April 1
April 1
April 1
As a partial requirements in Level II- Department of Nursing, the accomplishment of home visit in Poblacion Tuba Benguet has been a great fulfilling and inspiring experience and would not be possible without the continued support and help of the people involved. I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude.
To the Barangay captain and other Barangay officials who allowed as to complete the survey.
To our clinical instructor, Mrs.Marie Madino for the knowledge he shared, for his guidance, patience and support and for his constant reminders and much needed motivation that been conducted on our community exposure.
To the respondents of the area surveyed, for cooperating with us and sharing different stories of their lives.
Community Health Nursing promotes and preserves the health of population by integrating the skills and knowledge relevant to both nursing and public health. The practice is general and comprehensive, and is not limited to a particular age of diagnostic group. It is continual and is not limited to episodic case while community health nursing practice includes nursing directed to individuals, families and groups. The dominant responsibility is to the population as a whole.
A.SOURCE OF REFFERAL My source of refferel for this study is Mrs.Lamsis Rudelina.She was the main informant of the informations needed to complete this study.
B.Reason of choice of Study In order to give action into what Mrs.Lamsis stated,they are experiencing cough and colds.As a student nurse I have to give health teachings which can help lessen,decrease or probably stop the cases of the said illness.
C.EXPECTED BENEFIT TO DERIVED FROM STUDY: (STUDENT AND FAMILY) For the family thjs will encourage them to give importance to their health.For us students,this will help us develop our skills and it would enhance our capability of thinking in dealing different illness.This would help us develop self esteem.
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married married
The family is consist of 3 members,the father,mother and their child and they considered as nuclear family.Mr.Jones Lamsis is a farmer and he used to plant vegetables as a source of income and his wife is a fulltime mother ke took care oh their child Eddie Jones.The family is happily living together in their rented house.
The rented house of Lamsis family is a bunggalo type.It is made up cement and galvanized roof.They use electricity and kerosene as power/energy source.For their access or sources of information they have their own TV,radio,cellphone,magazine/newspaper. Health facilities are available because they have Baragay Health Center in case of emergency cases.
Family Nursing Problem *Inability to describe to lack of knowledge *Inability to decide about taking appropriate action to the problem *Inability to provide adequate nursing care to a member suffering HPN due to: 1.Lack of knowledge about health condition 2. Lack of knowledge on the nature and extent of nursing care needed 3. Inadequate resources for care like responsible family members
Goal of Care
Objective of Care
* After nursing intervention HPN problem state will be avoided or minimize by having a normal blood pressure.
1.To discuss: * The signs and symptoms of HPN. *Inquire about daily activities of each member of the family, food preparation and the eating habits/practices. 2.Discuss with the family coarse of action especially: a. Explore and develop the skills of the family member or proper food section zbd preparatio n. (low fat, low salt diet) b. Instruct family on stress manageme nt, relaxation technique to avoid strenuous activity especially those affected members with the said condition. c. Make proper referral to existing agencies on HPN for fast recovery
Resources Required *BP apparatus to check for blood pressure of for the patient. *Time and effort of the student nurse and the family *Expenses for the transportation