Project Report
“Synthesis and Property Analysis”
Session: 2018-19
Under Supervision of
Submitted by
Mr. Manish
(Lecturer in Chemistry) Roll No.
Class XII (Non-
XII of school Greenfield Public School. Kurukshetra has carried out of work in
project “Polymers” under the supervision & guidance as partial fulfillment of the
requirement for passing the XIIth Class examination under scheme of C.B.S.E.,
New Delhi.
Mr. Manish
Lecturer in Chemistry
Without her it would have been an impossible task for me. I have put my sincere
effort to make this project interesting. I have fully consulted all the available
12th (Non-Medical)
Roll No. ……………
General Overview
1. Bakelite
2. Polystyrene
3. Epoxy Resin
Aim of the Project
The aim of this project is to find out the optimum conditions for synthesis of the
following polymers,
1. Bakelite*
2. Polystyrene**
3. Epoxy Resin**
and to study their physical properties like flexibility, strength, bounciness,
color etc.
[* Synthesized using chemicals available in the school laboratory] [**
Synthesized using Industrial Reagents]
General Overview
Natural polymers (from the Greek poly meaning “many” and meros meaning
“parts”) are found in many forms such as horns of animals, tortoise shell, rosin
(from pine trees), and from distillation of organic materials.
One of the most useful of the natural polymers was rubber, obtained from the sap
of the hevea tree. (Rubber was named by a chemist found that a piece of
solidified latex gum was good for rubbing out pencil marks on paper. In Great
Britain, erasers are still called “rubbers”.)
Natural rubber had only limited use as it became brittle in the cold and melted
when warmed. In 1839, Charles Goodyear discovered, through a lucky accident,
that by heating the latex with sulfur, the properties were changed making the
rubber more flexible and temperature stable. That process became known as
Brief Description
1. 25g 40% formaldehyde
2. 20 g phenol
3. 55 mL glacial acetic acid
4. conc Hydrochloric acid
1. 150-mL beaker
2. stirring rod
I was slightly nervous to try out something absolutely new and was uncertain of
its results. I took the chemicals given to me by Baboolal sir and followed the
instructions. I took the phenol-formaldehyde reaction mixture in a beaker, placed
it over a sheet of paper. Took a test tube full of HCl, and added it to the beaker
slowly with constant stirring. And by slowly I mean I almost emptied the test tube
in about two minutes. I couldn’t figure the polymerization point as no precipitate
appeared. Thinking there’s something wrong with the procedure, I went to ask for
ma’ams advice. She asked me to indirectly heat it. Due to certain reasons, I didn’t
hear indirectly and heated the beaker over the flame for about 30 seconds.
Nothing happened. Depressed, I walked away from it wondering what to do next.
And then suddenly there was this loud noise of some kind of explosion. It was the
beaker. All the contents had poured out like foam, except solid. It was light pink
in color. It had lots of pours in it and kind of looked like pumice stone. Ma’am
said it happened because I’d supplied a lot of heat by direct heating, and it
seemed the most plausible explanation to it and so to obtain a proper polymer, I
modified the experimental setup after discussing it with ma’am.
I set up a large water filled beaker on a tripod stand with wire gauze and in a
boiling tube took the reaction mixture. I fixed this boiling tube using a clamp
stand, half dipped in the beaker so that the contents were evenly heated. I added
the same amount HCl as before, except this time, I added a few drops after every
30 seconds. This time, after 3 minutes, I could see something suddenly happen in
the boiling tube. I alerted ma’am but again it exploded. The sudden reaction broke
the boiling tube, and caused a crack in the beaker. I collected the polymer and
washed it. Its physical appearance was the same as before.
Both these experiments suggested that the reaction was extremely fast, but its
activation energy was fairly high. So no matter if its directly heated, or indirectly,
the moment it gains sufficient energy, the polymerization starts rapidly.
For determining the optimum conditions for the synthesis of Bakelite, I decided
to take a reaction mixture in a beaker, heat it to a certain temperature (indirectly),
and then add HCl to find out the optimum temperature. I chose beaker over
boiling tube, because as was apparent by the pores, greater the surface
area, safer it would be to carry out the reaction.
Phenol and Formaldehyde react in the following manner to make the polymer.
Brief Description
1. Vinyl Benzene (Styrene Casting Resin)
2. Methyl ethyl ketone (Casting resin catalyst)
1. Test tubes
2. Stirring rod
3. Thermostat
4. Measuring Cylinder
5. a 5 mL Syringe
6. Stop Watch
Take 4 clean, numbered test tubes and to each add 3mL of Vinyl Benzene.
Fill the syringe with methyl ethyl ketone.
Start the stop watch.
Make the volume of Vinyl Benzene in test tube one equal to 5 mL.
Now note the time as you add 5 divisions of the syringe, i.e. 0.5 mL to test
tube one and stir it well.
Repeat the above 2 steps with 4.5 mL of Vinyl Benzene and 1.0 mL of
methyl ethyl ketone, in the second test tube and so one.
Place these in the thermostat with temperature set to 40 *C.
This addition polymer of styrene results when vinyl benzene styrene monomers
(which contain double bonds between carbon atoms) attach to form a polystyrene
chain (with each carbon attached with a single bond to two other carbons and a
phenyl group).
Brief Description
Credit for the first synthesis of bisphenol-A-based epoxy resins is shared by Dr.
Pierre Castan of Switzerland and Dr. S.O. Greenlee of the United States in 1936.
The applications for epoxy-based materials are extensive and include coatings,
adhesives and composite materials such as those using carbon fiber and fiberglass
reinforcements (although polyester, vinyl ester, and other thermosetting resins are
also used for glass-reinforced plastic). The chemistry of epoxies and the range of
commercially available variations allows cure polymers to be produced with a
very broad range of properties. In general, epoxies are known for their excellent
adhesion, chemical and heat resistance, good-to-excellent mechanical properties
and very good electrical insulating properties. Many properties of epoxies can be
modified (for example silver-filled epoxies with good electrical conductivity are
available, although epoxies are typically electrically insulating). Variations
offering high thermal insulation, or thermal conductivity combined with high
electrical resistance for electronics applications, are available.
1. Epoxy Resin (formed by reaction between epichlorohydrin and bisphenol-
2. Hardener (Triethylenetetramine)
1. Test tubes
2. Stirring rod
3. Thermostat
4. Measuring Cylinder
5. a 5 mL Syringe
6. Stop Watch
Take 4 clean, numbered test tubes and to each add 3mL of Resin.
Fill the syringe with Triethylenetetramine .
Start the stop watch.
Make the volume of Resin in test tube one equal to 5 mL.
Now note the time as you add 5 divisions of the syringe, i.e. 0.5 mL to test
tube one and stir it well.
Repeat the above 2 steps with 4.5 mL of Resin and 1.0 mL of
Triethylenetetramine , in the second test tube and so one.
Place these in the thermostat with temperature set to 40 *C.
Repeat all the steps and keep this set at room temperature. (7 *C)
Epoxy is a copolymer; that is, it is formed from two different chemicals. These
are referred to as the "resin" and the "hardener". The resin consists of monomers
or short chain polymers with an epoxide group at either end. Most common epoxy
resins are produced from a reaction between epichlorohydrin and bisphenol-A,
though the latter may be replaced by similar chemicals. The hardener consists of
polyamine monomers, for example Triethylenetetramine (TETA). When these
compounds are mixed together, the amine groups react with the epoxide groups to
form a covalent bond. Each NH group can react with an epoxide group, so that
the resulting polymer is heavily crosslinked, and is thus rigid and strong.
The process of polymerization is called "curing", and can be controlled through
temperature and choice of resin and hardener compounds; the process can take
minutes to hours. Some formulations benefit from heating during the cure period,
whereas others simply require time, and ambient temperatures.
It’s optimum synthesis temperature range was found to be 70-80 *C. Its
synthesis requires high activation energy but the reaction is kinetically very fast.
Epoxy Resin