Vertiv – Brand Guidelines 2019
Vertiv – Brand Guidelines 2019
Vertiv – Brand Guidelines 2019
These guidelines are the first step as we take our
brand into the future.
(What do we believe?)
We believe there is a better way to meet the world’s accelerating demand for data—one driven by
passion and innovation.
(What do we exist to do?)
We exist to be bold and delight our customers by ensuring the continuity of today’s and tomorrow’s vital applications.
(What are our core differentiators?)
Transforming customer Creating intimate ways Working faster and more Deploying data and
aspirations into optimal of working with customers flexibly to better meet analytics to design highly
solutions through our and partners to achieve customers where they reliable and efficient
extensive offerings and breakthrough outcomes are and accelerate the systems that are simple,
expert network outcomes they pursue sustainable, and future-ready
We bridge aspiration to action. We’re with customers at every step. We adapt with intention. We connect the dots for you.
How we define this theme: How we define this theme: How we define this theme: How we define this theme:
With increasing data complexity and In an industry in a constant state of flux, The worlds demand for data is reaching In a world where we depend on data to
accelerating demand, you need a data you need a reliable partner who’s ready a fever pitch, and staying ahead in this keep our lives running, failure to keep it
strategy that’s both visionary to take on what’s next—together. environment requires flexibility. running is not an option.
and executable.
From new technologies that test limits Agility is in our DNA—we were born to We don’t just design smart solutions—we
We not only have a heritage of expertise to new ways of storing and organizing embrace the ambiguity and accelerating build integrated, unified ecosystems that
in engineering and domain knowledge, data, our teams are committed to changes in data. This allows us to tackle work together across geographies and
we offer a breadth of products, solutions collaborating with you to design the our customers’ challenges with ingenuity platforms to predict and prevent incidences
and service backed by global leaders to solutions and execute customized and speed while staying ahead of the that set you back, ultimately optimizing
help you realize and unlock your strategies that will help you stay ahead industry to ensure they’re already ahead operations and increasing efficiency.
business potential with confidence. of ever-changing expectations for data. when change happens.
Audience Drivers:
Audience Drivers: Audience Drivers: Audience Drivers: Adaptability
Depth & Breadth of Offerings Commitment to Partnership Adaptability Innovative Thinking
Expertise Adaptability Innovative Thinking Depth & Breadth of Offerings
Commitment to Partnership Innovative Thinking
For more detail around our messaging strategy, please refer to the Messaging Guidelines
Architects of Continuity ™
We are the experts in the industry. Continuity is what we deliver and has two
Like the great architects of the world, meanings:
we are imaginative, bold, and analytical.
We collaborate with our customers to Reliable, safe, uninterrupted
envision and build future-ready digital operations.
digital infrastructures.
Bridging customers’ current
reality to future aspiration.
A masterbrand is a specific overarching brand name that serves as the main anchoring point on which all underlying products are based.
• There is no logo except for the Vertiv logo, except for the freestanding brands which must feature “A Vertiv Company” at the bottom of
their logo.
• Vertiv is used before all sub-brand product names when first naming that product in all marketing, PR, and product materials. Vertiv
branding is used on the product along with sub-brands, where appropriate. Free-standing brands do not use the Vertiv logo, however, all
materials which identifies these companies should have the words “a Vertiv Company” from products to websites and applications to mate-
rials to fleet identification.
• If a product is not part of a sub-brand family, Vertiv is the only brand used in front of the family name. (i.e. Vertiv Critical Infrastructure
Legal Review
All of our messaging and claims need to be reviewed by legal. Claims about products, services and technologies should be reviewed by legal
in the NPD process. Legal approval of those claims should be documented.
To be safe, all customer facing materials such as advertisements (digital or print), sales materials, or event signage should be reviewed by
legal counsel. If your claims have previous approval, you do not need a legal review. New claims and re-worded claims need to be reviewed.
Words such as perfect, always and never always need legal review.
Typography Photography Graphic Elements
We celebrate our visionary expertise in a
Unna regular
modern, editorial system that imagines
what’s next. Unna italic
Calibre light/light italic
Our system is based around the idea of light— Calibre regular/regular italic
Vertiv as the continuous source of knowledge Calibre medium/medium italic
that guides our clients into uncharted Calibre semibold/semibold italic
territories. A source that is in constant Iconography
movement and always changing.
Not all elements need to be present at all times
to create recognizable Vertiv applications—
they just need to be coherent with one Infographics
another, not consistent.
A logo is a trademarked visual asset that helps
our audiences recognize who we are and what
we stand for.
The design of the Vertiv logo reflects our expertise and abilities:
The base is a metaphor for The V shape represents our All of this is encompassed
our strong expertise and customers’ possibilities. by a circular backdrop,
deep experience that representing our global
supports our customers. reach.
The primary logo orientation is the horizontal
format. Use the stacked vertical orientation when
the layout dictates.
Clear Space
Clear Space
To ensure prominence and legibility, the
Vertiv logo is always surrounded by an area of
clear space that remains free of any
graphic elements.
is equal to the height of the “V” in the Vertiv logo.
The amount of clear space should be increased V V
when space allows it.
Minimum Size
Minimum Size Control and Small Use
For instances where the logo must appear Small Use Logos
below the recommended minimum size,
Horizontal Logo Vertical Logo Vertiv Symbol
we have created a small use logo to ensure
that the trademark symbol remains visible.
When applying the small use logo, the
symbol should not be scaled smaller than
1/8” for print and 20 pixels for digital
Since our logo appears in only Vertiv Gray or Orange 021 C (#fe5b1b) Cool Gray 9C (#666666) Gradient Scheme 1
white, general visibility remains high in our color
palette. Applying the logo on supporting grays
and gradient backgrounds are also allowed.
White (#ffffff) Cool Gray 8C (#808080) Gradient Scheme 2
The chart to the right demonstrates
background use and appropriate logo version
application. The charts also indicates which logo
versions should not be used on certain Black (#000000) Cool Gray 7C (#999999) Gradient Scheme 3
On Photography
Cool Gray 5C (#cccccc) Gradient Scheme 4
Avoid using the Vertiv logo on color
combinations that do not have high contrast.
Example Graphics
Do not create logo confusion
What Not to Do:
4. 8.
Our color palette is elegant, yet striking. Orange, white, and black dominate
most of our applications.
Inspired by our agile nature and collaborative spirit, additional gradients join
the orange to provide dynamism and dimensionality.
Color Primary
Colors RGB: 254 91 27
CMYK: 0 79 98 0
RGB: 255 255 255
CMYK: 0 0 0 0
RGB: 0 0 0
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
PMS: Orange 021 C PMS: — PMS: Black C
Color Specifications HEX: fe5b1b HEX: ffffff HEX: 000000
Supporting Grays
To supplement our primary colors, we have a spectrum
of grays to choose from. These grays can be used to
add depth or tone down high contrasting colors.
Secondary Color
Vibrant and expressive, our secondary color palette
is used to create variety when more color is needed. Supporting
Grays RGB: 102 102 102 RGB: 128 128 128 RGB: 153 153 153 RGB: 204 204 204 RGB: 229 229 229 RGB: 242 242 242
These colors should be used sparingly1, and only CMYK: 0 0 0 60 CMYK: 0 0 0 50 CMYK: 0 0 0 40 CMYK: 0 0 0 20 CMYK: 0 0 0 10 CMYK: 0 0 0 5
when a primary brand color is also present (with the PMS: Cool Gray 9C PMS: Cool Gray 8C PMS: Cool Gray 7C PMS: Cool Gray 5C PMS: Cool Gray 4C PMS: Cool Gray 2C
HEX: 666666 HEX: 808080 HEX: 999999 HEX: cccccc HEX: e5e5e5 HEX: f2f2f2
exception of white). To avoid hostile color blending,
a color combination rule must be applied2.
Each one of our seconday colors has a complementing Colors RGB: 255 210 72 RGB: 251 149 0 RGB: 152 255 149 RGB: 127 237 231 RGB: 94 30 231 RGB: 158 153 255
CMYK: 0 16 83 0 CMYK: 0 49 100 0 CMYK: 38 0 61 0 CMYK: 41 0 16 0 CMYK: 76 80 0 0 CMYK: 41 40 0 0
tone. These should be reserved for times where PMS: 123 C PMS: 1375 C PMS: 353 C PMS: 318 C PMS: 2090 C PMS: 271 U
contrast is needed, such as in animation or HEX: ffd248 HEX: fb9500 HEX: 98ff95 HEX: 7fede7 HEX: 5e1ee7 HEX: 9e99ff
infographics. These tones were specifically chosen,
and should be the only tones derived from the Extended
Secondary RGB: 227 18 64 RGB: 222 132 0 RGB: 129 217 127 RGB: 110 204 199 RGB: 71 52 156 RGB: 140 135 227
secondary color palette. Colors CMYK: 12 24 88 0 CMYK: 11 55 100 0 CMYK: 49 0 67 0 CMYK: 53 0 26 0 CMYK: 88 94 0 0 CMYK: 48 47 0 0
HEX: e3bb40 HEX: de8400 HEX: 81d97f HEX: 6eccc7 HEX: 47349c HEX: 8c87e3
Utility Colors
Utility colors are exclusive for special use.
Every color is logical to its function, and strictly
ADA compliant. It is mostly used in form Utility
feedbacks, notification toasts, alarm status, Colors RGB: 0 118 168 RGB: 255 170 0 RGB: 198 39 60 RGB: 100 165 67 RGB: 51 51 51
CMYK: 88 47 15 1 CMYK: 0 38 100 0 CMYK: 16 98 79 5 CMYK: 66 14 100 1 CMYK: 69 63 62 58
threshold indicators, and in other technical HEX: 0076a8 HEX: ffaa00 HEX: d23241 HEX: 64a539 HEX: 333333
i !
Application Utility color
#333333 is only
used as a font
color in digital
Utility color
#0076a8 should
also be used as
link colors.
Appropriate Use
Market Dynamics
Application of colors in infographics and charts.
Appropriate Use Aside from using bold, you
can use Orange 021 C for
highlighting descriptors/
Application of colors in illustrations for labels.
infographics and animation.
1. 3. 5.
What Not to Do:
Calibre remains our main typeface. Designed with an emphasis on
the clean geometry of its letterforms, it is highly legible across all
weights and type sizes.
Vertiv Fonts
Calibre semi-bold in all caps and slightly tracked must THIS IS AN OVERLINE It visually matches the size to the x-height
be used for overlines. It should visually match the size to of body copy.
the x-height of body copy for best results.
Headlines must be in Unna Regular and should be in
sentence case if it is a complete thought. When using
This is a headline.
Unna for headlines, ensure there’s a clear hierarchy with
the body copy. Unna can be used for things such as
This a sample subhead using Calibre medium.
presentation cover titles, section headers for the
website, advertising headlines, and report covers. This is a body copy using Calibre regular. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dapibus vulputate diam eu
Subhead pretium. Mauris elit orci, ultricies id fermentum vel, porta et eros.
Vestibulum condimentum lectus in convallis feugiat.
Calibre Medium must be used for subheads. It should be
smaller than headlines, typically reserved for medium
emphasis text that is shorter in length, and more
practical in nature.
“Pull out a quote using Unna Italic.”
— Person
Body Copy
Calibre regular in sentence case must be used for body Sed vulputate fringilla felis. Aliquam ut arcu et dui feugiat
copy and long-form writing. scelerisque eu quis diam. Mauris placerat congue dui sit amet
Unna Italic must be used must be used for quote
Use of Emphasis Sample Use of Emphasis
Unna for Print Unna for Digital
In the Vertiv system, the preferred font for In print, the minimum size for Recommended minimum In digital, the minimum Recommended minimum
Unna should be 15pt. headline: 15pt with a leading legal copy: 25px with a
headlines is Unna while for body copy is Calibre of font size + 8pt. size for Unna should be leading of font size + 10px.
regular. The exhibit to the right shows typical and
recommended minimum sizes for body copy.
In print, common body copy size is 10 pt with auto Typical body copy: In digital, the common body
leading (using Calibre Light wherever possible).
10 pt with a leading of copy size is 15 px with auto Typical body copy:
font size + 4pt. 15 px with a leading of
leading using Calibre light font size + 10px.
In print, common body copy size is 10 pt with auto
leading (using Calibre Light wherever possible).
Recommended minimum wherever possible.
body copy: 9pt with a
leading of font size + 4pt. In digital, the recommended minimum size for
Recommended minimum
legal copy is 10 px in Calibre Light
legal copy: 10 px with a
In print, common body copy size is 10 pt with auto Recommended minimum leading of font size + 10px.
leading (using Calibre Light wherever possible).
legal copy: 7pt with a leading
of font size + 4pt.
Alternate Fonts
Alternate Fonts
Language Fonts
Language Fonts
For our partners in global locations where Univers Next Arabic—3 weights (Arabic) DF Hei—5 weights (Chinese Traditional) DFP Hei—5 weights (Chinese Simplified)
Latin-1 fonts cannot be used, we have provided
options for language fonts. We recommend you
license at least three weights—a bold weight for
headlines, and light and regular weights for
additional hierarchies. The style should match
as closely as possible to our brand style. The
Screen Thai MT font is available in only a Iwata Gothic Old—6 weights (Japanese)
singular weight, which is acceptable. Core Sans—3 weights (Korean)
Harmonia Sans Pro Cyrillic CFF Basic 2
Volume—6 weights (Russian)
On Primary Colors On Supporting Grays On Secondary Colors
Background Control
Avoid using font colors with low contrast.
Cool Gray 5C (#cccccc) 318 C (#7fede7)
A sample descriptor/label
using Unna regular.
Appropriate Use
1. 3. 5. 7.
What Not to Do:
Graphic Elements
Our graphic elements are based off a source of light that can manifest itself
in different forms depending on the context.
Graphic Elements
Overview Agile
Graphic Elements
Agile Logo Agile Logo Assets
The agile logo is the only graphic treatment
allowed to be applied to our logo.
Graphic Elements
Agile Logo Appropriate Use
Graphic Elements
1. 4. 5.
Agile Logo
Graphic Elements
Gradient Background Assets
Gradient Backgrounds Gradient Scheme 2
Gradient Scheme 1 Gradient Scheme 4
Graphic Elements
Gradient Backgrounds Appropriate Use
Do not use gradient backgrounds with agile logo and gradient bars.
Graphic Elements
1. 3. 4.
Gradient Backgrounds
Graphic Elements
(Main Scheme)
Gradient Bars
Scheme 3
Graphic Elements
Gradient Bars Specifications and
Appropriate Use Gradient Bars Appropriate Use
Do not use gradient bars with agile logo and gradient backgrounds.
Graphic Elements
Gradient Bars 1. 6. 7.
Photography is a powerful tool in our visual system. The overall look and feel
of our photography must be reachable, portraying realistc future, and showing
real-life scenarios.
Photography 1. 3.
Photography 1. 3. 5.
2. 4.
Photography 1. 5. 9.
4. 8.
Avoid using them when talking about our
Photography 1. 3.
1. 4. 7.
3. 6.
Motion Motion
Logo Reveals
for App
Business Cards
As one of the first encounters with our brand,
the business card employs all the fundamental
elements of our visual system: a generous white
space on the front with a gradient bar, the
Orange 021 C and Vertiv logo at the back, and
a functional straightforward design.
Ad Sketches
The sample application to the right shows
ad sketches on products.
Ad Sketches
Below are the sample applications of abstract
illustration in ads. For illustration request, please
submit a Corporate Marketing Request.
Ad Sketches
The sample application to the right shows the
use of gradient bars in an ad sketch with the use
of perspective photography.
Ad Sketches
The sample application to the right shows the
use of gradient bars in a brand-centric ad sketch.
Print Ad
The sample application to the right shows the
use of agile logo in a brand-centric print ad.
The samples to the right represent 2 variations
of Powerpoint templates. Note the use of our
alternate typeface, Georgia and Arial, rather than
our corporate typeface, Unna and Calibre. This
eliminates any font issues when sharing the
presentation with users who do not have Unna
and Calibre installed on their computers.
Brand Reviews
As we work to establish our new brand, it is important to have as much creative pieces as possible reviewed by the Corporate Marketing team. This ensures
that everyone is understanding our new brand and working with resources in the correct way going forward.
Who is reviewing What requires a Does it need reviewed even if it When do I ask for a How do I ask for a
my work? brand review? was done by a creative agency? brand review? brand review?
A member of the Corporate Brand team As you begin working with the new brand Yes, even if a piece was created by an You should reach out to the Corporate All brand reviews are handled through
will review the pieces sent to them, and and messaging, ideally, the Corporate agency, it should still be sent to the Brand team for a review when you have a Wrike. If you do not have a Wrike
ensure brand guidelines, both creative Brand team would like to see as much Corporate Brand team for review before final draft, and will not be making any license, you can still submit a request
and messaging, have been followed. as possible before being released to the finalizing with them. Agencies are held to other changes. Once reviewed and form. The link for a Corporate Brand
Once the request is submitted, please public. That being said, we understand the same standards as a Vertiv employee approved, that piece is considered final, Request can be found here.
allow one business day for a response. that it is not feasible, on both ends, to when using our brand. Prior to even and no other changes should be made. If
At that time, a member of the Corporate review every single piece of work created starting a project with an agency, they changes are made after approved, it will If you have a Wrike license, you can also
Brand team will reach out and work with by Vertiv. As a general rule, if it is global should be sent all relevant Vertiv need a review for a second time. use the link above, or you can select the
you on implementing changes, if needed. (internal or external), or if it is a new guidelines and familiarize themselves green plus sign at the top of your
concept (for example, a new app design), with them. It is important to work a brand review into workspace. Select “Request” and then
it should be sent to the Corporate Brand your process. Leave enough time so that “Corporate Brand Request.”
team for review. if changes are required, no matter how big
or small, there is adequate time to correct When asked “What is the project
the mistake and send for another review. objective” select “Creative Services.”
Sending for review the day before release On the next page when asked “What
date is not best practice and your timeline type of project is it?” select “Brand
could suffer. Review: Video, Photography, Graphics,
Creative, etc.”