report writing tc
report writing tc
report writing tc
Whether a person is a public servant in a government organisation or a Dusiness
manager ina multinational company, almost everyone may be asked to write reports
at some point of time or the other. Professionals such as administrators, scientists,
Reports are important
because in most or
business executives, and engineers have to write reports for different purposes. A
SCientist may have to write a technical report that provides scientific data, whereas
deci ions execut
ng iisve
the sales manager of acompany may need to prepare weekly sales reports to
based almost entirely
on them.
questions about how effectively sales targets are being achieved. Reports are
important because in most organizations executive decision-making is based almost
entirely on them.
Reports may vary from a one-page informal trip report summarising the events of a
a 250-page formal annual report of an business trin t
organisation. They may be presented orally, electronically, or in a
written form. They may also vary in form, content, approach, and
a specific but comprehensive definition of the purpose. It is, thus, difficult to provide
term 'report'. The literal meaning of the word 'report' is a
formal or official statement, as of results of an
investigation or matter referred or just a statement of facts'
A report is a formal document written for a
specific audience to meet a specific need. It may contain facts
of a situation, project, or prOcess; an analysis and
interpretation of data, events, and
records; inferences or conclusions drawn from objective
data; or suggestions and Areport is a factual
Reports normally recommendations. Although reports may include a variety of and systematic ac
move in an upward topics and objectives, they all help in the process of decision COunt of a specific
direction and are used making by answering questions and determining ways to business or profes
to communicate to the improve certain situations. As a Common type of sional activity.
senior levels in an communication used during work, reports reinforce, prompt,
organisations. motivate, and persuade the readers to act. Reports
direction and are used to communicate to the senior normally move in an upward
in an organisations.
26.1.1 Importance of Reports
The importance of reports for any
professional lies in the fact that a number of business decisions and
conclusions are made on the basis of information presented or recommendations made in
in dissemination of ideas, views, and reports. By helpng
understanding essential for effective decision-making. reports develop information and
Thus, reports serve several purposes, which may
include: Reports help in
Presenting data the analysis of a
Describing problems and suggesting solutions condition, situation,
Discussing and analysing data or a problem for an
Recording events and happenings effective solution.
Analysing a situation or a condition
" Giving feedback, suggestions, or
Students will be called upon to write recommendations.
dissertations or theses. Moreover, effectiveproject reports, seminar
report writing skills arereports, progress reports, researcn I
workplace. As a person advances in his/her chosen career, necessary in order to be successful at the
he/she may be called on to prepare different k
Report Writing 505
of reports often and more
effectively. Periodic
routine reports, investigative reports, feasibility reports, operating reports, situational reports,
kinds of reports that may have to be prepared. compliance reports, and so on are someinformational
of different
26.1.2 Types of Reports
.. summarised in Fig. 26.1.
Enetions., as routine or special,reports
as per
can be
class1hed as intormational and analytical,
d as formal and periodicity, as oral and wTitten,
according according to their
non-formal. based on their nature, scope, and to their communicative form.
length. Each of these are now
Informational and Analytical Reports
An informational report presents facts of a case, problem,
condition, or situation without
interpretations, or recommendations. The function of the writer any analysis,
compile. and organise facts for the readers. of an informational report is to collect.
as possible. In order to write an He/she is just a compiler who has to present the data as
informational report, relevant objectively
in a systematic and
organised way. Examples of informationalinformation should be gathered and presented
reports include conference reports, seminar
reports. trip reports, and so on.
Unlike an informational report, an analytical
report writer analyses the facts of a case, report presents data with interpretation and
problem, condition, or situation objectively and puts analysis. The
conclusions, inferences, and recommendations. Apart from presenting the facts forward his/her
reflect a broader understanding of the objectively, the writer must
In order to write an subiject in order to comment on various aspects
analytical report, the writer should be able to evaluate related to the report.
inferences. Examples of analytical reports include project reports, information and make appropriate
and so forth. feasibility reports, market research reports,
Routine and Special Reports
All organisations including
companies, institutions, government departments,
and research establishments, depend on routine reports for various
decisions. As routine reports are usually prepared on a
management As routine reports are
Progress Check 1
1. Which of the following statements are not True in the light of the above discussion about the
nature, significance, and types of reports?
(a) Executive decisions in the professional world may be based on reports.
(b) Non-formal reports may be written in letter or memorandum form.
(c) Professionals do not have towrite analytical reports.
(d) Areport is a formal document written for a speific audience to meet a specific need.
(e) Reports never reinforce, prompt, motivate, or persuade readers to act.
(0) An analytical report presents facts of acase, problems, conditions, or situations without any analysis,
interpretations, or recommendations.
(g) The most important purpose of areport is to help in the analysis of acondition, situation, or a
problem for an effective solution.
(h) Reports never record events and happenings.
() Routine reports are prepared and presented to convey special information related to a
Condition, situation, problem, or occasion.
() Formal reports are generally shorter than non-formal reports.
(left column) with appropriate
2. Study the following table and match different descriptions of reports
types of reports (right column):
Types of reports
Different descriptions of reports (a) Informational
1. Lengthy reports (b) Analytical
2. Presentation of routine information (c) Routine
activities without analysis
3. Data on periodic and situational (d) Special
4. Short reports (e) Formal
5. Presentation of specific information (f) Non-formal
6. Analysis of data to persuade readers
Report on Participation in Professional Conference
Office order No. 14789/2015 dated 04-01-2015
Name of the officer: Kumar Abhishek
Designation: Senior Marketing Manager
Address: Regional Office, Syndicate Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
Nayadeep, Andheri (W), Mumbai-53
Name of the conference: EmergingConcepts in Sales and Marketing
Name of the Organiser: Indian Management Association
Place of Conference: Hotel Tajmahal, Mumbai
Duration of Conference: January 14- January 18, 2015
Organisation of Conference:
(a) Sponsors of the Conference: 1. Tata Consultancy Services
2. Air Sahara
3. Reliance Industries
4. Indian Airlines
(b) Number of Participating companies: 25
(c) Number of sessions: 12
(d) Number of presentations: 32
Date: 27th January, 2015
Signature: Kumar Abhishek
alony with o e
Headings may be
toutine, special, no fitmal rents Fn
an cent the shop floor in a ompany and rent has t te nt t,thw.211e thes
(ompany, Oher examples of the letter
fomat cude evaluatr ents svotM
repeorts, survey repons, leyal reports, and . feastnsty
Fipure )2 shurws an atde
G21/12, Rirvy R), Dsltu 1102
January 31, 2015
Mr G Ravi Kiran
Chief Safety Officsr
NDP Limitsd, NDPL Buildirg
37-D, Jawaharial NehruRoad,
Kolkata-700 071
Dear Mr Ravi Kiran:
The Alpha Consultancy teaminspectedthe AP
parameters to determine the Rock Mass Rstingseton f thetV Seanin NDP Clieyo
(RIMR) f the root. A deaes ceitn a0A
different locations visited is given below: grg
The galleries are six months old and the roof was found to be dry and intact.
Location l: IR/10 EL near Main Dip
Gallery width is only 4 meter andwater seepage from the roof was around 20 ml/min.
Location J: 10LWNID near Main Dip
Slips were found.
Location K: 7 LWIIR
Junction was observed for its stability. It was found that the roof was intact with a single wooden prop
at the centre.
AP Khemka
General Manager
[he memofoormat can be used for short reports that have to be communicated within
norganization. A memo format should contain all the elements of a The memo format may
standard memo. be used for all types
ddition, it may contain afew extra sections. Like a report in the letter form. a
report should contain headings for easy reading and of reports, that is, in
nat may be used for all types of reports, that is. reference. The memo formational, analytical,
rial. non-formal. An example has been given in
informational, analytical, routine, routine, special, or
Fig. 26.3. non-formal.
Progress Check 2
1. Which of the four formats of reports would be the most appropriate for each of the following
(a) Annual report of a research organisation
(b) Areport on the progress of a research project
(c) Daily production report of a lift manufacturing company
(d) A research report
(e) A product launch report to be written by the marketing manager of a company for the marketing
director of the company.
(f) Monthly sales report of apharmaceutical company
(g) Areport on the feasibility of launching a new product
(h) A short report examining the problem of poor sales of a new product
Fig. 26.5 Fotmat of Transmital Letter
The acknowledgement section contains the names of persons who contributed to the production
of the
and made the report possible. It is just a "thank you note'. report
Table of Contents
The table of contents' provides the reader an overall viewof the report and shows its organisation.
This section lists the main headings and the subheadings in the report with page numbers. Figure 28e
contains a Sample Table of Contents.
Preface 1
Acknowledgement 2
List of illustrations 3
Abstract 4
1. Introduction 6
2. Methodology
3. Discussion 10
4. Conclusion 15
5. Recommendations 19
Appendices 20
References 28
List of Illustrations
List of lllustrations
The 'list of illustrations' gives systematic information about tables, graphs, figures, is usually included it
and charts used in the report. List of illustrations is usually incuded if the number the number of these
of these illustrations are more than ten. Figure 26.7 contains a Sample List of illustrations are more
Illustrations. than ten.
Table 1 1
Table 2
Table 3 12
Table 4 14
Figure 1 3
Figure 2
Figure 3 22
Methodology follow.
While writing a report,
Internet surfing. information may have to be gathered from library and
summarises the methods of datasurveys, and theformal/informal discussions. Thearchival sources or through
criteria of survey. collection, procedures for investigating the section on methodology
and the
This is the main part of the
iocuses on facts and findingsreport
as it presents the data
of the report and may
that has been collected in an
roblem, an analysis of the situation, and include an objective organised form. It
description and
sub-sections with well-structured and clearfindings of the investigation. It is usually divided discussion
of the
sections and
headings and sub-headings.
Ihis section conveys the significance and meaning of the report to
ISCussions and findings, results and readers by
conclusions, implications of the conclusionspresenting a summary of the
presented, and inferences.
Recommendat ions
S section contains
action to improve arecommendations
that are
based on results and
situation or a condition, they may present severalconclusions.
ways to
As they propose a course
OLuation. It may also indicate the need and nature for solve a problem or improve
further work in the concerned area.
Ppendix contains supporting material or data, which is kept
Od interrupting the line of separate from the man boy ot the report to
development of the report.
eferences andBibliography
This section may contain references to books, journals, reports,
0cuments, and other sources used in the report. It may alsodissertations,
consist of aor/and
list of published
materials government
tor further