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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay

Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils

By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000


by : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew
Gue & Partners Sdn Bhd

The construction of embankment (including reclamation with hydraulic fills) over
very soft compressible alluvial deposits (e.g. Clay, silty Clay, clayey Silt etc.) is increasing
due to lack of suitable land for infrastructures and other developments. The choice of
construction method in this formation is not only governed by direct costs, but also the long
term maintenance costs, duration of completion and cost benefits.

This lecture presents

brief guidelines for the
selection and design of the
various commonly used
techniques for construction
of embankment on soft soils.
General reviews of each of
the methods are made
including a discussion on
their use, applicability and
appropriateness. The
requirements for additional
soil information or
instrumentation during
construction will also be

The behaviour of soft
alluvial soils is influenced by
Figure 1 : Quaternary Sediments in Peninsular Malaysia
(after Stauffer, 1973)

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

the source of the parent material, depositional processes, erosion, redeposition, consolidation
and fluctuations in groundwater levels.

Generally, alluvial deposits (materials transported and deposited by water action)

consist of finest clays to very coarse gravels and boulders. Alluvial soils usually show
pronounced stratification and sometimes organic matter, seashell and decayed wood are
present in the alluvial deposits. Raj & Singh (1990) present an overview of the alluvial
deposits of Peninsular Malaysia. Figure 1 shows the unconsolidated quaternary sediments in
Peninsular Malaysia (After Stauffer, 1973).


The soil conditions of the proposed embankment need to be established in varying
degrees of detail during the planning and design. The basic information required for
planning and preliminary design of the embankment includes :
- Site Topography;
- Geology and Landuse;
- Soil Stratigraphy;
- Soil Strength;
- Soil Compressibility;
- Groundwater Levels.

Additional soil properties may be needed depending on the construction methods to

be adopted. The planning and interpretation of the site investigation and interpretation will
not be covered in this paper. Details of the subject can be obtained from papers by Gue &
Tan (2000), Gue (1999), Neoh (1999) and Tan (1999).


Before carrying out an embankment design and selection of the most appropriate
construction methods, the following issues should be considered :
- Boundary of the embankment;
- Influence of the embankment on adjacent structures, slopes and drainage;
- Earliest construction start date and completion date;
- Tolerance on settlements and differential settlements of the proposed
developments or structures.
- Rate at which embankment fill material can be placed;
- Availability of fill from other parts of the site;
- Availability of alternative materials;
- Cost analysis and implication of the ground treatment proposed.
- Future maintenance (frequency and cost)

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

4.1 Embankment Loading

The embankment loading can either be in single stage or multi-stage.

Single Stage Loading

It will cause an immediate increase in total stress and if the filling is so rapid such
that dissipation of pore pressure cannot take place or insignificant, the stability of the
embankment will rely on the in-situ undrained shear strength (su) of the subsoil.

Multi-Stage Loading
The advantage of multi-stage is that the subsoil is allowed to increase in strength as
consolidation take place under the embankment load. However, the rate of increase
in loading needs to be limited so that the ratio of the load to the available strength of
the subsoil is within the acceptable factor of safety. This method also requires longer
time of construction.

4.2 Stability Analysis of Embankment

The stability of the embankment is commonly assessed using a limit equilibrium
analysis. It is important in stability analysis of the embankment to consider different
potential failure surfaces, circular and non-circular, as shown in Figure 2. This is because
circular failure surfaces may not yield the lowest factor of safety (FOS), particularly for
embankments on thin clay layers or where discrete weaker layers occur, where translational
failure generally dominates. The FOS against failure is usually defined as :

Where s = Average shear strength available along the failure surface.
τ = Average shear stress applied along the failure surface.

Many computer programs that offer different methods of limit equilibrium stability
analysis are commonly available. Table 1 below summarises the different methods of
stability analysis together with the comments.

Figure 2 : Circular & Non-Circular Failure Surfaces

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000
- Consider force and moment equilibrium for each slice. Rigorous method
assumes values for the vertical forces on the sides of each slice until all
Circular equations are satisfied. Simplified method assumes the resultant of the
vertical forces is zero on each slice.
- Simplified method compares well with finite element deformation methods.
- Generalised procedure considers force and moment equilibrium on each
slice. Assumptions on line of action of interslice forces must be made.
Janbu (1972) Non-Circular
Vertical interslice forces not included in routine procedure and calculated F
then corrected to allow for vertical forces.
Morgenstern - Consider forces and moments on each slice, similar to Janbu Generalised
& Price Non-Circular procedure.
(1965) - Consider more accurate than Janbu. No simplified method.
Sarma - A modification of Morgenstern & Price which reduces the iterations.
(1979) - Considerable reduction in computing time without loss of accuracy.

Table 1 : Methods of Stability Analysis

(Adapted from Geotechnical Control Office, 1984)

In general, there are three types of methods in modelling the soil in the stability
analysis and they are :
(a) Total Stress Analysis
(b) Effective Stress Analysis
(c) Undrained Strength Analysis

4.2.1 Total Stress Analysis

The stability of the embankment is analysed based only on the available
undrained shear strength (su) of the subsoil prior to start of construction, taking no
account of any increase in strength after consolidation. The su can based on the results of
unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression tests (UU), isotropically consolidated
undrained triaxial compression tests (CIU), vane tests or Piezocone (CPTU).

4.2.2 Effective Stress Analysis

The stability of the embankment can be only be analysed using an effective
stress approach, provided that both the total stresses and pore water pressures can be
estimated. The available shear strength, s, along the shear plane can be obtained as :

s = c’ + σn’tanφ’
where c’ and φ’define the Mohr-Coulomb effective stress failure envelope

σ n ’ = σ n - ur
where σn is the total normal stress and ur is the pore pressure at failure.

It should be noted that effective stress analysis will lead to a more favourable
(optimistic, higher FOS) assessment of the stability than the use of undrained analysis
(Ladd, 1991).

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

4.2.3 Undrained Strength Analysis

Undrained strength method was developed by Ladd & Foott (1974) and is
further refined by Ladd (1991). This method can also take account of the gain in
undrained shear strength (+ Δ su) as a result of consolidation. The Undrained strength
analysis (USA) extends the total stress analysis by using the current vertical normalised
strength ratio of su/σv’, where σv’ is the current vertical effective stress.

There is a few ways to estimate the ratio of su/σv’ :

a) su/σv’ = 0.11 + 0.0037 PI
For normally consolidated clay, the ratio tends to increase with
plasticity indeed (PI) (Skempton, 1957).

b) su(mob)/σp’ = 0.22;
where su(mob) is the undrained shear strength mobilised on the failure
surface in the field, and σp’ is the preconsolidation pressure (yield
stress) (Mesri, 1988).

Unlike effective stress method, the pore water pressures set up during
shearing to failure need not be estimated, thus eliminating an unknown in the design
procedure. This method is most commonly used in the analysis of short term stability
and design of staged construction.

4.2.4 Factor of Safety

The factor of safety to be used in the stability analysis will depend on the
following factors :
- Method of analysis
- Reliability of the design method
- Reliability of the design soil parameters
- Consequences of failure in terms of human life and economic loss.

O’Riordan & Seaman (1993) reports that BS6031:1981 gives no specific

values or method for soil strength determination for use in embankment design. It only
refers to a range of factor of safety between 1.3 and 1.4 for cut slopes.

Generally in practice, the factor of safety on shear strength (FOS) from total
stress or undrained strength analyses used in temporary stage is usually taken as between
1.2 to 1.3. FOS of 1.4 and 1.5 are normally adopted in effective stress analyses of
embankment for permanent stage. It should be noted that designing with low FOS
increases the possibility of large vertical and lateral ground deformations and also risk of

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

4.3 Settlement Calculation

Settlement of the subsoil supporting the embankment will take place during and after
filling. It is necessary to evaluate both the magnitude and rate of settlement of the subsoil
supporting the embankment when designing the embankment so that the settlement in the
long term will not influence the serviceability of the embankment.

In carrying out stability analyses, it is necessary to estimate the magnitude of

settlement which occurs during construction so that the thickness of the fill can be designed
to ensure stability. An iterative process is required in the estimation of settlement because
the extra fill (more load) required to compensate for settlement will lead to further

Usually the assumptions of one-dimensional consolidation are generally valid for

embankments which have widths greater than the thickness of the compressible soil layer;
Davis and Poulos (1972). This lecture only covers the one-dimensional problem.

For clay layer of

larger thickness,
horizontal flow of pore-
water may be more
significant and the one-
dimensional theory tends
to underestimate the rate
of consolidation. The
consolidation can be
solved numerically using
solutions proposed by
Terzaghi (1923) and
Rendulic (1936), as
described by Murray
(1971 and 1974).

4.3.1 Magnitude of
When a load of
finite dimensions is
Figure 3 : Influence Chart for Vertical Stress rapidly applied to a
Embankment Loading – Infinite Extent saturated clay, the
(from Osterberg, 1957) resulting settlement can
be conveniently divided
into three stages :

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

(A) Initial Settlement

(also called
immediate or
undrained or shear
settlement), ρi
(B) Primary
Settlement, ρc
(C) Secondary
Compression, ρs

(A) Initial
Settlement, ρi

During application of the

load, excess pore
pressures will set up in
the clay, but relatively
Figure 4 : Notation and Terminology used for Oedometer little drainage of water
Compression Curves (from Balasubramaniam & Brenner, will occur since the clay
1981) has a low permeability.
Estimation of initial settlement can be carried out using elastic displacement
theory as :
ρi = ∑ ( I ⋅ q)dh
q = Applied Stress / Pressure on the subsoil (kPa).
dh = thickness of each layer (m).
Eu = Undrained Young’s Modulus of the subsoil (kPa)
I = Influence factor

A useful chart is given by Osterberg (1957) and shown in Figure 3. The chart
allows estimation of the initial settlement of the embankment.

(B) Consolidation Settlement, ρc

With time, the excess pore water pressures dissipate as drainage occurs and
the clay undergoes further settlement due to volume changes as stress is
transferred from pore pressure u to effective stress. The rate of volume
change and corresponding settlement is governed by how fast the water can
drain out of the clay under the induced hydraulic gradients.

One dimensional primary consolidation settlement can be estimated using the

expression :
C σ 'p C σ ' vf
ρc = ∑ [ r log + C log ]H i
i =1 1 + eo σ ' vo 1 + ec σ ' vc
where ρc = Consolidation Settlement Magnitude (m)
σ’vo = Initial vertical effective stress

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

σ’vf= Final vertical effective stress = σ’vo + Δ σ’v ≥ σ’vc

σ’vc = Preconsolidation Pressure / Yield Stress
Hi = Initial thickness of incremental soil layer, i of n.
eo = Initial voids ratio
ec = Void ratio at Preconsolidation Pressure / Yield Stress
CC = Compression Index
Cr = Recompression Index

Values of Δ σ’v at the centre of each soil layer due to embankment loading can be estimated
using elastic theory, Poulos and Davis (1974). The parameters σ’p, eo, CC and CR can be
obtained from oedometer consolidation tests. The notation and terminology used are shown
in Figure 4.

(C) Secondary Compression, ρs

Even after complete dissipation of the

excess pore pressures and the effective
stresses are about constant, there will
generally be further volume changes and
increased settlement which is termed as
Secondary Compression.

ρs = ∑[1 + αe
i =1
log(t )]H i

ρs = Secondary Compression
Magnitude (m)
Hi = Initial thickness of incremental
soil layer, i of n.
ep = Voids ratio at the end of primary
Figure 5 : Relationship between
Secondary Compression Ration and
Cα = Secondary Compression Index.
Water Content (from Mesri, 1973)
t = Time for calculation.

Other than oedometer tests, the secondary compression ratio or Modified Secondary
Compression Index, (Cα /(1+ ep)) can be estimated from the relationship proposed by
Mesri (1973) as shown in Figure 5.

4.3.2 Rate of Settlement

For one dimensional consolidation with vertical drainage, the degree of
consolidation, Uv is a function of the time factor, Tv where :

Tv = cv t / HD2
Where cv = Coefficient of consolidation (m2/year)

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

t = Time following application of loading (year)

HD = Drainage path length (m)

The average degree of consolidation as a function of time factor for

Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation by vertical flow can be expressed as :
Uv = for Tv = cv t / HD2 < 0.2
⎛ − π 2 TV ⎞
Uv = 1 - 82 exp⎜ ⎟ for Tv = cv t / HD2 ≥ 0.2
π ⎜ 4 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

The coefficient of consolidation, cv, can be obtained from oedometer tests at

the levels of effective stress similar to those anticipated under embankment loading.
Another reliable way to determine cv is from field in-situ permeability tests together
with mv from laboratory oedometer consolidation tests :

cv = k / (mv γw)
where k = permeability from field permeability tests (m/sec)
mv = coefficient of compressibility (m2/kN)
γw = density of water (kN/m3)

The use of field values of k will give a better representative effects of large
scale soil structure and permeability, not able to be reflected in laboratory tests.
Since the permeability and compressibility of the soil reduce with increase in
effective stress (under embankment loading), the value of cv should be modified to
reflect the state of stress over the period during which settlement rates are being


From the results of stability analyses results, an engineer will be able to know
whether it is feasible or not to construct the embankment in single stage, or multi-stage and
combination of other alternative construction methods. Figure 7 shows the flow-chart,
outlining the summary on selection of construction methods.

In the cost conscious market of today, usually a cost comparison between the various
methods which are technically feasible will be required by an engineer throughout the
design. Figure 8 shows the basic framework for assessing various factors that can influence
the cost. Only by carrying out analysis of the costs and benefits of different methods, will
the engineer able to identify where possible modification to the initial constraints can be

The following sections of the paper describes some of the commonly used
embankment construction methods

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000


CONSTRUCTION Adopt Initial design parameters with: y Desk study
y Alignment y Maximum slope angle y Topographical survey
y Cost y Available fill y Ground investigation
y Timing y Mimimum site preparation y Laboratory testing
y Long term performance y Single fill construction
y Availability of materials
y Environmental

Stability satisfactory?


No Settlements


No Yes Adopt straightforward embankment

Other constraints
construction techniques

Consider alternative
construction methods

y Flatter slopes y Internal reinforcement y Pre-load the ground
y Berms y Support piles y Surcharge the embankment
y Lightweight fills y Sheet piles y Staged construction
y excavate and replace soft
y Vertical drains
Reject unsuitable methods y Stone columns
y Vibro - concrete columns
y Lime columns
y Jet grouting
Identity potential combinations of methods

For each method or combination of


Additional soils or Yes Obtain data

materials data


Stability satisfactory?


Modification to design Yes

Settlements No using proposed Modify design
satisfactory? method possible?

Yes No
Reject method
Other constraints


Yes Consider another



Establish additional requirements for

shortlisted methods:
y Site preparation
y Construction time
y Instrumentation
y Testing

Perform cost comparison between

selected methods

Select most suitable combination of


Fig. 6.1 Flow Chart Showing the Recommended Procedure for the Selection of Construction Methods for Embankments on Soft Alluvial Soils
Figure 7 : Procedure for the Selection of Construction Method (from
O’Riordan & Seaman, 1993)

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

Figure 8 : Framework for Establishing Costs of Construction Methods

(from O’Riordan & Seaman, 1993)

5.1 Modification of Embankment Geometry

Reduction of slope angle or construction of counterweight berms improves the
stability of the embankment by increasing the length of potential failure surfaces in the soft
soils as shown in Figure 9. The weight of the shallow slope or berm counter-balances the
disturbing moment on potential failure surfaces under the embankment. The fill should be
raised equally across the embankment. However this method has a disadvantage of greater
land-take and volume of fill materials are needed.

Figure 9 : Improvement of Embankment from Reduction in Slope Angle or using Berms

5.2 Excavation and Replacement of Soft Soils (Total or Partial)

This method is very old but still viable. The very soft compressible cohesive soils are
excavated out and replaced with better materials (e.g. compacted sand or suitable fill) that

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

provide a stronger and less compressible foundation. The experience on highway

construction in West Malaysia indicates that the excavation and replacement depth up to a
maximum depth of 4.5m is viable in terms of cost and practicability. Usually the
excavation should extend to at least to the toe of the embankment and beyond to increase the
stability of the embankment.
If the soft material is much deeper than the practical excavation depth, partial
excavation and replacement is also possible. However the effect on stability and long term
settlement of the remaining soft material should be considered. Sometimes partial
excavation and replacement of soft material is used with other ground treatment to overcome
the above problems.

This method will be more difficult if the groundwater level is high. If pumping of
water not practical, then compacted suitable material cannot be used and underwater
replacement materials (granular materials) should be used. These materials shall be of a
grading that it is effectively self-compacting. The main disadvantage of the method is the
amount of soft soil which needs to be disposed.

5.3 Vertical Drains

Vertical prefabricated band-shaped drains are installed through soft clay soils to
accelerate the speed of consolidation of the subsoil by reducing the drainage path lengths and
utilizing the naturally higher horizontal permeability of clay deposits. Prefabricated drains
using corrugated polymeric materials (polyethylene and polypropylene) for the core, and
woven or non-woven fabric or fibre for the filter. They are about 100mm wide, about 4mm
thick and are installed using a closed-end mandrel and usually to a depth no more than 30m
in very soft soil or terminate shorter in stronger materials (SPT’N’ ≈ 7 to 10). Pre-boring will
be required to penetrate some surface crust or artificial obstructions at the surface.

Vertical drains will only be effective when using in conjunction with another
technique, such as pre-loading, surcharging and staged construction (to be discussed in the
following sections) and the design is governed by the time allowed in the construction
programme for consolidation to occur. The average degree of consolidation for radial
consolidation by Barron’s theory is given by Hansbo (1981) as :
⎛ − 8Th ⎞
Uh = 1 - exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ for Th = ch t / D2
⎝ μ ⎠
n 2
3n 2 − 1
Where μ= 2 ln(n) −
n −1 4n 2

Where n = drain spacing ratio, D/d

D = Diameter of an equivalent soil cylinder influenced by each drain, which
is equal to 1.13s for a square pattern and 1.05s for a triangular pattern.
s = drain spacing
d = equivalent diameter of prefabricated vertical drains = 2(b+t)/π (Hansbo,

The average degree for combined vertical and radial consolidation is obtained from
Carillo’s theorem (1942) :

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

U = 1 – (1-Uv)(1-Uh)

The vertical drains should have sufficient capacity to enable the water to discharge to
layers above and below the consolidating layer. Granular materials are laid above the
ground surface as platform for the movement of the plant and also as drainage layer. Pre-
fabricated drains are usually left about 150mm above the initial drainage layer prior to
placing further drainage material.

5.4 Pre-loading and Surcharging

Pre-loading is to compress the subsoil prior to placing the permanent load. This
method involves the placement and removal of fill (pressure) of similar to or greater than the
permanent load. On the other hand, surcharging is to subject the ground to higher pressure
than that during the service life in order to achieve a higher initial rate of settlement thus
reducing long term settlements. Unlike pre-loading, a large proportion of the fill is left
behind after the surcharge has been removed. Usually these methods are used to control both
total settlement and differential settlement at the abutments to bridge / flyover and where
culverts are crossing beneath the embankment.

Figure 10 : Concept of Pre-Loading and Surcharge

Several important design criteria for this method are as follows :

- Stability should be checked with pre-loading or surcharge load
- Pre-loading or surcharging should be designed to chosen construction period
- Settlement after construction should be within the range of tolerances
- The option should be economical
- Proper planning of construction programme for cost effective use of materials

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

- Does not cause damage to any adjoining structures.

The magnitude and duration of the pre-loading or surcharging will be controlled by

the magnitude of total settlement (consolidation and secondary settlement). Usually the
extra loading must continue until the effective stress in the subsoil is larger than that from
the long term loading from the embankment. This method can also reduce the effects of
secondary compression slightly. Figure 10 shows the concept of pre-loading and
surcharging respectively.

5.5 Staged Construction

Staged construction is the method by which the embankment can be constructed on
the soft soil such that the rate of filling is governed by the increase in soil strength due to
consolidation. Usually vertical drains are used together to increase the consolidation
process. Usually the design of the staged construction is carried out using undrained strength
method (Ladd, 1991). The stability and degree of consolidation can be related to gain in
strength from the tests carried out and observations of excess pore water pressures in the
ground or indirect methods stated in Sections 6.2 and 6.3.

The use of the staged construction method requires close liaison and communication
between the design engineer, contractor and supervising engineer. Instruments like
settlement markers, displacement markers, piezometers, etc. need to be placed to monitor the
performance of the embankment during construction to prevent failure. In more sensitive
cases, confirmation of gain in strength is needed before the application of the next stage of

5.6 Other Methods

There are also other methods to construct embankment on very soft soils. They are :
- Lightweight fills like expanded and extruded polystyrene
- Piled embankment (full slab or pile caps)
- Reinforcement of embankment using geosynthetics
- Stone columns


It is important to monitor the performance of an embankment and the subsoil
supporting it during and after construction. Table 2 list different types of instrumentation
that can be utilized in embankment construction. Figure 11 shows the embankment
instrumentation used in the Muar Flat trial embankment by the Malaysian Highway
Authority (1989).

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

Measurement Types and Location

- Settlement gauges on original ground surface or base of excavation.
- Settlement markers on surface of fill or ground outside the
Vertical Settlement - Full-profile settlement gauges under the embankment.
- Subsurface Settlement gauges or extensometers in the subsoil
beneath the embankment to measure settlement at different depths of
the subsoil.
Horizontal - Inclinometers in the subsoil at toe of embankment.
Movement - Displacement markers at the top and toe of embankment.
Pore Water - Piezometers (preferably vibrating wire type) at several depths and
Pressures locations in the subsoil beneath the embankment.
Table 2 : Types of Instrumentation for Embankment

6.2 Control of
It has been widely
recognised that the failure of
a soft ground is closely
related to the magnitude and
history of the deformation
which taken place before the
final failure. This makes the
use of the information
obtained from the practically
possible measurements in the
field to control the
construction of embankment
to be safe and efficient.

If a soft ground is
under loading, not only
consolidation will occur but
also plastic horizontal flow
(shear deformation). This
fact makes it difficult to
theoretically distinguish the
Figure 11 : Layout of Instrumentation Scheme
relationship between the
(MHA, 1989) displacement and the failure

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

of a soft ground. Therefore it

is very important to find the
relationship between the
displacement and the failure
to help control the
construction of embankment.
Qualitatively, failure will
occur when the progress of
the shear deformation is
faster than that of
consolidation settlement.

Assuming the
settlement, ρt at the centre of
the embankment as an index
of consolidation settlement
and the lateral displacement,
δ of the embankment as an
index of the shear
deformation, the progress of
δ in relation to ρt can be used
Figure 12 : Modified Matsuo Stability Plot as an indicator of
embankment stability.

Matsuo et. al. (1977) proposed his plot after observing the deformation of many
embankments and plotted the process of displacement during construction of each
embankment. As reported, it is astonishing that although the section and the unit weight of
each embankment, the soil properties and the thickness of each soft layer and other
surroundings are different from each other, but many embankments under such different
conditions failed near the one curve which can be regarded as the “Failure Criterion Line” as
shown in Figure 12. Therefore the failure of the embankment can be predicted by plotting
the observed settlements and horizontal displacements on this diagram

6.3 Control of Embankment Settlement

There are two commonly used methods to interpret the measured settlement. They
are :
(A) Hyperbolic Method (Chin, 1970; Tan, 1971 & Tan, 1995)
(B) Asaoka Method (Asaoka, 1978)

6.3.1 Hyperbolic Method

This method is usually used to evaluate future settlement based on measured
settlement data. This method is based on the assumption that the settlement-time curve is
similar to hyperbolic curve and can be represented by the equation shown in Figure 13.

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Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

Figure 13 : Hyperbolic Method to Predict Future Settlement

From the figure, we can predict the long term settlement with time. However
the final settlement estimated through this method by using the measured data of early
period after loading may be on the high side.

Tan (1992) proposes the use of Hyperbolic method for field estimation of
total primary settlement of subsoil treated with vertical drains and surcharge. The
procedure for use of the method involves four simple steps as outlined below :

Step 1 : Plot the the field settlement data as (t/ρ) vs t, where t is the
time and ρ is the settlement from the beginning of surcharge load application. This
method is not applicable if the construction time of the embankment with surcharge is
more than the time to achieve 60% consolidation.

Step 2 : From the

plot, identify the first
linear segment
immediately after the
initially concave
downward or humped
segment of the curve, and
measure its slope, Ai
(these corresponds to
data between the 60%
and 90% settlement

Step 3 : From the

estimated relevant soil
and drain parameters (n,
HD/D and ch/cv),
H = clay drainage depth ; D= drain influence diameter ; determine by
d = drain diameter ; Tv = time factor for vertical consolidation interpolation of Figure
U=degree of consolidation of combined vertical and radial 14, the applicable
Figure 14 : Plot of αi (adapted from Tan et.al. 1996)

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

theoretical value of the

initial linear slope, αi.

Step 4 : Calculate the

slope of the lines from the
origin intercepting the 60%
and 90% settlement points by
Equations (a) and (b). Draw
the three lines and obtained
the interception points. The
total primary settlement can
be estimated as either (αi /
S), (ρ60 / 0.6) or (ρ90 / 0.9).
All three estimates should be
close as a verification to the
correctness of the prediction
α S
S60 = Si 60 = (1/0.6) i
αi αi
(Eqn (a))
α 90 S
S90 = Si = (1/0.9) i
αi αi
(Eqn (b))

Figure 15 shows a typical

example of hyperbolic
Figure 15 : Example of Hyperbolic Plot Method
(Adapted from Tan et. al., 1996)

6.3.2 Asaoka’s Method (1978)

A graphical approach to estimate final total primary consolidation settlement
and settlement rates from settlement data obtained during a certain time period has be
proposed by Asaoka (1978). The steps in the graphical procedure are as follows :

Step 1 : The measured time-settlement curve is plotted to an arithmetic

scale and is divided into equal time intervals, Δ t. Δ t can be about 7 to 60 days
depending on the available information. The settlements ρ1, ρ2, ρ3, ….. corresponding to
the time t1, t2, t3, …. are tabulated as shown Figure 16(a).

Step 2 : The settlement values ρ1, ρ2, ρ3, ….. are plotted as points (ρi-1,
ρi) in a coordinate system with axes ρi-1 and, ρi, as shown in Figure 16(b). The 45o line ρi
= ρi-1 shall also be drawn.

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SOGISC-Seminar on Ground Improvement-Soft Clay
Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

Step 3 : A straight line (I) is fitted through the points. The point where
this line intersects the 45 line gives the final consolidation settlement, ρC. The slope β1

is related to the coefficient of consolidation, cv and can be used to calculate the rate of
settlement as follows :
cv= − 5 h 2 ln β1
12 Δt

The graphical method above is limited to a single layer with one-way or two-
way drainage.

The basic requirements
for a successful construction of
embankment over very soft
compressible alluvial deposits
are summarized below ;
• Awareness of the project
requirements in terms of
serviceability criteria
(deformation tolerances,
bearing capacity, etc.), costs
(construction cost and
maintenance cost), site
constraint and time
(construction time, service
• Knowledge on the site and
subsoil conditions through
proper desk study, gathering of
geological information and
well planned and supervised
subsurface investigation and
laboratory testing to acquire
the necessary reliable
parameters for geotechnical
• Proper geotechnical design to
Figure 16 : Graphical Method of Asaoka address both stability of the
embankment and control of
• Full time supervision of the
construction works by
qualified personnel / engineer.
• Careful and proper monitoring
on the performance of the
embankment during and after
construction through
instrumentation scheme.

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Design and Construction Control of Embankment over Soft Cohesive Soils
By : Ir. Tan Yean Chin & Ir. Dr. Gue See Sew 23 – 24 August 2000

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