PC and ABS
PC and ABS
PC and ABS
The study of properties in waste polymeric materials is important for a further recycling and eventual reuse. The determination of thermal
properties of PCeABS mixtures obtained from waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has
been carried out in this work. Kinetic parameters, such as apparent activation energies, have been calculated by using the autocatalytic model,
which has shown a good correlation with experimental data. A good agreement between calculated and experimental results was observed for
PC-based mixtures. This is an indication that the addition of a high amount of ABS permits the creation of a network formed by elastomeric
domains which leads to a general increase in heterogeneity of the mixture.
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528 R. Balart et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 527e534
and optimisation of recycling processes are important for elec- mechanical, chemical and thermal properties between materi-
tronic industries and a previous complete characterization of als in WEEE and original polymers and blends. Thus, while
materials after a first processing and use is absolutely neces- mechanical and chemical properties have been recently stud-
sary to get the complete information on the input materials ied [5], thermal degradation of WEEE polymer components
in the recycling process. has been only partially studied, in particular for residues of
Many polymeric materials are used in electronic equip- PVC and ABS mixtures [12].
ment, but two important components of these products are pol- Thermal degradation of the target components of WEEE
ycarbonate (PC) and acrylonitrileebutadieneestyrene blends (i.e. PC and ABS) has been the object of recent research. Ther-
(ABS). PC and its mixture with ABS show very effective mal degradation of PC has been studied either individually
flame retardant properties upon the addition of conventional [13e15], or blended with other materials, in particular Bisphe-
halogen and/or non-halogen flame retardant agents, and this nol-A [16e18]. The most significant products evolved in the
is the main reason of their wide use in electrical appliances. pyrolysis of PC have been identified. The main degradation
PC shows several good properties, such as dimensional stabil- pathways of polycarbonate have also been recently proposed
ity, flame resistance, high impact strength and high stability to [18]. On the other hand, there is some recent work on the ther-
different environmental conditions. Nevertheless, PC is rela- mal degradation of ABS terpolymer [12,19,20] in different
tively soft and its mechanical properties should be improved conditions. However, the thermal degradation of PCeABS
by the addition of reinforcement materials [4]. ABS blends blends after their processing and use in EEE has been only
possess good impact and mechanical properties due to the con- partially studied when considering PCeABS blends as
tributing properties of each of their components. Acrylonitrile a base material for montmorillonite-nanocomposites [21].
provides chemical resistance, heat resistance and toughness, Therefore, the thermal behaviour and stability of these materi-
while butadiene provides impact strength and styrene provides als in WEEE is still not well known and need to be studied.
rigidity and easy processing. In addition, their relatively low The main goal of this work is the preparation and optimisa-
cost makes it especially interesting for blending with the tion of physical blends based on PC and ABS obtained from
more expensive high performance engineering plastics. Both WEEE and the further determination of thermal and kinetic
materials can be found either individually or mixed in many parameters. This work is carried out to finally evaluate the in-
commercial blends used in electric and electronic equipment. fluence of each component in thermal degradation of blends,
During the last years some work has been carried out in the considering the complexity of the basic polymers, in particular
development of different methods to give added value to ABS. Kinetic parameters, as apparent activation energies (Ea)
WEEE [5,6]. In most of the cases, plastic residues generated have been calculated by the application of the autocatalytic
after the useful life in EEE, mainly technical and engineering method, which has been successfully applied to other polymer
polymers, still show good properties, for instance adequate systems [22,23].
mechanical properties, high chemical resistance and thermal
stability. Therefore, it is important from the industrial point
2. Experimental
of view that their recycling and eventual reuse, either directly
or more usually, reinforced with materials obtained from other
2.1. Materials
sources, like recycled PET, to improve some of their properties
[7]. Nevertheless, sometimes these processes, even being via-
As a raw material a mixture of PC and ABS obtained from
ble from the technical side, are not economically profitable
WEEE was used. These materials were supplied by Reciclados
[8]. The main difficulty industries have to afford is the separa-
del Plástico S.L. (Alcoy, Spain). As usual in commercial ma-
tion of the different materials in WEEE. This problem leads to
terials, a previous characterization was carried out in order to
several approaches to optimise the process. One of the most
know their mechanical properties (Table 1) and chemical
successful ones is the definition of separation systems based
structure by infrared spectroscopy (Fig. 1a and b) in com-
on the physico-chemical properties of materials to make recy-
parison with commercially pure and virgin polymers. In addi-
cling of materials constituting WEEE economically profitable
tion, ABS showed a Melt Flow Index (MFI) (230 C/
[9,10]. Sometimes feedstock plastic recycling encompasses
5 kg) Z 20.45 g/10 min and MFI for PC was (230 C/
a number of technologies, which can be attractive recovery
5 kg) Z 6056 g/10 min. Glass transitions temperatures were
solutions for plastic waste not best suited to mechanical recy-
104.4 C and 146 C for ABS and PC, respectively.
cling, e.g. mixed packaging waste. Such technologies turn
As can be observed, from IR spectra, recycled ABS shows
plastics into basic chemicals for use, among other things, as
some differences with the virgin material. The presence of
building blocks for new plastics after a sometimes complicated
separation process [9]. However, this approach, which was
successfully applied to some kind of residues [10,11] is not Table 1
Mechanical properties of materials used in this study
easy to adapt to the treatment of WEEE because of the great
amount of materials (not only polymers) present in EEE. Material sR (MPa) A (%) E (MPa) Impact Hardness
energy (kJ/m2) shore D
Before proposing a recycling procedure for WEEE, a previ-
ous complete characterization of each individual component is ABS 37.78 11.9 1760 51.2 80
PC 59.51 60.5 1750 Do not break 76
necessary to get all the information on the differences in
R. Balart et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 527e534 529
a) 0,5
recycled ABS
b) 2,5
recycled PC
comercial PC, Trirex 3122/3022
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
wave number (cm-1)
Fig. 1. IR spectra of ABS (a) and PC (b) compared to those of virgin materials.
a small but significant peak around 3300 cm1 which is not 950e1000 cm1 which indicates that the butadiene phase
observed in the non-treated polymer is an indication of the for- has decreased and some degradation should be expected.
mation of oxidized species which indicate that some kind of On the other hand, PC spectra for recycled and virgin
thermo-oxidation has been suffered by the polymer. This materials do not show significant differences (Fig. 1b). These
fact is confirmed by the lower intensity of peaks around materials have not suffered significant degradation during
530 R. Balart et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 527e534
processing and use, as expected from the high thermal resis- 1,0
tance of PC.
ABS 100/PC 0
ABS 80/PC 20
2.2. Equipment and procedure ABS 20/PC 80
degree of conversion, α
ABS 0/PC 100
to a fast initiation of the degradation. This observation was
confirmed by IR spectra as was previously indicated. But, 24
this general decrease in thermal properties is also observed
in inert atmosphere and would lead to the formation of
micro-cracks, chain scission and cross-linking which finally β = 20 K/min
β = 10 K/min
result in a general loss of mechanical properties in the 22
β = 5 K/min
PCeABS blend [20,30,31]. β = 2 K/min
320 40
β = 20 K/min
180 20 β = 10 K/min
β = 5 K/min
160 β = 2 K/min
140 15
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
heating rate, β (K/min) degree of conversion, α
Fig. 4. Determination of kinetic parameters by iterative calculation according Fig. 6. Determination of kinetic parameters by non-linear adjustment for
to the autocatalytic model for ABS (30 C/min). recycled ABS at different heating rates.
532 R. Balart et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (2006) 527e534
a) 1,0
ABS 100% [E]
ABS 80% [E]
ABS 20% [E]
0,8 ABS 0% [E]
600 650 700 750 800
temperature (K)
b) 1,0
ABS 100% [E]
ABS 80% [E]
ABS 20% [E]
650 700 750 800 850
temperature (K)
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