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Learning Guide - Task 4 - Keep Learning English

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: English A2
Code: 900002

Learning Guide - Task 4 - Keep Learning English.

1. Information of the Task

Table 1. Description.

Aspect Description
1. Type of activity Independent
2. Evaluation moment Intermediate
3. Managing unit Instituto Virtual de Lenguas
4. Score of the Task 100
5. The activity starts on: Wednesday, November 27,
6. The activity ends on: Monday, December 30, 2024
7. Student independent work It consists of 96 hours of
hours academic work, equally
divided between 48 hours of
independent study and 48
hours of tutorial support. The
course aims to help students
understand and master the
fundamental aspects of
English. By utilizing a Task-
Based Learning strategy,
students will engage with
specific content and complete
various tasks to reinforce their
2. Detailed Description of the Learning Activity
Through this activity, the following learning outcome is expected to be
To express among a video, experiences in English using linguistic
structures and vocabulary according to the level, taking exercises and
readings from the online content as a reference.

The activity consists of:

With the development of this learning guide, the student will improve
the English skills through his/her participation in the STT’s, the
development of the audios and recording a video.

The following materials and resources are required for the development
of this activity:
• Modules 6, 7, 8 and 9 from the E-book.
• Sanchez, L.(2021). Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. OVI
Simple Future Taken From:
• British Council (2021). Simple Future. Domina el futuro
Simple. https://www.britishcouncil.org.mx/blog/future-
• British Council (2016) [Obligation and Advice] Taken
nner-grammar/have- must-should-obligation-advice
• Education First (2023). Past continuous. Past
continuos. https://www.ef.com.co/recursos-aprender-

To develop this activity, follow these steps:

Step 1: Student’s talking Time (STT) or meet with your tutor

For this step you have 2 options:
Option A: Participate in two (2) STT (See the schedule in the activity
forum). During each STT, the tutor in charge will take a moment to
indicate the evidence that you must include in your work as assistance
to the STT. (Be it an image, answer to some questions, complete a text
according to what you did, etc.) Therefore, you must be attentive
throughout the workshop when the tutor gives you that instruction.
STT __#__ Date:
Evidence asked in the STT:

Option B: Organize a meeting with your tutor, in this space you can
practice your pronunciation of the topic you chose for the video.

Step 2: keep improving your skills.

In this step the student is going to listen the audios at least 3 times,
then you are going to record with your voice each paragraph. Upload the
audios in the forum to receive a feedback from your tutor. We suggest
to use Vocaroo to record your voice. Here is a tutorial about how to use
Vocaroo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osf04srJ3Ew

Asado Huilense
This dish is part of the culture of the region. Its ingredients include
scallions, garlic, crushed guava, ground cloves, coriander seeds,
nutmeg, ground cumin, fresh thyme, fresh bay leaves, fresh oregano,
salt, sour orange juice, sugar, water and marinated meat with beer. It is
served cold and accompanied by fresh baked arepas and masato or corn

Caterine Ibargüen
Caterine Ibargüen was born in Apartadó Antioquia, she then moved to
Turbo with her mother. In Turbo she played volleyball, because of her
talent; she was invited to train at the Atanasio Girardot Sport Complex
in Medellin. She specialized in high jump, long jump and triple jump.
She is an Olympic medallist and world champion.
Step 3: The Video – Experience an activity.
Choose 1 topic – Just ONE
Topic 1: The Fortune Teller.
If you choose this topic: You are a fortune teller, tell us 10 things that
will or are going to happen in 20 years.
• Record a video telling your predictions for the next 20 years.
• Topic: The Fortune teller.
• Name of the video: The Fortune teller_(name)_.
• Length of the video: 2 – 5 minutes max.
Video Conditions:
• Introduce yourself at the beginning.
• Record the video in a luminous place and with good sound.
• You have to appear in the video most of the time.
• You can use photos to support your speech in the presentation.

Topic 2: The doctor / fitness coach

If you choose this topic: you are a doctor or a fitness coach, you are
going to give suggestions and obligations to have a healthy life or
prevent an illness.
• Record a video about how to have a healthy live or prevent an
• Name of the video: The doctor or fitness
• Length of the video: 2 – 5 minutes max.
Video Conditions:
• Introduce yourself at the beginning.
• Record the video in a luminous place and with good sound.
• You have to appear in the video most of the time.
• You can use photos to support your speech in the presentation.
Topic 3: The Newshound.
If you choose this topic: You are a newshound, you are going to select 3
news stories from the country or the world and you are going to tell us
about them.
• Record a video with 3 stories from the country or the world.
• Topic: The Newshound
• Name of the video: The newshound__(your name)____.
• Length of the video: 2 – 5 minutes max.
Video Conditions:
• Introduce yourself at the beginning.
• Record the video in a luminous place and with good sound.
• You have to appear in the video most of the time.
• You can use photos to support your speech in the presentation.
You also can practice the pronunciation with:
Natural readers: www.naturalreaders.com
Readloud: https://readloud.net/

Step 4 Self-assessment: reflection and personal growth

Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal donde
usted como estudiante debe realizar una autoevaluación en español:
Cada estudiante va a escribir un texto donde exprese:
• ¿Participó de los STT?
• Si participó de estos espacios, ¿cómo se sintió?
• Si no asistió, ¿Cuál fue la razón?
• ¿Cómo se sintió con el desarrollo de la actividad?
• ¿Qué cree usted que debe hacer para mejorar la pronunciación en
• ¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?
• ¿Cómo cree usted que los estudiantes participarían más en este
tipo de actividades?
3. Guidelines for Developing and Submitting Learning Evidence

Learning evidence refers to the actions, products, or observable processes

that are done or delivered to demonstrate acquired capabilities, skills,
aptitudes, and attitudes. These serve to allow the teacher to assess and
evaluate student performance effectively.
The evidence to be developed individually are:
• Front page.
• Participation in the STT or meet with your tutor.
• The 2 audios
• Link of the video.
• Answer the questions of reflection and personal growth.
The evidence to be developed collaboratively are:
• No collaborative evidence is required in this activity.
For developing and submitting evidence, please consider the following
1. All group members must participate with their contributions in the
development of the activity.

2. Each group should designate one member to be responsible for

submitting the requested product in the environment specified by the

3. Before submitting the requested product, the group should check that
it complies with all the requirements indicated in this activity guide.

4. Only group members who have actively contributed during the

allocated time for the activity should be included as authors of the
requested product.
Please note that all individual or group written products must comply with
“spelling and mechanics” standards and the submission conditions defined
in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity
must comply with the standards of APA.
In any case, comply with the referencing standards and avoid academic
plagiarism. To do so, you can support yourself by reviewing your written
products using the Turnitin tool available in the virtual campus.
4. Academic Situations
Consider that in Agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, Article 99, the
following actions are considered as offenses against academic order,
among others: item e) "Plagiarism, that is, presenting as one's own the
entirety or part of a work, paper, document, or invention created by
another person. It also includes the use of false citations or references,
or proposing citations where there is no match between the citation and
the reference," and item f) "Reproducing or copying, for profit,
educational materials or results of research products that have intellectual
property rights reserved for the University."
The academic sanctions that the student will face are as follows:
a) In cases of proven academic fraud in the respective academic work or
evaluation, the grade imposed will be zero points without prejudice to the
corresponding disciplinary sanction.
b) In cases related to proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature,
the grade imposed will be zero points, without prejudice to the
corresponding disciplinary sanction.

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