Despotism #flushyourmeds Scott Barry

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Scott A.
:-(rm /*.*)-:
Hey! It’s 2024-2025. Natalism aint a blessing. Nihilism
is the Way. I am just a number. Brain Damage? Can’t
Drive? Nothing has changed. Brain damage from
Psychiatry and Life Here on Earth, Expect LOW
Quality, no Copyeditor. More. Like. Drugs. CCRHORG
Control The Press, Jewish. Here and Now Comminism,
Was Jewish. A NWO. ; Here and Now Freemasonic
Gang Stalking, Jewish. True Despotism is where State
Involvement is Everywhere and The Red Army is Right
Here, The Stasis is Right Here, Right After 911 Partiot
Act. ; In this System you Have Gang Stalking and other
stuff that is all a Product of Talmudic Jewry for the
NWO. ; --Scott A. Barry ... ; EOF ;
The people do not elect the president, presidents are
slected not elected, Assad says they are all puppets,
and also the Illusion of Democracy/Repubic is just there
and people are gullible enough to think they voted. ;
That their vote did something, when they are all selected
to begin with and Both Parties just made the state
grow. ; It will get bigger and bigger, esp with Zionism. ;
Let’s start off by saying, I am just some nobody at 32
with just HS and that is it. I never went into higher
learning, college, trade school, the military, because I
saw nothing but flaws in the research and philisophy,
plus college is a scam, I became a holocaust denier,
because of denial laws in 17 countries, I agree that war
is a racket, I unplugged from the TV and read PDFs
instead, At 25 I guess I placed on this Patriot Act WL
known as Gang Stalking slang term for Predictive
Policing as it ran by Sheriff’s Departments to destroy
every aspect of the TIs life, basically break ins,
druggings, rapes, vandalism, computer hacking, directed
energy weapons, voice of god, any kind of misc
organized harassment.

In the Beginning of our society we have King James, he

rewrites the bible into the King James Bible and signs in
the first charter of Virginia in 1606, in The Sixteenth
Century the Rulers also known as the state relied on
Primitive Remote Viewing to do all their illuminati
plans, right so later on Communists such as Karl Marx
and Einstein (a jew) would steal all the intellectual
property from real scientists and commit mass
plaigurism. So Back Then Remote Viewing was the
only tool, then Computers Moved on From The
Interface Message Processor to Subnetting. ;
We can see for now that Gangstalking is Ran By
Sheriff’s Departments and Freemasons and The Federal
Government so there is nothing mystical about it. You
own narcisstic family will play games with you and it
depends on your family, some families will not.

Let’s look at some things : Your Ground Wire in Your

House is a UAC, SCALAR, Lilly Wave Emmitter,
Transmitter of Ten or More Different Bands, Faster than
the speed of light. SCALAR Waves go through literally
everything and go ahead and look up John C. Lilly and
Patrick Flannagan fro extra patents used on Human
Experimentees for MKULTRA COINTELPRO
Projects, (globalresearchca) (archivetoday)
(webarchiveorg) (pastebincom)(steemitcom)(those). ;
Your Ground Wire is a Microphone, Keylogger,
Backdoor into any compter or common Embedded or
other device even a primitive LED Lamp or a FAN
even, you get the best results avoiding this harassment
not using the grid and a Solid State Battery instead. ;
A lot of people are ditching the grid after SMART
Meters. ; If you look a FEMA, they are not your friend,
they do anything they can to shut down Normal Nuclear
Families, That may sound Politically Incorrect. ;
Look at Shortwave Radio, No One Uses it anymore,
instead this SMART Grid Floods the airwaves.
Now also consider Ultrasonics and Infrasonics, Your
Smoke Detector is a Mic, Walls are a Mic and Static
Camera, Window is a Mic, IR Cameras Aimed at
Peoples Homes/Apartments/Condoes/Trailers/etc,
Your Cell Phone, Ultrasonic, Talks to your Desktop
Laptop Sound Card or any other device that has a Sound
Card, Has an IMEI Number, Has 911 right on the
Device and if you GAFF when using a dispatch by
Accident, pay a hefty price in Courth where they use
your strawman. There are so many
codes/statutes/rcws/ordinances so many became Dead
Hands and Tried Committing Suicid because of this
crap, I don’t want to go full emo, but that’s just our
society, if you do not go by the codes, they can traffick
you, use you as a sex slave for MKULTRA AND SRA
R.A.I.N.S. List, Change Your Strawman to Something
Else if you get John Doed or Jane Doed. Now Theres
the Trans Thing that Zionist Leaders Started and Assad
was right are the Presidents are Puppets of the Real

What I have noticed the most is the state is always

involved, Article “Spying Cop Angry With Food For
Wife” was featured on Lehtos Law, Fat Frank had
everything, Every Transaction History, every log of
everything, This was also Prior to 911 and The Patriot
Act, This America we call “Great” is Still a
“CORPORATION” look up The Act of 1871 and Cestui
Que Vie of 1666, your Public Schools Brainwashed you
on everything you know by know. So did the TV. All
Hitler Did was get Germany out of a Banking Debt by
fixing around the money supply. Listen To George
Lincoln Rockwell, Rudolf Hess, Robert Matthews, The
Brainwashing goes so deep, Communism is Actually
Jewish and Marx Was a Jew, not only that Six
Companies for our Press are Jewish. So is Google. The
Fear Porn about Combat 18 and 1488 and National
Socialism is only propaganda by the Jews to benefit
Whom : The Jews, It’s always been a Jewish
Supremacism, if you want to find out more, Just Watch
Hellstorm, Europa The Last Battle, George Lincoln
Rockwell Videos, Read Henry Fords International Jew.
Also referred to as Henry Fords International Blank.
So again The Protocols of Zion even shows the big
Picture on How Talmudic Jews want to take over.
Not to Mention The Talmud is Full of Pedophilia, Bad
Corrupt Immoral Scripture and is very Different From
The Bible, you can save Two Grand by Getting an
English Talmud as PDF and Reading it, This is what our
Deep State Secret Government Operates By. Judiasm is
The Biggest Saturnic Cult of Freemasonry and B’nai
B’rith on This Entire Planet. Mormons and Jwitness are
a byproduct of The Freemasonic Satanic Cult. Both
Mormonism and J Witness are Satanic versions of
Christianity. In Freemasonry they also follow Saturn, at
Shriner Level below the 100 Degree where they get to
do blood sacrifices, they swear an oath to The Sodomy
Written in the Quran. So Both The Talmud and Quran
are Saturnic Satanic Freemasonic Books of Sodomy.
There are so many Whistleblowers such as Katy
Groves, Dylan Groves, Karly Noel Franz, Maria Farmer
and ten others I cannot Name that show us The are
Twelve Martian Races, Freemasons, B’nai B’rith,
Talmudic Jews, Communist Remote Viewers, and
Twelve Other Things I cannot name Running
Everything Else, Kyle Odom wrote a Manifesto about it.
I will be publishing this work for Five Dollars. At Zero
as the Price. 9999 Homeless Street Seattle WA USA will
work if you want it in your email. Now as for calling
into Public Access, I tried that, they said Anti Maskers
and Anti Vaxxers were Racist. I said how could that be
racist? The other shit I said above was bigotry, but that
was nothing BC a Mask and a Syringe have nothing to
do with Race. So that ends that, then there is that Global
Warming Scam, then The Fake Two Party Political
System that Assad already said, All the Presidents are
Puppets and Surveillance Role Players who use Floppy
Disks just like any other Animatronic Device such as
Chuck E Cheese or Thomas The Autism Tank Engine.
Remember Clinton and Bush were MKULTRA Puppets
who kept gaffing during a Film Production. This shit
aint new.

Anyways along with the state involvement, every time

you try to do something, The State Sabotages it, you call
it gang stalking, then people say you are crazy and that
The Sheriff’s Department would never be that corrupt as
to illegally Stalk, Harass, and Target other normal
people, or do a smear campain on someone, plus I hear
the random rumors said about me that I am totally
unaware of, plus I find it totally F Gay to stalk another
man, I mean get real, why stalk another man for cash.

With State involvement, they control the mail, they

control the ISP, they control Video Analytics on say YT,
Facebook, Vimeo, Bitchue, Odysee, Brighteon,
Peertube, Steemit, Ugetube, Archive, and other
Streaming Websites. So you become a zero.

I did a few foolish things and the state got involved,

they looked at my transactions and mobbed me good
just for buying X items. I learned the state has every say
on every item you purchase and Cash is not ANON.
You have no privacy, not even in your house, Your
House is full of spyware, it does not matter what OS
you use Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD, Solaris, Minix,
iOS, Chrome OS, Android, Haiku, BEOS, AROS,
Syllable OS, Morph OS, Symbian, Ten Other OSES,
MS-DOS, Temple OS, FreeDOS. They have every log
of your asshole. The DACS that is.

The Transactions I made, things I did, the state stopped

me completely from doing it. They will even BITM,
MITM, straight through your ISP, you use Tor and More
Results show up in a Google Search. Because Your ISP
controls what goes on The Search Engine, Your
Families Strawman is on The ISP. You have no Free
Will or Free Choice or even Private Property under The
Act of 1871 if living in the Supposedly Free Patriot Act

Try building a Simple Battery with Money, think real

hard, guess what, the state will stop you anyways.

You know why, The State Does Not Want Change in

The Country also known as the Corporation. ;

If Jewish Victors Write History “The State Does Not

Want Change in The Country also known as the
Corporation.” so they control the History, They Control
Everything, I knew someone now, his old apartment was
built on top of a Assisted Living Facility for
Schizophrenics and was Haunted, (This was in
Anchorage Alaska) and he became Mentally Ill Himself
so he started a channel called bipolardiscussions.

Take a look at State Involvement in Music Today, State

does not want change or progress in Quality Music,
because Talmudic Jews Run it now, so what does State
Do, Ruin it by downsampling all the music, then if you
get it lossless it’s actually mp3 to flac or wav on “the
pirate bay” just to rip you off so you think you’re
getting it lossless.

I cannot believe the state would be so desperate as to

control us to the point where we cannot even build a
better more efficient solid state battery. In Patriot Act
America. Then there is that Silly Legal Case with Fat
Frank the “Spying Cop Angry with Food For Wife” that
incident was so random, so everything you do in this
lifetime, yup, it is monitored. NSA Signals Intelligence,
that shit is F old as F. Snowden already said that. Julian
Assange Failed to even mention the Mossad Israeli
Intelligence on his WikiLeaks Site. I later went to Bryan
Tew and The supposedly Mentally Ill TI Community.
Bryan Tew was a Government Agent, So was Ted
Gunderson, Ted was shut down just for investigating the
Finders Cult and it’s connection to Freemasonry when
working for THE FBI. He Got Death Threat After Death
Threat constantly calling him “Teddy Boy Low Class
POS” kind of a lame minor harassment I have had much
worse, I send all those retarded script kiddies who Kali
a lot to my Trash and Spam or SpamHaus Blocked List
Folder and ignore them. I even got a text from some
Deuputy Sheriff, random things you get from these
phones. What BS. I am dumb enough to have an IMEI
Number, I just Degoogle it, Netguard, Block All, Root
It, Disable the APPS, Remove em, only five F-Droid
Apps on there, Alphanumeric PW, just common things
that everybody does with the faraday bag.

So really the state is so desperate, no rain water, no

building your own battery, no digging for unlimited
primary water, no dehumidifiers to get free water, no
collecting certain metals such as Brass or Key Chain
Rings, no getting local silver coins insted get online
SCAM Coins, you see the backwardsness in this, No
using Ozone as Medicine, No Distilling Your Water, No
Fasting Clinics to cure people (we have to fund big
pharma), No OMAD Video Advice such as Snake Diet,
So again everything on Earth has to be Backwards as
Michael Ellner put it to WHAT, Benefit Talmudic
Rabbincal Jews and Freemasons at the bottom, B’nai
B’rith is Jewish and at the TOP, CFRs Next Door
Neighbor and bascially The Jewish Illuminati.

We just need to poison them with Gluten, Fast Food,

Soy, Fake Cheese, PFAS, Plastics, Fake Meats that are
full of Heavy Metals, Fake Everything, Tell Them to Eat
Three Meals a Day so they get sick, give them a
Vaccine, Make them wear a mask, avoid Distilled Water,
just take your psychiatric drugs, then die, we need to get
rid of the Nuclear Family of White Straightness, That is
the Communist Message of Jew Einstein and Jew Marx.

Read Jewish Supremacism by David Duke.

I live in a Very Restricted HOA, they spy on every

neighbor, do not be a retard to them, you do not even
have privacy in your own bedroom even, anybody who
says otherwise is Brainwashed with Cognitive
Dissonance because all they do is watch Football
Games. PDFs and Knowledge is Free, you save Two
Grand on an English Talmud, Just Downloading it. PDF.

I mean really, you cant even make a real battery without

the state telling you no, detaining you for it. That is our
society, I had one encounter with the FBI, but they
found it was a “false positive”, because I had no intent
to do anything violent or illegal, I flagged the shit post
and cleaned up the mess on Internet Archive. I saw them
for thirty seconds.

Now as I was saying, State is always involved, even

when you are on a Computer, Using OBS, Making A
Video, a Perp or Gang Stalking, that being your
Government will interrupt the Video. I mean they call
this slang term Gang Stalking, it is literally State
Involvement where state Stasis, Zersetzung, goes out
and illegally stalks, harasses, and targets you just for
being on the patriot act WL, and if they successfully
cause hardship or death to you the target they win, they
get paid extra, The Sheriff’s department even Celebrates
Peoples Deaths after the TI Dies, These Freemasons are
into Real Satanism. Mormons and J Witness are also
Freemasonic Religions. “Gang Stalking is Run by
Sheriff’s Departments” Change Run to Ran and search

“Gang Stalking is Nothing New” Search on IA. ;

“Gang Stalking Documentary” Search into IA. ;
“Rabbi Finkelstein” Search on IA. ;
--Scott A. Barry ... ;

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