Plc Speaking

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1) Introduction

- According to this newspape there are nearly 2000 children who drown in Vietnam, which is
an alarming figure and it raises our awareness of the importance of teaching swimming to
children. As a teacher, I don’t want to witness these accidents. This is the reason why I stand
here to talk about my free swimming course.
2) The importance of teaching swimming
- Swimming is a life-saving skill.
- By providing swimming lessons,we will equip our students with a crucial life skill and teach
them how to stay safe around water, how to rescue others in emergency situations, and how
to respond calmly and effectively in case of accidents.
3) Information about swimming course
- The course takes place for 10 weeks in summer. Students are equipped with basic swimming
knowledge, underwater swimming practice, water standing skills, and drowning prevention
skills by professionals.
- We can partner with local swimming pools, hire professional instructors, and organize
transportation for students who need it. By making this course free, we ensure that every
student — regardless of their economic background — can participate in.
4) Conclusion
- A swimming course has countless benefits which can offer our students. It is an investment
in their safety, health, and future. Let us take this step together to give every child in our
school the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

 According to this newspaper………, this is an alarming figure and it raises our

awareness of the importance of teaching swimming to children. As a teacher, I don’t
want to witness these accidents. This is the reason why I stand here to talk about my
free swimming course.

First and foremost, swimming is a life-saving skill.

As you know, drowning is a leading cause of accidental death among children, particularly in
Vietnam because many students have limited access to water safety education. By
providing swimming lessons,we will equip our students with a crucial life skill and teach
them how to stay safe around water, how to rescue others in emergency situations, and how
to respond calmly and effectively in case of accidents.

Secondly, I would like to give you information about swimming course

The course takes place for 10 weeks in summer. Students are equipped with basic swimming
knowledge, underwater swimming practice, water standing skills, and drowning prevention skills
by professionals. It is a practical activity helping raise awareness about drowning prevention ,
control and contribute to reducing unexpected accidents.

Now, you may wonder, "How will we fund and organize such a course?"
I understand that financial and logistical concerns are important. However, I believe that the
benefits far outweigh the costs. We can partner with local swimming pools, hire professional
instructors, and organize transportation for students who need it. By making this course free,
we ensure that every student — regardless of their economic background — can participate
In conclusion, a swimming course has countless benefits which can offer our students. It
is an investment in their safety, health, and future. Let us take this step together to give
every child in our school the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

Thank you for your attention, and I hope for your support in making this important initiative a

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