361-Article Text-2406-1-10-20220901
361-Article Text-2406-1-10-20220901
361-Article Text-2406-1-10-20220901
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Indonesia as an archipelago nation has a coastal region with tremendous maritime industry potential, it can
have the potential to generate revenue, job creation, and economic growth. Green management, green
marketing, and green business are necessary because they are an essential part of the ability to produce the
quality of the planet's environment, and can be applied to all aspects of life, for example, the tourism industry
must be sustainable if the business wants to survive. This study analyzed the impact of management of green
toward green’s marketing and green’s business on maritime tourism. The sample of this study is maritime
tourists in Indonesia which is affordable by researchers numbering 180. The data obtained is processed using
SmartPLS. The results showed green management has a positive and significant impact on green business and
green business marketing, which is implicated in maritime tourism management. The environmentally friendly
cycle in the maritime tourism business has an impact on marine tourism management activities ranging from
planning to how to market maritime tourism in an environmentally friendly manner.
Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan memiliki wilayah pantai dengan potensi industri maritim yang luar biasa,
dapat berpotensi untuk menghasilkan pendapatan, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Manajemen hijau, pemasaran hijau dan bisnis hijau dibutuhkan dan menjadi bisnis penting dari kompetensi
untuk menghasilkan mutu lingkungan di bumi, dan dapat digunakan untuk seluruh komponen kehidupan,
seperti, industri pariwisata dengan visi berkelanjutan jika bisnis tersebut akan tetap bertahan. Penelitian ini
akan menganalisis pengaruh manajemen hijau terhadap pemasaran hijau dan bisnis hijau pada wisata maritim.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah wisatawan maritim di Indonesia yang dapat dijangkau dan layak diolah dengan
jumlah 180. Data terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan bantuan software SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian
memerikan gambaran manajemen hijau memiliki pengaruh positif serta signifikan pada bisnis hijau dan
pemasaran hijau, begitu pula variabel pemasaran hijau memiliki pengaruh positif pada bisnis hijau yang
berimplikasi pada pengelolaan pariwisata maritim. Siklus ramah lingkungan pada pariwisata maritim mulai
dari perencanaan dan bagaimana memasarkan pariwisata maritim dengan secara ramah lingkungan.
Kata Kunci: Manajemen Hijau, Pemasaran Hijau, Bisnis Hijau, Pariwisata Maritim
Tourism industry development is one of the sectors in driving economic growth [1], the increasing
number of people, and excessive utilization of natural resources result in reduced resources and cause
environmental damage. This forces all nations of the world to be able to organize and plan how to control the
problems associated with green management [2]. Problem solving on industrial development and
environmentally friendly and sustainable management is critical [3] [4] [2] [5]. Various arguments, opinions
and suggestions have evolved according to the prevailing or expect future impact. Green management is
necessary because it is an important part of the ability to produce the quality of the planet Earth's environment
[2] [3]. Green management can be applied to all aspects of life [3] including maritime industries to survive for
the survival of people and the earth.
Maritime tourism is tourism conducted in the sea and coastline, mainly industries dealing with water,
beaches, trade activities, restaurant, hotel, travel agent of travel, leisure purposes and travel activities makes a
huge support to the global economy [4] [5]. It attracted countries in Middle East ie. United Arab Emirate, etc.
which get multi billions from oil sales, to turn the sights on the leisure industry for other revenue [6], including
Indonesia in the Asean [7]. Maritime tourism employs more than 3,200,000 people, generating nearly $200
million, more than 50% Europe’s Hotels are in the . The tourism of maritime sectors have been known as areas
with particular potential and future strategies to increase sustainable of beach and maritime industry [8] [9].
Bali, Labuan Bajo, Thousand Islands, Kota Tua has been designated as a Maritime tourism center that has
international standards in Indonesia and serves as a model for maritime tourism destinations in Indonesia. The
government plans to develop the marine tourism industry for the next five years by building 127 new cruise
ships around the world, of which 27 are large cruise ships that can carry 3000 to 7000 passengers [9]. The
challenge that needs to be found a solution is related to policies or regulations that support the development of
the maritime industry, namely maritime industry investment and also product packaging and human resources
skills and expertise [10].
The tourism sector in Indonesia contributed 946.09 trillion rupiah or 9% of the total gross domestic
product revenue [11] [12]. In 2019, the absorption of labor in the tourism sector reached 13 million people, an
increase of 3.17% compared to the previous year. However, the absorption of labor in the tourism sector in
2020 decreased with the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic also impacting the tourism sector [13] [14].
Employment in the tourism sector include; souvenirs, handicrafts, transportation, restaurants, inns and so on.
Currently, the economic recovery of the pariwasata sector after the coronavirus pandemic is being
encouraged by the government, although the travel bubble must be addressed. The availability of jobs that
encourage the growth of the economy from the maritime tourism sector can be said to be a muliplier impact
[15]. In line with Law No. 05 of 1984 article 3 on environmental concern, increasing public concern of the
importance of protection [16] explains the risks of business process of the sustainable behaviour [2] [20].
Income earned from foreign tourists visiting Indonesia can improve people's welfare, and economic growth
while increasing the risk of environmental damage in maritime tourism areas [14].
Maritime tourism in Indonesia is described to be 60 percent from coastal recreation, 25 percent comes
from recreational cruise ships and as much as 15 percent is underwater recreation such as snorkeling and diving.
Environmentalist Gabriel Mahal suspects damage to coral reefs in Labuan Bajo one of the maritime tourist
destinations namely Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara caused by sea transportation or tourist
transport vessels that throw anchor and hit coral reefs [17].
Environmental damage characterized by natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and damage to natural
resources is caused by an increasing number of people in utilizing natural resources through those intended to
increase economic growth. Although it is known that the tourism industry as a leading sector in economic
growth [1] [2].
Maritime tourism is a tourist activity on the coastline and sea related to money and water supported by
creative industries, restaurants, hotels, and tourism travel agencies used to increase income in Indonesia [7] [6]
[4]. Where the economic growth of the growth of the tourism industry is strongly influenced by the service
ecosystem for tourists which makes tourists as consumers believe in buying the services offered [18] [22]. As
already mentioned in the background that the maritime tourism industry is a long-term strategy in economic
growth that involves investment in facilities, infrastructure and human resources [8] [10].
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Table 1. Respondents
Sum Percentage
Maritime tourism policy makers 6 1,5
Maritime tourism entrepreneurs 10 5,2
Employees in the maritime tourism industry 10 3,9
Maritime tourism tourists 154 89,2
Total 180 100,0
Source: SPSS Output, 2021
Figure 1 shows that the indicators are valid, and met the requirements.
Table 2 can be seen the loading factors are valid because it has the highest loading factor in the variable
Table 4 shows that green marketing explains by variables in the model namely green business and green
Management by 58.2%% while Green Business is explained by green management variable of 45.4%.
Goodness of fit testing structural models on the inner model using predictive-relevance (Q²) values show > 0.
Significance value used t-value 1.65 (10% significant), 1.96 (5% significant) and 2.58 (1% significant).
Green management has a positive and significant effect on green business in the maritime tourism
industry, meaning that green management shows the concept of a green business, so that if applied in a
company can prevent negative effects in the environment, and also can still benefit the company [20] [2] [21]
[26] that green management will increase the green business. Green management implement and produce
product’s green [22] and minimizes impact on the environment by eco production, eco research and innovation,
and eco marketing which can be support the organization's objective of producing money [23].
Green management has a positive and significant impact on green marketing in maritime tourism,
meaning that green management aims to produce services and goods using green resources [2]. Therefore,
green marketing is a very appropriate way to inform that a brand or industry has an environment vision and
achieves the goal of having a positive influence on the environment [2][22][25] [26] [26]. [27] explains that
green marketing is an activity conducted by companies that pay attention to the environment or green issues
by providing an environment of goods or services to create consumers and community satisfaction, so that
green marketing is related to green management [3] [3] [30].
Green businesses have a positive and significant impact on green marketing in maritime tourism. The
decision maker involvement is a strategic in assessment and create future users relationships by the integration
of environmental thinking into supply chain management improving the balance between marketing
performance and environmental issues that are not only oriented towards long-term survival but also have an
impact on long-term profitability, where the company's image and competitive advantage in the future will be
improved [1] [28] [29] [37]. Green business is a voluntary action by companies that strive to achieve better
environmental performance and, simultaneously, to make companies more competitive (Hrisch, 2010). The
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company is trying to change the style consumers consume or use the product [22] [37]. For example, save
paper, use used paper and recycle paper. save water, save energy, no plactic use, etc. [26].
The development of maritime tourism should be based on environmentally friendly principles.
Therefore, it is also necessary to consider the management that must be borne to produce an environmentally
friendly maritime tourism service. Implementation of a more environmentally friendly economic system. In
addition, it is sustainable, this economic system must be able to encourage growth, job creation, and efforts to
address climate change.To support the concept, it is also necessary to introduce to maritime tourism consumers
about recyclingable packaging to protect the environment by reducing product packaging waste. It can be
suggested that companies in the maritime tourism industry do not pollute water, soil, and need to recycle waste
of unused products.
The limitations of this study which is a preliminary study is a limited number of variables and
respondents, while maritime tourism in Indonesia is spread throughout the islands that are likely not
represented. For further research, the authors suggest that more respondents and research be conducted in other
tourist destinations in order to obtain more complete information for the maritime tourism industry.
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