Digital Literacy Scheme of Work - Stage 5
Digital Literacy Scheme of Work - Stage 5
Digital Literacy Scheme of Work - Stage 5
Cambridge Primary
Digital Literacy 0072
Stage 5
For use with the curriculum framework published in 2019
Version 1
Copyright © UCLES 2019
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
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Contents ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Unit 5.1 – The podcast revival .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Unit 5.2 – Our changing digital world ..........................................................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Unit 5.3 – My digital presence ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Unit 5.4 – Robot designers ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Sample lesson 1....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Sample lesson 2....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge Assessment International Education for Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy Stage 5.
It contains:
suggested units showing how the learning objectives in the curriculum framework can be grouped and ordered
at least one suggested teaching activity for each learning objective
a suggested project at the end of each unit that will consolidate the learning
a list of subject-specific language that will be useful for your learners
sample lesson plans.
You do not need to use the ideas in this scheme of work to teach Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy Stage 5. It is designed to indicate the types of activities you
might use, and the intended depth and breadth of each learning objective. You may choose to use other activities with a similar level of difficulty, in order to suit your
local context and the resources that you have available. You may also choose to adapt the suggested activities and the projects so that they can be embedded
within the teaching of other subjects.
The accompanying teacher guide for Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy will support you to plan and deliver lessons using effective teaching and learning
approaches. You can use this scheme of work as a starting point for your planning, adapting it to suit the requirements of your school and needs of your learners.
Long-term plan
This long-term plan shows the units in this scheme of work and a suggestion of how long to spend teaching each one. The suggested teaching time is based on 30
hours of teaching for Digital Literacy Stage 5. You can adapt the time, units and order of the units based on the requirements of your school and the needs of your
Total 30 hours
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Other suggested resources for individual units and/or activities are described in the rest of this document. You can swap these for other resources that are available
in your school.
There are many excellent online resources suitable for teaching Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy. Since these are updated frequently, and many are only available
in some countries, we recommend that you and your colleagues identify and share resources that you have found to be effective for your learners.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
This unit builds to a project in which learners use their content creation skills to make a series of podcasts.
Learners should also have a good understanding of literacy skills, as speaking and listening will play a large role in the project at the end of this unit.
online content
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners should open up audio recording equipment. This could be one built
into the device they are using, one that is downloaded as an application, or it
could be a small handheld recorder. They should use the audio recording
equipment to record a short voice message.
Learners spend time trying to improve the sound quality of their recordings.
This could be done by asking learners to work in small groups, or spreading
them out around the room or school. Elicit the ideas of reducing background
noise and speaking clearly into the microphone.
Make sure that learners save their recordings in an appropriate place as they
will be revisiting them in later activities.
Voice recorders or recording software.
5TC.02 Use devices to create Continue the learning from the previous activity by editing the sound Take some time to familiarise yourself with the
increasingly sophisticated digital recordings using audio editing software. There are a number of free examples editing software. Make sure you have practised
artefacts, including the use of of sound editing software available online. using it, and are able to demonstrate simple
sound, video, text and other skills, such as cropping content or changing the
multimedia. Demonstrate how to use the software, including how to load the previous volume.
recordings, how to trim the beginning and end of each sound clip to remove
quiet areas or mistakes, and how to join recordings together.
Learners use the software to enhance the quality of their recordings, for
example by removing pauses or mistakes, and to link all of the parts together
into a suitable order.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Allow time for learners to experiment and to refine the edits that they make to
their sound files.
Sound editing software.
5TC.03 Know ways to transfer Review the ideas and understanding behind folder structure by revising folder
files across devices. hierarchies. Challenge learners to either find a folder that has been saved
previously or find a suitable place to store the sound files that they created in
the previous activity.
Show learners a series of sound effect files. These should be saved in an Assemble a collection of 10 to 15 sound effects
online file storage system. Challenge learners to find the folder and listen to files in a folder.
some of the sound effects.
Learners should use headphones for this part
Which ones do you like? of the activity.
Which ones could you use in your podcast?
Discuss where these files are saved at the moment. Explain that this is not on If internet access is limited these files can be
the computer, not even in the school, but in a server farm somewhere in the saved locally but it is important that learners
world. Instead of the file sitting on the computer in front of them it’s actually are given a description of how online storage
hundreds of miles away in a building full of computers, storing files for millions works.
of people.
Allow learners time to research cloud storage. This could be done by using a
search engine or by searching for information on a video sharing platform.
Suggest some different search terms, such as:
How does my file get saved in the cloud?
What is the cloud?
What does a server farm look like?
How do files travel through the internet?
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
10 to 15 short sound effect files. The files should be small in size so
that they can be transferred quickly by learners.
5TC.04 Locate and use Display the screen of your desktop or laptop computer and demonstrate how
standard tools on a device, e.g. to open the built-in calendar. Also demonstrate how to navigate through it.
the calculator and calendar.
Can you think of another tool that is on all home computers?
Lead learners towards answers like the calculator, voice recorder, camera
and clock.
Allow time for learners to explore each of these tools. Using a worksheet as a Allow learners time to practise and use the
guide, they investigate the function of each tool and make a note of when and skills on a regular basis.
how they might use them.
Ask learners to link the notes they made on the worksheet to the production
of their podcasts. For example, they could use the calendar to plan the
recording and release dates of their podcasts, and the clock to time the
A worksheet with the standard computer tools listed. Under each tool
leave a small space for learners to write and a further space to link
each tool to the production of their podcasts.
5SW.04 Know that online Discuss how the internet can be used to instantly access different types of
content can be published and media from all over the world.
accessed instantly.
What do you watch online?
What can you read online?
What can you listen to online?
What can you learn online?
Revisit the concept of podcasts as a tool for people to share and access news
and media.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Voice recorder, recording software.
5DW.03 Understand that some Ask learners to conduct a web search for ‘Computer Hardware’ and
hardware and software can be ‘Computer Software’.
incompatible with other
hardware and software. What have you found?
Can you explain the difference between hardware and software?
5TC.01 Develop fluency and
accuracy when typing in Learners may have come across other keywords such as ‘device’, ‘peripheral’
increasing quantity. and ‘application’.
Ask learners to search these keywords and create a document that lists them
and their definitions. They should add examples that support each of their
definitions. The examples could be taken from what they use in school or at
Age-appropriate examples of incompatibility
Finish the activity by discussing the idea of compatibility and incompatibility of between hardware and software could include:
hardware and software. moving work between a Mac and a
Windows device
Can you use all software with all hardware? video files not working on a sound player
Is all hardware compatible with other hardware? some apps working on Android and
Can you find examples of some that are compatible and some that are not? others working on iOS.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
5SW.04 Know that online When the podcasts have been created and listened to, learners should review If learners add their feedback as comments on
content can be published and each other’s work. These reviews could be delivered verbally in the the sharing platform, this will also provide an
accessed instantly. classroom or, if possible, be written on the platform where the podcasts were opportunity to remind them about what is and is
shared. not appropriate to share.
5TC.01 Develop fluency and
accuracy when typing in This is a great opportunity to discuss the idea of leaving a positive footprint on
increasing quantity. the internet, and to think about how learners can be positive, but helpful, in
their reviews.
Free audio editing software.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners will use online presentation tools to create interesting and attention-grabbing pages to share their work and learning.
Learners will also find it beneficial to recall their previous learning about how computers and their uses have changed over time.
web page
instant messaging
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners then use the search function to find places within the country. This
could be the capital city, other important cities, places of interest, tourist
attractions and coastlines. They take a screenshot of each one and add each
image to a text document. They should also add a caption or label to go with
each image.
Access to digital mapping software.
5TC.05 Edit images by Learners find three images of the selected country using an online search This is an opportunity to introduce the idea of
changing colour, size and by engine. They copy and paste these into the selected text editing software and copyright on images. Talk to learners about
cropping. edit each one so that the output is different for each image, for example: how some images are restricted by their
one image should be changed from colour to black and white owners and how others are free to copy. Use
one should be changed in size so that it fits the width of the page the tools on the search engine to filter the
one should be cropped so that the focal point of the image is in the content so that learners are only copying
centre. images that are free to use.
Learners should also place the original, unedited, images into their document Check the images that learners select so that
and add a few sentences underneath describing the visual changes that they the learning can be achieved. For example
have made. they should not select an image that is already
black and white, and should select one where
Resources: work is required so that the focal point can be
Text editing software that also allows basic edits to be made to placed at the centre.
If it is not practical for learners to search for their own images online,
prepare a selection of images for them to choose from.
5TC.02 Use devices to create Learners locate and open the image documents that they have created in the
increasingly sophisticated digital previous two activities. In small groups, they share and discuss the edits that
artefacts, including the use of they made so that they can all benefit from any interesting discoveries. These
should then be shared with the whole class.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners use the images they have collected to make a digital slideshow. The
images should be linked together to make a short video clip.
This activity can be extended by asking learners to add a piece of music that Continue the discussion about copyright when
will play while the slideshow progresses. looking at adding music. Have learners found a
piece of music that is appropriate to use?
This slideshow should be saved and used as part of the digital presentations
in the final project.
Presentation software suitable for creating a slideshow with added
5DW.02 Describe key benefits Introduce a discussion about the impact that computers and technology are It might be necessary to scaffold this
of computer use to society and having on the lives of your learners. discussion so that learners are able to visualise
individuals. what life in the classroom and at home would
How have computers changed our classroom? have been like at various points over the past
Where do we use technology in this school? 15 to 20 years. Suitable images could be
Can you tell me which appliances in your homes contain computers? displayed to help with this.
Can you think of areas of your home that technology has improved?
Learners create a list of five different ways that technology influences their
lives. They should consider the technologies that they use.
What was life like before those technologies existed or when they were not
able to do the things that they can do today?
How do those technologies make your life better?
Learners share and discuss their five examples within small groups and the
most interesting observations should then be shared with the whole class.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
5TC.01 Develop fluency and At the end of the project, learners share or present their work to the whole
accuracy when typing in class. Links to the presentations could also be shared with parents.
increasing quantity.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
They will also think about what it means to be a positive influence on the internet, and how they can contribute in a constructive way.
The project at the end of the unit will also allow learners to showcase their document making skills, therefore previous learning of word processing, other document
creation platforms and typing will be useful.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Who is storing your data? It might help to give context if learners are
What data do they store? reminded about the consideration that was
Who owns the content that you upload? given to the ownership of images in the
previous unit.
Using the information on the privacy websites, learners should create a leaflet
or poster which contains five helpful tips for protecting privacy and for setting
permissions. This could be aimed at learners of their own age, or maybe
created to explain privacy settings to their parents, who might be using social
media without consideration of privacy and security.
Access to the privacy settings on popular social media sites or printed
versions of the relevant pages.
5SW.03 Understand the risks of Display a list of the following people:
engaging with people online that parent
they do not know. teacher
delivery person
family friend
taxi driver
person seated behind you on public transport.
What is a stranger?
Who is and who is not a stranger from this list?
What makes them a stranger?
Discuss whether there are some people on this list that learners were not
sure about.
Which ones and why?
Move the discussion forward so that it relates to talking to someone online. Talk about online gaming, and the ‘chats’ that
Do you ever talk to people online? are involved, as a useful tool for generating
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners write a letter or email to your school’s head teacher which outlines
the dangers of talking to someone online. Learners should include a list of
suggestions of things that the head teacher could put in place to keep the
children in the school safe.
5SW.02 Understand that what a When we walk on soft ground, what do we leave behind us? It is not necessary for a learner to fully
user does online can have understand what a digital footprint is at this
positive and negative This should lead to a discussion about footprints. stage. They only need to know that they can
consequences for themselves create information each time they are online.
and for others, both online and Explain that, when we use the internet, we also leave footprints.
offline. Can anyone think how?
Discuss the information that learners might ‘leave behind’ when they are
What information have you put online?
Have any of you, or a member of your family, created an online profile?
What information might you have shared?
Discuss the idea of everyone leaving small pieces of information behind them
whenever they use the internet. This could be a ‘comment’ or a ‘like’ on a
friend’s online profile.
Discuss how a negative comment might make someone feel. Think about why
a person might leave a negative comment.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners will also consider their own use of digital devices, as well as that of family members, and think about the strategies they need to adopt to make sure that
they create a balance between their use of devices and their physical or other social activity.
future tech
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners use the internet to research industries that use robotics. They could
use various sources, including:
specific company websites
online videos of robots in action
news reports and other commentaries.
Relate this discussion to how we use technology in our homes and to the
devices that we rely on.
How many of you have a mobile device that you use every day? Skills here might include things like
Who has siblings or parents that use a device daily? remembering phone numbers, using a map, or
What purposes do you rely on mobile devices for? mental arithmetic.
Have you lost any skills because of this reliance on digital devices?
How does a reliance upon digital devices affect our social skills?
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Learners use the internet to research the effects of the overuse of digital
devices, including the use of mobile phones.
Using the information that they collect, learners should create a guide for To help their understanding of the impact that
older family members. It should include an explanation of the skills and developments in digital technology have had
leisure opportunities that may be lost as a result of an overreliance on upon older generations, learners could
devices. interview their parents and ask questions about
changes they have observed in communication
This activity can be extended by learners suggesting ideas of how to get back over their lifetimes. Possible questions might
the skills that are being lost through the overuse of digital devices, including include:
strategies for ensuring that devices are used in moderation. What methods did they use to
communicate with their friends when
they were young?
What methods do they use to
communicate with their friends now?
Which telephone numbers can they
remember (and how old were they
when they learned them)?
Do they think changes in
communication have led to them
gaining skills or losing skills?
5TC.06 Use search functions Explain that, in most programs on our computers, we have a search function
within applications to find to find information or help us in how we work. The most obvious of these are
information. the search functions on the web.
Using internet search engines, learners find different robots that are already
for sale for use in the home. Explain that they have an imaginary, unlimited The information that learners find will be used
budget which they should use to equip their homes with as many useful to help them in their final project.
robots as they can find.
As well as using the search engine, learners should be shown how to search
for keywords within a website. Demonstrate how to search for a word within a
webpage by pressing CTRL + F. Explain that this feature is common within Mac keyboards use Command + F.
most programs we use on a computer.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Ask learners about their experience of using the search engine, as well as the
specific robots they found.
What keywords did you include?
Which websites did the search list first?
Which websites were reliable? Why?
Did any of your searches produce unhelpful results? Why?
5TC.05 Edit images by Discuss learner’s perceptions about what robots look like.
changing colour, size and by
cropping. What do they look like in cartoons and films?
How does this compare to the ones you have seen in factories and other
workplaces during this unit?
What do you want your own robots to look like?
Learners each create three drawings of different robots. The three robots they
design should all have the same overall purpose, but have different layouts or
features to achieve this.
When they share their designs, each learner should explain the form that they
have taken, for example are their robots based on modern industrial
examples or are they inspired by those seen in classic films?
Learners should consider how real-life robot designers transfer their drawings
of initial ideas from the page onto a computer. Three possible solutions would
they scan their drawn designs
they photograph and then upload their drawn designs
they recreate their designs using drawing software.
Learners should transfer their designs to their computer using an appropriate The method(s) chosen will depend upon the
method. technology that is available in the classroom.
Once learners have their designs on the computer they should put them into a
document and resize and crop versions of them, so that specific aspects of
each design can be discussed in detail. For example, they might choose to
include an enlarged picture which just shows the arm of the robot so that they
can explain the specific function of that arm. Learners should annotate their
designs using the arrow or shape tools within their software.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
The final images and designs are used to create a digital presentation that will
explain the robot to potential investors. The presentation should explain any:
interesting features
potential uses in the home
benefits that those uses could bring
possible negative responses that are likely to be generated by the
launch of the robot, and suggestions for how those responses could
be overcome
materials that will be needed to make the robot, such as plastics or
metals, or supplementary devices such as speakers or cameras.
Learners should then present their work either in small groups or to the whole
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Sample lesson 1
Learning objectives 5TC.06 Use search functions within applications to find information.
5TC.02 Use devices to create increasingly sophisticated digital artefacts,
including the use of sound, video, text and other multimedia.
Lesson focus / Learners research a country of their choice while learning how to increase the
success criteria productivity of their research through the use of the search function.
Start by asking learners to make a list of things they could find out about Use these ideas to
their chosen country. create a checklist of
features to search
for. For example
the capital city;
other large cities;
places of historical
interest; tourist
coastlines, rivers
or mountains.
Main activities Learners load Google Earth and find the country that they have chosen to It might be useful to
research. give learners some
time here to
Demonstrate how to use the search tool within the software. Not only familiarise
does it find the country, but it also allows us to delve deeper and look at themselves with the
key features of that country. Demonstrate this by searching for different controls to use
cities and places within a country. Google Earth. This
might include
Learners use the search function to find different key features within zooming and
their chosen country. They should search for the list of features moving around the
discussed at the beginning of the lesson. globe.
To record what they have found learners should use the screenshot
function or the snipping tool to capture their findings. They transfer each
image to a text document and add labels and captions.
Discuss how technology has improved how we are able to explore our
How would you have looked at this country before you could do so on a
What can you do with a computer that you could not do with a map or atlas?
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions for your lesson.
Were the learning objectives and lesson focus realistic? What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?
If I taught this lesson again, what would I change?
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Next steps
What will I teach next, based on learners’ understanding of this lesson?
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Sample lesson 2
Learning objectives 5SW.03 Understand the risks of engaging with people online that they do
not know.
Lesson focus / When considering how to stay safe online, learners can make decisions about who
success criteria they should and should not speak to and share information with.
Prior knowledge / Previous Learners should already be aware of the general risks associated with sharing
learning personal information online.
What is a stranger?
Who is or is not a stranger on this list?
What makes them a stranger?
Are there any on this list you are not sure about?
Main activities Ask learners who they talk to when they are online.
Do you talk to people online?
Who do you talk to online that you know?
What platforms are there for talking online?
Use this opportunity to talk to learners about their online activity and be
prepared to learn from them. For example, ask: Make sure you are
what they do aware of the
their attitudes to keeping themselves safe online. policies and
Have a whole class discussion about what they do, and the potential procedures for
dangers and benefits. This will be very specific to learners in the class, online safety.
therefore be prepared to intervene.
Cambridge Primary Digital Literacy (0072) Stage 5 Scheme of Work
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions for your lesson.
Were the learning objectives and lesson focus realistic? What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?
If I taught this lesson again, what would I change?
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Next steps
What will I teach next, based on learners’ understanding of this lesson?
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