaches used for

Assurance at ABG include

Self-Assurance Questionnaires (SAQ)

This Assurance process is underpinned by a robust system of
A set of questions to check the implementation of
managing non-conformities through ENABLON.
Sustain-ability Standards at ABG business sites through
Online and Offsite assessments.
All applicable legal compliances are managed through
Regulatory Compliance Module (RCM) in ENABLON and are part
of our Assurance process. Project Refresh/SAQ 2.0
Ÿ An initiative to enhance the existing SAQs into more
concise and effective questionnaires as we mature in
our sustain-ability journey.

Aditya Birla Sustain-ability Assurance Process (ABSAP)

Piloted and launched in FY23 to assess the ESG maturity
of manufacturing Businesses at site level ranging from
levels of Unacceptable – Developing – Acceptable –
Mature – Leading.

Multiple sites for 2 ABG businesses have been assessed

in FY24.
Zero Harm
At Aditya Birla Group, safety management is more than a priority; it's a core value rooted in our
'Zero Harm' vision. This commitment fosters a non-negotiable safety culture across all
businesses and geographies. To realise this vision, we focus on two key goals: preventing fatal
Reduction in Lost
injuries and achieving a 20% year-on-year reduction in lost time injuries. Our enhanced controls, Time Injuries
best practices, and safety programmes have consistently reduced Lost Time Injuries by an (annually since FY20)

average of 17% annually since FY20.

Key Projects Key Processes

Potential Serious Injuries Process Safety Safety Compendium Machine Safeguarding Proactive
& Fatality (SIF) Using AI Event Reporting A centralized repository Program Enhanced Occupational Safety through the Behaviour-
analytics to identify potential Enhanced safety that captures best A pilot project in the Textile Based Safety Observation program, achieving 748,000
Serious Injuries & Fatalities performance practices and insights business evaluated machine contacts and improving the Safety Culture Index.
from lower-category incidents, monitoring by from internal and external protection to prevent hand Strengthened the Major Accident Hazard Prevention
we analysed 137,574 incidents, integrating Process incidents. This tool and finger injuries in Program with Process Safety event reporting, leading to
uncovering 98,364 potential SIF Safety Management supports enhancing operations requiring human
5,365 reported events and defined risk mitigation
events. These were categorized (PSM) metrics with awareness by providing a intervention. It has since
collection of learning actions. The SIF prevention program reinforced our four
into major hazard groups to Occupational Safety expanded to 13 more
enable prioritized prevention videos, training resources, key hazard groups, utilising advanced AI analytics to
metrics for more businesses, implementing
planning and to strengthen and proven solutions from proactively mitigate risks.
comprehensive effective injury prevention
existing safety programs. oversight. various businesses. measures.
Adopted an advanced incident investigation approach
using TapRooT's root cause analysis digital application for
effective incident management

Key Trainings

Tailored Safety Training Programmes

Ÿ Flagship Safety Leadership Skill Development
Ÿ Process Safety Fundamentals: REBOOT.
Ÿ Advanced Root Cause Analysis Workshop.
Ÿ Curated E-Learning courses on safety specifics.

Note: For more information on safety related indicators, please refer to the business-specific sustainability reports, through links provided in the Reporting and Transparency chapter.
Integrated Health Management
At Aditya Biral Group, we've established a comprehensive integrated health
management model in place of systems, covering preventive, promotive, curative, Manufacturing
and rehabilitative care. Our approach offers every employee a robust healthcare
framework that supports well-being throughout their career.
57 locations in India
adopted PEHEL

Digital Health Tools Preventive Solutions The Qualitative Exposure Assessment (QLEA)
Expanding PEHEL to digitalise employee health Enriching occupational health management has been implemented across operations,
data. This software solution has been adopted by systems by handholding manufacturing locations in identifying hazards for Similar Exposure Groups
57 manufacturing locations in India by FY24, areas of heat stress management and respiratory (SEG) and guiding targeted improvements.
marking an increase of six locations. protection. Building on QLEA insights, we conduct
Quantitative Exposure Assessments (QNEA)
to evaluate risks, ensure compliance, and
determine the need for control measures.
Around 30 sites completed the assessments.

Capability Building

H.path Initiated in January 2024, these Virtual

sessions inspire employees to embrace and
sustain a healthy lifestyle through expert-led
discussions on fitness, nutrition, mental well-being,
and more.

Between January and March 2024, three H.path sessions

were conducted in which 1,472 employees from 13 ABG
businesses participated.
Supply Chain Management
Amid rising geopolitical risks, our robust supply chain management strengthens By prioritising resource conservation,
our Group's competitiveness by enhancing efficiency, cutting costs, and improving renewable energy, health and
customer service, all with a strong emphasis on responsibility and transparency. safety, anti-corruption, anti-bribery,
and human rights, we mitigate
Regular compliance monitoring, renewable energy adoption, and the commitment
macroeconomic disruptions and
to ethical practices across operations support our long-term sustain-ability goals,
drive sustainable progress.
ensuring our supply chain remains adaptable and proactive in the face of global

Group-level Progress Business-level Progress

Group-level Supply Chain Code of We worked through the Working Group for Sustainable Enterprise Risk Register
developed by Hindalco to address logistics,
Conduct developed by the Group Supply Chain where business procurement function heads
infrastructure, financial, strategic, and
Sustain-ability Cell in FY24. are evaluating various digital platforms.
operational risks.

Transportation Management Systems

implemented by Novelis ensure timely delivery
of goods by optimising loads and delivery
routes, tracking freight across local and global
routes, and automating time-consuming tasks.

100% ESG Screening of New Suppliers

by UltraTech. In 2023, vendor support programs
were launched to guide and increase awareness
of sustainable practices.

'Forest to Fashion' Initiative

Implemented by Grasim is a groundbreaking
project in the apparel industry for supply chain
mapping and collaborating with global brands to
trace raw material sources.

Note: For more information on supply chain management, please refer to the business-specific sustainability reports, through links provided in the Reporting and Transparency chapter.
People Management
At Aditya Birla Group, talent management is the cornerstone of our We embody our Employee Value
sustainable growth strategy. Our institutionalised talent management Proposition (EVP) of 'A World of
initiatives foster a diverse and capable workforce, ensuring a robust talent Opportunities' (AWOO) by continuously
pipeline aligned with the Group's future aspirations. Here is a snapshot of investing in learning, career development,
how talent management strengthened our sustain-ability in FY24. and cultivating future-ready leaders.

Nurturing Talent

Identifying Young Talent Developing Talent

Identifying Talent 5,800+ employees
1,886 employees underwent the Development
11,000+ employees (96% of total covered through Our flagship ABGLP programs - LEAP, HRLP, FLP, ELP
Assessment Center (DAC) process in FY24.
workforce) assessed through our the PA process and Group Internship Program, identify talent from top
580 early career professionals experienced
Potential Assessment (PA) process in are early career management and technical campuses in India and are
customised DAC journeys.
FY24 – the highest ever in a fiscal year. professionals. designed to nurture young talent into future leaders.

Our Leading Edge program develops the CXO

New businesses - Birla Opus, Century Business and Birla Estate launched their first potential succession pool while Springboard program
assessments, aligning with our Group-wide talent identification process and furthering the OneABG way of working. focuses on developing women leaders.

Building Ready Talent Pool

Seven Functional Talent Councils - HR, IT, Finance,
S&M, Manufacturing, R&T and Legal, drive our
structured succession planning process, building a
pipeline of future-ready leaders for critical roles.

Talent Councils identify the successors and their

readiness, define bridge/destination roles,
and create customised development
plans. This strong business partnership fosters a
sense of ownership in succession.
People Management

Employee Engagement Diversity and Inclusion

Achieved 91% participation in the FY23 Engagement 8,000+ women, 11.7% women representation 20% of all new hires are 72% of workforce
Survey, with a 90% engagement score - up 15.5% representation in in top management; women; consistent y-o-y is Gen Y and Z;
by 4 points from 2021. management cadre - Increasing presence in key roles - increase in women's 83% of women
a steady y-o-y progression. CEOs, CFOs, CHROs, Plant Heads, representation across ABG, employees fall in this
and more. highest gains made in India. category.
95% high pride of association and 93% Great
Place to Work score achieved.
Faster movement for women's roles - averaging 2.1 years in India versus 3 for men.
87% of employees showed intention to
stay with ABG - a jump of 8%.

84% engagement index for women

(improved by 5%), with 79% intent to stay
(increased by 9%).

86% employer brand score reached, beating

the high-performance norms.#
Note: Norms include over 148,308 weighted employee responses
across 123 companies.

Human Rights

Awareness sessions provided on needs and

requirements of supply chain management for
Hindalco, Ultratech and CFI

Onsite support provided to all CFI sites, 9 sites of

Note: For more detailed report on people management and human rights, please refer to the business-specific sustainability reports, through links provided in the
Grasim and Hindalco Eastern Cluster (5 locations
Reporting and Transparency chapter.
together) for completion of Human Rights Due
Diligence tool
Empowering Communities
Grounded in a legacy of giving back to communities, Aditya Birla Group seamlessly integrates

₹ 600+ cr.
business success with societal good. Under Mrs. Rajashree Birla's guidance, the Aditya Birla
Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development helms the Group's CSR efforts,
uplifting 11+ million people across 9,000 villages. With INR 600+ crore invested in FY22 & FY23, total CSR Investments
the Group reinforces its role as a trusted force for good. We continue to empower education in FY22 and FY23.
and uplift underserved communities, with an expanded reach and targeted support.

Healthcare Education Sustainable Livelihoods

100+ million polio vaccinations supported for a polio-free India. 100,000+ students 100,000 people trained
50% girls, reached through formal/ in skill sets.
non-formal institutes.
200+ deaf/mute 1 million patients 5,000+ children 30,000 girls
children received treated via 6,000 supported for cancer, vaccinated for 50,000 women empowered
cochlear implants. medical camps at TB, thalassemia, and cervical cancer 52 girls' schools supported through 5,000 SHGs.
24 hospitals. cardiac issues. prevention. (Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas).
200,000 farmers trained
450,000 solar lamps on agro-based projects.
provided to children in the hinterland.
35 billion litres of
350 girls supported water harvested
annually by Lilapoonawala Foundation. annually across 450 villages,
benefitting 50,000.

1,000 scholarships
awarded through 'Buddy4Study'
programme. Model Villages
300 villages
30,000 children being transformed into Model
Villages, 128 completed.
reached by Seva Sahyog
Foundation's Mobile Science Lab.
750,000+ lives
enhanced annually through civil
30,000 students
structures & fixtures.
provided financial literacy by SEBI.
Climate Resilience
Climate resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to climate-related disruptions,
ensuring long-term sustain-ability and stability. For Aditya Birla Group, climate resilience is a strategic For Aditya Birla
priority and a business imperative. As climate change continues to pose significant risks – particularly Group, climate
in areas like water management - the Group recognises the urgent need to adapt. resilience is not just
a strategic priority
By embedding resilience into our operations, we are proactively addressing climate risks, ensuring that but a business
our infrastructure, supply chains, and key resources remain robust in the face of a changing climate. imperative.

Assessing Climate Risks Implemented Adaptation Strategies

Conducted an in-depth analysis of physical Identified the most Developing a Piloted a comprehensive site-level climate
climate risks such as floods, cyclones, and water vulnerable sites, laying Group-level adaptation impact assessment at one ABG site focusing on
stress across key global business sites and covering the foundation for targeted framework for continuous stressors like extreme heat, floods, and cyclones.
two time-horizons of 2030 and 2050. resilience measures. evaluation and risk mitigation.
Invested in resilient technologies and
enhanced water management systems.

Collaborative Climate Action

Actively implemented climate adaptation

across key sites in collaboration with businesses.

Encouraged a holistic approach to climate

resilience, ensuring long-term sustain-ability across

Note: For a more detailed report on climate related disclosures, please refer to the business-specific sustainability reports, through links provided in the Reporting and Transparency chapter.
Aditya Birla Group is committed to achieving Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050. We have a Aditya Birla Group aspires to achieve
robust decarbonisation roadmap guiding this journey. In line with our ambition, several
businesses have launched a blend of short, medium, and long-term decarbonisation projects,
showing promising progress:
Carbon Emissions by 2050.

UltraTech Hindalco In FY24, all our businesses focused on minimising

aims to have 85% of its reduced its CO2 footprint Our decarbonisation
approach is anchored by the
emissions across Scopes 1, 2 & 3.
energy mix from green by substituting HFO with
sources by 2030 and is LNG and has achieved Decarbonisation Hierarchy,
Specific GHG Emissions
recognised as a 'leader' 60% installed based on four principles:
in climate change by renewable energy Avoid, Minimise, Business FY22 FY23 FY24 % reduction achieved
the CDP. capacity as of FY24. Remove, and Offset. compared to FY22

UltraTech Cement 582 557 556 -4

(kg CO2 per tonne of
cementitious material)

Grasim (tCO2/Turnover) 285.8 236.2 251.35 -12

Hindalco Copper 2.61 2.41 2.22 -15

Hindalco Aluminium 19.66 19.21 19.39 -1


Short-term targets

Company Target Reduction Base Progress Target

Year Target Year (%) Parameter

UltraTech 2032 27% 2017 -12% Scope 1

Hindalco 2027 25% 2012 -19.50% GHG Emission

Novelis 2026 30% 2016 -28% Absolute

Chemicals 2030 30% 2017 -18% Scope 1 & 2

Decarbonisation tCO2

Scope 1 & 2 Emissions Business FY22 FY23 FY24 % change over FY23

ABFRL 41,226 69,606 96,867 39.16

Several of our Group businesses, such as Aditya Birla
Insulators, Chemicals, Essel Mining, Textile/AF/OS, Aditya Birla Insulators 36,457 42,464 37,014 -12.83
Novelis, and Birla Carbon, have achieved remarkable Birla Carbon 3,894,249 3,741,052 3,649,772 -2.44
reductions in Scope 1 and 2 emissions. While
Birla Cellulose, Hindalco, and UltraTech Cement Birla Cellulose 3,637,328 3,651,986 3,762,660 3.03
experienced emissions increases due to higher production Chemicals #
3,827,278 3,319,807 3,329,824 -0.30
volumes, but the overall GHG intensities have shown a
positive reduction. Additionally, ABFRL’s reporting has Essel Mining 192,489 202,153 176,343 -12.77
been further strengthened with the inclusion of Madura Hindalco 27,080,000 27,490,000 27,780,000 1.05
Garments in the reporting scope highlighting our
commitment to transparency and sustainable growth. Novelis 2,334,137 2,255,000 2,192,000 -2.79

Textile/AF/OS* 723,449 769,348 737,293 -4.17

Reduction in Scope 2 emissions compared to FY21:
UltraTech Cement 62,804,149 64,225,491 73,122,247 13.85
24% 23% 33%
Novelis Birla Cellulose Birla Carbon Textile/Acrylic Fibre/Overseas Spinning #Chlor Alkai and Overseas Chemical


Scope 3 Emissions Business FY22 FY23 FY24 % change over FY23

ABFRL 476,608 1,371,530 1,584,632 15.54

Hindalco and Essel Mining started quantifying
Scope 3 missions from FY24. Birla Carbon 2,025,020 2,074,032 1,870,284 -9.82

Grasim 4,810,000 5,570,000 4,850,000 -12.93

Novelis 17,795,560 15,017,000 12,410,000 -17.36

UltraTech Cement 4,547,816 4,204,918 8,250,585 96.21

Waste to Wealth for Circularity
At Aditya Birla Group, our 'Waste to Wealth' approach drives circularity Across the Group,

20 number of sites
by conserving resources and reducing environmental impact. ABG aims
to achieve Zero Waste to Landfill by 2030. To support this goal, our
businesses focus on extending product life, minimising waste, achieved Zero Waste to Landfill status, with
leveraging cutting-edge technologies and strategic collaborations to 14.9 million tonnes of waste being reused,
enhance circularity and accelerate sustain-ability. In FY24, our businesses recycled, or repurposed by our businesses.
emphasised resource recovery and recycling.

Group-level Progress Business-level Progress

78% of hazardous Hazardous waste generation was minimised Compared to FY22, Novelis used 63% of recycled material
waste recycled or at the source, resulting in a reduction in overall waste utilisation in the process. It also significantly decreased non-
reused in FY24 - up waste compared to FY23 and an increase in across the Group have hazardous waste generation by 10% at the source.
from 69% in FY23. recycling volume. increased by 6%.
UltraTech became 3.4 times plastic
negative in FY24
compared to 2.44 times in FY23.

Hindalco recycled 85% of hazardous and

non-hazardous waste.
It partners with cement industries for co-processing
bauxite residue to develop polymer composite bricks.

Birla Cellulose disposed of nearly 90% waste

through recycling or reuse in FY24.
Water Resilience
Water is crucial for Aditya Birla Group's continued progress. Our priority is to tackle water Achieving
stress through strategic resilience measures such as reducing consumption, enhancing
efficiency, and ensuring sustain-ability. These efforts bolster our operations and foster
environmental health, economic efficiency, public health, climate resilience, and
50% freshwater
reduction in
consumption per tonne of
innovation, while strengthening our reputation as leaders in water stewardship. We product by 2025 on a FY16
remain committed to our aspirational targets on water management: The group has baseline; water positive
reduced freshwater consumption per tonne of product by 18.22% till FY24, compared to status in mining locations.
the FY16 baseline.

Achieved 50% reduction in freshwater consumption Water Positive Leadership

In FY24, UltraTech Cement achieved water

57% at 55% at At group level, 24 Since FY21, the percentage of effluent recycled or reused at Aditya
Hindalco Birla Cellulose out of 31 mines Birla Group businesses has risen from 12% to 19% in FY24, reflecting positivity ratio of 5 times, up from 4.17 times
Copper FIbre have achieved water a 58.33% increase in the total amount of effluent recycled or reused in FY23.
positive status. relative to the total freshwater withdrawn with the baseline of FY21.
ABFRL recycled 76% of its water in FY24,
compared to 68% in FY23, and has attained
water positive status.

Water Management - Risk & Resilience

Out of the 28 sites categorised as 'High to

Extreme High Water Stress Risk', an additional
two sites have achieved over a 50% reduction
in specific freshwater withdrawal intensity
compared to FY16, bringing the total to 8.

27 operational units have achieved Zero Liquid

Discharge status.

Note: For a more detailed report on water management initiatives, please refer to the business-specific sustainability reports, through links provided in the Reporting and Transparency chapter.
Biodiversity Management
At Aditya Birla Group, our Biodiversity Management strategy has two key components: ABG has adopted the Task
first, we aim to prevent harm or degradation of critical habitats and ecologically sensitive Force on Nature-related
areas; second, where impacts are unavoidable, we strive to achieve 'No Net Loss' (NNL) Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
of biodiversity through effective mitigation. In FY24, we advanced these efforts framework which is being driven
significantly, with some businesses also taking steps to become nature positive. through a Group-level initiative.

Group-level Progress Business-level Progress

Site-level Biodiversity Biodiversity assessments ABG is actively Hindalco implemented 17 BMPs

Management Plans (BMPs) conducted for 45 ABG sites. contributing to land use for high priority areas across India operations and
developed by various Group companies Biodiversity KPI have been management, water completed CII Biodiversity index and carbon
to achieve No Net Loss. mapped into ENABLON. conservation, and afforestation. sequestration studies at 11 plants. It is committed to
achieve 'No Net Deforestation' by 2030.

Grasim successfully planted 53,374 trees

in FY24, adding more than 7 lakh trees planted in FY23.

Birla Cellulose earned the prestigious

'Dark Green Shirt' rating
in Canopy's Hot Button Report 2023 for the fourth
consecutive year.

UltraTech Cement has voluntarily

completed biodiversity risk and impact
assessments at 15 of its 24 integrated units
and is working towards covering the remaining units
by end of 2024. It also planted 407,322 saplings in FY24
with an 87.84% survival rate.

Actions are being taken to replace

invasive species with native species
at numerous operating sites.

Note: For more information on Biodiversity Management, please refer to the business-specific sustainability reports, through links provided in the Reporting and Transparency chapter.
Digital for Sustain-ability
We employ advanced digital tools to enhance safety and productivity In FY24, digital technology
while also improving management and compliance. By integrating ESG advanced our ESG objectives,
data with real-time dashboards, we boost accuracy and support strategic underscoring our commitment to
decision-making through robust data analytics. This approach helps innovative and impactful practices
identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement, driving progress in our in safety, productivity,
sustain-ability efforts. management, and compliance.

Safety Productivity

Introduced 6 VR-based training modules Compendium for Expanded on the use of Office Ergonomics Assessment
with intuitive, experience-based learning, assessments data analytics, Gen-AI, Digital tool for assessing ergonomic risks for computer
Sharing & learning
to ensure effective training, and support for Zero Harm digital tools, ENABLON, and users. Total 5,671 employees participated
from Environment,
safety goals. With the success received from the centralised platforms like
modules launched in phase I, new modules will be Safety and Digital
TapRooT® Cause Analysis tool,
added in FY25 for use across all ABG businesses. Best Practices. Job Stress Assessment
and ESG 360 platforms.
Digital tool for assessing work-related stressors for
employees. Total 2,990 employees participated*
As of 31st August 2024

Health & medical management software developed
for medical centres and hospitals. Total beneficiaries
291 Doctors & 865 nurses use the system
Digital for Sustain-ability

Management & Compliance

ABG Sustain-Ability ESG Data 'Chirpy', the Gen AI-powered coworker, accesses and generates response on all the technical standards and
Management Tool guidance notes of the ABG Sustain-ability Framework.
Tracks over 15,000 sustain-ability KPIs across
14 ABG businesses.

Manages over 51,000 active legal

requirements for Indian operations.

Oversees more than 140,000 annual legal

compliance tasks in India.

Logs and tracks over 1.2 million safety-related

risks annually across ABG.

Supplier ESG Management Platform:

Implemented a platform for Group-wide supplier
assessment on sustain-ability parameters,
ensuring compliance with Group SCoC
Frameworks and SEBI, and enabling mapping
and visualisation of suppliers' Scope 1 & 2
emissions. This data-driven assessment enables
ABG to build a resilient and responsible supply
chain that aligns with the group's long term
goals and enhances its competitive edge.
Our sustain-ability outreach underpins our vision of becoming the
leading Indian conglomerate for sustainable business practices Over the years, we have consistently
across all our operations. By fostering proactive, two-way communicated sustain-ability across all
communication on sustain-ability, we engage with key stakeholders, levels, aiming to enhance internal dialogue,
including business associations, investors, regulators, media, and stay current on trends, and deepen
civil society. This approach not only strengthens our competitive stakeholder engagement for greater impact.
edge but also elevates our Group's profile.

ABG Sustain-ability Conference Communication for Sustain-ability (C4S) Platform

The 7th ABG Sustain-ability Key discussions covered Workshops, panel C4S connects Group leaders with global
Conference in February 2024, low-carbon transitions, discussions, and the inaugural thought leaders to exchange best practices and
Mumbai, centred on growth, green responsible supply chains, Grow Getters Awards embed sustain-ability into business strategies.
initiatives, digitalisation, and health and safety trends, highlighted ABG's dedication to
consumer strategies. and digital transformation. advancing sustainable practices. In FY24, three sessions, including
collaborations with WBCSD and GRI, provided
valuable insights and enhanced the sustain-ability
knowledge of our leadership.

Expert Conversation Series

Since June 2020, this series has featured online talks and
panel discussions with global sustain-ability experts and

By FY24, 45 sessions provided colleagues

worldwide with valuable learning and sharing
opportunities on diverse ESG topics.

Being Future Ready - ABG's Heat Stress Management Programme

As the world faced record-breaking temperatures in 2023, the urgent reality of workplace heat stress became impossible to
ignore. Anticipating another relentless heat wave, we took decisive action with the launch of our comprehensive heat stress
management programme. This proactive initiative is designed not just to protect our employees' health, but to maintain
operational resilience amid escalating climate challenges.

Our Proactive Three-step Approach Manages Heat Stress Through:

Qualitative Quantitative Physiological

Assessment Assessment Monitoring
Evaluated 1,732 activities in place Used Thermal Work Limit (TWL) Monitored employees working
of processes/workplaces across equipment to categorise heat stress at high-risk workplaces for heat
56 ABG sites for heat stress factors levels and guide interventions at stress to identify high-risk
like sun exposure and task 10 ABG sites including 4 Hindalco, workforce who may develop
complexity. 4 Cement, 1 Chemical and 1 Pulp & Fibre. severe heat stress illness.

In addition to these steps, we conducted extensive training and sensitisation sessions to implement the
programme. Aditya Birla Group aims to have a documented heat stress management programme at each site,
complete with assigned roles, responsibilities, and training modules by the end of this year. Ÿ Stakeholders' sensitisation throughout the Group.

Ÿ Improved working conditions, reduction in risk of

Recommended Actions for High-risk & Moderate-risk Workplaces developing heat stress and increased
performance of workforce.
Ÿ Ventilation at workplace (Air Ÿ Continuous awareness of heat stress. Ÿ Heat protective clothing
shower, Exhaust ventilation, (wherever possible). Ÿ Tested the Proof of Concept (POC), and are
Ÿ Rest areas with ventilation near to
Mist fans etc.). developing basis for a structured approach to deal
high-risk workplaces. Ÿ Have workers work in pairs (buddy system)
with heat stress in coming years.
Ÿ Drinking water is available and monitor each other for signs and
Ÿ Work permit system for non-regular
within 30 metres at shop floor. symptoms of heat stress or illness.
activities like maintenance etc. at
Ÿ ORS availability. identified high risk workplaces. Ÿ Appropriate work-rest scheduling.

ESG 360 – Transforming Sustain-ability Reporting at ABG

At ABG, we prioritise transparency and governance. While our Group companies excel in sustain-ability reporting, manual data
processes and complexity were hindering effective tracking of ESG progress and efficiency of their initiatives.
The ESG 360 advanced solution consolidates data from diverse sources, automates BRSR reporting, and is set to integrate
with ISSB, MSCI, and DJSI frameworks, providing group companies with comprehensive insights and alignment with global
standards. This initiative significantly advances our ESG monitoring capabilities and drives ABG sustain-ability agenda forward.

The Strategic Implementation of the ESG 360 Project Involved:

Dedicated Time-bound Robust

Working Groups Execution Governance
Teams consisting of employees from Group A phase driven approach Set up strict governance
Sustain-ability Cell, Group Data & Analytics ensured timely completion of to monitor the progress
(GDNA), Group IT, Business Sustainability, their each implementation stage. of implementation.
Ÿ Reduced efforts to gather monthly data
concerned departmental & IT SPoCs and partners.
Ÿ Improved data accuracy & transparency

Ÿ Improved business level & group level

Progress Timeline governance due to monthly data visibility and
Nov 22 Oct 23 Nov 23 Jan 24 Mar 24 trends monitoring

Project initiated ABFRL onboarded Successful data Roll out of User Launched at Ÿ Helping businesses to create strategies thru'
bridges from Acceptance Testing (UAT) Hindalco, UltraTech peer benchmarking both within the group &
Hindalco & Grasim – P&F and external
source system & ABFRL
UltraTech CFI onboarded Workshops for user
to data lake
onboarded feedback

To address these challenges and enhance our reporting capabilities, we successfully launched ESG 360
platform at three of our Group Companies this year – Hindalco, UltraTech, and ABFRL.

Enhancing Data Privacy for a Safer Digital Future

The introduction of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 in India has imposed new legal requirements on data
privacy, necessitating swift and comprehensive compliance across all Group businesses.
This legislation significantly impacts how data is handled, stored, and protected, creating both a challenge
and an opportunity for enhancing data privacy practices.

To address the challenges posed by the new regulations comprehensively,

we implemented a series of targeted actions:

Revamped privacy Compiled detailed Conducted privacy Acquired and

notices on websites inventories of impact assessments commenced
and mobile personal data for certain high-risk implementation of a Ÿ Achieved Compliance
applications for across various data processing consent management Met with transparency and accountability
multiple ABG business functions activities, identifying platform to streamline requirements under the Digital Personal Data Protection
businesses to ensure to better manage potential and manage consent Act, 2023 by updating privacy notices, creating data
transparency and and protect vulnerabilities and across all Group inventories and conducting impact assessments.
compliance with the sensitive implementing companies, ensuring
new regulations. information. mitigation strategies. that data collection Ÿ Protection of Individuals' Rights
practices align with Enabled individuals to exercise their rights under
legal requirements. the law by initiating the implementation of a consent
management platform in compliance with legal

Going forward, we will be implementing the data privacy framework for all Group businesses.

Water Reduction Journey | Birla Cellulose

Amid growing concerns about water scarcity due to climate change, water economics, environmental regulations
and depleting reserves, Birla Cellulose, a major player in the Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) industry, aims to
reduce its water intensity in the MMCF production process by 50% by 2025 from the baseline of 2015.

Dissolving pulp is made from sustainably sourced wood and this pulp is converted into viscose
fibre, which is further used in textile applications. Typically, 60% of total water intake is for
dissolving pulp manufacturing and 40% is for fibre manufacturing. Due to technological
constraints, water conservation in dissolving pulp production is limited.

To reduce water consumption, Birla Cellulose developed site-wise plans after considering types of discharges,
TDS limit in treated wastewater, and product mix.

The Roadmap was developed by adopting the 4 ‘R’ (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Regenerate) Principles:

Reduce water Reuse water in the Recycle water Regenerate water

consumption as process or other with or without through rainwater
well as wastewater applications treatment harvesting
These strategies led to a 55% reduction in
discharge within the process
process water intensity from the FY15 baseline in
fibre production, with some sites setting new
global benchmarks.

Renew Rethink – Landfill Waste to Energy | Jaya Shree Textiles, Rishra

Jaya Shree Textiles, Rishra generated around 100 MT of
landfill waste monthly. This waste had high disposal
costs of INR 1.1 lakh per month, posed environmental,
health & safety risks, and hindered compliance with EU
regulations and sustain-ability frameworks. To achieve
the company's goal of Zero Waste to Landfill by 2030
and Net Zero emissions by 2050, the Rishra unit resolved
to take urgent action.

The team analysed the type, quantity, disposal methods

and associated carbon emissions of the landfill waste to
set specific and measurable reduction goals. Testing was
done for Gross Calorific Value, moisture, and combustion
efficiency to consider waste-to-energy technologies as an
alternate to landfill disposals. Briquette machines were
not feasible due to cost factors, but later the team
discovered cattle feed manufacturing machines that
proved effective for converting flax dust and small fibre
into boiler fuel in the form of briquette.

Thus, this project was taken up and the unit is

expected to reduce around 1,200 MT of landfill
waste annually, helping achieve the Group's Zero Reduction in Reduced fossil Lowers product In FY24, reduced Enhanced
Waste to Landfill goal by 2030 and Net Zero Scope 1 GHG fuel consumption footprint by 179.4 MT of HIGG Index
Emission by 2050. emissions through by about 1,000 MT cutting GHG landfill waste Score and ESG
alternate fuel use emissions and 250 tCO2 disclosures

Revolutionary Sulphate Recovery System – A Leap in Sustain-ability | Grasim Industries Ltd.

Grasim Industries has achieved a significant milestone
by commissioning a new Sulphate Recovery System
featuring advanced Nano Filtration Technology (RO)
at their Renukoot plant.

This innovative system eliminates the need for

Barium Carbonate, a key raw material previously
used in the traditional sulphate removal process.
The new system also significantly reduces the
generation of brine sludge, a byproduct of the
sulphate removal process. The moisture content
in the sludge recovered from the filter press has
been reduced by 25-29%, easing the burden on
waste management practices.

The successful implementation of the Sulphate Recovery

System at the Renukoot plant serves as a model for other
facilities within the company and the industry at large. It
demonstrates that with the right technology and
commitment, substantial environmental and operational
benefits can be achieved. As Grasim Industries Limited,
Renukoot continues to prioritise sustain-ability and
operational excellence, the commissioning of this system
The new system has The elimination of barium Brine sludge
represents a significant step forward in their journey achieved notable carbonate has reduced its generation has
toward achieving both environmental and economic goals. outcomes associated environmental impact decreased by 36-40%

From Challenge to Resilience: Hindalco's Climate Adaptation Journey

In 2019, Hindalco's Birla Copper plant in Dahej faced an Today, the Birla Copper plant stands as a symbol of Hindalco's proactive and visionary approach, far better equipped to handle
extraordinary challenge when unprecedented rainfall caused heavy rains and operational risks. This transformation displays how strategic foresight, and sustainable planning can turn
severe flooding, disrupting operations. What could have challenges into opportunities. Hindalco's journey is a powerful reminder that preparing for the future starts with embracing
been a major setback instead became a catalyst for change today.
innovation, propelling the company on a path of resilience
and sustainable growth.

In response to this adversity, Hindalco's leadership acted IMPACT

decisively, initiating a thorough assessment of the plant's
vulnerability to extreme weather. Through detailed
topographical surveys, elevation studies, and drainage system
reviews, the team identified critical areas for improvement to
safeguard the plant against future climate risks.

Armed with these insights, Hindalco transformed

challenges into opportunities. They expanded
stormwater drains, elevated key infrastructure, and
implemented new drainage systems, creating a
robust defence against future weather extremes.
The plant's upgraded infrastructure is now not only
stronger but also more adaptable, designed to
weather the uncertainties of a changing climate Strengthened Proactive Sustainable Resilience Operational
with greater resilience.
Resilience Leadership Infrastructure Thinking Continuity
Infrastructure Hindalco's swift Expanded Climate By addressing
enhancements have and strategic stormwater systems adaptation vulnerabilities,
The impact of this initiative extended beyond physical
significantly improved actions reflect a and elevated key strategies now Hindalco ensures
upgrades. It cultivated a forward-thinking mindset across
the plant's capacity to clear commitment structures provide influence its operations
the organisation, embedding climate adaptation and
manage extreme to future-proofing long-term flood operations across remain secure and
sustain-ability into Hindalco's operational DNA. The lessons
weather with minimal operations. protection. Hindalco's sites. stable in the face
learned from Dahej are now shaping climate-resilient disruption. of climate change.
strategies across other Hindalco sites, ensuring that
resilience becomes an ongoing and evolving priority.
Reporting and Transparency
At Aditya Birla Group, our commitment to transparency and robust reporting drives our group businesses' approach to sustainability. By embedding comprehensive frameworks and assurance
mechanisms, we ensure that our disclosures remain credible, relevant, and aligned with global standards.

Business Report Frameworks/Guidelines/Standards Assurance Link

Hindalco Integrated Business Responsibility and ‘Reasonable’ Assurance for non-financial Core Click here
Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)
Industries Report 2023-24 Indicators of BRSR (Business Responsibility &
Sustainability Report).

UltraTech Integrated Business Responsibility and ‘Reasonable’ Assurance for non-financial Core Click here
Cement Report 2023-24 Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) Indicators of BRSR (Business Responsibility &
Sustainability Report).

Grasim Integrated Business Responsibility and National Guidelines on Responsible 'Moderate' Assurance of Integrated Report and Click here
Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) Business Conduct (NGRBC)
Industries Report 2023-24 ‘Reasonable’ Assurance for non-financial Core
Indicators of BRSR (Business Responsibility &
Sustainability Report).

Aditya Birla Integrated Business Responsibility and ‘Reasonable’ Assurance for non-financial Core Click here
Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)
Fashion and Report 2023-24 Indicators of BRSR (Business Responsibility &
Retail Limited Sustainability Report).

Century Integrated Report Business Responsibility and ‘Limited’ Assurance for non-financial information of Click here
Textiles and 2023-24 Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) BRSR (Business Reponsbility & Sustainability
Industries Report) and Integrated Report as per GRI standards.

Aditya Birla Annual Report Business Responsibility and ‘Reasonable’ Assurance for non-financial Core Click here
Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)
Capital 2023-24 Indicators of BRSR (Business Responsibility &
Sustainability Report).

Century Enka Integrated Business Responsibility and Not assured Click here
Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)
Report 2023-24

Essel Mining Sustainability 'Limited' Assurance of non-financial ESG Click here

& Industries Report 2023-24 performance of Sustainability Report

Birla Carbon Sustainability Scope 1 & 2 assurance (finalising scope 1, 2, & 3 Click here
Report 2023-24 verification now, will be completed by EOY 2024)

Novelis Sustainability 'Limited' Assurance of greenhouse gas inventory Click here

Report 2023-24
Aditya Birla Centre, S. K. Ahire Marg, Worli
Mumbai - 400030, India


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