lab rubrics general
lab rubrics general
lab rubrics general
Roll No
Lab No. Crit 1 (2.5) Crit 2 Crit 3 Crit 4 Total/10 CLO-1 (7.5) CLO-2 (2.5)
(2.5) (2.5) (2.5) (C1+C2+C3) (C4)
Lab Report Rubrics Criterion
Outstanding 2.5
Excellent 2
Good 1.5
Fair 1.0
Poor 0.5
Sr. No Criterion Outstanding Excellent Good Fair Poor
All materials and setup used Almost all materials and Most of the materials Many materials Many materials
in the experiment are clearly the setup used in the and are described are not described
and accurately described. experiment are clearly the setup used in the inaccurately. at all. Procedures
Drawings included as and accurately experiment are Procedures are listed do
appropriate. Procedures are described. accurately described but not accurately
Materials, Methods listed in clear Procedures are listed Procedures are listed . are not in a list the steps of
1 and Procedures steps. Each step is numbered in a logical order. a in logical order or the experiment.
and is a complete sentence. logical order, but steps are difficult to
are not numbered follow.
and/or are not in
Professional looking and Accurate representation Accurate Inaccurate data in No Data are not
accurate representation of of the data in tables representation observations and shown in
the data in tables and/or and/or graphs. Graphs of the data in written calculations. observations and
Observations & graphs. Graphs and tables and tables are labeled form, but no graphs or calculations.
2 Calculations are labeled and titled. and titled. Drawings are tables are presented.
Drawings are included as included when
necessary and are well necessary.
The relationship between the The relationship The relationship Analysis and The relationship
variables is discussed and between between conclusion are not between the
trends/patterns logically the variables is the variables is correct and shows variables is not
analyzed. Conclusion discussed discussed but no little effort. discussed. No
includes whether and trends/patterns patterns, trend or s conclusion
Analysis &
3 Conclusion
the findings supported the logically analyzed.
Conclusion includes
predictions are made
based on the data.
was included in
hypothesis, possible sources the report.
of error, and what was whether the findings Conclusion
learned from the experiment. supported the hypothesis includes what was
and what was learned learned fro the
from the experiment. experiment. m
unique format followed specified a few format errors ; so many format No format
aspects that enhance report format ; a few minor grammar or errors as to make followed; multiple
Report format & impact ; no grammar or significant punctuation errors. report ineffective; grammar
4 Quality punctuation errors. grammar and major grammar or and punctuation
punctuation errors punctuation errors. errors.