Form 1 Agriculture complete notes
Form 1 Agriculture complete notes
Form 1 Agriculture complete notes
YEAR 2020.
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Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
The term agriculture was derived from two Latin words, ager and cultura.
Ager which means a field.
Cultura which means cultivation.
Definition of agriculture
Agriculture is defined as the art and science of crop and livestock production.
2. Livestock farming.
It involves;
Pastoralism-practice of rearing farm animals on pastures.
Fish farming/ aquaculture- involves rearing of fish in fish ponds.
Bee keeping/ apiculture- rearing of bees in bee hives.
Poultry keeping-keeping of domesticated birds for production of eggs and meat.
3. Agricultural engineering
A branch of agriculture that deals with use and maintenance of farm tools, machinery and structures.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
4. Agricultural economics.
A branch of agriculture which deals with the use or allocation of scarce resources while maximizing
output and minimizing cost in production.
5. Soil science
A branch of agriculture that deal with the study of soil.
Refers to the organization of the farm and all the enterprises in relationship to each other.
There are two main farming systems namely extensive system and intensive system
Extensive system.
It has the following characteristics;
Requires large tracts of land.
Requires low capital investment.
Requires low labour per unit area.
Has low yields per unit area.
Intensive system.
This system has the following characteristics;
Requires high capital.
Requires high labour investment per unit area.
It has high yields.
NOTE: extensive and intensive systems can be carried out under large scale and small scale farming. The
scale of production in these systems depend on the following;
The level of technology.
Availability of land.
Capital availability.
Skilled labour.
advantages Disadvantages.
cheap Low output per unit area.
Does not require high management level. Land is under-utilized.
Less labour required. Cannot be practiced where land is limited
Low profit per unit area.
advantages Disadvantages.
Maximum use of resources. It is labour intensive/ requires more labour.
Can be practiced where land is limited Requires high capital investment
Yields are high Requires high level of management.
Can result in high losses incase of poor management.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Characteristics of large scale farming
Involves use of large piece of land.
Requires heavy capital investment.
Requires skilled labour.
Requires high level of management.
Requires low capital investment.
Possible where land is a limiting factor.
Does not require high management level unless under intensive system.
Uneconomical due to small size.
Low production.
Provides limited employment.
Labour intensive.
Refers to keeping of livestock in marginal range areas.
Management practices such as disease control, improved pastures, supplementary feeding and water are
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Mixed farming.
Is the practice that involves both growing of crops and rearing of animals on the same farm.
Advantages of mixed farming
It offers diversification since one enterprise can fail and the farmer can still benefit from the other
hence no total loss.
There is mutual benefit – Crops supply feed for animals while animals supply manure for crops.
There is maximum utilization of resources.
The farmer is assured of an income throughout the year.
Animals can be used in the farm activities particularly draught animals.
High initial capital.
Lack of specialization.
Land can be a limiting factor if both enterprises are to be raised.
Requires high level of management for both enterprises.
Nomadic pastoralism.
Pastoralism is the practice of rearing livestock on natural pasture.
Nomadism is the practice of moving from one place to another.
Nomadic pastoralism is the moving of animals from one place to another in search of fresh pastures
and water.
Nomadic pastoralism is gradually changing to ranching with the introduction of:
Improved pasture species.
Improved livestock breeds
Supplementary feeding
Efficient disease and parasite control measures
Improved infra-structure such as roads, water supply, cattle dipping facilities.
Extension services.
Involves farming on a piece of land until it is exhausted and then moving to a more fertile land.
Shifting application is applied where;
Land is abundant. (more land)
Where population is sparse.
Where land is communally owned.
Where the number of livestock per unit area is low.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Advantages of shifting cultivation.
It has low capital investment.
There is no buildup of pests and diseases.
Soil structure is maintained.
There are no land disputes as land does not belong to individuals.
Land is allowed to rest and regain fertility.
Organic farming.
Refers to the growing of crops and rearing of animals without using agricultural chemicals.
It is environmental friendly since there is no environmental pollution.
Adds fertility as Soil nutrients are replenished.
It improves soil structure.
It enhances soil water infiltration and retention.
Cheap and cost effective.
Is a farming method that involves growing of crops, trees and rearing of animals on the same piece of land.
This is to improve the output of the soil.
Advantages of agroforestry.
Trees bind soil particles together and act as windbreaks hence controls soil erosion.
It adds fertility in the soil when tree when they decompose.
There is maximum utilisation of land.
Agroforestry provides fodder for livestock and wood fuel.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Agriculture is very important in the economy due to the following reasons:
Food supply (source of food) - agriculture supplies food to both urban and rural communities to
ensure a healthy population.
Source of raw materials for industries-agricultural products such as sugarcane, leather, cotton, milk,
beef, pyrethrum, coffee and tea are supplied to industries and processed into final products such as
sugar, shoes, clothes, yoghurt etc.
Provision of foreign exchange- when agricultural products such as coffee, tea, pyrethrum,
horticultural produce are exported foreign exchange is earned.
Provision of market for industrial goods- agricultural sector acts as a market for industrial goods that
are purchased from the industries and used to improve agriculture such as seeds, agro-chemicals like
fertilizers , pesticides and farm tools and machinery such as jembes, wheelbarrows, ploughs etc.
4. State four reasons why nomadic pastoralism is gradually changing into ranching.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
There are many factors affecting agriculture. They include:
Human factors.
Biotic factors.
Climatic factors.
Edaphic factors.
These are factors found in human beings or the way human beings do thing which in turn influences
agriculture. Human factors include:
Proper methods and time of doing operations such as planting at right time and spacing.
Use of right type and amount of inputs. (seeds, land, fertilizer, pesticides)
Application of the inputs at the right place such as application of pesticides on attacked leaves
and fertilizer in the soil.
Making of right or correct decisions based on observations made by the farmer such as when
detecting signs of diseases and applying the right treatment.
Health (HIV/AIDS)
The effect of HIV and AIDS as well as ill health on agriculture are as follows;
Government policy.
These are laws that govern production, marketing and distribution of agricultural products.
To encourage agricultural production the government introduces policies to regulate the amount of
imported agricultural goods by:
Heavy taxation of imports to protect local industries hence making importation expensive.
Subsidizing the growing of locally produced commodities hence making production of such
commodities cheap and affordable.
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Quality control- enforce policies that ensure production of high quality goods for both export
and domestic market.
Conservation of natural resources-such as forests, water catchment areas wildlife and soil.
Stepping up in control of diseases and parasites that affect crop and livestock by introducing
regulations such as quarantine, licensing of quality products and vaccinations of animals.
These are living organisms that affects agricultural production either positively or negatively.
They include:
Nitrogen fixing bacteria.
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They are destructive organisms and affects agriculture negatively in the following ways:
They transfer pollen grains from the anthers to the stigma of the flower causing cross pollination.
Cross pollination helps in production of new and improved varieties of crops.
Relative humidity.
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It is very important as the main source of water required by plants.
It must be adequate to sustain plants and animals.
Plants wilt when water is inadequate.
Aspects of rainfall a farmer should consider when deciding on what crop to grow in an area:
Rainfall reliability.
Amount of rainfall.
Rainfall distribution.
Rainfall intensity.
Rainfall reliability-is the dependency on the meteorological timing on the onset of rainfall.
-it determines the time of land preparation and planting.
Amount of rainfall- is the quantity of rain that falls in a given area within a given year and
measured in mm. rainfall amount determines the type of crop to be grown and livestock to be
Rainfall distribution-refers to the number of wet months in a year. Influences choice of crop to
be grown in an area.
Rainfall intensity-is the amount of rain that falls in an area within a period of one hour and
measured in mm per hour.
Refers to the hotness or coldness of a place measured in degrees Celsius or centipede.
Cardinal range-is a range of temperature in which plants grow and thrive well.
Effects of temperature on crop production
Low temperatures.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Relative humidity
Is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere at a given temperature.
Affects the rate of evaporation and transpiration as at high humidity, the rate of
evapotranspiration is low.
It provides energy required for photosynthesis.
Aspects of light that are important to consider;
Short-day plants-require less than 12 hours of daylight such as soya beans, rice and tobacco.
Day neutral plants-require 12 hours of daylight e.g. coffee, maize and beans.
These are soil factors that affects growth and distribution of crops and livestock.
Soil formation.
Agents of weathering.
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Chemical weathering.
Parent rocks are made up of chemical substances and with time they undergo changes that alter
their composition.
Chemical weathering involves various chemical; reactions that occur between rock minerals in
parent rock and water as well as atmospheric gases.
Water from rain fall dissolves some carbon (IV) oxide forming weak carbonic acid.
Over a long period of time, weak carbonic acid reacts with the mineral particles in the parent
rock especially calcium carbonate.
This causes decomposition.
The chemical reaction is as follows:
Calcium bicarbonate formed by the reaction is soluble in water and hence dissolves the rocks.
Factors influencing soil formation (weathering)
They include:
Superficial layer-a thin layer that has dry decaying and decayed organic matter that covers the soil
Topsoil (horizon A) - is the uppermost layer below the superficial layer.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Characteristics of top soil layer.
It is darker than other layers because it has high humus content.
It is well aerated.
It is well drained
Contains active living organisms that decompose organic matter into humus.
Sub-soil (horizon B) - found after top soil layer.
-it is more compact
- It is less aerated.
-minerals are leached from the top soil and they accumulate in this horizon hence it is called a
layer of accumulation.
Substratum or weathered rock (horizon C)-found below subsoil layer.
--it is hard and impermeable to water.
-big trees roots may reach the layer.
Parent rock ( horizon D) –found below the weathered rock.
-also referred to as bed rock.
-soil is formed from this rock.
Note: a transitional layer is found between two bordering horizons where one layer merges into the next
Mineral matter.
Organic matter.
Living organisms.
Water occupying the micro-pores and held with greater force by soil particles.
Available to plants.
Also called available water.
Hygroscopic water.
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Functions of water to plants,
He filled the empty dish halfway with fresh soil and measured the mass of the dish with fresh soil and
recorded (X+Y) g.
He heat the dish and the fresh soil in an oven for 2 hours and cooled the heated soil, the, he weighed the
heated soil and recorded (X+Z) g.
= (y-z)/y x 100.
Set up the experiment as shown above using two conical flasks labeled X and Y.
X should contain fresh garden soil while Y should contain strongly heated soil.
Leave the apparatus for four hours.
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Observation and results.
In flask X lime water turns into a white precipitate while in flask Y lime water remains colourless.
Lime water in flask X turns into a white precipitate because of presence of carbon (IV) oxide gas which is
produced by the living organisms present in the fresh soil.
Lime water in flask Y remains colourless because of absence of carbon (IV) oxide gas in the flask since all
living organisms are killed in the strongly heated soil.
Soil structure.
Refers to the physical appearance of the soil according to the way individual soil particles are
arranged, packed or aggregated.
Types of soil structures.
o Single-grained soil structure. o Prismatic soil structure.
o Crumby soil structure. o Platy soil structure.
o Granular soil structure. o Blocky soil structure
Soil texture.
Soil classification.
Sandy soil.
Clayey soil.
Finely textured.
Poorly drained and aerated due to narrow pores between particles.
Very high water holding capacity.
High capillarity.
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Loamy soils.
Moderately textured
Moderately drained
Slightly acidic
Good water holding capacity.
Suitable for crop production.
Soil colour.
Soil pH.
Soil pH affects availability of various nutrients. Low pH makes phosphorus and molybdenum less
available in the soil.
Very acidic soils or alkaline conditions affect activities of micro-organism. As they inhibit the
activities of soil micro-organisms.
Different crop species reacts in different manner since each crop species have their optimum range of
soil pH i.e. coffee does well at pH 5.3-6.0.
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Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
8 Dibber Used for making holes for
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15 Watering can Used for watering
seedlings in the nursery
and after transplanting.
19 Pruning hook
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1 Milking bucket or Used for holding milk as milking
pail takes place and during feeding of
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8 Used for castrating bulls, rams and
Burdizzo billies.
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16 Dehorning iron. A metal rod that is heated and
placed at the horn buds to burn and
scoop it off.
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Cutting tools and equipment.
There are two types of chisel, wood chisel and cold chisel.
Wood chisel is used for cutting grooves, chopping off rough wood surfaces and in joinery work.
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Care and maintenance of chisels.
These are tools used for smoothing surfaces of work to produce a smooth and attractive surface.
They include:
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Are used along the grains while routers are used across the grains.
Planes are of various types and size such as block plane, smoothing plane, jack plane, robot
plane, matching plane, bull nose plane, circular plane.
Care and maintenance of planes.
Cutting edges of the plane iron should be sharpened on an oilstone when blunt.
Knobs and handles should be replaced when broken.
Check or replace worn out parts of the plane.
Plane iron and cap iron requires replacement when worn out.
Plane should be laid to its side at the work bench when not in use.
Routers-used for removing wood to form a groove or to make the grooves smooth.
Files- (wood rasp and metal file)-used for smoothing rough wood surfaces.
They include:
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Boring tools and equipment.
Auger bit-
Expansive bits-used for boring holes in wood.
Countersink bits.-used to widen screw holes so that heads of flat-head screws may be slightly
below surface of work.
Hand drills-used for rapid drilling of small holes in both wood and metals.
Bit-brace- used for holding and turning wood bits to bore holes in the wood.
These are tools used for holding work while carrying out operations such as cutting, smoothing,
boring etc.
They include:
G-clamp- for holding objects securely on the bench during various operations.
Quick action vice.
Sash clamp.
Bench vice.
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Sharpening tools and equipment
They are used for sharpening and cutting the edges of other tools.
They include :
Grinding stones
Oil stones.
Wrecking tools and equipment.
They are used in almost all construction and repair works in the farm.
They include hammers, screw drivers and mallets.
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Claw hammer-used for driving and removing nails from wood and straightening nails when they
are bent.
Mallet-a thick wooden or plastic block that has a handle used together with wood chisel.
Screw drivers-used to drive or remove screws in wood and metal.
Care and maintenance of hammers.
Broken handles should be replaced.
The head should be firmly fixed.
They should be stored properly.
Types of screws drivers.
Straight slot screw driver-for driving and removing straight slot head screws in wood and metal.
Star headed screw driver- for driving and removing star headed screws in wood and metal.
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Types of spanners.
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Precautions that should be taken when using workshop tools and equipment.
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Plumbing tools and equipment.
They are tools used for plumbing operations in the farm.
They include;
Masonry tool functions
Stock and die Used for cutting threads on pipes.
Pipe wrench Used for holding, tightening and loosening metallic pipes.
Pipe cutter Used for cutting PVC pipes.
Care and maintenance of masonry and plumbing tools.
Identify A, B, C, D
3. Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
iii) Name the parts labeled A and B
5. Name the tool that a builder would use to check the vertical straightness of a wall during
6. Name the farm tool that can be used when removing nails from timber
7. Give two examples of equipment that a livestock farmer can use in administering oral anti
8. Below are farm tools, study them and answer the questions that follow:-
12. Name the most appropriate set of animal handling tools that a farmer uses for the following
(i) Restraining a large bull when taking it around the show ring
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
i) State the use of the tools
ii) Name the type of hammer that may be used for driving tool K during work
ii) Describe the procedure you would follow when carrying out the practice named
14. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow;
iii) State two maintenance practices that should be carried out on tool D
15. List two equipment used in handling cattle during an Agricultural exhibition
i) Dibber
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
ii) Spokeshaves
iii) Tinsnips
iv) Burdizzo
17. List four precautions that should be taken when using workshop tools and equipment.
18. i) Below is an illustration of a farm equipment. Study it and answer questions that follow
4. Garden fork is a tool used in weeding in the nursery beds/and in carrot fields
5. The tool for checking the vertical straightness of a wall is Plumb bob and plumbline
7. Two examples of equipment that a livestock farmer can use in administering oral
anti-helminthes (1mk)
- Narrow necked bottle
- Drenching gun
- Dosing gun
12. most appropriate set of animal hand tools that a farmer uses for the following operations:-
(i) Restraining large full when taking it around the show ring-bull ring and lead stick (1mk)
(ii) Cutting tail in sheep-rubber ring and elastrator.....
(iii) Extracting blood samples for laboratory analysis-hypodermic needle and syringe
13. Provision of extra and quality feeds to sheep, two or three weeks before mating
14. ai) On the diagram a provided below, draw the mark to indicate a pig number 147,
using the procedure of ear-notching in diagram above
ii) the recommended stage of growth in pigs at which the ear-notching should be carried out?
before wearing/3-7 weeks of age/21-56 days/1 month-22months)
iii) three reasons why weight is an important routine management practice in pig production
to determine growth rate i.e. weight gain
facilitate administration of drugs e.g. drenching
for feeding i.e. to know the amount of feed to give
to determine the service/breeding time (1x3=3mks)
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b) i)B-entrance
C-top bar/bar
D-top cover/lid(1x3=3mks)
16. i) A – Sickle
B- Pruning saw
C- Hoof cutter
D- Metal float
ii) A sickle is used in harvesting grass, rice, wheat by cutting
B Pruning saw is used for pruning tree crops, cutting hard stems in coffee
C Hoof cutter – Trimming hoofs in animals e.g. cattle, goats, sheep
D Float (wood or metal) smoothing concrete during plastering
iii) Maintenance on B
- Sharpen and reset the teeth
- Replace broken handle
- Oil the blade for long storage
- Halter
- Rope
- Nose ring and leading stick
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19. four precautions that should be taken when using workshop tools and equipment.
Use tools for correct purpose.
Maintain them in good working conditions.
Keep them safely after use.
Handle tools correctly during use.
Use of safety devices / protective clothes
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Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
A piece of Land that has been prepared and is ready for planting is called a seedbed.
Land preparation mainly involves activities that make land suitable for planting and it entails ploughing or
digging, harrowing, riding and rolling. During land preparation the necessary physical conditions to be
achieved are as follows;
Suitable size of soil clods.
Suitable depth.
Looseness of the soil.
Absence of weeds.
Land clearing.
-Is the removal of vegetative cover from the surface before land is tilled.
-it is done to prepare land for cultivation and a land reclamation method.
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Methods of land clearing.
Tree felling- trees are cut down using axes, pangas and small power saws in small scale while
bulldozers and root rakers are used on large scale. Destumping or removal of stumps then follows
Burning - fire is set on vegetation cover. This method is discouraged as it destroys organic matter,
soil micro-organism and plant nutrients.
Slashing- small bushes and grass are cleared through slashing using a panga, slasher or tractor-
drawn mowers.
Use of chemicals - herbicides are chemicals used to kill weeds. They kill weeds faster and easily.
Primary cultivation.
Involves hand digging using a jembe or fork jembe in small scale and in large scale mouldboard and disc
Primary cultivation should be done before onset pf rains to give time for all operations to be done in good
To remove weeds.
To bury organic matter for easy decomposition.
To make planting easy.
To facilitate water infiltration and aeration.
To destroy soil-borne pests by exposing them to predators and sun.
Hand digging-use of simple tools such as jembes, mattocks to cut and turn soil slices.
Mechanical cultivation-tractor-drawn implements such as mouldboard and disc ploughs are used in
large scale. Hardpans are broken by subsoilers and rippers.
Uses of Ox-plough- ox-ploughs are drawn by oxen during cultivation.
During primary cultivation farmers should consider the following aspects.
Time of cultivation.
Depth of cultivation.
Choice of the correct implements.
i. Time of cultivation.
Land should be prepared well before onset of rains.
This is to give weeds and other vegetation enough time to dry up and decompose into organic
Early land preparation also gives enough time for other subsequent operations to be done.
ii. Depth of cultivation.
Depth of ploughing is determined by the following factors;
Type of crop to be planted-deep rooted crops requires deeply cultivated soils. Shallow
rooted crops may not need deep cultivation.
Implements available-some implements cannot cut the soil beyond certain depths.
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Type of the soil- heavy soils are hard when they dry and implements such as jembes and fork
jembes tend to dig at shallow depth on hard soils.
Condition of the land-land with a lot of stumps and stones cannot be ploughed using jembes and
mouldboard plough. A disc plough is suitable as it would not break easily when working.
Type of tilth required- fine tilth requires the use of different implements.
Depth of cultivation- when deep cultivation is required heavy implements are necessary.
Secondary cultivation.
These are operations that follow the primary cultivation.
It is also referred to as harrowing.
In small scale farmer use implements such as jembes, pangas and garden rakes.
In large scale farmers use tractor-drawn harrows such as discs, spike-toothed and spring-tines.
State and explain factors that determines the number of times secondary cultivation is done
Size of planting materials-big seeds require rough seedbed hence few operations compared to small
ones such as finger millet that need fine tilth.
Slope of the land- fine seedbed are discouraged on hilly land as it encourages soil erosion and
therefore less operations are required.
Moisture content of the soil-in dry soils, fewer operations are preferred to conserve the available
Condition of land after primary cultivation-incase of more trash, more harrowing operations
should be done to mix the trash with the soil.
Tertiary operations.
These are operations that are carried out to suit production of certain crops such as Irish potatoes,
sweet potatoes, cassava and ground nuts.
Tertiary operations are carried out after land clearing, primary cultivation and secondary cultivation.
They include ridging, rolling and leveling.
Process of digging soil in a continuous line and heaping it on one side to form a bund (ridge) and a furrow.
Importance of ridging
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Compaction of loose soil or fine tilth.
Importance of rolling.
Prevents tiny seeds from being carried away by wing and soil erosion.
It increases seed soil contact.
Practice of making soil surface flat and uniform.
Importance of leveling.
Is the process of cultivating the soil for the purpose of breaking up the harpans which might as a
result of continuous use of heavy machines during land preparation.
Implements used include subsoilers, chisel ploughs or cultivators.
Importance of subsoiling.
Helps to break up hard pans.
Facilitates adequate gaseous exchange in the soil.
Brings to the surface minerals that might have leached to deeper layers.
Minimum tillage
This is the application of various farming practices that aims at least (less) disturbance of the soil.
Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
- Land preparation entails the following farming practices.
- Land clearing or bush clearing tools, chemicals and equipment used.
- Primary cultivation, tools and equipment as machines used.
- Primary cultivation, tools and equipment as machines used.
- Secondary cultivation, tools and equipment used.
- Tertiary operations e.g. ridging, rolling and leveling.
- Sub-soiling, tools used and reasons for the same.
- Minimum tillage and reasons for the secure.
The following relevant questions and their answers in this topic will greatly help and motivate
the user to comprehend and understand the required concepts and farming practices:
1. Give three factors that determine depth of ploughing during land preparation
2. List four reasons for cultivating land before planting
3. (a) What is minimum tillage?
(b) Give four farming practices that help in achieving minimum tillage.
4. (a) Describe the establishment of grass pasture from the time the land is ploughed using a mould
board plough to the time the pasture is ready for grazing
(b) Explain five practices that a farmer should carry out to ensure uniform germination of seeds
(c) Describe five factors that determine the number of cultivations when preparing a seedbed
5. State four physical conditions of the seedbed that need to be changed to facilitate germination
6. State four importance of sub soiling as a tertiary operation
7. Outline four advantages of rolling in seedbed preparation
8. State four disadvantages of minimum tillage
9. The diagram below illustrate a tertiary operation carried out in the farm
1. three factors that determine depth of ploughing during land preparation
Crop to be planted
Implement available
Type of soil
2. Four reasons for cultivating land before planting.
- To improve soil aeration.
- To improve germination.
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- Destroy weeds.
- Destroy weeds.
- Incorporate organic matter in the soil.
- Increase water infiltration.
3. (a)Is a situation in which least possible cultivation operations are carried out in crop
(b) - Clearing the land / bush clearing.
- Using appropriate chemicals to kill the existing vegetation.
- Weeding using herbicides.
- Planting / drilling seeds directly into the stubble of previous crop.
4. (a) - Harrow the land to a fine filth;
- Harrow during the dry or before the rains;
- Make the seed be weed – free / ensure clean seed bed;
- Firm the seed bed using rollers after sowing;
- Select a desirable variety of seed for the ecological zone,;
- Sow seeds at the onset rains/ early planting;
- Apply phosphatic fertilizers at appropriate rate of 200 – 300 kgs/ ha at planting time;
- Drill or broadcast the seeds evenly;
- Use a recommended seed rate for the variety / seed rate of 1.5 – 2.0 kh/ha pure seeds;
- Bury seeds at 2 ½ times their diameter;
- Control weeds by uprooting/ apply a suitable herbicide;
- Apply nitrogenous fertilizers about 6 weeks after germination in split application.
- Avoid grazing when the pasture is too young.
- Practice light grazing in the field phase of pasture establishment. (10 x 1 = 10 mk)
(b) - Select seeds of the same size, variety, age and free from pests and diseases.
- Plant seeds at the same time.
- Prepare the whole field to required uniform tilth.
- Plant at the right moisture content of the soil / irrigation uniformly.
- Treat seeds before planting i.e. break dormancy.
- Plant at the correct depth. (5 x 1 = 5 mks)
(c) - Soil moisture content.
- Type of soil.
- Cost of operation.
- Size of seed/ type of planting material/ type of crop.
- Type of machinery available / use of tractors.
- Topography / gradient of the land/ liability of soil erosion.
- Skills of the operator.
- Initial conditions of the land/ the cropping history of the land.
- Time available to carry out the operation before planting.
5. Four physical conditions of the seedbed that need to be changed to facilitate
- Size of soil clods (clods (made small or medium size
- Appropriate soil depth
- Soil looseness
- Should be weed free
- Soil moisture content improved
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7. Four advantages of rolling in seedbed preparation are:
Press the seeds against the soil moisture
Controls soil erosion
Ensure uniform germination
Controls removal of small seeds by wind
Breaks large soil cods
8. four disadvantages of minimum tillage
The less porous surface increased soil erosion especially in heavily sols
Difficulty in weed control
Speed of planting to reduce due to large amount of residues in the soil and big clods
Leads to accumulating of soil borne pests and diseases
9. a) - ridging
b) (i) Encourage tuber expansion
Allow easy harvesting of crop roots
(ii) Rolling
- Leveling
- Leads to timely planting
- Weeds are appropriately controlled especially the perennial such as couch grass
- Farmers take advantage of availability of labour reducing the cost of labour
- Control of soil borne pests
Gives time for better organic decomposition
11. - By repeated cultivation at the same depth;
- Cultivating the soil when wet using heavy machinery;
12. - Type and size of planting material;
- Topography/slope f land;
- Soil moisture content;
- (Initial) condition of land/amount of vegetation on the land;
-Capital available
- Type of implement used;
13. It is the least number of cultivation operations either during preparation of the seed bed or
during the management of the crops.
Market demand
Type of crop to be planted
Moisture condition of the soil and rainfall pattern
Prevalence of pests and diseases
Prevalence of weeds
15. two factors that determine the number of cultivation on a field before it is ready for planting
purpose of crop weather
moisture content market demand
concentration of desired chemical
16. - Enables crop to benefit maximumly from available moisture
-Crops make use of nitrogen flush available at that time
-Crops fetch high market prices
-Crops escape from pests and diseases
-There is high vigour in crops that resist diseases
-Ensures timely harvesting
17. - type of crop to be planted
-Implements available
-Type of soil
-Climatic conditions
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Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Sources of water
Water tanks.
Difference between a dam and weir.
Dam-a barrier constructed across a river or dry valley to hold water and raise its level to for, a
reservoir or lake.
Weir- is a barrier constructed across the river to raise water level and still allow the water to flow
over it.
Pumps and pumping of water.
Pumping is the lifting of water from one point to another by use of mechanical force either for use or
It is the process of moving water from one point mostly the source to where it will be used or stored.
Use of containers.
Use of canals.
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The process of water treatment.
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Refers to the artificial application of water to the soil for the purpose of supplying sufficient moisture
to the crops.
Irrigation is used as a land reclamation method.
Conditions that necessitate irrigation.
In dry areas
During dry periods.
When growing paddy rice.
Types of irrigation.
Factors to consider when choosing the type of irrigation method to use on the farm.
Availability of capital.
Availability of water.
Topography of the land (slope)
Type of soil.
Type of crop to be irrigated.
Surface irrigation
Sub-surface irrigation.
Involves laying perforated pipes underground to allow water to pass through tiny holes and wet the
soil around root zones.
Require soil of high capillarity and water holding capacity.
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Advantages of Sub-surface irrigation.
a type of irrigation that uses plastic pipes with tiny perforations or bottles place above the ground to
drip water on the ground.
Advantages of Drip or trickle irrigation.
This is where water is applied above the crops by means of sprinklers or watering cans.
Rotating sprinklers mounted on vertical pipes applies water in form of spray under high pressure.
Maintenance of sprinklers and pipes used in overhead irrigation.
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Disadvantages of overhead irrigation.
It is expensive in installation.
It encourages fungal diseases such as CBD, as water accumulates on the leaves.
It causes soil erosion if not properly controlled especially on slopy grounds.
It may require establishment of windbreaks.
Maintenance of the system requires a lot of skill and is also expensive.
This is a method of removing excess water or lowering the water table from a marshy
waterlogged land.
It is also a method of land reclamation.
Reasons/ importance of drain as a land reclamation method.
Pollution is defined as any process that leads to harmful increase in the amount of chemical substances or
forms of energy released into the environment by human activities.
Carrying out soil conservation a measure that minimizes losses of soil through erosion.
Fencing of water sources to reduce possible pollution by livestock or humans.
River banks should be vegetated by planting grass to minimize siltation in rivers.
Need to enact or enforce laws to use integrated methods that are non-chemical in controlling pests
and weeds.
Use of adequate storm water control methods and disposal systems in areas of heavy rainfall.
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Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
(c) What material should be inserted at point T
b) Name two farming practice that cause water pollution
20. Give four reasons for practicing irrigation
22. a) State four importance of water to plants
b) State four reasons for treating water before use
c) Describe water treatment system in a chemical treatment plant
23. Name four diseases caused to man by drinking untreated water
24. State the functions of the following chemicals as used in water treatment;
(a) Chlorine.
(b) Aluminum sulphate (AIlum)
21. The diagrams labeled S and T illustrate some methods of draining waterlogged fields; use it to
answer the questions that follow:
Marking scheme.
3. a )Sprinkle irrigation
b) four advantages of the above irrigation system
Little water required
Done on nay topography
Control weeds between rows
Water under low pressure
Prevent fungal diseases
c) three factors that determine the type of irrigation on the farm
Where tree crops are planted
Little water supply
Enough capital for the method is available
Slope land 3x ½ = 1 ½ mks
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d) two disadvantages o f the above system of irrigation
Difficult to carry field mechanization
Require a lot of capital
Require clean water
Regular repair of broken pipes and blocked pipes
Applicable where tree plants are grown
4. a) Artificial√ application of water to the soil surface for purpose of supplying enough
moisture√ for plants growth(mark whole)
b) Surface,
5. a) four use of water on the farm
Domestic use
Diluting chemicals
Construction work
Watering livestock and washing buildings
Processing farm produce(1/2x4=2mks)
b) four methods of harvesting water on the farm (2mks)
roof cantonment
rock cantonment
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(c) Stage I: Filtration of water intake.
- Water from source river is made to pass through a series of sieves.
- Large particles of impurities are trapped by the sieves.
- Water then enters into the large pipe to be directed to the mixing chamber.
Stage II: Softening of the water.
- Water circulates in the mixing chamber and doses of soda ash to soften the water.
Stage III: Coagulation and sedimentation
- Water is passed through coagulation tank where fresh air enters to remove bad smell/ chloride of
lime used.
- Water stays for 36 hours thus solid particles settle and bilharzias causing organisms killed.
- Alum added to coagulated solid particles which settle at the bottom.
Stage IV: Filtration
- Water is passed through filtration tank with layers of sand and gravel to filter it.
- Water leaving the filtration tank is clean.
Stage V: Chlorination
- Water is passed through chlorination tank where chlorine is added.
- Micro-organisms in the water are killed by chlorine.
Stage VI: Storage
- The treated water is stored in large overhead tanks before distribution and use.
9. - Improves soil aeration
- Raises soil temperature
- Increases activities of micro- organisms
- Increases soil volume
- Prevent accumulation of poisonous substances in the soil
10. - Semi-rotary
- Hydram
- Piston/ reciprocating
- Centrifugal
- Rotary
11. Four examples of working capital in maize production are;
Fuel fragticides
Casual labour (4x ½ = 2mks)
12. four types of water pumps which can be used in the farm
Centrifugal/rotadynathic pumps
Piston/reciprocating pump
Semi-Rotan pump
Hydram pump
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14. A dam is a barrier constructed a cross a river or a dry valley to hold water and raise its level
to form a reservoir or lake
A weir is a barrier constructed across a river to raise the level of water and still allow water to flow
over it
15. - Giving subsidies by reducing the cost of production inputs
Fixes prices of the related products
16. – Piping is the conveyance of water through pipes from one place to the other while pumping is the
lifting of water from one point to another by use of mechanical force;
To facilitate the action of soil living organisms
To check or reduce leaching
To moderate or increase soil temperature
To reduce accumulation of dissolved soil salts
To reduce erosion rate of top soil
To improve soil structure
To increase effectiveness of phosphorous fertilizer and conserve soil nitrogen
As a way of reclaiming areas such as coastal plains and the river belts which may have high water
In rice fields, water should be controlled by draining the water for a different crop cycle.
Allowing livestock to graze near water sources often results in organic waste products being washed
into the water ways.
Fertilizer application
Over grazing
Over cultivation
Use of farm machinery
19. a) i) A – Drop/ trickle irrigation
ii) B – Sprinkler/ overhead irrigation
b) Two advantages of method A over method B
- Conserves water
- Does not damage flowers, leaves
- Does not cause splash/ splatter irrigation
- Does not encourage spread of fungal diseases from crop to crop
- Does not encourage the growth of weeds all over the field
- Agro- chemical can be dissolved in the water and directly applied to the crop
c) i) Cotton wool
ii) Rough sand
21. four reasons for practicing irrigation
Increase crop production by applying adequate moisture
To reclaim dry areas
To meet moisture requirement of crops
To produce and benefit from off season crops
Growing of paddy vice
23. - to prevent rotting
-For processing
- For long storage
- Prevent pest and disease attack
24. (a) Kill germs
(b) For sedimentation
21. S- French drainage T- Vambedred peds M – soil- stones
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Prepared by Mr. Viny. Agric/Bio teacher year -2020 Call or whatsapp 0710250520 for more resources.
Soil fertility is the ability of the soil to provide crops with the required nutrients in proper proportions for
high production.
It increases the water holding capacity of the soil hence increasing infiltration rate.
It improves soil fertility by releasing a wide range of nutrients in the soil.
It improves the soil structure.
It provides food and shelter for important soil micro-organisms that carry out decomposition of
organic matter.
It buffers/ moderates soil pH.
It reduces the toxicity of plant poisons that may have built up due to continuous use of pesticides and
Helps to moderate soil temperature.
Problems associated with the use of manures.
Bulkiness-They have a low nutritive value per unit volume hence they need to be used in large
amount to supply the required nutrients.
Laborious in application and transport-require more labour to transport and apply making
increasing cost of production.
Loss of nutrients-if poorly stored soluble nutrients are easily leached and some are volatilized.
Spread diseases, pest and weeds.
If used and not fully decomposed they release nutrients that scorch the crops.
Manures are classified into;
Green manure.
Farmyard manure.
Compost manure.
Green manures.
A type of manure made from green plants which are planted for the purposes of incorporating into
the soil hence improving soil fertility.
Characteristics of plants used as green manures.
Five pits are dug in a series with pit I, II, III and IV filled with fresh materials.
After 3-4 weeks, the materials in pit IV should be moved to empty pit V, materials in pit III moved to
IV, those in pit II moved to III and materials in pit I transferred to pit II.
The process is repeated until the materials that were fist prepared first is well rotten and taken to the
field as compost manure.
Four heaps are used.
Materials in each heap are crop residues, animal’s wastes, old farmyard manure, inorganic fertiliser
and topsoil.
Materials are placed in heap marked X as shown below and transferred to heap Y after 3-4 weeks.
They are then again moved to heap Z after 3-4 weeks where they stay for another 3-4 weeks and the
taken to the field as compost. The manure is ready for use after 6 months.
A long sharp pointed stick is driven into the heap to check for temperature.
If the temperatures are high water should be added.
1. State two roles of humus in the soil that are beneficial to crops
2. List four characteristic of fertile soil
3. The diagram below illustrates a compost heap. Study it and answer the questions that follow
(a) By use of arrows indicate on the diagram above how the following material should be
transferred from one heap to another till the manure is applied in the field
(b) How long does the material take to be ready for application in the field as manure?
(c) Give a reason for turning the material in the heap regularly
(d) Give two reasons why it is necessary to sprinkle water on the heap
5. Name four indicators of well-decomposed manure
6. (a) State two factors that should be considered when siting a compost manure heap
(b) When preparing compost manure, explain the importance of each of the following:-
(i) Addition of ash
(ii) Regular turning of the compost manure
7. What is leaching?
8. State four advantages of adding organic matter to a sandy soil
9. (a) Describe the preparation of the following farm materials:-
(i) Farm yard manure
(ii) Hay
(b) Explain the factors considered in timely planting of annual crops
10. A ration containing 18% protein is to be made from maize and sunflower cake. Given
that maize contains 7% protein, and sunflower seed cake 34% protein. Use Pearson square
method to calculate the value of feedstuffs to be used to prepare 100kgs of the feed
ii) A part from Pearson square method, name two other methods that can be used to formulate
feed ration
1. two roles of humus in the soil that are beneficial to crops
Provide nutrients
Increase water holding capacity
Increase soil temperature
Neutral soil PH
2. Four characteristic of fertile soil (2mks)
Well drained
Correct PH
Good water holding capacity
Adequate plant nutrients
Free from pest and diseases
Correct soil nutrients
3. a) Q-stick√
Function-checking temperature√ and other conditions within the heap
b) i) Top soil-introduces organisms to effect composition√
a) use of arrows indicate how the decomposing material should be transferred from one heap
to another till the manure is applied in the field.
b)- 3 - 6 wks
c) one reason for turning the material in the heap regularly.
- Proper decomposition.
- Facilitate air circulation.
- Microbial activities.
d) two reasons why it is necessary to sprinkle water on the heap.
- To regulate the internal temperatures in the heap.
- Create moist environment for microbial activity.
5. Four indicators of well-decomposed manure
- Absence of bad odour and instead the smell of forest soil
- Light weight
- Brown colour
- Moist but not wet
- - Original nature of material not noticeable (½ x 4pts = 2mks)
6. (a) Two factors that should be considered when siting a compost manure heap are:-
Direction of prevailing wind
Size of the farm/proximity
(b) Five advantages of rotation grazing are: (5mks)
Livestock with maximum use of pastures
Reduces buildup of parasites and diseases
Animal waste evenly distributed
Pasture area given time to regenerate
Excess pasture conserved
Possible to apply fertilizer in the parts of the pasture which are not in use (5x1=5mks)
7. It is movement of dissolved nutrients front p soil to lower horizons of soil becoming
Unravel able to crops
- Improves soil structure
- Adds nutrients
- Increases cation exchange capacity
- Increases microbial activity in the soil
- Improves water holding capacity/ reduces leaching
- Buffers soil PH
66 | P a g e (Notes prepared by Mr Namaye Vincent- Agriculture & Biology teacher-year2020.)
Moderates soil temperature
9. (a) (i) Preparation of farm yard manure:-
- Collect animal waste/refuse/dung and urine;
- Collect animal bedding/litter and other rotten plant residues;
- Store collected materials under roof/shed to prevent leaching and oxidization of nutrients;
- Turnover the materials regularly;
- Sprinkle water if dry;
- leave the material to rote completely before use; (6x1=6mks)
(ii) Preparation of Hay
- Cut the grass /legume in the field when 50% of it is starting to flower;
- The cut forage is spread in the field for four continuous days (sunny days)
- The cut forage is turned daily for even for four uniform drying;
- Gather the dried material in a central spot;
- Bale the material;
- Properly store the baled hay (6x1=6mks)
10. i) A ration containing 18% protein is to be made from maize and sunflower cake. Given
that maize contains 7% protein, and sunflower seed cake 34% protein. Use Pearson square
methods to calculate the value of feedstuffs to be used to prepare 100kgs of the feed (3mks)
ii) two other methods that can be used to formulate feed ration (2mks)
Linear programming
Trial and error
Graphical method.
Importance of livestock.
Breed-refers to a group of animals that have the same characteristics and a common origin.
Breed type-refers to the purpose for which the animals is kept for example dairy breeds for milk,
beef breed for meat and dual-purpose breed both for milk and meat.
Cattle breeds.
o Indigenous cattle.
o exotic cattle breeds
Characteristics of indigenous cattle breeds (Bos indicus)
They have humps that store fat which is broken down during starvation to release energy and water.
They are fairly tolerant to tropical temperatures due to presence of dewlap and thick hides.
They have high tolerance to tropical diseases such as trypanosomiasis.
They have a slow growth rate leading to late maturity.
They have low production of both meat and milk due to inheritance of poor characteristics.
They can walk for long distances in search of food and water.
They can stay for long periods without food and water.
They have long calving intervals of more than one year.
Characteristics of exotic cattle breeds (Bos taurus)
Originated from Guernsey Island off the coast of France in English Channel.
The breed is brown with white colour in the face, leg parts below knees and hocks, tail switch and
Cows weigh an average of 450-500kg; bulls weigh between 540-770 kg and new born calves
between 25-30 kg.
Guernsey produces an average of 6100kg of milk per lactation period.
Milk has butter fat content of 4.5%-5%.
NB .The breed has moderate pasture requirements.
Aberdeen Angus.
Beef shorthorns.
They are cattle breeds that are good in production of both milk and meat.
They include;
Red poll.
Large white.
Originated from Britain.
It is a long, large and white pig.
It has a broad and slightly dished snout.
Its ears are upright.
It is the most prolific pig breed.
It is slow maturing but a good converter of feed to meat.
It is kept for production of pork.
There are two saddlebacks; Essex saddleback and Wessex saddleback.
They both have a black body and a white strip over the shoulders.
Both breeds have long heads and slightly dished snouts.
Their ears are slightly drooped.
Essex saddleback.
Has a black body with the shoulders and all the four legs white.
The breed is black with white colour on the feet, nose and tail.
It is kept for bacon production.
Middle white.
Originated from Britain.
White in colour just like large white pig breed.
Its ears are erect.
It has a slightly dished snout.
Prolific with good mothering ability.
Early maturing breed kept for pork production.
Duroc jersey.
Developed in Britain.
It is pure black in colour.
Has a long body with drooping ears.
It is hardy and kept for pork and bacon production.
Produces high quality carcass.
Developed by crossing Dorset Horn and black head Persian.
White in colour with a black head.
Suitable for hot and dry conditions.
Highly prolific and good growth rate.
Blackhead Persian.
Originated from Arabia and spread to arid and semi-arid areas of northern Kenya.
Popular due to its tolerance to the harsh conditions.
Has a black head and rest of the body is white.
Long legged, fat tail and is polled.
These are sheep breeds that are good in production of both meat and wool. They include;
Romney marsh.
Suited for high altitudes wit permanent wet pastures.
Resistant to foot rot and worm infestations.
Characterized by;
Wide head and polled that is well covered with wool.
Wide chest with a straight back and short legs.
Produce wool of medium length.
Have black hooves.
Rams weigh 102 -113 kgs.
Has relatively high quality wool and meat.
It is polled and well covered with wool.
Moderately long legs covered with wool
Produce wool of good length and low in shrinkage.
Dairy goats.-they have high milk production. They are further classified into temperate or exotic and
tropical or indigenous dairy goats.
Originated from Switzerland.
Large and white coloured goat.
Have upright ears that point forward.
Milk yield average is 3-3.5 litres per day with butter fat content of 3.5 to 4%.
British alpine.
Originated form Britain.
Indigenous/tropical dairy goats.
Mainly roan and white in colour.
Have long legs and flopping ears.
It is polled. (lacks horns)
A crossbreed between Indian jamnapari and the Egyptian Nubian.
Originated from India.
Typical colour is white with small tan patches on head and neck.
Ears are large and flopping.
It is horned.
Meat breeds.
They are goats that produce high quality carcasses. They include;
The only goat breed in this category is the angora goat that is reared for its hair referred to as
It originated from angora in Asia.
They are kept for meat and their droppings are rich in nutrients.
California white.
o Very prolific breed.
o White in colour with one or more of the following parts being black in colour; ears, nose, paws and
They are kept for provision of animal power in carrying of loads, pulling of carts and ploughs.
4. Give two distinguishing features between the following breeds of rabbits; Kenya white
and California white
5. Give four reasons why most farmers keep livestock in Kenya
6. Give three ideal conformation features of beef cattle
7. (i) Name a dual purpose cattle breed reared in Kenya
1. two reasons for treating water for us on the farm
Remove chemical impurities
Remove foreign material
Remove disease earning organisms
Remove bad smell & taste
2. Four advantages of applying lime in clay soil
Lower soil acidity
Increase calcium content
Hastens decomposition of organic matter
Improve soil structure/ improve drainage
Facilitates availability and absorption of nitrogen and phosphorous
Improve legume nodulation and nitrogen fixation
Increase multiplication of micro- organisms
3. Four ways by which Re-afforestation help in land reclamation
Add organic matter from falling leaves
Recycles soil erosion
Control soil erosion
Improve drainage of swampy areas
Play part in hydrological cycle
4. Distinguishing feature between Kenya white and California Kenya white is white all over the body,
has pink eyes California white is white with black nose and eras; has black/ brown eyes
5. Reasons why farmers keep livestock in Kenya
- Source of food
- Source of income
- Cultural uses e.g. paying dowry, recreation
- Provide source of power e.g. oxen
- Provides raw material to the industries
84 | P a g e (Notes prepared by Mr Namaye Vincent- Agriculture & Biology teacher-year2020.)
6. Ideal conformation features of beef cattle
- Blocky/ square/ rectangular
- Deep well flashed bodies
- Short strong legs to support their heavy bodies
- Compact body
9. Epistasis is s combination of genes which on their own could have been inferior on undesirable(1mk)
Economics-is the study of how man and society choose to allocate scarce resources to produce various
commodities over time and distribute them for consumption.
Agricultural economics-an applied science that aims at maximizing output while minimizing costs by
combining the limited supply of resources(land, labour, capital and management) to produce goods and
services for use.
This is a situation where the factors of production or resources are limited or insufficient to satisfy
production needs.
Since available resources are not enough due to competing enterprises, a choice has to be made on ho w to
allocate these resources. Therefore a farmer has to choose one or more enterprises on which to use the
available resources.
Opportunity cost.
When a farmer has several enterprises to choose from and decides to select one. Then from those not
selected the best enterprise becomes the opportunity cost. Therefore opportunity cost is defined as
Returns from the best alternative forgone.
A farmer had to choose one enterprise from three enterprises he had as follows.
enterprise Returns
Simsim farming Sh. 0.8 million
Livestock farming Sh. 1.4 million
Water melon farming 1.22 million
These are documents kept in the farm showing all activities on the farm over a given period of time.
They are kept to avoid loss of important information.
Characteristics of good farm records.
Farm records help to compare the performance of different enterprises in the farm.
They show the history of the farm.
Farm records help to show whether the farm business is making profits or losses.
They help to determine the value of the farm or determine assets and liabilities of the farm.
They guide the farmer in planning and budgeting of the farm.
They help to detect losses or theft on the farm.
They help in the assessment of income tax to avoid over or under taxation.
They make it easy to share the profits and losses in the partnerships.
They help in settling disputes among heirs when a farmer dies without leaving a will.
They also help in supporting insurance claims on deaths, theft and fire of assets.
Production records.
They show the total yield and yields per unit area of each enterprise for example, total number of
bags of maize from the whole farm or per hectare. Total amount of litres from the herd or per cow.
Inventory records.
Inventory goods show all the assets on the farm such as livestock, farm tools, machinery, some
crops, land, farm buildings, animal feeds, fertilisers and drugs.
They are divided into two: consumable goods inventory and permanent goods inventory.
Consumable goods include assets that end up during production process such as animal feeds,
fertilisers, drugs and some construction materials.
Permanent goods include assets that don’t end up in production and they spent a lot of time in the
farm such as machinery, buildings, tools and equipment and land.
Field operation records.
They record all that takes place (operations) in the field.
Operations such as ploughing, planting, fertiliser application are recorded together with dates of
operation and cost used.
At the end of season they help to work out the cost of production.
Breeding records.
They are kept to show the breeding activities and programmes for different animals in the farm.
They show dates of service (mating), weight of animals born, date of calving etc.
Feeding records.
They are kept to show the types and amount of feed used in the farm
Health records.
89 | P a g e (Notes prepared by Mr Namaye Vincent- Agriculture & Biology teacher-year2020.)
They are kept to show the health conditions of the animals on the farm.
They record the action taken to maintain health such as vaccination and deworming as well as cost of
treatment and the type of disease treated.
They also indicate cases of deaths under remarks column.
Marketing records.
Marketing records show commodities sold, their amount, date and rate per unit of commodity, total
value and where sold.
Labour records.
As a factor of production, labour records are kept indicating the type of labour, date of employment,
date and rates of payment, whether skilled and unskilled labour.
There are two types of labour records.
Muster roll
Labour utilization analysis.
This topic involves the following
- Definition of scarcity, preference and classic, opportunity cot as used in agriculture production.
- Uses of farm records
- Types of farm records i.e production records, filed operation records, breeding records, feeding
records, health, labour records and master roll.
2. Identify the farm record below and the questions that follow:
Date Disease Animals Drug used Cost of Remarks
symptoms affected treatment
1. (a) - Help to determine the value of the farm/ determine assets and liabilities.
- Provide history of the farm.
- Assist in planning and budgeting in various fields.
- Helps to detect losses or theft in the farm.
- Assists when sharing losses or profits (dividends)for communal owned farms/ partnership.
- Help to settle disputes in the farm among heirs.
- Help to support insurance claim e.g. against fire and theft.
- Provide labour information like terminal benefits, NSSF due, Sacco dues for all employees.
- Help to compare the performance of different enterprises within a farm or other farms.
- Help in the assessment of income tax to avoid over or under taxation.
- Records, helps to show whether the farm business is making profit or losses. This information
helps in obtaining credit. (10 x 1 = 10 mks)
2. (a)Health record
(b) Next date of treatment /vaccination
- - Occurrence of the disease
- - Response to treatment ( ½ x 2 =1mk)
(c) - Select and cull animals on health ground
- Know the course of action to be taken in the event of a disease and maintenance of good health
- Know the prevalent disease
- Calculate cost of treatment
8. List two events occur during induction stroke in a four stroke engine. (1mk)
Piston moves down from TDC
Exhaust valve is closed
Inlet valve is open
Air / fuel mixture get into combustion chamber
Piston reaches BDC. (4x ½ = 2mks)
Year 2020.