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African Voices of the Global Past 1500 to the Present TREVOR R.GETZ Bator © Ales fe Pr kang 1 2.0 1 Ge tee | beacon Finally hank you to the reviewers whote valuable comments helped make this a mote helpfl book for shee dastoomu: Patience Eas, ‘Auburn University: Alan Kstrat, Univeniey of Calfonia, Beckley: Maxim Manssevch, Seon Hall University: Mart Caorenur, St Lawrence University snd CyroneFourhey, Suaquehsnna Universi. heer Gee ‘Namingaand Framing a Crime Againse Humanity Aficon Voie ofthe Fanatic ‘Slave System ca. 1500-1990 ‘Kovasi Konadu iosaL conte ‘Thepurpos ofthis caper itt eninge our undenteanding of Africa in the ‘eaof the anal sre sytem to daw ain to Aca expences luring that period and, nally ro explore how Alans themselves ner- reted the proces of wansaantc ving though iron way of making ens ofthe wld, Bepinsingin telat ent cerry chislabal system ‘of commerce reached its heigh in the elghtenth cen having grown ot ‘of Africas eae connesions wich che abe throug longstanding tran ‘Saharan, Medierranean, Red Sea, and Indian Ovean trade Owing co the ecarane of Afar elasons wich Eurasia though tes tae = works rasan commerce snd human rafcking wuld spas rate than replace them even athe label economy gral shed fom dhe Indian Ocean world in the ext Adare ean word in the Western Hemisphere. Siace the beginnings ofthe tans alae sytem inthe Benth en- ‘or enslavement hasbeen the focus ofan enormous numberof books, lot 2 | hap Nag ig i At Hay pump and aiden malig pic acl edecin Aan ot Alsen Ameri ister courses ape ado which Aca (Ane ae ity fe eed Ye, dep his ola of dead Ii rae try f the ana tn that dacrenon ‘ela eri bor thee wowed the moue—the Aan, That ‘ny avs to evel in shone decane fepresion the rst ofthe perc bing repeal. Whe weve sf rae ua nto ad ‘Seri dh rest Ao ie dr rane terthm tht the endneen of Afni the Sirs deere the Indian Onan, cca thon ines no an ay tak Inde he her ‘errand vile of he tenn sem oo ly raced he bin nd hamanyof Alana caghc in psp, ao ransomed chown did ints of he number epreseing hem eco ge nd Ing boot dreby serge othe ns of bern ‘Wine can we och fx Aen pape andar ofthe o iene th stent Whe mach canbe rd show Ae Femi rare aun chaos coded Eropens ng co ale and pn we mus rove beyond the wath enced ‘Ac vos drag the aula forthe cer of he pa con- tine to bbl sage out prs undenendngs soa ain, pen te steecnpes sot Af nA and hoe ne apa and ‘herein ean tern ne pet Abc bo aig A yc sacha hs chap which oem ee a the Aca pene of thane dare pm cnet fl de thee pore onemporary ier. weer, ar 28 examieaen ‘naan slag aug Aan jean experiences cen roves ine peer on dees and on tbe ay of he ane etyeam oa Nea Frings Coin Agi Hames Te inves cen dcedin chi chapeau rele the “Aldred Aan de de ined cen owe he phase ennlra: e ten’toenghasr theremin i (hdc | 5 rng wh el wel bod cm coping the tard gy of Aan meine Tinie i tv sinners ply sate re Many Abn eee iphone ween eon etd ere ses ive pons heh esi sete ner er tues bea fit hw we pees eo plato ee roe “The nc word we cement hi of epee “tv For of th magne mind when eer seach thr nn An Ine any of orl ew ‘Sapp (ere) da exe anaes Hine ‘ap tonoe hewn der fom Gre em is eg code nebo Spend cp) sn Lao {ering bo Sa Sar] nie) Our oe teeny “ten tesla Aan pat when recom oi ‘aie naga ey ile om hw eGo Romane as tea as oop fr Acad ee Sele oppor f= Jn Cetin” nd pone ar Aan ed ‘lve deco ba dle se by ed etigce inom coos eager ee ‘oma ne peyote! Anat at mt ‘uc roar adn int ra doen ce wera? My dent th pram aye a anche ror comm eloped va" ae ten en “Cam de olga Fron ng en abel in ch of cc ce er of he te Tepe ee neg hema cate ports ‘etapa on omer snd cen nel pee to tng eho one ay es eninge cane Con ht fier The eee eer ap na a concen he mn crap ane Scag shee cael ahaa po te selmi hansen chaed Nowe ong tov 41 Ong Nina Frings ine ain may either "Aca with tony ends one aun och tf eqng avd wih Alcan’ ang hen ech ter ih {guile mening Nor ice we FA ity acre, Se mach lhe ikng rtd Aan reve sand European cp ‘edwin inp Aficio ree = dof wel an ‘Toe fr he bee of Europe and ne European sais i ‘eli and hn, he nation erable b Baropeann he Ae ies). Thos some etic igh og tat eed Europea she wade Tha ured have weigh al canbe apple i many can bristly tan. Sarno omg (a “Abn rd ehec Aan fr anode (ce, Eaopeanebnaghe and en saved Aen) decline tefl ay pe or expla hi leon weld main unde dnp fpr ‘echuns of mie Amn nd aropenn arenas ao ot pede bo wee ave player in ranma ave per bat acing “heir own scone wee nether Abia nore” There one atonal ange homoge and oringinghit smemas Af Fo foo eg the sean eth Ace sade ‘Sed ede Aan Aes ei heb and ses as ‘lle soe Benioff Se orga far ee andthe ge alpen meahiearal names member of dic sd sree ating Aan scsi ven tote by can iin, wed ‘Stes or Aan (in the se of sed cone ey) So, abe ar pei pooped vind hei orap ‘reo inna acces and ent people wo a Bae {tui To cu wide eof nhamaniyopon al Afiansy ngeing ‘Sar hic old Aint ears he lence of meezan snd ‘escheat ashe acting ine plea people ‘oaniple mater ae sement In mc eae mya Cian Epes sal dhe war cpio Malin and dl rote sion ping the oun” to slavery ome Aan xchange memes of ther grove riot ening ote erie for ep a ow Abc nce sing che daring nd ping non count fd the Ldap o pane india! wa wy nd by feet an whoo the coset the deter vmacmen de eel ul) wuld alo bese pein cing ad pea om bit ln, Tesoa be eel ha tino of owning og ail ord vidas lato and the enblahnens of er) conned ‘nly sl be fate Ante nan ye rch spon che Smo pl or hams une le sed thay rvoed on mn being airy aed and wo on acount oad. ling eben anything eosin Ai howe te wee ew las (ihe per of repens) chan pple sod Exons serchanes and hi age alent sy peed ode nua kn ‘hor chee ough which Af fond theres anager {25 mopar erie urge rede Se ae of ‘ean eg fic deri. How we die ajc sch nr vig and ths ae ica cecal prt ofthe proce by which we eae de uma mt cly fos oso Acar woken ied under oe weit bao of he dendans who sil fern sail’ gba ner made pb in par by se wants ale sym Inde oe re Ing eel sume theater —ildigits Ino ndindindual eet come ognat Aa ba ‘pany aman yon bth ides fe Atte For weno now sie sbiesbou ences othe trans eso. Homer we know compari le shot he ened Aine who werebrough the America ar thot we serie in fn nin ‘ome se of pny Af and inde Aer thw ho wee ie became sone pyle we afew sting sunt of het tapers (heres many of heaped eure fr thee of he tno ae eee einai in Af nd Aan dere ong al ad many) Acorn dens ston of copes ‘are the epee thn raved Man banging ou pene {nd onrachng themes ara wide ogra ates wile poviding ‘posi charmale thw puter and hemes oe age \o% 6 | Cop Nig nd ry in git ey ‘The Ose Tana leon "The sea dn sytem wat ough nd expansion opie comme spams ctrl othe eran rin nthe dase ‘co ween Ai, The seems coapeced Buope weer nd share ‘Aus end norte and Now Ai inching tow ses finn ‘Als where cps rece mou he Sahar Arb Mein er chant nel pore Bye ey ert ery aan ely ‘Genoesand Venetian) matcans ha lady ned ving pore suingcapve Slat and ote people pode ua fr expr wins ‘comme pn tha art! nthe Ase toa he Medi ‘area ad the Black Ses (and tnd the ein penal) Os ‘he Adan endo hi neo the ern tos of Pog end Spin er he amet od sen he row fo nde rab Aan ane ‘al wer led by thea lof att ery adnan xd ‘he newer nd of te northwe nd went ental Aan cout Inche roc: Pog nd Spin domi he ens de ee hath mateo cern ew and Pore woul cone he deminer ul he ey icc cary wen he Ba ade ‘nena slavery Sap The Pogue and Spire wood cml ‘hewickingin cote Aan nd Cand Br sed them ferns sling i 168 ad 686 repel ‘The Reonpeste—the eee ang Chin eakingof the ein, pina mul come —aethe ge i te ae re ‘en Toh tha pron de Portage peed Main ceads loa we cnr over han he Span, cued veces ‘ore knowl an chor hough Ma care (oho be ‘neshc low how mas China) de camaro hire, ed erable plan of the co of weer Afi (eg, Madera ‘Sean Sto Tan) while aig Afican commune Sr pis By ‘he ech cen the Aan caper wer incesingy elas he ‘Sal ote cpa Pop Spun and ance They Aan ‘i ri |7 pes rein Poni ssing mya wel asf Arh aating ‘conch Sera ongh nth Asian on Moca in Ub Thi Afton of be wade ed aman aed a ew eel inthe lait ery when he Osan Ta capsed Cot racine (bat snow nae cpio ren-dy Thy) an ‘ered the fow of earn Medzerantn and Bick capes nad (Cran Bares sly creme, fmt ne Neder ‘anean che and fla The poder of Chinn Earp sat by eave abv and the soa of ach ar then ified wet owed the Alan eel seh oes to we el Aes ‘hele eh and aster cen Ta the eae ferred pop of Aan ape om the Wt Ascanrepo of Seng each pl of Pop Unooail ke nd erie they were pred hough he wc of ikon tt “Der” peace tbe gv aby nck. Acoma eared Acne were conan nPop Cape Akai Libs one a the lcs senh-rny Earp ace eit hee counted ro pee f tae cys popaon The ie ele Acne Aen the Ame eft rman cst Lion an Serie Spin. Oneein che Ames cal an bor wer ad on lara in ining operations and tues ene tes By the en of hee ‘ech emy Afar ud smo fly replaced ensied Amernns (Gor mcou sce) and neared whe Lee (ary of whom be ‘ane lines) the may sor fara he Arai fo he son and xpoaton of apr aes sc coe eto ing peso mtltand mea ayer nd inde ome he vere ued indipialbondage These alle lie Acne Ureugh ch hem san thi emerence mh respite peal oeerpe nde) weking net sis So ‘memantine reese cha ralria With cel asoallanber of eerpos ths cpie Aan dd nr seen tht onelnds to coun th experince or eens. Thee wa soe ‘wa vragen arcapies te corsmods paca bow and abe shine vsel dec nal all yon tone proper SO OEE Se \\o 1 | hers Nad rnin + hie ApH nit Mi eg? ‘Asoo oes proving Abin preciso he Ades rong from A the Americ ac vey evn tuner, cn vl hb “pile paog on that ade ise rong cach ine log snot thick yet foe, ses ing ecemen onsen fond death othe oer das, The pp de fhe nese a ‘cd wich later renga the pgs ef cps whe Fed wo dance jmp, a og Umateythe serod a patos om which some apes jumped or were oly frown vba a The ‘She hip A Fan Hitter Mara Radar dese the she lec and ror on baud lve vet onces machine of leh social neon neice tht propa he ned othe contin eee beeper oe ir bond ey cde i puma he sles repro leis woth og leg "Thess ad tot dee lo (Aan ee ey teal pepre chn ari Lienlpreprn nel eninge (ely he ev sng ig to tng eos ‘se snag ry at Hk td bing oe ow lal Serpe ei mae nb ced power elsttisetmboxrasesl They expen beset ict tld gabe hich ey etre thereby nen cer re Ty aml an be ne sremforaacieunzann hy dw yen ein selling nay of be aan Dut abr ayo thn i. am etd fcr, om ping he pt mig he Fess sped pepe ee iors hae ssa taal of 8 recorded sof eine Alan ping on bond ewe Aan wes en ote tthe Ate Se" One Ain gion the sea fom Seng the ry Ct Af ei | 9 contd pratafsach ever nud on shot a pent thee mumber of eda pies who and males wee eansatislave spam By cota, we ental Aa ecu ft ‘move thangs pecan fale (weeded) apres ona th Ae ‘at br epee nl 2 pre ofthe eae upping Earp Alves bee hea ip wes as ly i Resistance ese tock lace ed ip sho when ‘opis aug igh of eae ling pany rele tha ai to the Eeropean fre weal theless or ll the arom of ely prepared ec Ae pores opt ander slvenetindaded racks on Fsropena fr anda leas sty-one reared ach en sip were ced ou by land ted Aan eee ard punch eri anole bul oenen ed cows sli han ples eared th apn In which they oxi and: deed riven bared down Exper etre. In alton, hy employed yong men in tian ora a dle communes Nina sed men lanes cage ia ensign poten awl ss pouonos plans and rn es ane ogee sane Aras spre in cous the davon that eum, edn te deine of he ‘enna deve pe nabs ean pci ee pels employe rc ns and dele eit fe cis n Ate nding eran ate nd deport Suche. sae howe anew omsmodation aed paricpeton In hese pen read of wher the cpt sacred an he ‘Alcan court ron bud ae es en eto ellen Th Shp ode fe Tinney ‘The cps and ch ht coud he mde page mee pros tenant pt tw nd theo of apr cee dhe. Inf he eer wend mower faring nd ge Pe dcion aout easter Ans the Meira nd sate ate snd then 0 coal Ae nde Ameri cri ie othe Pate \U 1 | CNet rig i in anty inte sine cenay othe Carita bain aga and ey ko seared in th est spect. Bards ad hen moved estar ‘hrghoethe region Thea erento pela the pay roe ‘he came dine slave ois inthe Anerson by 20 let ec ay elfreig ssf prealng winds eden cu ‘erin che nr lis that elit rd we ‘ing oer wth de ode anal wee The noch Ada ‘rent ume dakrise sr of the egutor and thas hissing ‘yer es based ia Esp and Noth Aer Ms capi en (hs epum wr proce nok of the Congo Ri (wha low the Dears Repbl of Can) 2d shipped primary othe Caren and Noth Are and some cats 0 the South Ameria por of ‘Buenos Aiea ad Monee The Bt especial afer he mit seren teeth cerry dominated this oth Adc em The ute cen bona, ws acon by he Prague (whee Br or arp oie ye de Adan rere eouner-dvk wow and he enfin cape Acne wa aed pry Br The {ref copie fre oath Aden make sci we ea ‘Nc, with rly alr aren coming om te bg of Besa sn Bia and sou Afi og, Morag). pei urge eet rman Sate Ax ink eth ing ‘deonsring cathe te wind an ocean corns disap were ‘pie Alans weve dom hres ended In nacher ee how ‘eer the maple movements of Acne stacndd wind nd waar On ‘he whale the noth nd wath Ane ving ae ed mich ‘ncommoe alma ming taal pee even by demend snd geod evidenced bythe icenng uber ad price of epee ‘Alcan nd the nesng quay fhe ap they pode eee ‘he eth and inet centre ‘Over h coure of the owcemiis approsinaay 225 on Acne ning aco abroad wth ofthe coniens rm Senge ‘ocean eu Af bat rte Arar ar oly aoa ‘sno0n weet Buope (ee Map 3) Thee amber ar elbeing ee, hhoere snd ny ef mambecs aepingo quay an acknowl cans Bt Aen xen | | Caper: Noninand ening ine Ait Haat ‘ine pine (AS) human ot be dpe wih can. or i sence hoi he steno eral reat or eclaon, do we

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