Guarantees and Incentives to Foreign Investment in Nigeria (1)
Guarantees and Incentives to Foreign Investment in Nigeria (1)
Guarantees and Incentives to Foreign Investment in Nigeria (1)
Recommended Citation
Samuel Oduh Ezediaro, Guarantees and Incentives to Foreign Investment in Nigeria, 5 INT'L L. 770 (1971)
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The Government of the Republic of Nigeria recognizes the need to
increase foreign private investment in order to accelerate the development
of the economy. It therefore accords to the foreign investor all the in-
centives, policies and facilities available to the indigenous Nigerian in-
vestor.' The Government realizes that overseas investors will be reluctant
to commit their capital unless they can be assured that such investment will
be guaranteed against non-commercial risks, and that the skilled overseas
personnel who may be necessary to make it successful, will be welcome.
In their starkest forms, these non-commercial risks of concern to an
alien investor include nationalization, expropriation, sequestration, or con-
fiscation by the foreign government without adequate compensation, viola-
tion by the foreign government of a concession or other agreement, imposi-
tion of foreign exchange restrictions which prevent remittance of profits
abroad and import restrictions which prevent importation of necessary
equipment or raw materials.
Recognizing that non-commercial risks pose an important deterrent to
foreign investment, Nigeria has taken steps to grant special assurances to
foreign investors against many of the more serious of these risks in an
effort to encourage the desperately needed inflow of overseas private
capital. Such assurances, stressing the primary role of private capital and
entrepreneurship in the country's economic development, have emanated
from the very highest levels. 2 Consequently, the Government's policies,
*B.BA., Pace College, 1964; M.A., City College of New York, 1966; J.D., Rutgers Law
School, 1971.
tThe author is indebted to Professor Ruth B. Ginsburg of Rutgers Law School for her
review of the draft of this paper and her valuable comments, which contributed to the final
composition of the paper. Needless to say, if shortcomings are property, whatever might
appear in this paper vests exclusively in the author.
National Development Plan, 1962-68, § 29 (Federal Ministry of Economic Devel-
Lagos, 1962).
E.g., Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Nigeria Looks Ahead, 41 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 131
(1962); Opportunities for Overseas Investment, a joint statement first issued by the federal
Expropriation Compensation
The Public Lands Acquisition Act 7 is the only existing law of signifi-
cance that permits the compulsory taking of private property. The Act
requires that the taking must be for a "public purpose" and that the
measure of compensation, in all cases, must be the fair market value on the
open market assuming a willing buyer and seller. 9 By reason of the con-
stitutional provision just discussed, when the parties do not agree on the
amount, court resolution may be obtained upon petition of the private
The provision for the exercise of eminent domain is couched in terms
identical or similar to the formula used in many other nations. 10 Further-
more, the Act deals only with the taking of land and not [with] the taking of
a plant, business or any other kind of property or interest in property. As
stated in the Section 3 1(1) of the Constitution, such other takings would
require passage of additional legislation.
International Treaties
Although ample protection is given to a foreign investor under Nigerian
law against various types of interference with his rights, he may still have
serious doubts about the effective enforcement of these rights before ap-
propriate local tribunals or agencies. For this reason, the Nigerian Govern-
ment has participated in multilateral and bilateral accords with a view
toward maximizing the legal protection available to the foreign investor
under international law.
Nigeria was one of eighty-eight nations that approved the United Na-
tions General Assembly resolution in 1962 on "Permanent Sovereignty
Over Natural Resources.' 1 2 The main clause of the resolution is as fol-
Nationalization, expropriation or requisitioning shall be based on grounds or
reasons of public utility, security or national interest which are recognized as
overriding purely individual or private interests; both domestic and foreign.
In such cases the owner shall be paid appropriate compensation, in accor-
dance with the rules in force in the state taking such measures
in the exercise
of its sovereignty and in accordance with international law.'
"The Riot (Damages) Act, 1963, No. IV of 1963. The Riot Damage Law, 1958, N.N.
No. 25 of 1958 as amended by: The Riot Damage (Amendment) Law, 1961, N.N. No. 14 of
1961. The Riot Damages Law, Laws of the Western Region of Nigeria, 1959, Ch. 112, as
amended by Riot Damages (Amendment) Law, 1959, W.N. No. 37 of 1959. The Riot
Damages Law, 1958, E.N. No. 9 of 1958.
.N.G.A. Res. No. 1803 (XVII) (1962).
1d., art. 1(4).
Investment Incentives
High taxes on foreign investment constitute a tempting source of rev-
enue. Yet Nigeria does not wish to kill the goose that is laying golden eggs.
Moreover, it has to keep the goose happy. Therefore, tax exemptions and
relaxations for foreign investments, particularly in the earlier stages of an
enterprise, are very frequent. As a general rule in Nigeria, enterprises
contributing to the industrialization of the country are most apt to be
encouraged with tax incentives. Extractive enterprises are less likely to be
favored, and, understandably, importing operations are not likely to qualify
for tax incentives.
The Nigerian Federal Government, which has exclusive powers in the
fields of company taxation 40 and tariff policy, 41 offers special incentives to
industrial enterprises where it finds such assistance to be in the overall
economic interest of Nigeria. Under the Industrial Development (Income
Tax Relief) Act, 1958,42 complete income tax relief for varying periods is
available to qualifying companies in industries that have been determined
by the Government to be of special benefit to Nigeria.
More specifically, the Act provides a method for designating an industry
as a "pioneer industry" and its products as "pioneer products." Sub-
sequently, those companies within that industry that have been accepted
for the designation of "pioneer company" are given tax relief for varying
periods. Thus, there are technically two distinct steps: the designation of
an industry as a "pioneer industry," and the certification of a company
within that industry as a "pioneer company."
For an industry to be designated as a "pioneer industry," a representa-
tion must be made to the Federal Minister of Commerce and Industry on
Form API/ 1. The Minister transmits this form to the President for consid-
eration. If the representation is successful, it is open to any public limited
liability company registered in Nigeria, which desires to engage in the
Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act,§ 4, No. 31 of 1960.
Constitution of the Federation of Nigeria Act, No. 20 of 1963. § 76(1).
1d., Schedule, Part I, Item 10.
Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief) Act, 3 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria
and Lagos c. 87 (1958), which was derived from its predecessor, the Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance of 1952, and was continued in effect by the Companies Income Tax Act, Laws of
the Federation of Nigeria and Lagos Act, 157 (1961). Taxes on oil companies are regulated
by the Petroleum Profits Tax Act, 1959, which established the 50-50 sharing of profits with
the Federal Government on oil production.
pioneer industry to apply to the Minister on Form API/2 for the issue of a
pioneer certificate.
The certification of a company as a "pioneer company" entitles the
company to certain income tax reliefs, if the company observes certain
stipulated conditions contained in the certificate. Of these conditions, the
most important are that:
(a) the company shall not engage, during the tax relief period, in any enter-
prise except the pioneer industry in respect of which the pioneer certificate is
granted; and
(b) the company shall start to operate the factory - or, where a mining
company is concerned, begin mining operations a
- within one year of the date
estimated by the company in its application."
The essential conditions for an industry to be eligible for designation as a
pioneer industry are either that the industry is not being carried on in
Nigeria, or not on a scale adequate to the country's economic needs, or
that the prognosis for further growth of the industry is favorable. 45 A list of
industries and products declared 'pioneer' is reproduced in the "Handbook
of Commerce and Industry in Nigeria." 46 Examples include manufacture of
footwear, textiles, canned foodstuffs, plastics, tires and tubes, glassware,
ceramics, pharmaceuticals, agricultural fertilizers, bone crushing, dairying
and hotel-keeping. By 1966, about one hundred and fifteen companies had
benefited from tax exemptions for varying periods.
Tax Holiday
It is possible for a pioneer company to enjoy complete income tax relief
for a period of five years. An initial two-year period of relief is granted, if
the company has incurred on fixed assets a minimum investment of
$14,000 before production day. The failure to have at least $14,000 of
expenditure qualified will result in the cancellation of the pioneer certifi-
cate. 48 The Government will grant a third year of income tax relief if after
two years the company has an investment of at least $42,000, 49 a fourth
'i3HANDBOOK OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA; compiled and published for the
Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry by the Federal Ministry of Information Lagos,
Nigeria. 5th ed., p. 53, (September 1962).
"Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief) Act, Id., § 3(1)(a).
compiled and published for the Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry by the Federal
Ministry of Information, Lagos. This list contained only industries and products that were
pioneer up to June 30, 1962.
SucKow, note 5, at pp. 214-219.
a8Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief), op. cit., § 8(1). The conversion rate is
$2.80 to Z I (sterling).
"Id., § I l(2)(a).
Accelerated Depreciation
After the expiration of the tax holiday period, the pioneer company may
still keep its tax low by utilizing the accelerated depreciation provisions
contained in the Income Tax (Amendment) Act of 1958,5 4 which were held
in abeyance during the tax exemption period. All companies that operate in
Nigeria are eligible to write-down capital assets against profits at an accel-
erated rate. The accelerated depreciation provisons enable companies to
amortize capital assets in the formative years and rapidly build up liquid
The special initial deduction of 40 percent for machinery and 20 percent
for industrial buildings is allowed, on top of a normal permissible annual
depreciation of 5 percent to 15 percent for machinery (based on expected
life) and 10 percent for industrial buildings. Consequently, a company can
write off against profits as much as 50 percent of the cost of machinery
during its first taxable year.55 If taxable income fails to absorb an annual
write-off, the balance may be carried forward to be written off against
future profits for as long as ten years. 56
Between 1960 and 1963, twenty-seven companies were granted import-duties relief,
costing the government an estimated $1,405,600 in revenue. For a list of the companies, see
WEST AFRICA, May 21, 1963, Quoted from PROEHL, op. cit., supra note 2, at 223, note 38.
1n 1963, for example, import duties on tinned meats and poultry were increased from
25 percent to 50 perecent ad valorem, on biscuits from 331/3 percent to 50 percent, on shoes
from 2/6 to 4 shillings per pair, and on suitcases a new duty of 4 shillings each,
"all ... intended solely to provide increased needed protection to Nigerian industry." MOD-
ERNIZATION BUDGET (1963), p. 29, Ministry of Information.
CCustoms Duties (Dumped and Subsidized Goods) Ordinance, 1958, 2 Laws of the
Federation of Nigeria and Lagos c. 47 (1958), gives the president in council power "to impose
and vary duties of customs in such manner as he thinks necessary to meet the dumping or
giving of the subsidy." The legislation is based on United Kingdom Act, Customs Duties
(Dumping and Subsidies) Act, 1957, 5 & 6 Eliz. 2, c. 18 (1957).
"About 930 acres of industrial estates have been developed at Apapa, Ijora and
Iganmu in Capital Territory. Over 2,100 acres have been developed in the North at Kaduna,
Kano, Zaria, Jos, Ilorin, Gusau and Maiduguri. In Eastern Nigeria, the Government has
under development over 4,100 acres of land for industrial purposes and about 1,970 acres are
ous parts of the country with necessary services and facilities. Land is
easily leased to industrialists, at reasonable terms.6 2 Unskilled labor is
plentiful and there is an increasing supply of graduates of technical in-
stitutes, colleges and universities who are easily trained to acquire the
necessary skill for a variety of modern industries. Furthermore, institutions
like the Nigerian Industrial Development Bank, the Federal Institute of
Industrial Research and the Investment Information Centre, give in-
formation and assistance to the investor in various ways.
Financial Participation
Nigerian Companies may be wholly owned by foreigners, although com-
panies motivated by a spirit of partnership are preferred.
The Government is often itself an investor. Besides investing in such
things as ports, railways, roads, power supply and transmission, tele-
communications - things in which the returns on investment are very low
and unattractive to private business - the Government often invests in
agriculture and industry either alone or together with private entrepreneurs
in joint ventures. The Government, therefore, has a deep interest in- creat-
ing and maintaining the best conditions for rapid development, which
insures good opportunities for profitable investment.
being developed in Western Nigeria at Ikeja, Mushin, Ilupeju - all outside Lagos - for the
same purpose. A similar development of 700 acres is being undertaken in Mid-Western
Nigeria to open up the area for new industries. The Government has indisputable title to the
lands comprising these estates." The above information is contained in a booklet INVESTMENT
OPPORTUNITIES IN NIGERIA, pp. 14- 15; published by the Ministry of Information, Lagos, in
1956, and reissued in August 1959.
See Public Lands Acquisition Act, op. cit., supra note 7, at § 2(i).
Nigeria has the largest population of any country in Africa. With its
population of over 55 million people, Nigeria is one of the fastest growing
markets in the world.
Furthermore, the country is richly blessed with natural resources such
as coal, tin, columbite, gold, natural gas, petroleum, limestone, lignite, lead
and zinc. Agricultural products include a wide variety of crops such as
cocoa, palm produce, groundnuts, cotton, soy beans, benniseed, rubber,
yams, maize, cassava and various spices notably ginger, chillies and
pepper. Growth in industrial production has been impressive. Compared
with other developing countries, Nigeria has a well diversified economy.
Moreover, because of the central geographical position of Nigeria in
West Africa, the small populations and limited economies of bordering
nations, and the growing desire among West African countries for the
establishment of free trade among them, Nigeria should be considered as a
manufacturing or distributing center.
Apart from these natural endowments, Nigeria has assured foreign in-
vestors against non-commercial risks to a much higher degree than in most
of the developing countries. For these reasons, Nigeria merits serious
consideration from investors contemplating participation in a developing