Module 1 Merged
Module 1 Merged
Module 1 Merged
Management of Digital
Course topics
• Learning objectives:
The Processes:
• activities that give life to an organizational structure
• common behavioral processes are communication, decision
making, and organization development.
The Structure
Behavior in Processes of
and Design of
Organizations Organizations
The Individual Groups Job Design Organizational Design Communication Decision Making
· Individual
· Group behavior · The structure of
characteristics · Communication
· Group Conflicts · Work content tasks · Decision types
· Individual model
· Power & · Work method · Span of control · Decision process
motivation · Directions of
Interpersonal · Work relationships · Delegation of · Social responsibilty
· Rewards and communication
Influence authority
The group:
• By being part of groups, humans comunicate and exchange the
beliefs and values, and will accomplish their needs and aspirations.
Power and interpersonal influence:
• the ability to get someone to do something you want done
• to make things happen in a way you want them to happen
• means to control other people.
Interpersonal influence:
• power in action, using different sources to influence the others
people, team members or subordinates.
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THE STRUCTURE & DESIGN of organization
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THE PROCESSES of organization
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Behavioral processes in organization
Communication process:
• The survival is related to management ability to receive, transmit, and
act on information
• links the organization to its environment, as well as to its parts.
• Information integrates the activities within the organization.
Communication model – answers to five simple questions:
Who?, ……
To Whom?, ……
What is to be transmitted?, ……..
In What way?, …..
With what effect? ………
Directions of communication –downward and upward communication,
horizontal and diagonal communication.
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Behavioral processes in organization
Decision making process:
• is a key process due to its consequences on people’s lives and well-
• ethics and social responsibility behavior play a crucial role in
managerial decisions.
• difficult endeavor because managers must evaluate their decision on
what course to follow as:
• good or bad,
• right or wrong,
• ethical or unethical
conflicts arise between manager’s personality, core values and the
culture and value of the organization.
Coordination the
work of: Individual
Managerial Aims
· Individuals Effectiveness
· Groups Group
· organizations Effectiveness
· Planning
· Organizing
· Leading
· controlling
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What is the nature of managerial work?
Planning Effective Performance
• defining the ends/goals to be achieved and determining appropriate
means to achieve these
• can be complex/simple, implicit/explicit. Specific activities for planning:
Define the results/goals/ends
Determine different course of actions
Compare alternatives according to criteria established
Choose the best way to action ( cost-benefit analysis).
Resource Allocator
Spokesperson Entrepreneur
What is the nature of managerial work?
The Henry Mintezberg managerial roles or organized sets of behavior.
3. The resource allocator Deciding how resources under his/her authority will be
role distributed; with direct effect on units performance
What is the nature of managerial work?
What skills do managers need?
· Human · Manufacturing
· Information · Decision making · Products
· Financial · Marketing · Services
· Equipment · logistics
Feedback loop
Which are the three approaches to effectiveness?
By viewing the individuals, groups, processes, and structures of
organization in terms of a system, identify common and uncommon
themes that explain the behavior and effectiveness of people.
There are two important aspect related to system theory:
Feedback loop :
The organization depends on the environment not only for its
inputs but also for the acceptance of its outputs (eg. Market
research to find out the wants from the market).
The feedback reinforces the learning and developing personality,
group behavior, and leadership.
Input-output cycle – there are two major type of inputs resources:
• Human resources: people who work in the firm in exchange for
wages and other tangible or intangible rewards
• Technical resources (Non-human): inputs to be processed in
combination with human resources to produce outputs (other
Which are the three approaches to effectiveness?
Inputs Processing Outputs
• Technical and
administrative • Steel, rubber,
The market
Staff plastics Technological
Manufacturer Cars buy or do not
• Engineers • Equipment processes
buy the cars
• Management • IT Tools
• Performing
• Laboratories, • Teaching
• Teachers, businesses
books, students
University administrative Engineers accept or
software, • Providing
staff reject the
to society
Hospital …… …… ….. …. …
Which are the three approaches to effectiveness?
Feedback loop
Which are the three approaches to effectiveness?
Types of stakeholders:
• Employees, managers, customers, suppliers, contractors, creditors,
department managers, public, officials etc.
• each of these entities has an unique interests that form an amount of
different interests
Pay attention to :
• The stakeholder controls resources that are valuable to the
organization To whom interest should we satisfy first?
• The organization is effective to the extent that it satisfies the interest
of the group controlling the most important resources
• Different groups negotiate their claims by developing coalitions
capable of combining the power of each member of the coalition.
• Managers have to identify the most powerful coalitions and
satisfy the demands of the most influential members of these
• This decision depends on the value judgment.
• Value judgment reflects human value about what is important, but
these judgments shift with individual, place, and time.
What is the model for Organizational Effectiveness?
• Learning objectives:
• To understand the basis of
individuals behavior
• To know the key motivation
• To discuss the organizational
reward systems
What is meant by the individual behavior?
The rule needed to understand the individual variables is:
1) to observe and recognize the individual differences ,and
2) to discover relationships among the variables.
The scholars have come to the general agreement that human behavior:
Is caused
Is goal directed
Is motivated
Can be directly observed by the individual's actions is measurable
Can be indirectly observed based on the individual's thinking and
Work Environment
· Job description
· Organizational
· Rules and norms
· Rewards and Behavior Outcomes
· Resources · Problem solving
· Performance
· Thinking process
The Individual · Personal
· Communication
Nonwork Environment development
· Talking & Listening
· satisfaction
· Observations
Attitudes and Values Age, Race, Gender
· The family
· Economics
conditions Abilities and Skills Personality and perception
· Hobbies
Sources: Marvin D. Dunnette, Aptitudes, Abilities, and Skills, in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1976, pp. 481-83
Individual differences
The individual attitudes:
are learned
define our predisposition toward given aspect of the world
provide the emotional basis of our interpersonal relations and identification with
are organized and are close to the core of personality.
Gender differences:
research has shown that men and women are generally similar in terms of memory,
reasoning ability, learning ability, creativity and intelligence (Becker, D.V., Kenrick, S.L., Neuberg,
K.C., Blackwell, and Smith, D.M., The Confounded Nature of Angry Men and Happy Women, Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, February 2007.)
Low High
I do NOT think I can complete the task! I can complete the task!
I do not have an outstanding quality! I have an outstanding quality!
Low performer
High performer
There are three general factors that can influence the attitude change: trust in sender, the
message itself, and the situation:
Employees who do not trust the manager won’t accept the manager message or
change an attitude.
Similarly, if the message is not convincing, there is no pressure to change. A
manager who has little prestige and is not shown respect by peers and supervisors
is in a difficult position if the job requires changing subordinates attitudes so that
they work more effectively The greater the communicators prestige, the
greater the attitude change.
Linking the communicators produces attitude change because people try to
identify with a liked communicator and tend to adopt attitudes and behaviors of
the liked person.
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What can we learn from motivation theories?
Motivation- explanatory concept used to make sense out of the behaviors we observe.
is inferred: instead of measuring it directly, we note what conditions exist and
observe behavior, using this information as a basis for our understanding of the
underlying motivation.
is difficult to define and analyze; motivation has to do with:
the direction of the behavior
the strength of the response, as the individual chooses to follow a course of
the persistence of the behavior, or how long the person continues to behave in
a particular manner.
Managers are expected to understand the existing types and degrees of motivation!
The researchers describe the Generation Y (between 20 – 30 years old): are very
comfortable with technology, prefer jobs defined by tasks, not by time; are more
individualistic and focused on their own interests and lifestyles.
The workplace preferences: a fair boss, more team oriented; safety in the workplace and
work that is meaningful; training and learning opportunities; flexibility in the work schedule;
timely and fairly reward systems; constructive and frequent feedback.
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Motivation theories
Motivation Managerial
Explanations Key founders
theories implications
· Abraham Maslow - five
· Focuses on factors
level need hierarchy · Being aware of
internally to
· Clayton Alderfer – ERG differences in
individuals that
theory needs, desires, and
Content energize, direct,
· McClelland – Learned goals because
motivation sustain, and stop the
needs theory each individual is
· Frederich Herzberg – unique in many
· The factors can only
Two factor theory ways
be inferred
Self – actualization Achievement
Work Content:
· responsibility
Higher – order
Growth · Advancement
· Growth
Esteem Achievement
Power Recognition
Hygiene factors
Affiliation and, love
Work context:
· Relationships
Relatedness with peers,
Safety and security
Basic needs
superiors, and
Affiliation subordinates
· Job security
· Working
Physiological Existence conditions
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PROCESS motivation theories
Adams Equity Theory of Motivation:
Individuals work in exchange for rewards from the organization and they are
motivated by the desire to be equitably treated at work.
The employees compare their efforts and rewards with those of others in similar
work situations.
The major elements:
The person – the individual from whom equity or inequity is perceived
The comparison entity – the referent agent regarding the ratio of inputs and
Inputs – the individual characteristics brought by the Person to the job.
Outcomes – the Persons consequences related to the job.
1. Motivation can be managed and influenced based on a context that encourages, supports,
and sustains improvement.
2. The ability, competence, and opportunity all play a key role in motivating people.
3. Each employee has his/her needs, abilities, and goals. Managers have to be sensitive to these
4. The only constant is CHANGE. Managers are required to permanently monitors the
employee’s needs, abilities, and goals.
5. The manager style, techniques, and work behavior are being observed and can be easily
imitated. The manager as role models can be influential in motivating employees.
6. The incentives must be linked to performance. When employees note that valued outcomes
can be achieved through performance, a major part of motivation is resolved.
7. Establishing moderately difficult goals to direct behavior is an important part of any
motivational strategy.
8. Managers have to provide employees with jobs that offer equity, task challenge, variety, and
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opportunities for need satisfaction.
Why do we need an organizational reward system?
The reward programs are needed in order to:
1. Attract qualified people to join the organization
2. Keep employees coming to work
3. Motivate employees to achieve high performance at work.
There are a plenty of researches that determines whether individuals are satisfied with
rewards. The main findings can be summarized as follows:
1. Satisfaction with a reward is a function of both how much is received and how
much the person feels should be received is an effect of the comparison people
2. The individuals feelings of satisfaction are influenced by comparisons with what
happened to others.
3. Satisfaction is influenced by how satisfied employees are with both intrinsic and
extrinsic rewards.
Intrinsic rewards = related to the work content (achievement and
Extrinsic rewards = related to the work context (salary and promotions).
4. People differ in the rewards they desire and in the relative importance of rewards.
5. The extrinsic rewards are satisfying because they lead to other rewards: money
lead to prestige, power, security, and status.
The reward process
Abilities Skills
Extrinsic Rewards Intrinsic Rewards
Reward Package
• Learning objectives:
• To understand the group and
team behavior
• To be aware of conflicts and
resolution strategies
• To know the power sources and
interpersonal influence tactics
What is the group behavior?
Types of group:
Any organization has technical requirements that arise from
its stated goals. Accomplishments of these goals require certain
tasks be performed employees are assigned to perform tasks
employees are members of different groups based on their position in
the organization (formal groups).
Informal groups:
Interest group –to achieve some mutual objectives that are not
related to those of the organization.
Friendship group –something in common such as gender, age,
political benefits etc. that extend their interaction and communication to
off-the-job activities.
1. Forming: meeting each other and learning about the roles and
responsibilities, testing the positions, asking questions to other group
members. The group is establishing ground rules.
2. Storming: different ideas and perspectives on technical issues. The
conflict arises because members are arguing, debating, and
experimenting with different roles. The group’s hierarchy starts to take
3. Norming: people begin to work together adjusting their behavior to
support the collective effort. This is the beginning of cohesiveness and a
set of group-driven expectation is communicated within the group.
4. Performing: people function as a well-organized unit, addressing issues
smoothly, being focused on accomplishing goals. The group structure,
hierarchy, and norms are in place. The group is mature.
5. Adjourning: leaving the group after the goals have been accomplished.
The The
The pattern of The status commitment to deterioration
The agreed- The tendency to
relationships assigned to a The expected The pattern of the group of mental
upon shirk
among particular behavior exerting determined by efficiency,
standards of responsibilities
different position as related to the influence over the reality testing,
individual or and not to carry
positions consequence position group commonness and moral
group a fair share of
within the of expertize, occupied members of attitude, judgment in
behavior the load
group seniority, age behavior, and the interest of
performance group solidarity
Social loafing: holding back what a member contribute to the groups effort
and performance. The tendency to shirk responsibilities and not to carry a
fair share of the load creates a social loafing effect = slacking = free rider
When members work together, their outputs are pooled so that the
evaluation of individual output is not possible. Thus, they can receive
neither credit not blame for their performance. So, they can hide within
the group.
In this situation, manager has to reconfigure the work being done so
that individuals do receive credit or blame for their separate inputs, then
social loafing is less likely to occur.
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a special type of task group, consisting of two or more individuals
responsible for the achievement of a goal or objective
All team exists to solve a problem and have members with complementary
skills who have reached what is referred to as the mature or performing
Many groups never reach the stage of team!
Types of team:
Problem solving teams: formed on a temporary basis to address a specific
problem that is confronting organization.
Virtual teams: a team that relies on interactive technology to work together
when separated by physical distance cut costs, decrease product cycle
times, increase customer responsiveness, and integrate more fully with
Cross-functional teams: individuals form different departments or work
areas that come together on a task or project basis. The team monitor,
standardize, and improve work processes that cut across different parts of
the organization (eg. marketing, sales, research, engineering, and HR to
design and develop marketing plans for a new project.
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The conflicts and resolution strategies
Functional conflict: arises from the confrontation between groups that
enhances and benefits the organizations performance .
Dysfunctional conflict: arises from the confrontation and interaction
between groups that harms the organization and hinder the achievement of
organizational goals. The hidden costs: time consuming, someone ends up
paying for the solution, employee health and well-being is hindered.
Intragroup conflict: between the team members:
task conflicts – members have differences in viewpoints pertaining to
what the group’s task is;
relationship conflict – interpersonal incompatibilities between
members that lead to feelings of dislike, tension, irritation and
process conflict – controversies regarding how tasks will be
accomplished, and is related to the delegation of tasks and
responsibilities to different team members.
Intergroup conflict: groups that interact due to: work interdependence,
differences in goals, and differences in perceptions.
The conflicts and resolution strategies
Sources of
Factors fostering intergroup
intergroup Effects
Low potential of conflict
Pooled interdependence – no
Standard rules and
interaction among groups, each
procedures developed
group perform separately
at the main office for
High potential of conflict
Sequential interdependence –
Work Effective planning for
one group’s output serves as
interdependence coordinating sequential
another group’s input
High potential of conflict
Reciprocal interdependence - Effective coordination
each group’s output serves as for communication and
input to another groups decision-making
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The conflicts and resolution strategies
Sources of intergroup
Factors fostering intergroup conflict Effects
Group seeks to gain control
Limited resources – increase
over critical resources
mutual dependences and
supplies to reduce the
differences in group goals become
uncertainty of gaining these
more apparent
Differences in goals
Performance is viewed as an
Reward structures – increase the
independent variable even
conflict if it is related to individual
the group’s performance is,
group performance rather than to
in reality, very
overall organizational performance
Different goals for departments
Differences in Different time horizons for Different perceptions of
perceptions assigned activities realities lead to conflict
Different status hierarchies
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The Conflict as a process
• Learning objectives:
What is job design?
Feedback loop
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The elements of organization structure
for Organization for Organization
Structure Structure
Division of labor
Low High
Heterogeneous Homogeneous
Span of control
Wide Narrow
Descentralized Centralized
Elements for Organizational Structure
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The elements of organization structure
One superior Engineering Procurement Accounting
Product departmentalization
High degree of redundancy as each department performs its own research,
engineering, marketing etc.
Staff grouped by area of specialization related to the product involved
High expertise in researching, manufacturing, and distributing the product
Authority, responsibility and accountability in product department that allows
management to coordinate actions
High costs associated
Matrix departmentalization
Chief Executive
Staff Staff Staff
Manager P1
Staff Staff Staff
Manager P2
Staff Staff Staff
Manager P3
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The elements of organization structure
Span of control –how many people a manager can oversee depends of the
volume of interpersonal relationships a manager is able to handle. Three
factors appear to be important in determining the frequency and intensity of
relationships: required contact, degree of specialization, and ability to
Required contact – the work in research and development, medicine
and production require a frequent contact and a high degree of
coordination between superior and subordinates narrow span of
control the greater ambiguity is in an individual job, the
greater the need for supervision to avoid conflict.
Degree of specialization – at the lower organizational level, the
manager can oversee more subordinates because work at the lower
level is more specialized and less complicated than at higher
levels of management.
Ability to communicate - a clear and concise communication with
subordinates enable managing more people. Instruction, guidelines,
and policies must be communicated verbally to subordinates. The
need to discuss job-related factors influences the span of control.
The elements of organization structure
Authority – the right to make decisions without approval by higher level
downward in organization. Thus, the degree of delegated authority can be
relatively high or relatively low depends on the reasons behind.
Decentralization of authority = High level of authority encourages
a competitive climate, high autonomy, managerial creativity that
contribute to the adaptability and development of managers and
Centralization of authority = Low level of authority involves losing
control over people the necessity of reporting systems that inform of
the outcomes of decisions made at lower levels in the organizations.
Guidelines for delegating authority:
The authority of routine decisions can be centralized.
The competent individuals can have high autonomy in decision making
Motivation and the commitment to the organization must accompany the
competency to create conditions for decentralization.
The final decision on degree of authority must be made after a benefit cost
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The elements of organization structure
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A comparative view of Organic and Mechanistic Models