merilyn cblm (1)
merilyn cblm (1)
merilyn cblm (1)
1. Fabrics and pressing tools are prepared according to the standard operating
procedure. 2. Pressing tool temperature is set in accordance with the fabric
3. Pressing is sequenced in accordance with the work specifications.
4. Faults, spots, and marks are identified and appropriate actions are taken in
accordance with the quality standards.
● Needles
● Cut fabrics
● Pins
● Testing fabrics
● Threads
● Cutting table
● Tailors chalk/pencil
● Cutting tool
● Tape measure
● Steam Iron
● Cutting shears
● Ironing board
● Specification sheet
● Model/dress form
● Seam ripper
● Sleeve board/ham
● Testing fabric
● Garment sample
● Discussion
● Demonstration
● Direct Observation
● Demonstration
● Oral Test
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. identify the pressing tools and their uses;
2. execute the general techniques in pressing garment
3. follow the procedure in pressing finished garment;
4. discuss the methods of removing stain from fabrics; and
Words to Study
● Cuff-band on hems of sleeves encircling arms for short sleeves or long sleeves.
● Lapel- part front coat that folds back when the collar is being worn
● Ruffle- strip or piece of fabric attached to hems or ends of any garment
article where it is applicable
● Scorch- to iron dry on the surface
● Stain- a small soil or disclosed area
● Yoke-a fitted portion on the upper part of the bodice, blouse or skirt is served
Pressing is important in garment construction for it shapes and set stitched lines. It is
done on the seam and darts to lay flat the point pieces.
● Regulate the iron temperature as directed on the permanent care label, or on the
dial setting for the fabric. If you are unsure about the fiber content, begin by
testing it with low temperature setting.
● If you are working on the thin fabrics or doing slow work, as in shrinking or pressing
gathers, keep the iron temperature slightly lower than for heavier fabrics.
● Line and cotton require considerable moisture or eliminating wrinkle and should be
pressed until dry for smooth finish.
● Wool requires moisture in pressing to prevent damage to the fibers - dry heat
maker them brittle.
● Thick materials need more pressure.
● Thermoplastic, man made-fibers are heat sensitive for they tend to melt and glaze.
These fabrics often press better dry.
● Use the tips or edge of the iron on seams, hold the iron above the fabric and apply
it light by easily damaged texture.
● Press with grain.
● Avoid pressing over basting or pins.
● Press embroidery, brand buttons, and such rough textures from the wrong side
over the soft pad.
● Press collars, lapels, cuff, belts, and pocket first on the wrong side. Then finish
them on the right side very lightly over a press cloth.
● Avoid lengthwise creases in sleeves or lapels.
● Remove any stains or soil before pressing, as heat would probably set the stain.
1. Press interior parts, such as pocket facings, seams, linings, and shoulder pads.
2. Press dangling parts, such as sleeves and sashes.
3. Press ruffles and gathers before the other parts.
4. Press yoke and shoulder seams before the lower blouse.
5. Press the top parts of long garment before the lower part, blouse
before skirt, skirt top before lower part of the skirt.
6. Collar is usually the last because its position next to the face is so
7. Hang the garment on a well padded hanger to dry completely, without crowding.
Iron rust ● Sprinkle the stain with ● Use the same methods
salt moisture and with usually for cotton and
lemon juice and place linen.
in the sum. Repeat
process if necessary.
● 2. For white material
use few drops of oxalic
acid. Wash the acid
out thoroughly with
4. To enable further sewing by preparing the garment for next sewing operation
There are two terms used in pressing - under pressing and final pressing (top off). Under
pressing is the pressing operation on semi constructed garments to make the garment
parts ready for further sewing. Final pressing is the process of pressing the completed
garments finally before packing the garment. Under pressing operation helps the
garment parts to be pressed for making further sewing easier.
After pressing the garment, it is now ready for packing. There are steps to follow in
packing garments, which will be discussed in the next lesson.
Pressing Equipment
Carousel Press
1. Heat
Heat is required in most pressing operations to enable the fibres to soften and thus, stabilize
the garment shape. Temperature selection is of utmost importance, as an incorrect
temperature setting can cause damage to fibres and yarn.
2. Moisture
Moisture is introduced by the use of steam. Steam at different pressures has different
moisture contents. The higher the steam pressure, the lower the moisture in the steam. The
presence of moisture is required to aid in fibre swelling and thus, shape stabilization.
Different fibres require different amounts of moisture. For example, natural fibres such as
cotton and wool and regenerated cellulose fibres such as bamboo viscose and viscose rayon
require the presence of moisture in the steam. Therefore, steaming tables are usually
preferred. On the other hand, synthetic fibres require heat to promote swelling and therefore
relaxation of the structure. Excessive moisture may cause fabric shrinkage.
Pressure is applied to the garment during pressing to give good crease retention and
permanency. Excessive pressure may result in garment or crease distortion.
4. Vacuum
Vacuum is applied at the completion of the pressing operation. This draws cool air
through the garment, reducing the garment temperature, lowering the moisture content
and increasing shape retention, which are particularly important for garments.
The garments can be classified based on the amount of pressing required. They can be
classified as garments requiring no pressing, minimal pressing required garments,
garments requiring use of an iron in under pressing and final pressing, garments
requiring extensive under pressing and final pressing and garments requiring permanent
pressing or pleating.
1. Garments which require no pressing are the foundation garments, stretch swim wear,
bras, briefs and underwear.
2. Garments requiring minimal pressing - are the single ply garments such as slips,
nightgowns, knitted synthetics and T-shirts.
3. Garments requiring the use of an iron in under pressing and final pressing for the
opening of seams and creasing of edges and for pressing garments with gathers and
fullness and in situations where style change is frequent.
4. Garments requiring extensive under pressing and final pressing for men's jackets,
trousers and waistcoats, women's tailored jackets, skirts and top coats. Style change in
these garments is infrequent.
Ways of Pressing
Pressing is carried out using various means. Pressing is done by application of heat,
moisture and pressure. Moisture is used usually as steam. Various pressing equipment
are available which use steam for pressing.
There are various equipment for garment pressing. You can see it in the next page.
1. Tunnel Finisher
Tunnel finishers are used for finishing knitted goods. They can be used for man- made
fibre garments and their blends also. This garment finishing process involves no pressure
application and reduces handling of garments in steam tunnels. In this finishing process,
the garments are put on hangers and fed through a cabinet using a motorized rail. The
garments pass through sections with superheated steam and it is dried by blowing air. In
some cases, garments are loaded onto frames and passed through the tunnel on a
2. Trouser Pressing
Trousers include a wide variety of garments, ranging from jeans, women's trousers with
simpler construction and requiring a less sharp crease, men's trousers including four
pockets and suit trousers. The trouser pressing is carried out in two operations along
with underdressing of the seam. The first operation is done for legging on a flat press to
set and crease the legs and the second operation is for topping in a series of lays aro und
the top of the trousers on a contoured press.
This equipment is known as a form press or a 'dolly' press. It has a compressed air
system, frame for a steam distribution system and a pressing form made of a canvas bag
in the suitable silhouette of the garment to be pressed. The pant steam finisher and
universal steam finisher are shown in below figure.
Hand irons:
Iron which is known commonly as iron box has been in existence for a very long time
with the traditional one being used with heat generated using charcoal. It is a basic
and most important pressing equipment in garment industry. There were also irons
which were heated by gas flame inside the metal casting and it was mainly used in
touching up of men’s jackets. However in recent times, steam and electric irons are
used commonly.
1.Dry iron
1. What is the term for the innovative pressing system that utilizes rotating bucks to improve
efficiency in garment pressing?
Answer: ________________________
2. dentify the four key parameters that must be controlled to achieve optimal pressing
Answer: ________________________
5. What is the process called in which pressure is applied to maintain crease retention during
Answer: ________________________
6. What finishing equipment is used for garments, allowing them to pass through
superheated steam without applying pressure?
Answer: ________________________
8. What type of pressing equipment utilizes a compressed air system and a specific pressing
form for shaping garments?
Answer: ________________________
9. Identify the traditional pressing tool that has evolved from charcoal heating to modern
electric and steam variants.
Answer: ________________________
10. What is the name of the application that draws out cool air from the garment after
pressing, aiding in temperature reduction and moisture control?
Answer: ________________________
Activity 1.
What I Can Do
Addtional Activities
Direction: Each student should perform the pressing of finished garments.
● Group Discussion
● Simulated Activities
● Demonstration
● Direct Observation
● Actual Examination of the Package
● Demonstration with oral test
Learning Objectives:
at the end of the lesson,you should be able to:
1. prepare packaging materials of finished garment;
2. practice the packaging procedures of finished garment; and
3. observe sanitary health procedures in packaging finished
Words to Study
● Sorting is a process of separating pieces of work according
to kind, class or nature.
● Label is a slip attached to something for identification or
● Price tag is a piece of material attached to a commodity stating the price.
Packaging to make into or enclose in a package the process of enclosing a finished
apparel into a appropriate packaging material, pressed, folded and labelle
Product packaging has assumed a great importance in modern marketing. Packaging is not
only an important means of protecting the content, but also a powerful means of pre-selling
the consumer and assisting in-store selection.
The package that gives the consumer an advantage and greater satisfaction in some manner
comes from sale promotion like a pouring spout or cellophane tops for easy opening.
Packaging Materials of Finished Garments