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SikaShield® P24 PE IN 3 mm
Atactic Poly Propylene (APP) modified bituminous membrane with PE foil and flexible at -2 °C
(Formerly Sika® WP Shield-103 P)

DESCRIPTION The product is used as a:

▪ Base sheet and/or top sheet in multi-layer systems
SikaShield® P24 PE IN 3 mm is an APP modified bitu- Please note:
minous waterproofing membrane with a thickness of 3 ▪ The product is not suitable for roofs permanently ex-
mm. It is reinforced with a non-woven polyester fab- posed to UV radiation. Protect membrane with a
ric and is flexible at -2 °C. The top surface is coated suitable protection layer.
with polyethylene foil, which ensures the bond of the
overlying layer. The underside of the product has a CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES
burn-off film for easy torch-application.
▪ Fully bonded
USES ▪ Long term flexibility
▪ Excellent water tightness
The product is used as a waterproofing membrane for: ▪ Very good mechanical properties (tensile, tear,
▪ Balconies and terraces under a heavy protection lay- shear)
er such as tiles or gravel. ▪ Can be handled in warmer temperatures easily
▪ Flat and sloping roofs under protective layers or bal- ▪ Low water absorption
last ▪ Easy to install by torching method
▪ Car park decks ▪ Capable of withstanding thermal and structural
▪ Bridge decks under asphalt wearing layer stresses
▪ Underpass and subways ▪ Good durability and performance under long term
▪ Basements and other below ground structures ageing
▪ Horizontal reinforced concrete slabs, decks, podiums
and protrusions
▪ Vertical reinforced concrete walls

Chemical base Composition APP modified bitumen
Reinforcing material Non-woven polyester fabric

Packaging Roll width 1.0 m (EN 1848-1)

Roll length 10.0 m

Shelf life 12 months from date of production

Storage conditions The product must be stored in original unopened and undamaged pack-
aging in dry conditions and temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C. Store
in a vertical position. Do not stack pallets of the rolls on top of each other,
or under pallets of any other materials during transport or storage.

Product Data Sheet

SikaShield® P24 PE IN 3 mm
April 2022, Version 01.01

Appearance / Colour Top surface Polyethylene film / Black
Bottom surface Polyethylene film / Black

Thickness 3 mm (+0.3 mm / -0.2 mm) (EN 1849-1)

Tensile strength Longitudinal (MD) (650 ± 150) N/50mm (EN 12311-1)
Transversal (CMD) (450 ± 150) N/50mm

Elongation Longitudinal (MD) (40 ± 10) % (EN 12311-1)

Transversal (CMD) (40 ± 10) %

Tear strength Longitudinal (MD) (350 ± 100) N (ASTM D5147)

Transversal (CMD) (300 ± 100) N

Flexibility at low temperature ≤ -2 °C (EN 1109)

Softening point ≥ 150 °C (ASTM D36)

Flow resistance No flow at +120 °C, 2 hrs (EN 1110)

Water tightness ≥ 10 kPa (Method B, 24 h) (EN 1928)

Ambient air temperature +10 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Substrate temperature +10 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Substrate moisture content <6%


All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are Consider the following when designing the water-
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may proofing system:
vary due to circumstances beyond our control. ▪ The supporting structure must be of sufficient struc-
tural strength to support all new and existing layers
FURTHER DOCUMENTS of the roof and basement build-up.
▪ The membrane system for underground works must
▪ Guidelines and good practice for torch-applied mem- be considered for protection before structural con-
branes crete works.
▪ Method Statement - Bituminous Membranes ▪ The complete roof system must be designed to with-
for Roofing Build-up stand and be secured against wind uplift loadings.
▪ Method Statement - Bituminous membranes for be- ▪ The wind uplift resistance of the adhered roofing as-
low ground sembly is limited by the adhesion strength of the
product to the substrate.
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety The substrate surface must be uniform, firm, smooth
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS and free of any sharp protrusion or burrs, clean, dry,
provides information and advice on the safe handling, free of grease, laitance, oil, dust and loosely adhering
storage and disposal of chemical products and con- particles.
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other
safety-related data.

Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in
method statements, application manuals and working
instructions which must always be adjusted to the ac-
tual site conditions.

Product Data Sheet

SikaShield® P24 PE IN 3 mm
April 2022, Version 01.01

Tackiness at high temperatures
PREPARATION Note: When laying the membrane at high temperat-
New concrete should be cured for at least 28 days and ures, the integral adhesive will become 'tacky' and
should have a pull off strength ≥ 1.5 N/mm2. Cementi- may restrict laying operations.
tious or mineral based substrates must be prepared
mechanically to remove cement laitance and to ALIGNMENT
achieve an open textured surface. Loose friable mater- IMPORTANT
ial and weak concrete must be completely removed Avoid coinciding joints
and surface defects such as blowholes and voids must To avoid coinciding joints, lay the membranes parallel
be fully exposed. The concrete must be carefully as- to one another with staggering. When applying on an-
sessed for moisture content, air entrapment, and sur- other bituminous membrane, make sure to
face finish prior to any primer application. stagger the overlaps of the previous layer.
1. Unroll the membrane.
PRIMING 2. Align the membrane.
Primer selection 3. Re-roll the membrane before application.
Note: For information on selecting the appropriate
primer, contact Sika Technical Service. MEMBRANE OVERLAPS
1. Apply the appropriate SikaShield® primer with the 1. Overlap the membranes by a minimum of 80-100
required consumption onto the prepared dry sur- mm on the sides and 150 mm on each end.
face. 2. At the end overlap, cut off a corner measuring 80-
Note: Refer to the individual Product Data Sheet of 100 mm per side at an angle of 45°.
the primer. 3. Weld the overlaps with great care until you see a
2. Allow the primer to dry before membrane installa- trickle of melted mixture about 10 mm wide coming
tion. out along the line of the overlap.
IMPORTANT 1. Heat the substrate and the backing film on the un-
Unrolling at low temperatures derside of the membrane with a gas burner.
At low temperatures, the membrane becomes less 2. When the backing film starts to melt, the membrane
flexible. is ready to stick.
3. Roll the heated membrane forward and press it
1. Be careful when unrolling to avoid damaging the
firmly against the substrate to bond it.
membrane. 4. Make sure a bead of melted bitumen is visible along
the full length of the overlap sides and ends when
Damage through footwear
Footwear with spikes or sharp protrusions may punc- Suitable substrates for torching
ture the membrane. ▪ Concrete
1. Use footwear with a flat profile when walking over ▪ Bituminous membranes with a smooth surface
the membrane. ▪ Coatings (check the compatibility)
IMPORTANT ▪ Brick masonry
Damage through overheating ▪ Cementitious screeds
The polyester reinforcement melts at +260 °C. If it is
damaged through overheating, the membrane be- DETAILING
comes unusable. 1. Use a sharp knife to cut in all details such as internal
1. Keep moving the flame while torching to avoid over- and external corners, upstands, vent pipes, drains,
heating the membrane. support metalwork etc.
Refer to the relevant method statement for further in-
IMPORTANT formation on detailing.
Reduced adhesion through insufficient heating
Make sure to heat the membrane sufficiently. If it is MAINTENANCE
not sufficiently heated, the adhesion to the substrate,
between layers or on the overlaps will be reduced. Check the functionality of the auxiliary works, flash-
1. If the membrane does not adhere to other elements, ings, drainage outlets, overflow pipes etc.
lift and re-torch the unbonded areas. Remove any leaves, moss and other vegetation, which

Product Data Sheet

SikaShield® P24 PE IN 3 mm
April 2022, Version 01.01

could cause ponding on the roof and overload the
drainage system.
To maintain the function of the roof waterproofing
membrane during its lifespan, it is advisable to ar-
range periodically for inspection of the membrane and

Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
declared data and recommended uses for this product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.

The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.

Sika India Pvt. Ltd. Contact:

620, Diamond Harbour Road Phone: +91 33 2447 2448
Commercial Complex II Fax: +91 33 2397 8688
Kolkata - 700 034 [email protected]
West Bengal, India


Product Data Sheet

SikaShield® P24 PE IN 3 mm
April 2022, Version 01.01


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