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Acute pancreatitis

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Supassarang Chanphen MD
Patient profile
Admission date: 27 กันยายน 2564
Source of information: ผูป้ ่ วยและเวชระเบียน
ผูป้ ่ วยหญิ งไทย อายุ 30 ปี ภูมิลาํ เนา จังหวัดภูเก็ต
Chief complaint

ปวดท้องบริ เวณลิD นปีE 10 ชัวE โมงก่อนมาโรงพยาบาล

Present illness
10 ชัวE โมงก่อนมาโรงพยาบาล มีอาการปวดทัวE ท้อง
ปวดมากสุ ดบริ เวณสะดื อและลิD นปีE อาการเป็ นๆหายๆ มีช่วง
ทีEหายสนิ ท ไม่ร้าวไปบริ เวณอืE น มีคลืE นไส้ อาเจียน 3-4 ครัDง
อ่อนเพลี ย เวียนศีรษะ ไม่มีปัสสาวะแสบขัด ไม่มีถ่ายเหลว
ไม่มีไข้ ไปตรวจทีEอนามัย มาแล้วแพทย์ให้ยาแก้ปวดท้อง ยา
ลดกรดมาทาน อาการยังไม่ดีขD ึ น จึงมาโรงพยาบาล
Past medical history
◦ Underlying disease:
DM on Glipizide (5) 1*1 po ac, Metformin 1*3 po pc
DLP on Gemfibrozil (600) 2*1 po pc loss F/U 5 months
◦ S/P C/S 2561 , LC 29/1/2563

Personal history
◦ ปฏิเสธประวัติสูบบุหรีE
◦ ปฏิเสธประวัติดืEมแอลกอฮอล์/ใช้สารเสพติด

Family history
◦ มีประวัติคนในครอบครัวเป็ นโรคไขมันในเลือดสู ง
Physical Examination
◦ Vital sign: T 37.7 c, pulse 118/min, RR 22/min, BP 115/90 mmHg
◦ General appearance: Good consciousness
◦ HEENT: No pale conjunctiva, anicteric sclera, no arcus cornealis
◦ CVS: Normal S1S2, no murmur
◦ RS: Equal breath sound , no adventitious sound
◦ ABD: Generalized mild tenderness, moderate tenderness at epigastric area, no
rebound tenderness, no guarding
◦ EXT: No pitting edema
◦ Skin: No eruptive xanthoma, no tendon xanthema
◦Acute epigastric pain with nausea and vomiting
◦Underlying DM, HT loss F/U
Differential diagnosis
Lab investigation?
WBC 16,130 cell/cumm Platelet count 325,000 cell/cumm
RBC 4.58 x 106 cells Neutrophil 87.7 %
HB 13.8 g/dl Lymphocyte 5.4 %
Hct 37.0 % Monocyte 6.7 %
MCV 80.9 fl Platelet smear Adequate
MCHC 30.2 g/dl RBC morphology
RDW 13.2 % Normochromia,normocytosis
Urinary analysis
Appearance clear WBC 0-1 cell/HPF
color pale yellow RBC negative
pH 5.0 Squamous epithelial cell 0-1 cell/HPF
Sp.gr 1.032 Bacteria negative
Protein 2+
Glucose 3+
Nitrite negative
Ketone 2+
Urobilinogen normal
Bilirubin negative
Leukocyte negative
Blood negative
BUN 8.0 mg/dL
Cr 0.32 mg/dL
Sodium 123.4 mmol/L
Potassium 3.8 mmol/L
Chloride 90.0 mmol/L
TCO2 13.0 mmol/L
Calcium 7.5 mg/dL
Magnesium 1.2 mEq/L
Phosphorus 1.1 mg/dL
Liver function test
Total 10.1 g/dL
Albumin 3.3 g/dL
Globulin 6.8 g/dL
Total bilirubin 0.3 mg/dL
Direct bilirubin < 0.10 mg/dL
Alkaline phosphatase 40 U/L
Amylase 116 U/L
Ketones 2.6 mmol/L
Glucose 234.0 mg/dL
Lactate 3.4 mmol/L
Lipid profile
Cholesterol 734 mg/dL
Triglyceride 5612 mg/dL
HDL 17 mg/dL
LDL 21 mg/dL
CT whole abdomen
- Edematous change with heterogenousparenchymal enhancement of the pancreas,
more at pancreatic head, with surrounding fat reticulation and low attenuation fluid at
the peripancreatic, along transverse mesocolon, right anterior pararenal, right
perinephric regions, right paracolic gutter and pelvic cavity. Suggestive of interstitial
edematous pancreatitis, please correlate with clinical and laboratory findings.
- Thickening wall of the ascending and transverse colon, probably
infection/inflammation process.
- Plate atelectasis in posterior basal segments of both lower lobes.
◦Acute pancreatitis suspected from hypertriglyceridemia
◦Metabolic acidosis
◦Lactic acidosis
◦Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia
Acute pancreatitis suspected from hypertriglyceridemia

◦ NSS IV hydration
◦ Ceftriaxone 2 gm iv OD 27/9/64 - 4/10/64 (total 7 days)
◦ Metronidazole 500 mg IV q 8 hr 28/9/64 - 5/10/64 (total 7 days)

◦ H/CxII - NG 27/9/64
Hyponatremia: suspected from hypovolemia,
Metabolic acidosis
Lactic acidosis
◦ 0.9% NaCl 1500 ml IV load then continue hydration
◦ 3% NaCl 150 ml IV load in 20 min
Hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia

PTH - 153.7 pg/ml VitD - 11.6 ng/ml (< 20 = VitD deficiency)

Hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia

- Glycophose 20 mmol + 0.9% NaCl 100 ml in 6 hr (total 4 doses)

- 50%MgSO4 IV drip (27-29/9/64), (1-3/10/64)
- Continue MgO 1*2 po pc
Acute pancreatitis
1. Typical pancreatic-type pain
2. Rising serum lipase or amylase > 3-5 times of UNL
Too early or too late, hyperTG, acute attack on top CP.
Intestinal obstruction/ ischemia, renal insufficiency, acidosis.
3. Contrast-enhanced CT
- A normal-looking pancreas does not exclude mild/early AP.
- Not a prerequisite. Only when symptom and lab are discordant
- DDx surgical condition e.g. perforation.
Bedside Index for Severity of Acute Pancreatitis
• BUN > 25 mg/dL
• Impaired Mental Status
• Age > 60
• Pleural effusion

0 1 2 3 4 5
Mild Severe
NPV ~ 90% PPV ~ 40%
• Predicted to be severe
• Already presence of organ failure
• Elderly, co-morbidities of cardiac and renal disease
Optimal early treatments to adjust the correct angle to hit the targets
1. Downgrade severity
2. Avoid complications
3. Reduce mortality
Adequate hydration
• Prevent pancreatic necrosis. Decrease mortality.
• Isotonic crystalloid (NSS or RLS) 250-500 ml/hr, given within
the first 12-24 hr, rapid loading if shock.
• Use of goal-directed therapy for fluid management.
• Reevaluate volume status every 4-6 hr in the first 48 hr.
o Target: urine output, decrease in Hct, BUN and Cr, or CVP
Early enteral nutrition within 24 hr.
• Decrease LOS, infectious, morbidity.
• Mild: oral low fat soft diet after improvement of nausea and
abdominal pain.
• Severe: enteral tube feeding, NG = NJ, avoid parenteral nutrition
as increase infectious complications, safety concern of NG
feeding - risk of aspiration.
Antibiotics for extrapancreaticinfection
• In patients with predicted severe AP and necrotizing
pancreatitis, suggest against the use of prophylactic antibiotic.
• Challenging diagnosis: inflammatory status vs. infectious
o Serum procalcitonin (PCT).
Early phase: the first 7 days.
• Causes of death: SIRS and multiorgan failure
• Mild = recovery in early phase
• C-reactive protein at 48 hours after symptoms onset > 150 mg/l
= predictor of necrotizing pancreatitis
Late phase: weeks to months
•After 7-10 days and not recovery yet.
•Presence of organ(s) failure, Local complication(s).
•Cause of death = local complication(s) and infection.
o Compensatory, anti-inflammatory response syndrome:
increase rate of infection.
Treatment of Complications (3D)
• Sterile: no drainage.
• Infected: clinical or imaging (air bubbles)
• Delayed: least 4-12 wks with ATB = less mortality, less
inflammation, max. liquefaction, strong wall-off necrosis or even no
need for intervention.
• Drainage: endoscopic > percutaneous.
• Debride: endoscopic, video-assisted retroperitoneal,
laparoscopic, open Sx.

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