Chapter 12 Balance of payments class 12th notes
Chapter 12 Balance of payments class 12th notes
Chapter 12 Balance of payments class 12th notes
Balance of payments is an accounting statement that provide a systematic record to all the economic
transaction , between resident of a country and the rest of the world , in a given period of time.
Economic Transaction
1. Visible Items
These include all types of physical goods which are imported and exported as they are made of some
matter that can be seen, touched, measured.
2. Invisible Items
Invisible items of trade refers to all types of services like shipping , banking , etc…these are called
invisible goods as they can not be felt , seen ,and measured
Unilateral transfer include gifts, remittance,etc.. since these transaction donot involve any claims
for repayments.
4. Capital transfer
Capital transfer relate to capital receipts (through borrowings or sale of assets)and capital
payments (through capital repayments or purchase of assets)
1. Credit side:
2. Debit side
All outflow or uses of foreign exchange are recorded on the debit side.
1. Balanced bop
2. Surplus bop
3. Deficit bop
Bop is balance when receipt of foreign exchange is equal to payments of foreign exchange.
2. Surplus BOP
BOP is surplus when receipt of foreign exchange is more than payments of foreign exchange.
3. Deficit BOP
BOP is deficit when the receipt of foreign exchange is less than payments of foreign exchange.
Balance of trade refers to difference between the amount of export and import of visible item.
1. Current account
Current account refers to an account which record all the transaction relating to exports and
import of goods and services and unilateral transfer during a given period of time.
Export and Import of Services (Invisible Trade): It includes a large variety of non-factor services (known
as invisible items) sold and purchased by the residents of a country, to and from the rest of the world.
Payments are either received or made to the other countries for use of these services. Services are
generally of three kinds: (a) Shipping, (b) Banking, and (c) Insurance. Payments for these services are
recorded on the negative side and receipts on the positive side.
(iii) Unilateral or Unrequited Transfers to and from abroad (One sided Transactions):
Unilateral or Unrequited Transfers to and from abroad (One sided Transactions): Unilateral transfers
include gifts, donations, personal remittances and other ‘oneway’ transactions. These refer to those
receipts and payments, which take place without any service in return. Receipt of unilateral transfers
from rest of the world is shown on the credit side and unilateral transfers to rest of the world on the
debit side.
Income receipts and payments to and from abroad: It includes investment income in the form of
interest, rent and profits.
In the current account receipt from export of goods services and unilateral receipt are entered as credit
or positive item and payments for import of goods services and unilateral payments are entered as debit
or negative items. The net value of credit and debit balance referred as balance on current account.
Surplus in the current account arises when Credit items are more than debit items.
Deficit in current account arises when debit items are more than Credit items
2.Capital account
Capital account of balance of payment record all the transaction between the resident of a country and
rest of the world, which cause a change in the assets or liability of the resident of the country or its
1.Private Transaction - When private sector company receive or give short term or long term loan is
known as private transactions. In which loan received will come under credit side and repayment or
interest on loan come under debit side.
2.Official Transaction – Government of country also take short term and long term loans from
international institutions like World bank, IMF tec. Reason could be anything , but it is affecting assets
and liabilities.
3.Foreign Direct Investment- A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a firm or
individual in one country into business interests located in another country. Generally, FDI takes place
when an investor establishes foreign business operations or acquires foreign business assets in a foreign
4.Investment to and from abroad - a. investment by the rest of the world in shares of Indian companies,
real estate in India etc.…. such investment from abroad are recorded on the positive (credit) side as they
bring in foreign exchange.
b. investment by Indian resident in shares of foreign companies, real estate abroad, etc…...such
investment to abroad are recorded on the negative (debit) side as they lead to outflow of foreign
In the capital account receipt of foreign exchange like loan from abroad, sale of assets , shares of foreign
countries etc. are entered as credit or positive item and Payments of foreign exchange like repayment of
loans, purchase of assets or shares in foreign countries etc. are entered as debit or negative items. The
net value of credit and debit balance referred as balance on capital account.
Surplus in the capital account arises when Credit items are more than debit items.
Deficit in capital account arises when debit items are more than Credit items.
1. Autonomous item
Autonomous items: refers to those international economic transaction, which take place due to
some economic motive such as profit maximization.
2. Accommodating items
Accommodating items refer to the transaction that are undertaken to cover deficit or surplus in
autonomous transaction i.e such transaction are determined by net consequences of autonomous
1. Fall in demand for country’s goods in the foreign markets leads to fall in exports and it adversely
affects the balance of payments.
2. High inflation- When there is inflation in the domestic economy, foreign goods become relatively
cheaper as compared to domestic goods. It increases imports which causes a deficit in the BOP.
3.Import of services-
Underdeveloped countries import services from developed countries for which, they have to pay huge
amounts of money. It leads to a deficit in the BOP.
4.Development Process-
Developing countries depend on developed nations for supply of machines, technology and other
equipment. This leads to increased levels of imports, thereby, resulting in a deficit in the BOP account.
5.Cyclic fluctuations-
When the domestic economy is going through a phase of boom, then domestic production may be
unable to satisfy the domestic demand. It leads to a deficit in BOP, due to increase in imports.
Political Factors
1.Political instability –
Political instability may lead to large capital outflows and reduce the inflows of foreign funds, thus,
creating disequilibrium in the BOP.
2.policitcal disturbance-
Frequent changes in the government, inadequate support to the government in parliament also
discourage inflows of capital. This leads to a deficit due to higher outflows than inflows.
Social Factors
An unfavorable change for the domestic goods leads to a deficit in the balance of payments.
2.demonstration effect-
When the people of developed countries come in contact with those of advanced countries, they start
adopting the foreign pattern of consumption. Due to this reason, their imports increase and it leads to
an adverse balance of payments for underdeveloped country.
Difference between Balance of Trade Vs Balance of Payments
Meaning Balance of Trade is a statement that captures the Balance of Payment is a statement that keeps track of
country's export and import of goods with the all economic transactions done by the country with the
remaining world. remaining world.
Records Transactions related to goods only. Transactions related to both goods and services are
Capital Transfers Are not included in the Balance of Trade. Are included in Balance of Payment.
Which is better? It gives a partial view of the country's economic It gives a clear view of the economic position of the
status. country.
Result It can be Favorable, Unfavorable or balanced. Both the receipts and payment sides tallies.
Component It is a component of Current Account of Balance of Current Account and Capital Account.