Despotism #flushyourmeds Scott Barry
Despotism #flushyourmeds Scott Barry
Despotism #flushyourmeds Scott Barry
Scott A.
:-(rm /*.*)-:
Hey! It’s 2024-2025. Natalism aint a blessing. Nihilism
is the Way. I am just a number. Brain Damage? Can’t
Drive? Nothing has changed. Brain damage from
Psychiatry and Life Here on Earth, Expect LOW
Quality, no Copyeditor. More. Like. Drugs. CCRHORG
Control The Press, Jewish. Here and Now Comminism,
Was Jewish. A NWO. ; Here and Now Freemasonic
Gang Stalking, Jewish. True Despotism is where State
Involvement is Everywhere and The Red Army is Right
Here, The Stasis is Right Here, Right After 911 Partiot
Act. ; In this System you Have Gang Stalking and other
stuff that is all a Product of Talmudic Jewry for the
NWO. ; --Scott A. Barry ... ; EOF ;
The people do not elect the president, presidents are
slected not elected, Assad says they are all puppets,
and also the Illusion of Democracy/Repubic is just there
and people are gullible enough to think they voted. ;
That their vote did something, when they are all selected
to begin with and Both Parties just made the state
grow. ; It will get bigger and bigger, esp with Zionism. ;
Let’s start off by saying, I am just some nobody at 32
with just HS and that is it. I never went into higher
learning, college, trade school, the military, because I
saw nothing but flaws in the research and philisophy,
plus college is a scam, I became a holocaust denier,
because of denial laws in 17 countries, I agree that war
is a racket, I unplugged from the TV and read PDFs
instead, At 25 I guess I placed on this Patriot Act WL
known as Gang Stalking slang term for Predictive
Policing as it ran by Sheriff’s Departments to destroy
every aspect of the TIs life, basically break ins,
druggings, rapes, vandalism, computer hacking, directed
energy weapons, voice of god, any kind of misc
organized harassment.