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 what is badi and where used?

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what is badi and where used?

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Former Member

‎2007 Jun 13 7:45 AM

 0 Kudos  25,083

SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development

Tell me about badi and its uses in abap?



Former Member 

‎2007 Jun 13 7:47 AM

 1 Kudo

 8,470

SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development

 hi,

BADI(Business Add-In) is the object oriented method of user exits...

Each BAdI has a definition and more than one implementation. The definition means
the methods(in class concept) that are used for performing various functions. The
BAdI definition can be viewed in SE18 transaction(for standard ones) and user-
defined BAdIs can be created in the same transaction as well.

When you create a BAdI definition, an class interface will be automatically created
and you can define your methods in the interface. The implementation of the methods
can be done in SE19 transaction

The use of object orientated code within SAP has lead to new method of enhancing
standard SAP code called Business Add-Ins or BADI's for short. Although the
implementation concept is based on classes, methods and inheritance you do not
really have to understand this fully to implement a BADI. Simply think of methods as a
function module with the same import and export parameters and follow the simple
instructions below.

Steps:1. Execute Business Add-In(BADI) transaction SE182. Enter BADI name i.e.
HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR and press the display button

3. Select menu option Implementation->Create

4. Give implementation a name such as Z_HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR

5. You can now make any changes you require to the BADI within this implementation, 
for example choose the Interface tab

6. Double click on the method you want to change, you can now enter any code you

7. Please note to find out what import and export parameters a method has got return
the original BADI definition (i.e. HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR) and double click on the
method name for example within HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR contract is a method

8. When changes have been made activate the implementation

chk tis,


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Former Member

‎2007 Jun 13 7:46 AM
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SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development


BAdi's are used as similar to user exits for most of the transactions using OOPS


1) execute Tcode SE18.

2) Specify a definition Name : ZBADI_SPFLI

3) Press create

4) Choose the attribute tab. Specify short desc for badi.. and specify the type :

multiple use.

5) Choose the interface tab

6) Specify interface name: ZIF_EX_BADI_SPFLI and save.

7) Dbl clk on interface name to start class builder . specify a method name (name,

level, desc).

Method level desc

Linese;ection instance methos some desc

place the cursor on the method name desc its parameters to define the interface.
Parameter type refe field desc 

I_carrid import spfli-carrid some

I_connid import spefi-connid some

9) save , check and activate…adapter class proposed by system is

ZCL_IM_IM_LINESEL is genereated.


1) EXECUTE tcode se18.choose menuitem create from the implementation menubar.

2) Specify aname for implementation ZIM_LINESEL

3) Specify short desc.

4) Choose interface tab. System proposes a name fo the implementation class.

ZCL_IM_IMLINESEL which is already generarted.

5) Specify short desc for method

6) Dbl clk on method to insert code..(check the code in “AAA”).

7) Save , check and activate the code.

Some useful URL
Addin.doc 

Now write a sample program to use this badi method..

Look for “BBB” sample program.


data : wa_flights type sflight,

it_flights type table of sflight.

format color col_heading.

write:/ 'Flight info of:', i_carrid, i_connid.

format color col_normal.

select * from sflight

into corresponding fields of table it_flights

where carrid = i_carrid

and connid = i_connid.

loop at it_flights into wa_flights. 

write:/ wa_flights-fldate,


wa_flights-price currency wa_flights-currency,






*& Report ZBADI_TEST *

*& *



tables: spfli.

data: wa_spfli type spfli,

it_spfli type table of spfli with key carrid connid.

*Initialise the object of the interface.

data: exit_ref type ref to ZCL_IM_IM_LINESEL,

exit_ref1 type ref to ZIF_EX_BADISPFLI1. 

selection-screen begin of block b1.

select-options: s_carr for spfli-carrid.

selection-screen end of block b1.


select * from spfli into corresponding fields of table it_spfli

where carrid in s_carr.


loop at it_spfli into wa_spfli.

write:/ wa_spfli-carrid,





hide: wa_spfli-carrid, wa_spfli-connid.


at line-selection.

check not wa_spfli-carrid is initial.

create object exit_ref.

exit_ref1 = exit_ref. 

call method exit_ref1->lineselection


i_carrid = wa_spfli-carrid

i_connid = wa_spfli-connid.

clear wa_spfli.

Check this link to learn more about differences between user-exits and badis:

<b>Difference Between BADI and User Exits</b>

Business Add-Ins are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects.
They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too
specific to be included in the standard delivery. Since specific industries often require
special functions, SAP allows you to predefine these points in your software.

As with customer exits two different views are available:

In the definition view, an application programmer predefines exit points in a source

that allow specific industry sectors, partners, and customers to attach additional
software to standard SAP source code without having to modify the original object.

In the implementation view, the users of Business Add-Ins can customize the logic
they need or use a standard logic if one is available.

In contrast to customer exits, Business Add-Ins no longer assume a two-level

infrastructure (SAP and customer solutions), but instead allow for a multi-level system
landscape (SAP, partner, and customer solutions, as well as country versions, industry
solutions, and the like). Definitions and implementations of Business Add-Ins can be
created at each level within such a system infrastructure.
SAP guarantees the upward compatibility of all Business Add-In interfaces. Release 
upgrades do not affect enhancement calls from within the standard software nor do
they affect the validity of call interfaces. You do not have to register Business Add-Ins
in SSCR.

The Business Add-In enhancement technique differentiates between enhancements

that can only be implemented once and enhancements that can be used actively by
any number of customers at the same time. In addition, Business Add-Ins can be
defined according to filter values. This allows you to control add-in implementation
and make it dependent on specific criteria (on a specific Country value, for example).

All ABAP sources, screens, GUIs, and table interfaces created using this enhancement
technique are defined in a manner that allows customers to include their own
enhancements in the standard. A single Business Add-In contains all of the interfaces
necessary to implement a specific task.

The actual program code is enhanced using ABAP Objects. In order to better
understand the programming techniques behind the Business Add-In enhancement
concept, SAP recommends reading the section on ABAP Objects.

What is difference between badi and user-exists?

What is difference between enhancements and user-exists? and what is the full form
of BADI?

I have another doubt in BDC IN BDC WE HAVE MSEGCALL (i did not remember the >
correct name) where the error logs are stored, MSEGCALL is a table or structure.

<b>Difference between BADI and USER-EXIT.</b>

i) BADI's can be used any number of times, where as USER-EXITS can be used only
one time.

Ex:- if your assigning a USER-EXIT to a project in (CMOD), then you can not assign
the same to other project.

ii) BADI's are oops based.

Reward points for useful Answers

Regards 


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Anji Reddy Vangala


Former Member

‎2007 Jun 13 7:47 AM

 1 Kudo

 8,471

SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development

 hi,

BADI(Business Add-In) is the object oriented method of user exits...

Each BAdI has a definition and more than one implementation. The definition means
the methods(in class concept) that are used for performing various functions. The
BAdI definition can be viewed in SE18 transaction(for standard ones) and user-
defined BAdIs can be created in the same transaction as well.

When you create a BAdI definition, an class interface will be automatically created
and you can define your methods in the interface. The implementation of the methods
can be done in SE19 transaction

The use of object orientated code within SAP has lead to new method of enhancing
standard SAP code called Business Add-Ins or BADI's for short. Although the
implementation concept is based on classes, methods and inheritance you do not
really have to understand this fully to implement a BADI. Simply think of methods as a 
function module with the same import and export parameters and follow the simple
instructions below.

Steps:1. Execute Business Add-In(BADI) transaction SE182. Enter BADI name i.e.
HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR and press the display button

3. Select menu option Implementation->Create

4. Give implementation a name such as Z_HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR

5. You can now make any changes you require to the BADI within this implementation,
for example choose the Interface tab

6. Double click on the method you want to change, you can now enter any code you

7. Please note to find out what import and export parameters a method has got return
the original BADI definition (i.e. HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR) and double click on the
method name for example within HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR contract is a method

8. When changes have been made activate the implementation

chk tis,


<b>Reward useful points</b>


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Reply 

Former Member

‎2007 Jun 13 7:48 AM

 0 Kudos

 8,470

SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development


BADI(Business Add-In) is the object oriented method of user exits...

Each BAdI has a definition and more than one implementation. The definition means
the methods(in class concept) that are used for performing various functions. The
BAdI definition can be viewed in SE18 transaction(for standard ones) and user-
defined BAdIs can be created in the same transaction as well.

When you create a BAdI definition, an class interface will be automatically created
and you can define your methods in the interface. The implementation of the methods
can be done in SE19 transaction

Business Add-Ins are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects.
They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too
specific to be included in the standard delivery. Since specific industries often require
special functions, SAP allows you to predefine these points in your software.

As with customer exits two different views are available:

• In the definition view, an application programmer predefines exit points in a source

that allow specific industry sectors, partners, and customers to attach additional
software to standard SAP source code without having to modify the original object.
• In the implementation view, the users of Business Add-Ins can customize the logic 
they need or use a standard logic if one is available.

In contrast to customer exits, Business Add-Ins no longer assume a two-level

infrastructure (SAP and customer solutions), but instead allow for a multi-level system
landscape (SAP, partner, and customer solutions, as well as country versions, industry
solutions, and the like). Definitions and implementations of Business Add-Ins can be
created at each level within such a system infrastructure.

SAP guarantees the upward compatibility of all Business Add-In interfaces. Release
upgrades do not affect enhancement calls from within the standard software nor do
they affect the validity of call interfaces. You do not have to register Business Add-Ins
in SSCR.

The Business Add-In enhancement technique differentiates between enhancements

that can only be implemented once and enhancements that can be used actively by
any number of customers at the same time. In addition, Business Add-Ins can be
defined according to filter values. This allows you to control add-in implementation
and make it dependent on specific criteria (on a specific Country value, for example).

All ABAP sources, screens, GUIs, and table interfaces created using this enhancement
technique are defined in a manner that allows customers to include their own
enhancements in the standard. A single Business Add-In contains all of the interfaces
necessary to implement a specific task.

The actual program code is enhanced using ABAP Objects. In order to better
understand the programming techniques behind the Business Add-In enhancement




Former Member

‎2007 Jun 13 7:49 AM
 0 Kudos 

 8,470

SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development


BADI(Business Add-In) is the object oriented method of user exits...

Each BAdI has a definition and more than one implementation. The definition means
the methods(in class concept) that are used for performing various functions. The
BAdI definition can be viewed in SE18 transaction(for standard ones) and user-
defined BAdIs can be created in the same transaction as well.

When you create a BAdI definition, an class interface will be automatically created
and you can define your methods in the interface. The implementation of the methods
can be done in SE19 transaction


Check these links for info about badi..
55106/frameset.htm 




diff betweem badi n customer exits........


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Former Member

‎2007 Jun 13 7:55 AM

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 8,470

SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development


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