Instant Download Imperialism Law Religion and Society in the Ancient World Essays in Honor of William V Harris 1st Edition Jean-Jacques Aubert PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Imperialism Law Religion and Society in the Ancient World Essays in Honor of William V Harris 1st Edition Jean-Jacques Aubert PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Imperialism Law Religion and Society in the Ancient World Essays in Honor of William V Harris 1st Edition Jean-Jacques Aubert PDF All Chapters
Rome and Religion in the Medieval World Studies in Honor
of Thomas F X Noble Valerie L. Garver
A Tall Order
Writing the Social History
of the Ancient World
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde
Herausgegeben von
Michael Erler, Dorothee Gall, Ernst Heitsch,
Ludwig Koenen, Reinhold Merkelbach,
Clemens Zintzen
Band 216
Edited by
Jean-Jacques Aubert
Zsuzsanna Varhelyi
Abbreviations vii
Illustrations ix
Preface xi
William V. Harris: the first forty years of scholarship (1965-2005) xv
Religion in context
A God of Reciprocity: Torah and Social Relations in an Anäent Mediterranean
Sodety 3
Distinguishing Jewishness in Antiquity 37
Jesus, an Adulteress, and the Development of Early Christian Scripture 59
Constantius II and the First Removal of the Altar of Victory 85
'Du lard ou du cochon?' The Testamentum porcelli as a Jewish Anti-Christian
Pamphlet 107
Aristocratic Competition, Horses, and the Spolia Opima Once Again 145
An Architecture of Human Heads: Gallic Responses to Roman Power 161
From Conquest to Civilisation: The Rhetoric of Imperialism in the Early Principate
Soldiers' Slaves, Dirty Work' and the Social Status of Roman Soldiers 203
Afterword 377
Contributors 379
The following works can be consulted for abbreviations not listed here: for
ancient authors and texts, The Oxford Classical Dictionaiy, 3rd ed. (Oxford, 1996);
for periodicals, the American Journal of Archaeology list of abbreviations, available
on line at; for
inscriptions, F. Berard et al., Guide de l'epigraphiste, 3rd ed. (Paris, 2000) and
supplements available on line at
publications-guidepigraphiste-fr.htm; for papyri, J.F. Oates et al., Checklist of
Editions of Greek, Eatin, Demotic, and Coptic Papyri, Ostraka and Tablets (4th ed.,
BASP Suppl. 7, Adanta, GA; 5th ed. 2001), continuously updated on line at; for Biblical
references, cf. The Oxford Dictionaiy of the Christian Church, 3rd ed. (Oxford,
1997) xxxiii.
Main abbreviations
AE L'annee epigraphique
ANEW Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, ed. H.
Temporini and W. Haase,
BGU Aegyptische Urkunden aus den königlichen/staatlichen Museen
Berlin, Griechische Urkunden
BullCom Bulletino della Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma
CAR2 The Cambridge Ancient History, 2nd ed.
CCSL Corpus Christianorum Series Eatina
ChLA Chartae Latinae Antiquiores, ed. A. Bruckner and R.
CIG Corpus lnscriptionum Graecarum
ajud Corpus lnscriptionum Judaicarum, ed. J.B. Frey
CIE Corpus lnscriptionum Eatinarum
Cod. lust. Codex lustinianus
Cod. Theod. Codex Theodosianus
CPL Corpus Vapyrorum Eatinarum, ed. R. Cavenaile
CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ε cclesiastico rum Eatinorum
Dig. Digesta
The elephant crowned Africa of the Glanum capital series (John Zerbarini,
after Salviat 1972)
Ara Pads, Rome, 13-9 B.C.: detail of north frieze, procession of senators and
barbarian children (Courtesy DAIR, Inst. Neg. 72.2401).
This volume of essays takes its origin, above all, in the classes William V.
Harris has been teaching at Columbia University for over thirty years. All of
us contributors were once graduate students participating in his classes, and
this volume as a whole may best represent the atmosphere of those colloquia
which undeniably shaped all of us as scholars. One of the most formative
experiences one may have gained in those seminars was the very presentation
of knowledge as knowledge-in-the-making: the continuing, meticulous search
for various types of evidence and the ongoing emphasis on potential varieties
in their interpretation. Debate, including debate with William's own,
published views, was always encouraged, and we were, even at that relatively
early stage in our careers, seen as colleagues, whose arguments can measure
up to those of our teacher. Never one eager to produce 'little Harrises',
William's openness to discussion and even new positions allowed us to see
those influential years as only the beginning to a life-long commitment to
ongoing thinking and intellectual engagement, which he himself so greatly
stands for.
Our goal in composing this volume is to honor William as such a teacher
and scholar, who published his first scholarly articles as himself still a student,
in 1965, exacdy forty years ago. Re-reading the first sentence in one of those
early articles "Rome's use of foedera in her policies towards conquered Italy has ofien
been discussed, but much remains unclear(a sentence a counterpart of which,
applied to new problems, one could easily hear from him even today), one
may recognize his deep interest in problematizing tenets of scholarly
consensus taken for granted by lots of other scholars. In fact, this reluctance
to be content with comfortable positions may better characterize William's
career than expertise in one or two distinct areas of ancient history. Always in
the vanguard of scholarly debate, from War and Imperialism in Republican Rome,
through Ancient Uteracy, to Restraining Rage, just to mention a few remarkable
items from his considerable bibliography, he continues to surprise us not only
with the diversity of his interests but also by the significance of his questions
regarding how we think about the ancient world. In fact, it qualifies him as a
teacher that our volume has no essays expounding on the aggressive nature of
mid-Republican Rome, the levels of literacy or the concerns over controlling
anger in the ancient world, but, rather, our papers share this interest in asking
challenging questions and searching for new ways for answering them.
Consequently our volume covers a diversity of themes, and among them
many of William's special interests, both as they are generally known and even
beyond, including questions pertaining to religion and historiography
(although we admittedly lack matters pertaining to modem Italy, William's
beloved second habitat).
As editors, Jean-Jacques Aubert and myself would like to thank Saur
Verlag for accepting this volume in their series Beiträge ψΓ Altertumskunde and
in particular Prof. Ludwig Koenen, Dr. Elisabeth Schuhmann, Mrs. Anja
Arndt and Mrs. Karin Stötzer for their help at various stages of the publishing
process. Vital editorial assistance was provided by Valery Berlincourt in
Switzerland and Ronaldo Rauseo-Ricupero in the US, and further
considerable publishing expertise by Dr. Natacha Aubert, to all of whom we
cannot even begin to give enough credit. Last but not least, we thank the
Institut de Prehistoire et des Sciences de l'Antiquite de l'Universite de
Neuchätel and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Columbia
University for financial assistance in the preparation of this volume. Last but
not least the editors would like to thank the contributors for making the
infamously taxing process of preparing such a volume for publication not only
relatively painless but at times remarkably enjoyable.
Most importantly, in the name of the authors I wish to dedicate this
volume warmly to the teacher and friend who has left a permanent imprint on
both us as scholars and on the discipline of ancient history. Alma Venus, may
you grant him many more argumentative students and complicated problems
to be entertained by.
Zsuzsanna Varhelyi
Boston, 13 September 2005
William V. Harris
rev. of E.H. Richardson, The Etruscans, Journal of Roman Studies 57 (1967) 284.
rev. of H.H. Scullard, The Etruscan Cities and Rome, Journal of Roman Studies
59 (1969) 295-96.
"On War and Greed in the Second Century B.C.," American Historical Review 76
(1971) 1371-85.
"Was Roman Law Imposed on the Italian Allies?," Historia 21 (1972) 639-45.
"The Era of Patavium," Zeitschrift für Papyrohgie und Epigraphik 27 (1977) 282-
"Economic Conditions in Northern Etruria in the Second Century B.C.," Atti
dell'Incontro di studi sui caratteri dell'ellenismo nelle urne etrusche (Siena, 1977)
Prospettiva, Supplement I, 56-63.
War and Imperialism in Republican Rome, 327-70 B.C. (Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1979) xii + 293 (corrected reprint, 1985).
"Lydus, De Magistratibus I, 27: a Reply," Bulletin of the American Society of
Papyrologists 16 (1979) 199-200.
rev. of G. Alföldy, Römische Sozialgeschichte, American Journal of Philology 100
(1979) 334-36.
"Towards a Study of the Roman Slave Trade," Memoirs of the American Academy
in Rome 36 (1980) 117-40.
"Roman Terracotta Lamps: the Organisation of an Industry," Journal of Roman
Studies 70 (1980) 126-45.
rev. of M.H. Crawford, The Roman Republic, Journal of Roman Studies 70
(1980) 193-94.
"literacy and Epigraphy, I," Zeitschrifi für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 52 (1983)
rev. of E.T. Salmon, The Making of Roman Italy, American Historical Review 88
(1983) 655-56.
rev. of A. Giardina and A Schiavone, Societä romana e produzione
schiavistica, American Journal of Philology 104 (1983) 418-21.
"Volsinii and Rome, 400-100 B.C.," Annali della Fonda^ioneper ilMuseo 'Claudio
Faina'2 (1985) 143-56.
"The River Po as a Transport Route in Antiquity: a Case of Failed
Development," Rapports du XVT Congres des Sciences Historiques I (Stuttgart,
1985) 336-37.
rev. of T. Hantos, Das Römische Bundesgenossensystem, American Historical
Review 90 (1985) 658.
(edited, with R.S. Bagnall) Studies in Roman Law in Memory of A. Arthur Schiller
(Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, vol. 13) (Leiden, 1986).
"The Roman Father's Power of Life and Death," in R.S. Bagnall and W.V.
Harris (eds.), Studies in Roman Law in Memory of A. Arthur Schiller (Leiden,
1986) 81-95.
The First Forty Years (1965-2005) xix
"Roman Warfare in the Social and Economic Context of the Fourth Century
B.C.," in W. Eder (ed.), Staat und Staatlichkeit in derfrühen römischen Republik
(Stuttgart, 1990) 494-510.
"On Defining the Political Culture of the Roman Republic. Some Comments
on Rosenstein, Williamson, and North," Classical Philology 85 (1990) 288-94.
"Graeco-Roman Literacy and Comparative Method," History Teacher 24 (1990-
1991) 93-98.
ljittura e istrusgone nel mondo antico (Rome and Bari: Laterza) (translation of
Ancient Literacy).
"A Milestone from the Via Traiana Nova near Orvieto," Zeitschrift für
Papyrologie und Epigraphik 85 (1991) 186-88.
"Why Did the Codex Supplant the Book-Roll?," in Renaissance Society and
Culture. Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Rice, Jr. (New York, 1991) 71-85.
"A Brief Reply to Professor Günther concerning Social Class in Roman
Antiquity," Kodai [Tokyo] 2 (1991) 59-60.
The Inscribed Economy: Production and Distribution in the Roman Empire in the Light of
instrumentum domesticum (Supplementary vol. 6 of the Journal of Roman
Archaeology, Ann Arbor, 1993).
"Concerning this Book," in The Inscribed Economy (Ann Arbor, 1993) 7-9.
"Between Archaic and Modem: some Current Problems in the Economic
History of the High Roman Empire," in The Inscribed Economy (Ann Arbor,
1993) 11-29.
"Production, Distribution, and instrumentum domesticum," in The Inscribed
Economy (Ann Arbor, 1993) 186-89.
"Old Wives' Tales," review of J. Riddle, Contraception and Abortion from
Antiquity to the Renaissance, and T.G. Parkin, Demography and Roman
Society, New York Review of Books, November 18,1993, 52-54.
rev. of R. Marichal, Les graffites de la Graufesenque, American Journal of
Archaeology 97 (1993) 374-75.
Nem tudni. De nem úgy történt. És nekem nem bocsátotta meg a
világ, hogy már nem vagyok gyermek.
– Ez babona.
– Nem vitatkozom. Csak egy ismeretes jelenségre emlékeztetem.
Arra, hogy a kiket ön a hegedü mestereinek tisztel,
gyermekkorukban egytől-egyig a gyermekszobában maradtak;
másfelül pedig ön nem igen mutat nekem olyan valakit, a ki
csodagyermek volt s a ki felnőtt korában ujra átélhette volna
gyermekkori diadalait.
– Ön rosszkedvü ember, s talán ennek tulajdonítható, vagy más
efféle jellemvonásának, hogy felnőtt korában már nem tudta lekötni
a becsvágyának megfelelő sikert.
– Az én példám nem győzi meg önt. Szolgálhatok egy másik
példával is. Majd bemutatom a feleségemnek; hallgassa meg a
zongorajátékát. Én tudniillik azt az őrültséget követtem el, hogy
csodagyermeket vettem feleségül: a tizenegy éves Miss Milly Brownt.
– Hogyan? Csak nem tizenegy éves korában?…
– Csak a plakátokon volt tizenegy éves, a valóságban
huszonnégy. Egy kicsit kövéres volt már, de azért elég jól festett
gyermekruhájában. Huszonhárom éves korában legfeljebb
tizennégynek nézte volna, olyan ügyesen volt kimaszkolva. De az
emberek kezdtek rájönni, hogy már régen csodagyermek, és
szerencsétlenségére nagyon szerette a tésztát, a mitől idővel
rettenetesen megerősödött. Szóval, a mikor megismerkedtünk, már
az ő dicsőségének a napja is leáldozott. Én úgy gondolkoztam, hogy
ő lesz az, a ki az én bánatomat a legjobban meg fogja érteni; ő
pedig belátta, hogy nem árt, ha minden eshetőségre biztosítja
magát. Neki tudniillik nem sikerült annyit összezongorázni, mint a
mennyit én összehegedültem. Elég az hozzá, a helyrehozhatatlan
megtörtént, s mindjárt az első évben egy csodababácskával
ajándékozott meg. Kevéssel ezután megunta a házias életet s
visszakivánkozott a csodagyermeki pályára. De képzelheti, hogy a
csodababácska után kissé tulságosan kövéren zongorázta el Bachnak
Goldbergről elnevezett variáczióit. Elég jól festett ugyan fésüvel a
hajában; térdig érő gyermekruhácskája jelentékenyen
megfiatalította; de azért a zenebirálók úgy találták, hogy sok rajta a
fölösleges hús. Végérvényesen vissza kellett vonulnia, s azóta gyűlöl,
mert azt hiszi, hogy én vagyok életének megrontója, dicsőségének a
– Több gyermeke is van? – kérdeztem, hogy a kissé kényes
tárgyról másfelé tereljem a beszélgetést.
– Két fiú – felelte. – A nagyobbik öt éves; ez rémes
csodagyermek. Máris ott van, a hol én tíz éves koromban, mert, bár
senki se tanította, hegedüművész. Olyan káprázatos technikával, s
olyan erővel, bensőséggel, tartalmassággal tolmácsolja a nagy
zeneköltők lobogó érzékiségét és világfájdalmát, hogy az egyszerüen
megdöbbentő. Pedig csak lobogó veszekedési kedv és, hogy úgy
mondjam, világfalánkság lakik benne. A kisebbik három éves. Ez
minden hangszeren játszik, és nincs az a zenemű, a melyet ne
ismerne. A nagyobbik ügyvéd lesz, a kisebbik katona, s remélem,
hogy nem trombitás.
– Önben sok a keserüség.
– Téved. Sok csalódáson mentem át, de van egy nagy
vigasztalásom: a zene. Az emberi élet oly sajátságos! Bajaink forrása
mindig az, a miben boldogulásunkat kerestük. Viszont a vigaszt csak
azon a csatamezőn találhatjuk meg, a mely beitta vérünket.