(3) Production of electricity from magnetism Electromagnetic
(4) High powered electrical appliances are connected to the (D) Fleming's right
earth hand rule
2. c. North pole
Explanation: According to clock rule if we look at the face of the coil which
carries current in the clock wise direction then the face is called as south pole
looking from the other side of coil we find that anti clock wise current flows
that is called as north pole.
4. d. The relative motion between a magnet and a coil produces an electric current.
Explanation: When a straight coil and a magnet are moved relative to each
other, a current is induced in the coil. This phenomenon is known as
electromagnetic induction.
8. Alternating current can be transmitted without much loss of electric energy to the
distant places. So AC is considered to be advantageous over DC.
9. The magnetic field is uniform inside the magnet.
10. i. When coil P is moved towards Q, then current will be induced in coil Q because
the coil P will carry a magnetic field around it, so when it is moved towards coil Q
it increases the magnetic flux around it, hence, current is induced. This
phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction.
ii. If P is moved away from Q, then the magnetic flux around Q will decrease and a
current will be induced but in the opposite direction.
iii. Some of the methods of inducing current in the coil are as below:
a. Moving a magnet away or towards the coil.
b. Moving a coil away or towards a magnet.
c. Rotating a coil within a magnetic field.
d. By changing the magnitude of current.
Here the current is passing clockwise when looked from front side. At the points
where the conductor passes through horizontal plane, the lines of force are almost
circular, their direction being given by right-hand grip rule. Near the central region,
the lines are quite straight and at right angles to the plane of the coil.
Further, it is clear from the figure that all the lines enter at the nearer face and leave
at the farther face. Evidently, the lines of force due to the current flowing in circular
loop closely resemble those produced by a magnetized circular disc of steel of same
boundary as that of the coil, so that one face of it is north and other a south pole. The
polarity of any face of coil can be determined by remembering a simple rule known
as clock rule. If the current round any face of the coil flows in an anticlockwise
direction it behaves like a north pole and if the current is in clockwise direction, the
face acts as a south pole.
A fuse in a circuit prevents damage to the appliances and the circuit due to
overloading. Otherwise, the appliances or the circuit may be damaged.
When current in the circuit exceeds the value of fuse rating, the fuse wire burns due
to overloading. This causes a gap in the circuit and the current stops flowing in the
This is done due to the reason so that the circuit or the appliances to be connected in
the circuit continue functioning without any damage in future.