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Undergraduate B.

A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 1

Name of the paper: Indian classical literature

Paper Code: ENG-HC-1016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Abhijnana Shakuntaam This paper introduces students to a
selection of literates of India in English
2. The dicing, the sequel to dicing, the translation. Given that Indian classical
book of the Assembly hall, the literature offers a rich and diverse
temptation of Karna, The book of canvas that spans across genres like
Effort dhama, poetry, the epic narrative as
well as short fictional tables. It is
Nrcchakatika essential that students studying English
3. literature are familiar with at least a
The Book Banci few of these. This paper encourages
4. students to think laterally about
literature of the world.
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 1

Name of the paper: European Classical Literature

Paper Code: ENG-HC-1026

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The Odyssey Classical writing in Europe saw the
emergence of traditions that cut across
2. Oedipus the King many
Genres, which included poetry,
3. Pot of Gold theatre, and general discourses.This
paper seeks to familiarize with through
4. Selections from Metamorphoses the study of representative texts
‘Bacchus’, ‘Pyramus and Thisbe’ belonging to the Classical Period.
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 2nd

Name of the paper: Indian Writing in English

Paper Code: ENG-HC-2016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Freedom to the Slave, The Orphan This paper on Indian Writing in English
Girl. introduces students to the
2. Introduction, My Grandmother’s historical development of this body of
House. writing- the challenges faced by early
3. Enterprise, Night of the Scorpion, writers, the
Very Indian Poem in English. Growing sense of accomplishment in
4. Two Lady Rams. the writing of different forms.
5. Swami and Friends Salman Rushdie, This paper is divided into three units
‘The Free Radio. each dealing with a specific literary
6. In Custody. form.
7. The Intrusion.
8. Lights Out.
9. Tara.
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 2nd

Name of the paper: British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries

Paper Code: ENG-HC-2026

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. This paper aims to familiarize the
students with the two major forms in
2. Selections from Amoretti: Sonnet British literature
LXVII ‘Like as a huntsman... from the 14th to the 17th centuries –
3. ‘The Sunne Rising’; ‘Batter My poetry and dramaIt will
Heart’; ‘Valediction: Forbidding also highlight the seminal issues and
Mourning preoccupations of the writers and their
4. Doctor Faustus. ages as
5. Macbeth. Reflected in these texts.
6. Twelfth Night
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 3rd

Name of the paper: History of English Literature and Forms

Paper Code: ENG-HC-3016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Unit 1.Poetry from Chaucer to the Present This paper introduces students to the
.Chaucer and narrative poetry History and to papere the ground for
.Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton the detailed study of the literature
.John Donne and metaphysical poetry teatured in subsequent papers and give
.Dryden, Pope and the heroic couplet a stong historical sins of literary
.Romantic Poetry Deployment gain understanding of the
• Tennyson, Browning, Hopkins contexts in which literary forms and
• Modern and postmodern Poetry and its individual texts emerge.
international associations
• Walcott, Ramanujan and Postcolonial
Unit 2: Drama from Everyman to the
2. Present
• Miracles, Moralities and Interludes
• Marlowe and the University Wits
• Elizabethan Stage, Shakespeare and
• Jacobean Drama, Webster
• Restoration, Wycherley and Congreve
• Goldsmith, Sheridan and the sentimental
• The Irish drama
• Modern and postmodern Drama
• Postcolonial drama
Unit 3: Fiction
3. • Narrative precursors
• The Eighteenth century
• The Gothic novel
• Walter Scott and the historical novel
• The nineteenth century women novelists
• The Victorian novel
• Modernism and the novel
• Postmodernism and the Novel
• Postcolonialism and the novel

Unit 4: Non Fictional

4. • 16th century prose
• 17th and 18th century prose
• Thomas Browne, Jeremy Taylor, Milton,
Izaak Walton, Dryden
• Hobbes, Locke and Swift
• Addison and Steele
• Berkeley, Hume, Gibbon
• Johnson, Boswell, Burke
• 19th Century Prose
• Lamb, Hazlitt, de Quincey,
• Wollstonecraft, Godwin
• Coleridge, Wordsworth
• Darwin
• Carlyle, Ruskin, Pater, Arnold
• Lytton Strachey
• 20th and 21st century prose
• Literary Criticism and Theory
• Nationalist movements and polemical
• Letters, Autobiographies, Biographies
• Travel writing
• Journalistic prose
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 3rd

Name of the paper: American Literature

Paper Code: ENG-HC-3026

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The Glass Menagerie This paper seeks to acquaint the
2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn students with the main currents of
3. ‘The Purloined Letter’ American literature
4. The Crack-up’ in its social and cultural contexts. The
5. The Prologue’ texts incorporated in the paper are a
6. A Bird Came Down the Walk,Because I historical
Could not Stop for reflection of the growth of American
Death’ society and of the way the literary
7. Selections from Leaves of Grass: ‘O imagination has
Captain, My Captain,Passage to India’ grappled with such growth and change.
8. I too’
9. Mending Wall’
10. Crow Testament,Evolution.
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 3rd

Name of the paper: British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries

Paper Code: ENG-HC-3036

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Paradise Lost: Book I The paper also seeks to
Familiarize the students with the larger
2. The Duchess of Malfi contexts that generated such
literatures as wellas the possible
3. The Rover impacts of the literature on society.
This period may also be studied in
4. Mac Flecknoe relation to the literary productions.

5. The Rape of the Lock

Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 4th

Name of the paper: British Literature: The 18th Century

Paper Code: ENG-HC-4016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Gulliver’s Travels The paper familiarize the students with
British literature in the 18th century.
2. London The text in the course are
representative of the age and to some
3. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’ extent represent active of the forms as
4. Moll Flanders

5. Pleasures of the Imagination, The

6. She Stoops to Conquer
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 4th

Name of the paper: British Romantic Literature

Paper Code: ENG-HC-4026

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The Lamb, The Chimney Sweeper This paper includes selections from
Introduction works of
2. A Bard’s Epitaph,Scots Wha Hae’ Major Romantic poets which address
these issues, enabling students to
3. ‘Tintern Abbey, Upon Westminster Bridge’ appreciate theessence of the Romantic
4. Kubla Khan,Dejection: An Ode’

5. Ode to the West Wind Hymn to

Intellectual Beauty,TheCenci

6. To Autumn,On First Looking into


7. Frankenstein
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 4th
Name of the paper: British Literature: The 19th Century

Paper Code: ENG-HC-4036

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Pride and Prejudice The texts chosen will expose the
students to the ground-breaking efforts
2. Jane Eyre of the poets as well to the works of
fiction writers who manage to
3. The Pickwick Papers consolidate and refine upon the
achievements of the novelists of the
4. The Three Strangers previous era

5. The defence lucknow

6. Love among the Ruins

Goblin Market
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 5th
Name of the paper: British Literature: The 20thCentury

Paper Code: ENG-HC-5016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Heart of Darkness
This paper is an introductions to the
2. Mrs Dalloway spirit of modernism, its urgent desire
to break with the codes and
3. The Second Coming’; ‘Sailing to conventions of the past, experiment
Byzantium with new forms and idioms, and its
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Willingnessgoes beyond the High
Journey of the Magi Modern period of the early century.
5. In Memory of W.B. Yeats
6. My Beautiful Launderette

7. Church Going’

8. Hawk Roosting’

9. Casualty
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 5th
Name of the paper: Women’s Writing

Paper Code: ENG-HC-5026

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
This paper seeks to direct the students’
2. Excerpts from Amar attention to 19th and century writings by
women living a different geographical
3. Bliss and socio cultural settings.

Lady Lazarus

5. The Colour Purple

6. Draupadi

Advice to Women, Bequest
Undergraduate B.A

CBCS Course
Semester: 5th(Major)
General: English
Name of the paper: Literature of the Indian Diaspora
Paper Code: ENG-HE-5036

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The Book of Secrets
This paper will look at the diasporic
2 A Fine Balance experience with particular reference to
3 Anita and Me Indian diasporic writers focusing
extensively on ideas of transnationalism,
4 The Namesake exile, migration, displacement, and so on,
literature of the diaspora has come to exert
a strong presence in the global scene
Undergraduate B.A

CBCS Course
Semester: 5th(Major)
General: English
Name of the paper: Literary Criticism and Literary Theory
Paper Code: ENG-HE-5056

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1 Preface to the Lyrical Ballads
Biographia Literaria. Chapters IV, XIII and This paper will familiarize students with
2 XIV some important texts on literary criticism
and literary theory.The purpose will be to
Modern Fiction”
inform the students on the shifts in literary
3 Tradition and the Individual Talent interpretations and critical approaches so as
Principles of Literary Criticism Chapters 1,2 to equip them while reading texts across
4 and 34. genres.
The Language of Paradox” in The Well-
5 Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of
6 Introduction to Marxism and Literary
7 ‘Twenty Years on: A Literature of Their
Own Revisited’, in A Literature of Their
8 Own: British Women Novelists from
Bronte to Lessing.
9 Introduction” in Sexual/Textual Politics
Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse
10 of the Human Science
Truth and Power’, in Power and
Passive Resistance’ and ‘Education’, in
Hind Swaraj and Other Writings
The Scope of Orientalism’ in Orientalism
Black Skin, White Masks
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 6th
Name of the paper: Modern European Drama

Paper Code: ENG-HC-6016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Ghosts
The selected plays would allow an
2. The Cherry Orchard understanding of the emergence of
avant garde movements and trends and
3. The Caucasian Chalk Circle dramatic devices and techniques
during the period of modernism which
eventually influenced theatrical
4. Waiting for Godot
practices in other nations of the world.
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 6th
Name of the paper: Postcolonial Literatures

Paper Code: ENG-HC-6026

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Things Fall Apart
This paper gives the students an
2. Chronicle of a Death Foretold opportunity to acquaint themselves
with some of the novels, short stories
3. The Collector of Treasures, The Girl who and poems from postcolonial
can’ literatures across the world, with the
4. texts showcasing the many regional,
The Green Leaves’ cultural differences and peculiarities, as
5. well as common and shared
Funny Boy experiences of the postcolonial
6. condition.
Tonight I can Write’; ‘The Way Spain
7. Was’
A Far Cry from Africa’; ‘Names’
Revolving Days’; ‘Wild Lemons’
When the River Sleeps
Undergraduate B.A

CBCS Course
Semester: 6th (Major)
Name of the paper: Partition Literature
Paper Code: ENG-HE-6036

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Basti
Partition literature have a fairly venerable
2 The Shadow Lines ancestry going back to partition
movement. Some fine literacy minds have
‘Alam's Own House engaged with these genius and this
3 creations to explore ways in which new
4 The Final Solution narrative possibilities have emerged.

5 Toba Tek Singh’, Black Margins: Manto

6 A Leaf in the Storm

7 For Your Lanes, My Country’, in In English:

Faiz Ahmad Faiz, A Renowned Urdu Poet

Shall Return to This Bengal

Toba Tek Singh
Undergraduate B.A

CBCS Course
Semester: 6th (Major)
Name of the paper: Writings from North East India
Paper Code: ENG-HE-6066

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Section I: Oral Narratives
On Creation Myths and Oral Narratives This insistence on literacy representation
The Story of Creation whose objectives was to ‘mirror’ acuity
U Thlen: The Man-Eating Serpent gained ground in the writings from north
East India across the different cultural
3 Section II: Poetry spaces of the continent. Study of these
4 And we open the Gates’ texts will also facilitate the
Lovely is Our Village’, Parts I & II understanding of the gradual movement
5 Time Does Not Pass’ towards North East writing in many ways
both a response and a nation to the
6 Section III: Fiction major tendencies of literature.
Spring in Hell’
7 An Old Man Remembers’

Section IV: Prose

8 Reminiscences of Gandhiji’
Rites, In Passing’
Section V: Drama
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 1st
Compulsory core: English I
Name of the paper: Individual and Society

Paper Code: ENG-CC-1016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. All my Sons
The aim of this course is to provide the
2. Shooting an Elephant’ student an opportunity to read and
respond to representations of issues in
3. The Woman Who Rode Away’ contemporary life and culture in the
English language. The selection of texts is
4. The Misty Hour’ aimed to present themes and topics that
are stimulating, insightful and informative.
5. Krishna Kanta Handiqui’

Running Water’
Good Advice is Rarer than Rubies’


1. Make sentences using common phrases

and idioms

2. Common Errors: To be answered as


3. Correct use of verbs, tenses,

prepositions, etc.

4. Comprehension
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 2nd
Compulsory core: English II
Name of the paper: Individual and Society

Paper Code: ENG-CC-2016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The Lamb’ This paper brings to the student a selection
of poetry that is representative of important
2. Christabel’ trends, critical shifts and formal
3. Dover Beach’ experimentation. Each paper will have a
grammar section of 10 marks students
4. Harlem’ having English as this Major subject will
Shillong’ have to answer questions on a tact
5. indicated in the syllabus instead of the
Telephone Conversation’ grammar section.
The House’
The Sleepwalking Ballad’
Purdah 1’
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 3rd
Compulsory core: English III
Name of the paper: Alternative English I

Paper Code: ALT-CC-3016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Sonnet 65 This paper would seek to acquaint students
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning with the major genres of English literature
2. through texts which are landmarks of each
Tintern Abbey genre. The texts have been carefully chosen
Tears, Idle Tears to effectively represent the distinctive
4. Scholar Gypsy qualities of a particular genre. Moreover,
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening students are encouraged to read the
5. prescribed texts in their social and cultural
Marina contexts.
Among School Children
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Look Back in Anger
Farewell to Arms.
Undergraduate B.A (Honours)

CBCS Course
Semester: 3rd
Compulsory core: English III
Name of the paper: Alternative English II

Paper Code: ALT-CC-4016

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Section A ESSAYS
1. Two Races of Man The course has been designed to familiarise
2. Gardiner: ‘On Fear’ students with different forms of literature,
3. The Spike texts and their contexts. The select texts
would enable them to understand literary
2. Section B POETRY representations and a writer’s engagement
1. The Rose’ with the social, cultural and political
2. Scorn for the Sonnet’ milieu.
3. La Belle Dame sans Merci’
4. The Send-off’
5. Power’
1. A Horse and Two Goats’
2. Dharma’
Undergraduate B.A

B.A: 1st semester
General: English

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The swadeshi Movement
The aim of this course is to provide the
2 Shooling on Elephant student an opportunity to read and
respond to representations of issues in
The River contemporary life and culture in the
3 English language. The selection of texts is
The misty Hour aimed to present themes and topics that
are simulating insightful and informative
5 Angulimala Each paper will have a grammars section.
Students having English as their Major
6 Running water subject will have to ensures question on a
text indicated in the syllabus instead of
Naipals India and nine grammar
Essays the grammar section.
1. Make sentence using common phrases
and idioms
2. Common Errors to be answered as
B.A: 2ndSemester
Paper: II
General: English

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The lamb
This paper acquaints students with the
2 The Solitary Reaper contests of the English literary tradition.
Students are expected to read and relate
Harlem the circumstances that influenced,
shaped and contributed to the process of
Daun at puri
4 literary production.
5 Telephone Conversation
Section II
This was a photography of me Poems are meant for students having
6 Major in English on which they will be
Punishment examined, in lieu of the grammar
Section II

8 The Sleepwalking ballad

9 Postcard from kushmir


Voice change, Tag Question, Use of

Narration: To be answered.
Undergraduate B.A

B.A: 1st Semester
Paper I: Poetry
Alternative English

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Sonnets 65 & 130
This paper develops from the innovative
2 A little learning and expansive thrust of the previous one
and is designed to prepare students to
The solitary reaper, upon west minister understand and use the English languages
3 bridge effective, build vocabulary and introduce
4 them to current ideas and issues as
To Autumn, Bridge star, World. I were represented in some of the best example
5 steadfast as thou art, A Dhaught of of English.

A years spinning

The lotos eatirs, Ulysses

Thou ant Indeed just lord, Pied Beauty

The Tollund Man

Undergraduate B.A

B.A: 2ndSemester
Paper II: Drama
Alternative English

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Nacbeth
This paper on dram acquaints students
2 A doll’s House with 3 plays from various periods and
different literary culture. It expects
Ghasiram Kotwal students to study these plays keeping in
3 mind the distinctive features of the
4 dramatic form the question will be
designed to test the students
5 understanding and appreciation of the
perceived plays and will focus on
6 representation of character, Significance of
scenes and dramatic techniques

Undergraduate B.A

B.A: 3rd Semester
Paper III: (Faction)
Alternative English

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Pride and Prejudice
This paper on Faction introduces the
2 The Gold Bug genres of the novel and the short story.
The kind that will help to open up this
The Adventures of tom sawayes intellectual horizon and give them
glimpses of the rigours that is now
increasingly demanded in English studies
which is moving away from de centralized
studies of a few great isolated texts.
Undergraduate B.A

B.A: 3rd Semester
Paper IV: (Non- Fictional Prose)
Alternative English

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Sir Roger at Home
This is to offer students more matter and
2 On Idleness more choices and with the adoption of
this philosophy. Not only new texts. The
3. On Nicknames object of this paper is to provide
students a foundation in literary history
4. Dream Children that will be useful in their approach to
subsequent paper, genres and authors.
Paris Piper
Letter to Gandhi written on the eve of the
Jallionwala Bagh Massacre. April 12,1919
The poets Anxiety
On lying in bed
Can mar be Rational?
B.A: 1st Semester
English: Major
Paper I

Paper Name: The Social Literary Context: Medieval and Renaissance

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

Medieval Romances: the late 12th century This paper acquaints students with the
trouvere jean bodels division of these contexts of the English literary tradition
romances the matter of frances the matter students are expected to read and relate
of England the cirumstanus that influence shaped
2 and contributed to the production from
Fabliau, Lyric, dream Allegory, Ballad.
the medieval period to renaissance
3. Chaucer, Grower and Langland.

The new learning of the renaissance,

4. Humarism: francis Bacon.

The poetry of wyatt and surrey

Drama: Marlowe, shaluspeare and the
6. Jacobean play wring

Dramatic devices and techniques such as:

7. Aside, soliloquy, entries and exits, play with in
a play, chorus, songs and music, mosques dis
guises, mime, dance, dues ex machine.
Metaphysical poetry
Milton: prose and poetry
B.A: 1st Semester
English: Major
Paper II
Paper Name: Medieval and Renaissance: Poetry and Plays

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Section: I
In this paper students will study poetry
Prologue to the Canterbury tales, and drama that emerged against the
Introduction, Portraits of the wite of bath literary and historical contexts studies
the previous paper. There will be
2 Sonnets from Amoretti: what gugle is this question that may be both textual and
…, b) the merry cuckow messenger of recate to period that will examine the
spring, the faerie queene, Books conto 3:
student’s ability to identify and elaborate
3. The visit to merlin 1-10.
on lines and passages from the stared
The meons to altain a Happy life texts.
Loves farewell \
Sonnets 30,65

6. Sweetest love in do / thouhast made me.

Sweetest love, return again

Friendships mystery, To my Dearest
8. Lucasia .

Section: II Play

Every man
Dr. Faustus

B.A: 2nd Semester
English: Major
Paper III
Paper Name: The Social and Literary Context: Restoration to the Romantic Age

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Women’s Writing as a distinctive genre:
Katherine Philips , Anne Killigrew Mary The objective of this paper is to acquaint
Astell and Aphra Behn students with the contexts of the English
literary tradition
from the Restoration of Charles II and
Restoration Drama: tragedy and comedy
2 the reopening of the theatres in 1660 to
the Age of
Prose: Sprat, History of the Royal Society; Romanticism. Students are expected to
3. Clarendon, The True Historical Narrative of understand the circumstances that
the Rebellionand Civil Wars in England influenced, shaped and
4. contributed to the process of literary
The poetry of Pope production and topics identified in this
paper are necessary and
The periodical essay: Addison and Steele useful markers

6. James Thompson, The Seasons

7. Defoe and the rise of the Novel –

Richardson, Fielding, Smollet and Sterne

8. Dr Johnson and his Circle

9. The shift from sensibility to romanticism in

Gray , Cowper, Blake and Burns

10 The poetry of Wordsworth

The poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge,

11 Byron, Shelley and Keats

12 The Novel of Manners; Gothic fiction; the

Historical Novel
The Personal Essay: Hazlitt and Lamb

B.A: 2nd Semester
English: Major
Paper IV
Paper Name: English Poetry, Drama and Fiction: Restoration to Romanticism

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Invocation
In this paper students will have the
Mac Flecknoe opportunity to study the literary texts
that reflect the socio-cultural
Rape of the Lock, Canto 2 and political interests of the period
3. studied in Paper III and also examine the
The Chimney Sweeper ,The Little Black Boy
, The Tiger ways in which texts take
part in and are produced by urgent
Tintern Abbey, She dwelt among the issues of a time
untrodden ways ,Lucy Gray
Kubla Khan
6. Ozymandias, The Indian Girls Song

7. La Belle Dame Sans Merci, To Autumn

Section II Plays and Novels

i)The Way of the World

ii) Pride and Prejudice
B.A: 3rd Semester

English: Major
Paper V
Paper Name: The Social and Literary Context: The Victorian World

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. The Reform Act 1832
This paper seeks to acquaint students
The Condition of England’ – Carlyle and with the contexts of the English literary
Dickens tradition as it develops
in the Victorian age. Students are
3. Victorian fiction with reference to the expected to study the social and literary
works of Charles Dickens, the Bronte history of the Victorian
Sisters, George world as a necessary preparation for the
Eliot and Thomas Hardy texts that they will encounter in Paper VI

5. Prose: Matthew Arnold and John Ruskin

Poetry: Tennyson, the Brownings, Arnold,

D.G. Rossetti and Christina Rossetti, G. M.
The Oxford Movement and the Crisis in

The Consolidation of the British Empire

B.A: 3rd Semester
English: Major
Paper VI
Paper Name: Victorian Poetry and Fiction

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

Section I: Poems
Tears, Idle Tears, Break, break, break Students will here encounter the poetry
1. that is characteristic of the Victorian
Last Ride Together period – forms like the
2 dramatic monologue, the love poem,
How do I love thee? pre-Raphaelite experiments and the
3. beginnings of modern poetic
To Marguerite, Isolation Experience in Hopkins. They will also find
4. examples of the great Victorian fiction
The Blessed Damozel that closely followed
5. the social concerns of the period and
A Triad, In an Artist’s Studio. experimented with narrative voice and
6. perspective
The Windhover Pied Beauty
Section II: Fiction

1. Silly Novels by Lady Novelists

2. A Tale of Two Cities

3. The Distracted Preacher, and The

Withered Arm
B.A: 4th Semester
English: Major
Paper VII
Paper Name: The Social and Literary Context: Modernism and After

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Fiction: Virginia Woolf, E. M. Forster, D.H.
Lawrence and James Joyce This paper will acquaint students with the
circumstances that shaped the processes of
2 The Little Magazines literary
Production from the twentieth century to
The Poetry of WB Yeats, T.S. Eliot and the the present.
3. Auden Circle

The ‘Rise of English’: Scrutiny and its

4. influence

The New Theatre: John Osborne,

5. Christopher Fry, Samuel Beckett, John
Arden, Arnold
Poetry from the Sixties: Ted Hughes and
Seamus Heaney
Themes and issues in Post-colonial
literature: nation, identity, culture
Postmodernism: Globalisation and Popular
B.A: 4th Semester
English: Major
Paper VIII
Paper Name: English Poetry and Fiction: Modernism and After

Names (English -80 Internal-20)

Unit Contents Outcomes

1. Section I: Poems
Lake Isle of Innisfree, Easter 1916 This paper brings to the student a
selection of the poetry and fiction of the
2 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock modern and postmodern
Eras that is representative of important
The Shield of Achilles trends, critical shifts and formal
3. experimentation. In keeping
Poem in October with the internationalization associated
with these cultural phases the selection
4. Digging, Skunk ,The Forge is no longer strictly
British but includes examples from other
Warming her Pearls literary cultures.
Section II: Fiction

6. The Secret Sharer

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

The Literature of Exhaustion

8. Ragtime

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