Complete Download Clinical Paediatric Dietetics Fourth Edition Shaw PDF All Chapters
Complete Download Clinical Paediatric Dietetics Fourth Edition Shaw PDF All Chapters
Complete Download Clinical Paediatric Dietetics Fourth Edition Shaw PDF All Chapters
Rabbit Creek Country Three Ranching Lives in the Heart of
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The Democratic Debate American Politics in an Age of
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Vanessa Shaw
Fourth Edition
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1 2015
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7 Gastroenterology 104
Part 1 Principles of Paediatric Sarah Macdonald
8 Surgery in the Gastrointestinal Tract 143
1 Nutritional Assessment, Dietary Danielle Petersen, Vanessa Shaw and
Requirements, Feed Supplementation 3 Tracey Johnson
Vanessa Shaw and Helen McCarthy
9 The Liver and Pancreas 161
2 Provision of Nutrition in a Hospital Jason Beyers
Setting 23
Ruth Watling 10 Endocrinology 195
Alison Johnston and Jacqueline Lowdon
vi Contents
List of Contributors
List of Contributors ix
The aim of this manual is to provide a very practical whilst maintaining the growth potential of the
approach to the dietary management of children individual. The section on community based nutri-
with a wide range of disorders that can benefit tion includes healthy eating throughout infancy,
from dietary therapy. Interventions range from childhood and adolescence, the principles of which
nutritional support to the diet being the major or underpin many clinical interventions. The distinc-
sole treatment for particular disorders. The text will tion between clinical dietetics and nutrition in the
be of relevance to professional dietitians, dietetic community is rather arbitrary and there is of course
students and their tutors, paediatricians, paediatric a continuum between care provided between the
nurses and members of the community health acute and community settings.
team caring for children who require therapeutic There has been an expansion of the range of
diets. The importance of nutritional support and disorders, treatments, guidelines and recommen-
dietary management in many paediatric conditions dations described in many chapters, e.g. endocri-
is increasingly recognised and is reflected in new nology, the ketogenic diet, inherited metabolic
text for this edition. disorders, food hypersensitivity and prevention of
The authors are largely drawn from practising allergy, eating disorders and neurodisability.
paediatric dietitians around the United King- Arranged under headings of disorders rather
dom, with additional contributions from academic than type of diet, and with much information pre-
research dietitians and a psychiatrist. The need for sented in tabular form and with worked examples,
evidence based practice has demanded a thorough the manual is easy to use. There are case stud-
review of the current scientific and medical litera- ies throughout which demonstrate the practical
ture to support clinical practice wherever possible. application of the theory.
Where the evidence base is lacking, expert clinical The most recent information and data has been
opinion is given. used in the preparation of this edition, but no guar-
The major part of the text concentrates on antee can be given for validity or availability at the
nutritional requirements of sick infants, children time of going to press.
and young people in the clinical setting. Normal
dietary constituents are used alongside special Vanessa Shaw
dietetic products to provide a prescription that March 2014
will control progression and symptoms of disease
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Part 1
Principles of Paediatric Dietetics
Table 1.1 Child specific screening tools developed and the scientific basis for future developments in this
evaluated in the UK. area [14].
Malnutrition in Paediatrics (STAMP) and the Pae- Measurement of weight is an easy and routine
diatric Yorkhill Malnutrition Score (PYMS) [9, 10]. procedure that should be done using a calibrated
Both of these tools have been evaluated in practice digital scale. Ideally infants should be weighed
and comprise a number of elements that are scored naked and children wearing just a dry nappy
to give a final risk score (Table 1.1). The reliability or pants; however, this is often not possible or
of each of these tools has been published, along appropriate. In these situations it is important to
with a number of other studies evaluating their record if the infant is weighed wearing a clean
use in a variety of clinical settings and conditions dry nappy, and the amount and type of cloth-
[11–13]. The main limitation of these evaluation ing worn by older children. A higher degree of
studies is that they rely on the dietetic assessment accuracy is required for the assessment of sick
of nutritional status as the ‘gold standard’ and the children than for routine measurements in the
findings of studies comparing the tools to date community. Frequent weight monitoring is impor-
have been equivocal. There is an ongoing multicen- tant for the sick infant or child, and local policies
tre Europe-wide study under the auspices of the for weighing and measuring hospitalised infants
European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, and children should be in place. Recommenda-
Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) to evaluate tions for the routine measurement of healthy
a range of the tools available. Results have not yet infants where there are no concerns about growth
been published, but it is hoped that this will form are given in Table 1.2 [15]. If there are concerns
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Table 1.2 Recommendations for routine measurements for about growth or weight gain a height measurement
healthy infants and children. should be made more often.
Weight Length/height circumference Proxy measurements for length/height
In some cases it is difficult to obtain length or
Birth Birth Birth or neonatal
period height measurements, e.g. in very sick or preterm
2 months 6−8 weeks if birth 6−8 weeks infants and in older children with scoliosis. A
weight <2.5 kg or number of proxy measurements can be used which
if other cause for are useful to monitor whether longitudinal growth
concern is progressing in an individual, but there are no
3 months recognised centile charts as yet and indices such
4 months
as body mass index (BMI) cannot be calculated. In
8 months
Additional weights at No other routine No other routine younger adults arm span is approximately equiva-
parent’s request; not measurement of measurement lent to height, but body proportions depend upon
more frequently than length/height of head age and while there is some evidence that there
2 weekly <6 months, circumference is a correlation in older children and adolescents,
monthly 6−12 months this measurement may be of limited usefulness in
12−15 months
children. Ulna length has been demonstrated to
School entry School entry
act as a good proxy for stature in adults although
Source: Adapted from Health for all Children [15]. evidence in children is limited [16]. Measurements
of lower leg length or knee−heel length have been
used and are a useful proxy for growth [17]. Total
about weight gain that is too slow or too rapid, leg length is rarely measured outside specialist
measurement of weight should be carried out more growth clinics and is calculated as the difference
frequently. between measured sitting height and standing
height. A number of other measures have been
Height used in children with cerebral palsy as a proxy
Height or length measurement requires a sta- for height (p. 780), but numbers are too small for
diometer or length board. Measurement of length reference standards to be established [18]. Formu-
using a tape measure is too inaccurate to be of use las for calculating stature in children from proxy
for longitudinal monitoring of growth, although measurements are available [19].
an approximate length may be useful as a single
measure. Under the age of 2 years supine length Head circumference
is measured; standing height is usually measured Head circumference is generally considered a use-
over this age or whenever the child can stand ful measurement in children under the age of 2
straight and unsupported. When the method of years. After this age head growth slows and is a
measurement changes from length to height there less useful indicator of somatic growth. A number
is likely to be a drop in stature; this is accounted of genetic and acquired conditions, such as cerebral
for in the UK-WHO growth charts (p. 6). Mea- palsy, will affect head growth and measurement of
surement of length is difficult and requires careful head circumference will not be a useful indicator
positioning of the infant; positioning of the child is of nutritional status in these conditions. Head
also important when measuring standing height. It circumference is measured using a narrow, flexible,
is recommended to have two observers involved non-stretch tape. Accuracy is dependent on the
in measuring an infant or young child. It is good skill of the observer and, as such, training and
practice for sick infants to be measured monthly practice in this technique is a requirement.
and older children at clinic appointments or on
admission to hospital. Healthy infants should have Supplementary measurements
a length measurement at birth but further routine While the measurement of weight and length or
stature checks are not recommended until the height forms the basis of routine anthropometric
preschool check [15]. Whenever there are concerns assessment, there are a number of supplementary
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plotting and interpretation of growth charts on reference or standard measurement, the calculation
the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health giving a numerical score indicating how far away
website. from the 50th centile for age the child’s measure-
Some medical conditions have a significant effect ments/index falls. For the UK growth charts each
on growth and where sufficient data exist separate centile space equates to 0.67SD; therefore a child
growth charts have been developed, e.g. Down’s on the 2nd centile will have a z-score of −2SD
syndrome, Turner syndrome, sickle cell disease, and a child on the 98th centile will have a z-score
achondroplasia. of +2SD; a measurement that falls exactly on the
50th centile will have a z-score of 0SD. Calcula-
tion of z-scores by hand is extremely laborious,
Body mass index
but a computer software program is available
A BMI measurement can be calculated from ( that will enable
weight and height measurements: BMI = weight calculation of z-scores from height, weight, BMI,
(kg)/height (m2 ). This provides an indication of gender and age data. The z-score can also used
relative fatness or thinness. In children the amount when comparing groups of children when a com-
and distribution of body fat is dependent on age parison of the measurements themselves would
and sex. BMI is now routinely used to identify and not be useful.
monitor overweight and obesity in children, on an The WHO defines moderate malnutrition and
individual and population basis, in the clinical and obesity in children in terms of z-score for weight as
research environments [29]. There are limitations, −2SD and +2SD respectively [28].
however, to the use of BMI in children: The calculation of height for age, height age and
weight for height are useful when assessing nutri-
• It is not recommended in children <2 years
tional status initially or when monitoring progress
of age as during this period BMI changes
in children who are short for their chronological
rapidly and weight gain rather than BMI has
age. Table 1.3 shows examples of calculations for
been shown to be more indicative of future
these indices. The Waterlow classification [32]
overweight and obesity [30].
may be of use when assessing children in the UK
• In chronic undernutrition there is stunting as
with severe failure to thrive. An adaptation of the
well as low weight for age and thus undernu-
classification is shown in Table 1.4. Calculation of
trition may be masked by using BMI.
height age is necessary when determining nutrient
• Although BMI is a relative index of weight
requirements for children who are much smaller
to height it does not provide information
(or larger) than their chronological age.
about body composition; it cannot be used to
distinguish between fat mass and lean mass.
Paediatric BMI charts have been developed and Clinical assessment
can be used to indicate how heavy a child is relevant
to its height and age [31]. The UK growth charts Clinical assessment of the child involves a medical
have a quick reference guide to estimate BMI centile history and a physical examination. The medical
on the basis of the child’s weight and height cen- history will identify medical, social or environ-
tiles. mental factors that may be risk factors for the
development of nutritional problems. Such fac-
tors may include parental knowledge and finance
Anthropometric indices and the classification
available for food purchase, underlying disease,
of nutrition status
treatments, investigations and medications. Clini-
The World Health Organization (WHO) and cal signs of poor nutrition, revealed in the physical
research publications frequently report standard examination, only appear at a late stage in the
deviation (SD) score or z-score for length/height, development of a deficiency disease and absence
weight and BMI. This involves converting the of clinical signs should not be taken as indicating
measurement or index into a finite proportion of a that a deficiency is not present.
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After all defences made be the said Mr Andrew, the haill Kirk finds
him to have broken the act, That no ministers shall marry the
parochiners of ane uther parochine without ane sufficient
testimoniall, and so guiltie of the paines contanit therein; not the
less the Commissioners and ministers of the towne of Edinburgh
made supplication to the haill Assembly that the rigour of the act
should not strike upon him, but that some satisfaction should be
made to the kirk of Edinburgh at the discretioune of the haill kirk:
Whilk supplication the haill brethren acceptit, and ordained that the
said Mr Andrew shall compeir before the Sessione of the kirk of
Edinburgh on Thursday next to come, and there confess his awne
offence, desyreing pardone thereof, with promise of never to offend
in sic sort heirafter, under the paines containt in the said act, to be
execute to the rigor thereof.
Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, through Jesus Christ,
we wische to you.
Sessio 3a.
It is ordained, be reasone of the great troubles fallen out lately in
this realme be defectione of some from the King’s Majestie’s lawfull
authoritie, that certaine brethren be sent from the Kirk to all sortes,
Earles, Lords, Barrones, and gentlemen whatsumever, that hes made
the foresaid defectione, and travell with them be all meanes
possible, to reconcile them to the lawfull obedience of his Majestie,
and to certifie them that disobeys, that the haill Kirk will use their
sword against them, quhilk God’s word hes committit to them.
Commissioners for that effect—Mr Andrew Hay and Mr David
Lindsay, to my Lord Duke’s Grace, the Earles of Argyll, Eglintoune,
Cassills, the Lord Boyde, and uthers barrones and gentlemen that
they can gudlie meit with within the wast parts; The Laird of Dunn,
Superintendent of Angus and Mernes, to the Earle of Crawford, the
Lord Ogilvie, and their assisters: Qwhilk Commissioners war
commandit to report their answers to the next Generale Assemblie.
Sessio 4a.
The controversie in St Androis betuixt Mr Robert Hamiltoune,
minister there, and his Colleges on the ane parte, and Mr James
Carmichael and his Colleges on the uther parte, is traitit and
discussit be the Assembly of the haill Kirk, because the same
concerns doctrine, sclander that may rise therein, or discipline of the
Cloakers of adulterie sould be callit and convict; and if it be fund
that they have cloakit publick adulterie after their knawledge, then
let the law haue place. Consentientes et agentes pari pœna
Quhen a woman beares a bairne to a certain man, and, in the
tyme of her birth, before the midwife, alleadges the bairne to be this
man’s, and beand callit before ane judge, beand readie to sweir the
same, and this man is ready to swear the contrare, and that he
never had carnall dealings with this woman, and there is no other
witness, Whether shall credence be gine to the man’s oath or to the
woman’s? and shall the bairne be left without ane father knowne?
Answer, Neutri credendum.
All things being done that the civil ordour requires of them that
withhalds the dewtie of the Kirk, whereby the ministers wants their
stipends, the Kirk may proceed to excommunication for their
Sessio 5a.
Compeirit Mr James M‘Gill of Rynkelour Nather, Clark of Register
and Counsellor to our soveraigne Lord L., John Ballantyne of
Auchnouchill, Knight, Justice Clark, and Mr Archbald Douglass, ane
of the Lords of the Colledge of Justice, who, in presence of the haill
Assembly, proponit in my L. Chancellor’s name, how his L. had
understand that in the contraversie amongst them in St Androis
there was continwet some heads tending to treasone and against
the King’s Majestie’s authorities, Therfore requirit the Kirk presently
assemblit to superside all devisione in that matter concerning the
King’s Majestie, untill the tyme the nobilitie conveine, qwhilk will be
within ten days, before whom that heid aucht to be sichted;
nottheless that the Kirk proceed to sic things therein as pertayns to
their owne jurisdictione; unto the qwhilk protestation the Kirk agriet.
The said day the haill Kirk presently assemblit, in ane voyse and
mynde, gives full commissioune and power to the honorable their
brethrene, John Erskine of Dunn, knight, superintendant of Angus
and Mernes, Mrs John Wynrhame and Spottiswood, superintendants
of Fyffe and Lawthiane respective, Mr James M‘Gill, Rankelour
Nather, Clark of Register and Counsellor to our soveraigne Lord, Mr
John Knox and John Craige, David Lyndsay of Edinburgh and Leith,
ministers, the proveist of Dundie, Mr Thomas M‘Allzean, The Lairds
of Balvaird, Spott, Braid, Carnaill, Dreghorne, Lundie, Howstowne,
Drumqwhassell, Coldenknows, Carden, Fawdensyde, Thorntowne,
Inchbrakie, David Forrest, Generall of the Conzie, David Ramsay of
Dundie, Patrick Morray in St Johnstowne, and Robert Campbell of
Kinzeaunclewghe, or any eight or seven of them, To compeir in
Edinburgh the vi of this instant moneth of July, with continuatione of
dayes, so oft as the nobilitie of this realme shall conveine betwixt
this and the next Generall Assembly of the Kirk; and there, in name
and behalf of the haill kirks of Scotland, propone and present to the
said nobilitie, articles, heids, supplicationes, and complaints, such as
the said Kirk hes pennit and delyverit to the said brethren, or
hereafter shall, before the next Generall Assembly, delyver maist
humbly in their names, to require answer and grant to their articles
and supplicationes, and with redress of their complaintes according
to equitie and justice, To assist, concurr, and consent to all and
whatsumever shall be treatit in the said conventione tending to the
setting forward of the glory of God, preaching and maintaining of
trew religion within this countrie, King’s Majestie authoritie,
commonweall and authoritie of this realme: As also to take
cognitione in all and whatsumever complaints, supplications, and
requests of brethren speciallie remittit to them be this Assembly;
and whatsumever beis done be them in the præmises, to report the
same to the nixt Generall Assembly of the Kirk to begine in
Edinburgh the first day of March nixt to come, ffirm and stable
haldand and for to hald, all and whatsumever the saids brethren any
aucht or sevine of them in the premises leads to be done. The Kirk
presently assemblit, for certaine causes moving them, discharges all
and sundrie assignationes and pensiones grantit be the Kirk dureing
their will, to whatsumevir persone or persones before the date
heirof, and ordaines the Collector of the Kirk to intromett therewith
heirafter, and to put inhibitione to all them that heretofore hes had
any sic assignationes or pensiones, except that whilk is assignit to
the King’s Majestie’s hand allanerly.
The Generall Assembly, halden at Edinburgh the 5th of Marche 1570(71),
In the qwilke war present the Barrons, Superintendants,
Commissioners to plant Kirks, Commissioners of Provinces,
Universities, Towns, Kirks, and Ministers, Mr George Hay was chosen
Moderator be the suffragis, to make prayers in this Assembly and
exhortation in the beginning of the nixt.
Sess. 1a.
The Kirk assemblit ordains all superintendants and commissioners
to plant kirks, to present hereafter, their books of their visitationes,
every ane within their province respective, to every Assembly
heirafter following, to be sichted and considerit be sic brethren as
shall be appointit thereto, fra Assembly to Assembly, To the effect
the Kirk may knaw their diligence in executing their offices within
thair provinces. The Kirk finds fault that Mr John Rutherfurde,
minister at Cultis, hes not done diligence in serving the said cure at
leist certaine tymes in the year, admonisching him therefore to
amend the said fault in tymes comeing, wtherwayes the Kirk will
proceed against him as ane neglector of dewtie.
Sessio 2a.
Articles pertayning to the Jurisdictione of the Kirk, to be proponit to the
Regent’s Grace and Secret Councill, and socht to be appointit be
1. Ffirst, that the Kirk have the judgement of trew and false
religion or doctrine, heresies or sicklyke, annexit to the preaching of
the word, and ministratione of the sacraments.
2. Electione, examinatione and admissione of them that are
admittit to the ministrie, or uther ffunctions in the Kirk, charge of
sawls, and ecclesiasticall benefices, the suspensione and deprivation
of them therfrae for lawfull causes.
3. All things concerning the discipline of the Kirk, whilk stands in
correctione of manners, admonitiones, excommunicationes, and
receaving to repentance.
4. The judgement of ecelesiasticall matters betwixt persones that
are of the Kirk, and speciallie among them that are constitute in the
ministrie, alseweell concerning beneficiall causes as uthers.
5. Jurisdictions to proceid be admonitiounes, to the process of
excommunication, if neid beis, against them that robbs the
patrimonie of the Kirk pertaining to the ministrie, or utherwayes
intromitts therewith unjustlie, whereby the ministrie is in danger to
decay, be occasion of the povertie of the ministers.
6. And because the conjunctione of marriages pertaynes to the
ministrie, the cause of adherents and divorcements aucht also to
pertaine to them, as naturallie annexit thereto.
Sessio 3a.
Forsuameikle as it hes been ordainit be the Generall Assemblies,
that all adulterers, murtherers, incestuous persons, and uthers
committers of hainous crymes, first sould present themselves to the
Generall Assembly, there to resave their first injunctione, and at the
next thereafter following, to present themselves in linen cloathes,
&c.; And forsuameikle as diverse of the saids offenders partly are far
distant frae the places of Generall Assemblies, uthers for povertie
and deidlie feids may not nor dare not travell through the countrie to
present themselves before the saids Assemblies: for thir causes and
uthers considerationes moveing the Kirk presently assemblit, they
statute and ordaynit that all sic offenders sall be callit heirafter be
the Superintendants and Commissioners of provinces, to compeir
before them in their Synodall conventions, to be halden be them
twyse in the yeir, to receave and take their injunctions, conforme to
the order usit before the Generall Assemblies in all sorts.
The haill Kirk assemblit ordaynes, that all questions heirafter be
proponit and presentit to the Superintendants and Commissioners
forsaids in the saids Synodall Conventions, there to receave their
solutions; and gif any questione happins to be hard for them that
shall happen to be at the said conventione, then, and in that case,
the Superintendant or Commissioner of Kirks, present the said hard
questions to the Generall Assemblie, there to receave solutione in
their roome, according to the rule; with certification that no
questions hereafter shall be receavit in Generall Assemblies from
particular ministers.
Sessio 4a.
The Kirk assemblit statutes and ordaynes, that all marriages be
made solemnly in the face of the congregation, according to the
ordour published; and also inhibits all ministers and exhorters, that
nane of them solemnize marriages of any persones of uthers
congregationes nor their awne, without sufficient testimonialls from
their ministers, or else licence askit to obtaine it be the contractors,
under the pains establishit before, against the ministers and
contractors, with their parents, to make publick repentance at the
commone pillar of repentance, at the discretione of their awne kirks.
Sessio 5a.
The Kirk assemblit ordayns all ministers to inhibit all civil
magistrates to hald their courts within Kirks; if need bees, to
The Kirke ordaines all Superintendants and Commissioners to
plant kirks in their first Synodall conventions hereafter following,
with the advyse of their ministers, to reason and appoint publick
fasting if it shall be thought necessar; and also that they appoint
certaine brethren to creat unitie and concord among the nobilitie of
this realme.
Compierit in Assemblie, Mr Robert Wynrahame, collector of Fyfe,
and schaw how he was purgit be ane condigne assyse before the
civill magistrat, for the slauchter of Thomas Kinries, citicen in St
Androis; nevertheless, because the blood was sched against his will,
allwayes he willingly offerit himself to the Kirk for satisfaction of the
The Kirk ordaines Mr Robert Hamiltone, minister of St Androis, to
declare, after the sermone upon ane Sonday, the purgation of the
said Mr Robert of the slaughter, and, therefore, call upon him to
repaire before the pulpit, exhorting him to enter in consideration
with himself, according as is contenit in the book of
excommunication, and thereafter to humble himself, ask God, the
congregation, and the partie, pardon, and to uthers that were
sclanderit with the fault, &c.
Anent excommunicat persons for now adhereing to the established
religion, and not joynit thereto of before, yet nottheless, presently of
their awne frie will, submitts themselves, and requires to be receavit
in the societie of the faithfull. The Kirk ordaines the saids persones
to be receavit be the minister in low and humble habite, with
sackcloth, observing the order prescryvit in the book of
excommunicatioune in all uther poynts.
Quhair ministers are not in practise of excommunicatione, or will
be contemnit in their executiones, it is necessar that the
Superintendant, or some uther sufficientlie qualified and authorised,
use the same.
If it be lisum to the minister to proceed against the magistrats
who will not put to execution the acts of Parliament concerning
discipline, and uther particular acts universallie agreit upon be their
owne particular congregatione, with the sentence of
This is else concludit; admonitions passing dwely before, against
Promise of marriage, per verba de futuro, sall be made, according
to the ordour of the reformit Kirk, be the minister, exorter, or reader,
takand cautione for abstinence till the marriage be solemnizat.
If ane man ravishe a woman against her will, and her parents, and
strike her parents under silence of night, and the magistrat will put
no correction thereto, Qwhither if the Kirk sould proceed with
monitors and excommunicatione to satisfie the sclander? It is lawfull.
Qwhat order shall be taken with her, who, committing fornication
with a man, does suffer the same man heirafter to marrie her own
sister, and, hearing the bands proclaimit, wad not reveall the
impediment, but, be concealing of the cryme, was guiltie of the
incest following? Answer, Baith he and she to be punishit according
to the discipline of the Kirk, but chiefly the man, and the second
cannot be his wife.
Qwhat order shall be taken with them that impugnes proclamation
of bands, and chieflie be infamie, and proves not? Let sic persones
be punischit according to the discipline of the Kirk as infamous.
It is altogether unthankfull be any minister of God’s word, to
receave any benefice be the presentation of a laick persone patrone,
under pactione and condition made with the patrone thereof,
tending to simonie, viz., that the patrone have the great part of the
teinds and the minister the small portione thereof.
What order shall the Superintendant take with a man that hes
suitit libertie to marrie thir three or four yeares, being, before his
owne particular kirk, inhibited to marrie, because he deflorit a
virgine, being his own servant, lest he wald take her to his wife,
seeing the judiciall law is not yet receavit, and alse the man hes her
discharge of marriage under the forme of instrument before the
decreit was pronuncit against him be his awne particular kirk, all
things being trew according to the narrative? It is thocht the decreit
gine for sic ane cause may be reduced be the Superintendant, and
the man may obtaine liberty to marrie: yea, and there is injurie done
to him alreadie.
The Generall Assemblie, begun and holdin at Striviling the 6th of August
1571: In the qwhilk war present the Superintendants, Commissioners
to plant Kirks, Barrones, Ministers, Commissioners of Provinces,
Townes, Universities, and Kirks. Mr Gilbert Gairden chosen Moderator.
Sessio 1a.
Sessio 2a.
The haill Assembly concludit that certaine brethren,
Commissioners shall passe to my Lord Regent’s Grace, Councill, and
Parliament, to reasone and conclude upon the heids, articles, and
desynes, presentit in his Grace’s name to this Assemblie, to propone,
humblie requeist and desyre, in the Kirk’s name, the granting of sic
heids, articles, and redress of complaints, as shall be given to them
be the Kirk;—the ane and the uther to be concludit alwayes on,
conforme to the instructions to be delyverit to them. Commissioners,
John Erskine of Dunne, Knight, Superintendant of Angus and
Mernes; Mr John Spottiswood, Superintendant of Lawthiane; John
Wynrahame, Superintendant of Fyffe; John Row, Commissioner of
Nythsdale and Gallaway; Andrew Hay, Commissioner of Ranfrew and
Lennox; George Hay, Commissioner of Aberdeene and Banmff; David
Lindsay, Commissioner of Kyle, Carrick, and Cunninghame; David
Fargysone of Dumferling, John Dunkesone of the King’s Majestie’s
house, ministers: John Ogilbie, Ennerquharetie, Knight; Mr William
Lundie of that Ilk; James Johnstoun of Elphinstoune; William
Cunningham of Cunninghamheid; Hew Wallace of Carnvaill; Thomas
Kennedie of Bardgavie; John Schaw of Grinock; Alexander Forrester
of Carden, or any elevine of them, to compeir in Striviling, the 22d of
this instant, at nine howres before noone, to counsell and reasone in
the commissione given in the last Assemblie.