High speed networks and internets 2nd edition William Stallings 2024 scribd download
High speed networks and internets 2nd edition William Stallings 2024 scribd download
High speed networks and internets 2nd edition William Stallings 2024 scribd download
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Performance and
Quality of Service
Second Edition
High-Speed Networks
and Internets:
and Quality of Service
Second Edition
High-Speed Networks
and Internets:
and Quality of Service
Second Edition
William Stallings
Prentice Hall
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Stallings, William.
High-speed Networks and Internets 2/e / William Stallings,
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-13-032221-0
1. Wireless networks. 2. Communications. I. Title.
TK5106.3.L28 2001
005.8—dc21 2001036764
All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means,
without permission in writing from the publisher.
The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the
development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and
publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation
contained in this book. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential
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ISBN D-13-D32EE1-Q
Pearson Education Ltd., London
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Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
For A.
My wife and friend
Preface xiii
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 3
This book aims at helping to disentangle from an immense mass of material the crucial
issues and cardinal decisions. Throughout I have set myself to explain faithfully and to
the best of my ability what happened and why.
High-speed networks now dominate both the wide-area network (WAN) and
local area network (LAN) markets. In the WAN market, two related trends
have appeared. Public and private data networks have evolved from packet-
switching networks in the 10s and 100s of kbps, to frame relay networks oper¬
ating at up to 2 Mbps, and now to asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)
networks operating at 155 Mbps or more. For the Internet and private cor¬
porate internets, data rates have also soared, with one noteworthy milestone
being the construction of a 155-Mbps backbone in 1996.
For many years, the most common LAN was the 10-Mbps shared
Ethernet. Then came the switched Ethernet, which offers a dedicated 10
Mbps to each end system. This was followed by Fast Ethernet at 100 Mbps
and now Gigabit Ethernet and 10-Gbps Ethernet. Recent years have also
seen the introduction of Fibre Channel LANs with speeds up to 3.2 Gbps and
wireless LANs with speeds up to 54 Mbps.
This rapid introduction of high-speed networks has spurred the devel¬
opment of new applications and has in turn been driven by the popularity of
those applications. Key driving forces have been the increasing use of still
image and video data in applications and the popularity of the World Wide Web.
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High-speed networks, including gigabit networks, form the focus of the book.
Design issues related to two types of networks occupy our attention: inter¬
nets based on the Internet Protocol (IP) and the entire TCP/IP protocol
suite, and ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) networks. These two net-
working technologies dominate the high-speed scene and share many common
design approaches.
The objective of this book is to provide an up-to-date survey of developments
in this area. Central problems that confront the network designer are the need to
support multimedia and real-time traffic, the need to control congestion, and the
need to provide different levels of quality of service (QoS) to different applications.
This book is intended for both a professional and an academic audience. For the
professional interested in this field, the book serves as a basic reference volume and
is suitable for self-study.
As a textbook, it is suitable for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course.
The book treats a number of advanced topics and provides a brief survey of the
required elementary topics. After Parts One and Two, the parts are relatively in¬
dependent. Fewer parts could be covered for a shorter course, and the parts can be
covered in any order.
There is a Web page for this book that provides support for students and in¬
structors. The page includes links to relevant sites, transparency masters of
figures and tables in the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format, PowerPoint slides,
and sign-up information for the book's internet mailing list. The Web page is at
WilliamStallings.com/HsNet2e.html; see Chapter 1 for more details. An Internet
mailing list has been set up so that instructors using this book can exchange infor¬
mation, suggestions, and questions with each other and with the author. As soon as
typos or other errors are discovered, an errata list for this book will be available at
WilliamStallings.com. Finally, I maintain the Computer Science Student Resource
Site at WilliamStallings.com/StudentSupport.html.
The book includes a description of Sockets (Appendix B), and the instructor’s
manual includes a set of programming projects. The appendix includes a concise
overview of Sockets, a discussion of the importance of this facility and a short primer
on how to use Sockets, as well as pointers for getting more information on the Web.
Sockets programming is an “easy” topic and one that can result in very satisfying
hands-on projects for students.
In the four years since the first edition of this book was published, the field has seen
continued innovations and improvements. In this edition, I try to capture these
changes while maintaining a broad and comprehensive coverage of the entire field.
To begin the process of revision, the first edition of this book was extensively
reviewed by a number of professors who teach the subject and by professionals
working in the field. The result is that, in many places, the narrative has been clar¬
ified and tightened, and illustrations have been improved. Also, a number of new
“field-tested” problems have been added.
Beyond these refinements to improve pedagogy and user friendliness, the
technical content of the book has been updated throughout, to reflect the ongoing
changes in this exciting field. In addition, the book has been reorganized to provide
a better grouping of topics. Some of the most noteworthy changes are the following:
• Congestion control: A separate chapter is now devoted to this topic. This uni¬
fied presentation clarifies the issues involved.
• Differentiated services: There have been substantial developments since the
publication of the first edition in enhancements to the Internet to support a
variety of multimedia and time-sensitive traffic. The most important develop¬
ment, and perhaps the most important vehicle for providing QoS in IP-based
networks is differentiated services (DS). This edition provides thorough cov¬
erage of DS.
• Guaranteed frame rate (GFR): Since the first edition, a new ATM service has
been standardized: GFR. GFR is designed specifically to support IP backbone
subnetworks. This edition provides an explanation of GFR and examines the
mechanisms underlying the GFR service.
• Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS): MPLS has emerged as a fundamentally
important technology in the Internet and is covered in this edition.
• TCP/IP details: A new background chapter on TCP and IP has been added,
pulling together material scattered throughout the first edition. This material
is vital to an understanding of QoS and performance issues in IP-based net¬
• High-speed LANs: The chapter on high-speed LANs has been extensively
updated and revised. The material on Ethernet now includes 10-Gbps Ether¬
net. The chapter now covers Fibre Channel and high-speed wireless LANs.
• Frame relay: Despite the importance and growing acceptance of ATM, frame
relay remains the most widely used high-speed WAN technology. Accord¬
ingly, the coverage of the frame relay protocol and frame relay congestion con¬
trol is expanded in this edition.
• Wavelet compression: Wavelet compression has become increasingly popular
and is covered in this edition.
This new edition has benefited from review by a number of people, who gave gen¬
erously of their time and expertise. The following people reviewed all or a large part
of the manuscript: Chunming Qiao (SUNY-Buffalo), Ken Christensen (U. of South
Florida), George Polyzoa (UC-San Diego), Ying Sun (U. of Rhode Island), and
George Scheets (Oklahoma State).
Thanks also to the many people who provided detailed technical reviews of
a single chapter: David Bunde, Dan Li, Ian Sutherland, Wei Zhou, Marc Timme,
Brian Borchers, Balbir Singh, Dean Newton, Paul A. Watters, Peter Rabinovitch,
Stephen Campbell-Robson, Roger L. Bagula, Diet Ostry, Lars Kristensen, San
Skulrattanakulchai, Lieven Marchand, Robert Kolter, Chris Pollett, and Stefan
Thanks also to Dean Newton, who developed the PowerPoint slides for the
book, and Zornitza Genova, who provided the material on Sockets and the Sockets
programming projects.
Also, I would like to acknowledge those who contributed homework problems:
Ahmed A-G Helmy (University of Southern California) and Franklin Mendivil
(University of Waterloo).
Finally, I would like to thank the many people responsible for the publication
of the book, all of whom did their usual excellent job. This includes the staff at
Prentice Hall, particularly my editors Toni Holm and Alan Apt and production
manager Rose Kernan. Also, Jake Warde of Warde Publishers managed the sup¬
plements and reviews: Joanna V. Pomeranz, at V&M managed the book’s printing;
and Patricia M. Daly did the copy editing.
With all this assistance, little remains for which I can take full credit. However,
I am proud to say that, with no help whatsoever, I selected all of the quotations.
High-Speed Networks
and Internets:
and Quality of Service
Second Edition
ONE Background
The purpose of Part One is to provide a background and context for the re¬
mainder of this book. The fundamental concepts of computer-communication
protocols are presented.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the entire book, giving the “big picture.”
In essence, the book deals with two themes: performance and Quality of Ser¬
vice (QoS) for communications networks. Performance and QoS are the key
design requirements for high-speed networks, including communications net¬
works such as frame relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and
internetworks such as the Internet and intranets. Chapter 1 provides a pre¬
view of these topics.
Pussy Language
They steal the milk from Cushy-cow, they suck the bantam's eggs,
They harry all the mother sheep, and run them off their legs;
They sip the cream from out the pans, and leave it thin and poor,
So 'ware the naughty Pixie-folk that peek upon the moor.
They steal the new-born lambs, they do, and lure the foals away,
They play their tricks in mowing-fields, and trample new-mown
They worry girls on market-day, as cheeky as can be,
And once they mixed a pound of rice in Aunt Eliza's tea.
And once there was a naughty girl who stole her mother's jam,
She said she didn't do it, and she blamed it on to Sam;
The Pixie-folk were passing, on their journey to the South,
They tied her hands behind her back and plastered up her mouth.
I scrawl when Tommy has me, and I draw all sorts of things,
From submarines and aeroplanes to cabbages and kings;
I write a lovely letter when Miss Phyllis is about,
And if by chance I make mistakes Miss Phyllis rubs them out.
New Year
Brother Francis
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