Myanmar - Monthly Humanitarian Update Dec and Jan 2012 FINAL-UN Ocha
Myanmar - Monthly Humanitarian Update Dec and Jan 2012 FINAL-UN Ocha
Myanmar - Monthly Humanitarian Update Dec and Jan 2012 FINAL-UN Ocha
Displacement and humanitarian needs in Kachin and in northern Shan State continue to rise as a result of continued instability. The total number of IDPs increased from an estimated 29,000 in October 2011, to 50,000 in December to over 55,000 in mid-January 2012. Reports indicate that a number of people fled to China, but information is still sketchy and cannot be independently verified at the moment. Reports available also indicate that, since 11 December, some 1,000 IDPs also fled some areas of northern Shan State and reached four IDPs camps in Namkhan Township. In support of the Governments efforts to assist the IDPs there, humanitarian partners provided assistance in the education, food, NFIs, shelter and WASH sectors. In early January, displacement was also reported in a new area of Kachin state, Hpakan, following security incidents. Information available indicate that some 2,5003,000 migrant workers working in Hpakan fled to their places of origin. In addition, an estimated 2,000 natives reportedly sought refuge in camps or with friends and relatives in the area. The Hpakan General Administration Department and local partners reported that, as of 16 January, some 1,932 IDPs have been accommodated in
eight temporary camps have been established in Hpakan Town (1,489 IDPs) and in six sites in Kar Maing area (443 IDPs). On 9 January, the Kachin State Government organized a relief convoy to Hpakan carrying supplies such as rice, tarpaulins and NFIs. The UN entrusted a local partner with some 500 NFI family kits for distribution to IDPs. Following discussions between the Government and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), the UN were able to dispatch, on 12 December, a team and non-food items (NFI) for some 800 families to Laiza. This was the first delivery of UN relief supplies to IDPs in areas previously not covered by UN assistance. The UN team travelled from Bhamo to Laiza and experienced logistical difficulties along the road, as road conditions are poor and several bridges have been damaged in recent months. The team visited six IDP camps (four in Laiza and two in the vicinity) and identified shelter, NFIs (particularly tarpaulins, blankets and warm clothes), education materials, vaccines and psychosocial support as the most urgent needs. The UN NFI kits were distributed in two IDPs locations in Laiza in collaboration with camps committees. However, these items were insufficient to cover the basic needs of the population and dispatch of additional assistance
An IDP camp in Waingmaw Township.
Partners assess the nutrition status of the children in Chin State.
sources needed/available to establish an enabling environment for a safe return of IDPs. The Myitkyina Relief and Resettlement Department is the focal point for elaborating the document. Meanwhile, on 29 December, the Kachin State Social Affairs Minister met with camp management teams in Myitkyina and Waingmaw and discussed the issue of IDPs return, highlighting that some areas where the situation stabilized could be considered for IDPs to return. Similar meetings were organized by the General Administration Department in other townships. The food security and nutritional status of people living in southern Chin State is of concern, according to the findings of a recent food security assessments. According to the study, the situation is worse than previous years, and even more serious than during the rat infestation of 2008/9. Due to crop failures and an extreme low yield in 2011 in southern Chin State, current food stocks are expected to be depleted in January, and the next harvest is going to be available only in September. Available data indicates that severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and global acute malnutrition (GAM) levels are above emergency thresholds in southern areas of the State. WFP and partners will conduct a rapid food security assessments in Kanpellet, Matupi, and Mindat Townships from 16 to 27 January to better understand the needs of the affected populations, followed by an appropriate intervention based on the assessment results. Findings are expected to be shared with partners in February.
IDPs in one of the camps in Laiza.
A massive fire at the warehouses and adjacent buildings in Mingalar Taungnyunt Township of Yangon Region on 29 December left 17 dead, including five fire
Recycled school materials used in one of the Laiza IDPs school
puts will guide the design and delivery of a support package for the next months, including a simulation exercise (planned for May 2012) where partners preparedness capacity will be tested and remaining gaps identified.
Temporary school accommodating IDP children in Laiza
IDPs children in Shan Kyaing village, Waingmaw Township.
cent weeks. The Kachin State Relief and Resettlement Department encouraged the camp management teams to contact respective local health departments directly or through the General Administration Department for any health assistance that may be required in IDPs locations, highlighting that the State Government has given instructions to the health departments across Kachin to provide medical care/assistance to IDPs free of charge.World Concern reported that the organization is ready to cover the cost for medication and transportation to IDPs patients when camp management staff refer patients for treatment in Myitkyina and Waingmaw Townships. Most of the IDPs camps are overcrowded, hygiene conditions in the camps/sites have worsened and access to basic services is poor for new IDPs sites in remote areas. In order to ensure that IDPs in the remote location have access to basic medical care, setup of additional clinics is urgently needed, as it is the strengthening and expansion of surveillance in view of further deterioration of the living
December 2011 / January 2012 ters at the end of December. Kachin displacement - The shelter situation is progressively deteriorating despite partners interventions, as in recent months the number of IDPs camps/sites has increased and more people continue to flee to safer locations. In Myitkyina, Waingmaw, Bhamo, Momauk, Mansi, the number of sites has increased from 39 in September to 83 in December. Partners also indicated that shelter needs remain in camps along the border with China areas as IDPs there did not receive any significant shelter assistance since the beginning of the crisis.
Many people in the Delta are still in need of shelter support.
conditions in the camps. Although the Government and health partners have provided basic health assistance to IDPs, additional resources for basic treatment and referral support is urgently required to complement and strengthen current efforts. Medical supplies are in short supply in most of the IDPs locations, including Laiza and Shan Kyaing village. PROTECTION Northern Rakhine State (NRS). The Government is undertaking a registration of some 6,000 to 7,000 unregistered children across NRS. In addition to the inclusion of their name in respective family lists, the registration will allow these children to access essential services, such as schooling and health care. Humanitarian partners marked the annual UN "16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign" with a walk-through downtown Maungdaw on 5 December and a public event in the town hall on 10 December. In NRS, UNHCR also conducted awareness raising sessions in the community on the Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC) on 22 December as a part of its advocacy activities on different rights related-issues. SHELTER/NFIs Cyclone Nargis affected areas - Shelter partners estimated that approximately 19.9% of the households affected by the deadly 2009 cyclone Nargis remains in need of shelter support. However, most shelter agencies have already phased out from the Delta due to lack of funding, and as of 1 January, only ADRA and UN-Habitat remain operational in the Delta. NRC has closed its shelter operations after the completion of 106 durable shel-
In response to a Government request, UNHCR has constructed 269 temporary housing family units in Myitkyina and Waingmaw Townships. World Vision provided shelters for 50 IDPs households in Waningmaw Township. Nonetheless, in view of the increasing number of displaced and IDPs camps overcrowding, shelter intervention need to be further expanded. As an example, the UN team reported that in Shan Kyaing village, shelter assistance is urgently needed for 268 IDPs households as the existing temporary dwellings are in poor conditions and cannot resist rain and strong wind. UNHCR also conducted Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) trainings from 14 to 16 December, targeting local authorities, NGOs, FBOs, and CBOs, volunteers and UN staff directly involved in camp management activities in Myitkyina, Waingmaw, Bhamo, Moemauk and Mansi Townships. As the cold season has started and the temperature has significantly dropped in recent weeks, most of the IDPs need additional NFI support, particularly blankets and warm clothes. UNHCR, UNICEF and World Vision and other partners mobilized internal resources and distributed approximately 5,000 NFI household kits since the beginning of the operation. On 11 January, UNHCR provided NFIs to some 268
December 2011 / January 2012 cation (IEC) materials. UNICEF will provide community latrines in Myitkyina, Waingmaw, Bhamo, Momauk and Mansi through distribution of pipes and pans to households so that IDPs families can bring it back to their villages of origin when they will be able to return to their villages. Additionally, local partners, with support from World Concern Myanmar, will construct six water tanks and 30 latrines in IDPs camps/sites in Myitkyina and Waingmaw Townships. MRCS distributed 1,161 dignity kits in Myitkyina, Waingmaw and Kaung Lan Phu areas. World Vision provided 25 latrines in ten IDPs locations in Waingmaw Township.
A camp close to Laiza
households in Shan Kyaing camp and do not foresee additional NFI needs in the village in coming months. In Hpakan, some 1,665 persons (out of a total of 1,932 IDPs) have been provided with tarpaulins and NFIs (blankets, kitchen utensils, clothes and mosquito nets) on 15 January. In partnership with national NGOs, UNHCR will further distribute additional 1,000 sets of NFIs in Bhamo and Waingmaw Townships. UNICEF will provide 500 family kits and some blankets in remaining areas of Bhamo. WASH Kachin displacement - Safe and clean water remains an urgent need for IDPs despite the availability of water in rivers and creeks close-by several IDPs sites. Access to safe water in urban camps in Myitkyina, Waingmaw and Bhamo Townships is reportedly better than in other locations, although the existing capacity would need to be supplemented before the dry season that will start in March. Additional latrines and hygiene promotion activities are also needed in most of the camps, due to the increasing number of IDPs. In the last month, local NGOs, with support from UNICEF, constructed additional 77 latrines in Myitkyina and Waingmaw camps and provided hygiene promotion along with family kits and Information, Education and Communi-
$ 72,060,329
The total amount of funding for Myanmar in 2011. (including CERF 2011 fist and second round under-funded.)
$4,983,445 $ 1,550,000
The total amount of uncommitted pledges for Myanmar in 2011 Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) Grant for Myanmar in 2011 (first and second round under-funded Allocation)
All figures in the Update are based on data reported to the FTS. In an effort to render the data increasingly comprehensive, donors and recipient organizations are encouraged to report latest figures to FTS at: [email protected] . The amount excludes funding which has not been reported by donors to FTS.
Report compiled by UN-OCHA with Humanitarian Country Team partners contribution For additional information or queries, please contact OCHA Myanmar. Email: [email protected]
The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors.