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1. Define and differentiate between conventional and non-conventional energy sources.

2. What are fossil fuels. And also comment on different type of fossil fuels.
3. Comment on;
(a) Biomass,
(b) Solar cell,
(c) Thermal power plant.
4. Give the sources of geothermal energy?
5. Write the difference between geothermal power plant and thermal power plant?
6. (a) What is intrinsic semiconductor and extrinsic semiconductor?
(b) What is the difference between the p-type and n-type semiconductor? Differentiate them
along with their energy band diagram.
7. What is the difference between 1st generation, 2nd generation, 3rd generation of solar cell?
8. Comment on;
(a) Gravitational forces,
(b) Weak nuclear forces,
(c) Electromagnetic forces,
(d) Strong nuclear forces.
9. Define the energy scales and its structure? Explain any one energy scale in detail.
10. Differentiate between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?
11. Explain the concept of Quantum and describe the concept of Quantization of energy.
12. What is the significance of BTU.
13. Define and discuss the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics in the context of power plants.
14. How does the efficiency of a power plant relate to the Carnot efficiency?
15. Describe the key components of the Rankine steam power cycle and their functions.
16. Illustrate the concept of nuclear fission reactor design with the help of diagram.
17. Illustrate the working principle of nuclear forces & also outline the different energy scales used
in nuclear energy.
18. Explain PWR type of fission reactor.
19. Draw the binding energy curve showing variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass
number. Explain the stability of nuclei.
20. Explain the construction and working of P-V cell and also discuss performance curve and
conversion efficiency in terms of fill factor of the solar P-V cell.
21. Provide an overview of 3rd generation solar cell technologies, such as organic photovoltaics,
perovskite solar cell, and multi-junction cells.
22. Outline the working principle of tidal power plant. Discuss their advantages and limitations.
Also give present status of tidal power in INDIA.
23. Illustrate the concept of:
(a) Fluid dynamics in wind energy conversion,
(b) Effect of number of rotor blades on performance efficiency.
24. Analyze the construction, working and limitations of Geothermal Power Plant with the help of
diagram. Explain its anyone type. Also write its advantages and disadvantages.
25. Summarize the global warming feature and focus the impacts of this phenomenon on the
disturbance to the sustainability of environment.
26. Illustrate the concept of:
(a) Energy conservation & various principles involved in energy conservation,
(b) LEED ratings.
27. Describe the concept of Green Building and Green Architecture.
28. Explain Heat Pumps and Refrigeration with suitable example.

29. What is mass defect? The mass of deuteron (1 H ) nucleus is 2.013553amu if the mass of proton
and neutron are 1.007275amu and 1.008665amu respectively. Calculate the mass defect, packing
fraction, binding energy and binding energy per nucleon.
30. Explain the basic principle of entropy and its physical significance. Calculate the change in
entropy when a body of mass 10gm is heated from 27 0C to 97 0C. The specific heat of the body is
31. Explain internal combustion engine in details related circuit diagrams.
32. Define solar energy along with its merits and demerits. Write a short note on Quantum dots
(QD) solar cell technology.
33. Write down the principle of power generation of wind mill. Derive an expression for maximum
34. What is ocean thermal energy conversion techniques. Explain any one technique in detail.
35. Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of nuclear reactor.

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