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Answer Key

activities to do in the city

1) Which of these places do you prefer to travel to?

2) Make a list of activities you can do in each of the previous places. Some suggestions.

City Beach Countryside

walking tour Kayaking visiting ruins

visiting a cathedral swimming tracking
window shopping fishing exploring


1) Match words and pictures.

historic buildings - cathedral - museum - water shows - ancient ruins

historic buildings museum

cathedral ancient ruins water shows

2) Which of the previous places do you like to visit when you are traveling?

3) Match the verbs and words to create sentences.

a) take ( c ) the locals
b) buy ( e ) a castle
c) meet ( a ) photos
d) learn ( b ) souvenirs
e) visit ( d ) the local language

4) Which verb can you use with words in exercise 1?


5) Some words are tricky to pronounce. Let's practice. - Teacher, model the pronunciation.
cathedral /kəˈθiː.drəl/
museum /mjuːˈziː.əm/
ancient /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/
castle /ˈkɑː.səl/
souvenir /ˌsuː.vənˈɪər/

b) Which letter do we not pronounce in "castle"? Letter T. Teacher, talk about other silent words.

6) Let's take a look at two different sounds:

/h/ house, hospital
/r/ restaurant, ruin

Practice with your teacher. Pay attention to your tongue position and how much your mouth
opens for each sound.
Teacher, you can watch the following videos to help explain:


1) Watch the video once. Which could be the best title?

( x ) Exploring Peru: From Lima to Machu Picchu

( ) The Importance of Peruvian Handicrafts in Modern Society
( ) How to Survive a Plane Ride over the Nazca Desert?

2) Tick the activities they are going to do in Peru.

( ) ( x ) ( ) ( x ) (x )
3) Listen again (00:00 - 01:24) and fill in the gaps with the words:

museum - fun - culture - historic - capital - tourists - markets

Welcome my friends to Peru. We are going to explore all over this magnificent country. We are
going to learn all about the Incan culture. We are going to have a ton of fun. We are going to go
to the markets. It is going to be a great time. So come on with us.

Lima is the capital of Peru. It is a beautiful city full of culture and history. Plaza de Armas is in the
heart of Lima. It is a great place to get a feel for daily life here and see historic buildings,
including the cathedral.

Just a short ride away from the Plaza de Armas is the world-renowned Larco Museum which is
home to thousands of pre-Columbian artifacts. So the Larco Museum isn't just a typical museum
that actually allows you access into the storage room, and there are over 40,000 artifacts just in
this room alone.

Of course, you can't leave Lima without visiting Miraflores. And once the sun goes down, there is
even more to see. Welcome to Parque de la Reserva. This place is family-friendly, tourists love it,
locals love it, and it is all about these amazing water shows. Lima is full of life and things to do.

4) Would you like to visit Peru? If yes, which activities would you do?


1) In the video, he says:

"We are going to go to the markets."

The structure "be going to" is used to explain plans.

Look at another example:

I am going to buy souvenirs.

Complete the table:

I am

He/She/It is going to travel soon!

You/We/They are

2) A short and informal way to say going to is:

( x ) gonna ( ) wanna

3) Teacher, help them organize their planner by suggesting Google Searches. Example: 1-day
trip in Scotland.

4) Teacher, explain the importance of sequencers to facilitate communication.

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