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Best Practices for Dealing with
Phishing and Ransomware
Phishing and ransomware are serious problems that can steal or disable access to
corporate or personal finances, sensitive employee data, patient data, intellectual
property, employee files and other valuable content. Both ransomware and phishing
attacks and their variants – spearphishing/whaling and CEO Fraud/Business Email
Compromise (BEC) – are increasingly common and are having devastating impacts on
businesses of all sizes. The financial impact of cybercrime in general – and phishing
and ransomware in particular – is hard to assess for a variety of reasons, but the FBI
estimates that ransomware alone cost organizations $209 million in just the first
three months of 2016i.
Phishing, which can be considered the delivery mechanism of choice for various types
of malware and cybercrime attempts; and ransomware, which is a specialized form of
malware that is designed for the sole purpose of extorting money from victims, are
critical problems that every organization must address and through a variety of
means: user education, security solutions, vulnerability analysis, threat intelligence,
good backup processes, and even common sense. The good news is that there is
much that organizations can do to protect themselves, their data, their employees
and their customers.
• Both phishing and cryptoii ransomware are increasing at the rate of several
hundred percent per quarter, a trend that Osterman Research believes will
continue for at least the next 18 to 24 months. Both phishing
and crypto
• The vast majority of organizations have been victimized by phishing, ransomware
and a variety of security-related attacks during the past 12 months. In fact, ransomware are
phishing and ransomware are among the four leading concerns expressed by increasing at the
security-focused decision makers as discovered by Osterman Research in the
survey conducted for this white paper.
rate of several
hundred percent
• Security spending will increase significantly in 2017 as organizations realize they
need to protect against phishing, ransomware and the growing variety of other
per quarter, a
threats they face. trend that
• Most organizations are not seeing improvements in the security solutions they
have deployed and in the security practices they follow. While many of these Research believes
solutions are effective, most are not improving over time, in many cases because
internal staff may not have the expertise to improve the performance of these
will continue for
solutions over time. On balance, only two in five of these solutions and practices at least the next
are considered “excellent”.
18 to 24 months.
• Security awareness training is a key area for improvement in protecting
organizations against phishing and ransomware, since our research found that
organizations with well-trained employees are less likely to be infected.
• There are a variety of best practices that organizations should follow in order to
minimize their potential for becoming victims of phishing and ransomware.
Among these best practices are implementing security awareness training,
deploying systems that can detect and eliminate phishing and ransomware
attempts, searching for and remediating security vulnerabilities in corporate
systems, maintaining good backups, and using good threat intelligence.
• McAfee Labs discovered nearly 1.2 million ransomware attacks during the first
quarter of 2016, a 24 percent increase compared to the fourth quarter of 2015iv.
• A Kaspersky study during 2014 and 2015 found that total ransomware attacks
during the period of the analysis increased by 17.7 percent, but that cryptoware
variants had increased by 448 percent during that periodv.
• Attackers receive an estimated 1,425 percent return on investment for exploit kit
and ransomware schemes ($84,100 net revenue for each $5,900 investment), Phishing,
according to the 2015 Trustwave Global Security Report.
Phishing, particularly highly targeted forms of phishing like spearphishing and CEO highly targeted
Fraud/BEC, as well as ransomware, are the logical evolution of cybercrime. Because
there have been so many data breaches over the past few years that have resulted in
forms of
the theft of hundreds of millions of records, there is a glut of this information on the phishing like
market. The result, as there would be in any other business driven by the economics
of supply and demand, is that prices for stolen records are dropping precipitously: a
leading security firm estimates that the price of a stolen payment-card record has and CEO
decreased from $25 in 2011 to just $6 in 2016.
Fraud/BEC, as
Consequently, cybercriminals are turning increasingly to more direct means of theft. well as
For example, ransomware will extort money directly from victims without requiring
stolen data to be sold on the open market where it is subject to economic forces that
ransomware, are
can reduce its value. CEO Fraud/BEC can net hundreds of thousands or millions of the logical
dollars in a short period of time by getting victims to wire funds directly. evolution of
The research conducted for this white paper found that a wide range of security
incidents have occurred during the past 12 months among the organizations that
were surveyed. The most common incidents involved phishing attacks that were
successful in infiltrating the corporate network, successful ransomware attacks, and
malware infiltration through some unknown source, as shown in Figure 1. However, a
wide range of other security incidents have occurred – in fact, only 27 percent of the
organizations surveyed reported that they did not experience any of the security
problems shown in the figure below.
Moreover, our research found that security incidents are generally not one-off events,
but occur with some frequency:
• While CEO Fraud/BEC attacks are less common than phishing or ransomware, 27
percent of organizations have encountered such an attack during the past 12
months: 24 percent of organizations have experienced up to five such attacks
during the past year, while two percent have experienced between six and 10
attacks, and an equal number have experienced more than 10.
Figure 1
Security Incidents That Have Occurred During the Past 12 Months
% of
Problem Affected
An email phishing attack was successful in infiltrating our
One or more of our endpoints had files encrypted because of
a successful ransomware attack
Malware has infiltrated our network, but we are uncertain
through which channel
Sensitive/confidential info was accidentally or maliciously
leaked through email
An email spearphishing attack was successful in infecting one
or more senior executives
Our network was successfully infiltrated through a drive-by
attack from employee Web surfing
An email as part of a CEO Fraud/Business Email Compromise
attack successfully tricked someone in our organization
Sensitive/confidential info was accidentally or maliciously
leaked through a cloud-based tool like Dropbox
Sensitive/confidential info was accidentally or maliciously
leaked through a social media application
Sensitive/confidential info was accidentally or maliciously
leaked, but how it happened is not certain
None of these things happened 27%
• Leoni AG, a large German manufacturer of optical fiber, wire and related
products revealed in August 2016 that it had been the victim of a CEO Fraud/BEC
attack. The cybercriminals responsible for the $44 million theft had apparently
studied the company’s payment processes – possibly the result of earlier
phishing attacks that had allowed them to infiltrate the corporate network – and
so were able to convince the CFO at the company’s Bistrita, Romania factory that
a spoofed email she received requesting the funds transfer was actually from one
of the company’s senior executives in Germanyviii.
• Also in February 2016, Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center fell victim to the
Locky ransomware variant, which disrupted operations for roughly two weeks
before the hospital administration paid 40 Bitcoin (about $17,000) to recover its
factors. However, there are several important reasons that phishing and ransomware
are so successful today:
• Email (through links and attachments in email messages) is the primary threat
vector for many attacks and many users are suffering from “information
overload” in email, making them less likely to carefully scrutinize phishing, CEO
Fraud/BEC and related attempts. A July 2016 Osterman Research survey of end
usersxiii found that 94 percent of users are experiencing some level of
information overload via email – 32 percent report suffering “substantial”
• Cybercriminals are simply getting better at creating content that can fool users
and bypass detection technologies. The use of logos, professionally crafted
messages, and personalization of content make phishing attempts more
believable, and so potential victims are more likely to click on the links and
attachments contained within them. One of the primary reasons that
cybercriminals are getting better is that they tend to be very well funded,
criminal enterprises – in short, they have the financial and technical resources to
improve their wares.
• Exploit kits, such as those that are used to infect victims with ransomware, can
be used by cyber criminals that possess only a minimal skill set. These kits,
which exploit vulnerabilities in a wide range of commercially available software,
include various options, such as using the cyber criminals’ own malware or using
distribution channels offered by the criminal organization selling or renting the
exploit kit. While exploit kits can be expensive to purchase outright, they can be
rented for as little as $500 per monthxv.
Add to this the fact that phishing and ransomware authors are becoming better at
accomplishing their goal of stealing financial or other data. For example:
• Some threats can remain dormant for an extended period and are less likely to
be detected by many traditional anti-phishing and anti-malware solutions.
• Some types of malware can detect when they have been placed into a sandbox
and so will not execute until after having been released from the sandbox.
• Some cyber criminals coordinate their attacks among various delivery venues,
including email, social media, Web browsers, files, etc.
Figure 4
Perceptions About Changes in Performance of Key Solutions
.…for most
the problems they
have experienced
with both
phishing and
ransomware over
Source: Osterman Research, Inc.
the past 12
months are either
getting worse or
We also discovered that for most organizations, the problems they have experienced not improving.
with both phishing and ransomware over the past 12 months are either getting worse
or not improving. As shown in Figure 5, more than one in four organizations report
that both phishing and ransomware are getting worse, while phishing and
ransomware are as bad as they were a year ago for 41 percent and 50 percent of
organizations, respectively.
Figure 5
Changes in Phishing and Ransomware Problems Over the Past 12 Months
Note: Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding error. ….one-third or
Source: Osterman Research, Inc.
fewer of
Our research also focused on determining how effective current security capabilities
consider their
and solutions are in protecting organizations from the growing variety of threats that end user training
they face. As shown in Figure 6, one-third or fewer of organizations consider their
end user training practices in the context of ransomware, Web surfing and CEO
practices in the
Fraud/BEC to be “excellent”. The only areas in which a majority of IT decision makers context of
believe they are doing an excellent job is in eliminating malware and spam before it
can reach end users.
Web surfing and
Figure 6
Perceived Effectiveness of Current Security Capabilities to be “excellent”.
Capability Excellent Moderate Poor
Training end users on detecting and
27% 61% 13%
dealing with ransomware
Training end users on best practices when
28% 63% 9%
surfing the Web
Training end users on detecting and
dealing with CEO Fraud/Business Email 33% 58% 9%
Preventing data loss via email or the Web 36% 57% 8%
Training end users on detecting and
37% 55% 9%
dealing with phishing threats
Preventing users’ personally owned mobile
devices from introducing malware into the 43% 48% 9%
corporate network
Eliminating ransomware before it reaches
50% 49% 1%
end users
Eliminating malware before it reaches end
56% 44% 0%
Figure 6 (concluded)
Perceived Effectiveness of Current Security Capabilities
The relatively low marks for training preparedness are related to the minimal amount
of security awareness training that many employees receive. For example, as shown
in Figure 7, 52 percent of employees receive security awareness training (if they
receive it at all) a maximum of once per year.
….52 percent of
Figure 7
receive security
Frequency With Which Employees Receive Security Awareness Training awareness
training (if they
receive it at all) a
maximum of
once per year.
• While the overall spam problem has been on the decline for the past several
years, spam is still an effective method to distribute malware, including
ransomware. For example, Trustwave found that during a seven-day period in
March 2016, 18 percent of the total volume of spam it detected contained
malware or malware linksxviii. We anticipate that spam will continue to be used as
a secondary method to distribute ransomware and other forms of malware.
• Moreover, we believe that the market for ransomware and other forms of
malware may be bifurcating to some extent. Because of the ease with which
non-technical cybercriminals can enter the market, we anticipate a growing trend
toward two distinct focus areas for ransomware criminals: a) “low-end”
ransomware that demands a few hundred dollars in ransom that is sent by
amateurs and other low-level criminals using basic phishing techniques; and b)
“high-end” ransomware sent by more sophisticated cybercriminals and focused
on high value targets in the healthcare, financial services, insurance and other
industries that are more likely to pay significant sums to recover their encrypted
data. We anticipate the latter will use more sophisticated spearphishing
techniques in their attempts to infect high value endpoints.
• Businesses, not individuals, will increasingly be the primary target for phishing
and ransomware, particularly the latter. Because businesses are more likely to
have critical data that must be recovered, will have the wherewithal to obtain
Bitcoin or other digital currencies with which to pay the ransom, and are more
likely to pay larger ransom demands, cybercriminals will focus the bulk of their
efforts on infecting these higher value targets.
• Employees should employ passwords that correspond to the sensitivity and risk
associated with the corporate data assets they are accessing. These passwords
should be changed on an enforced schedule under the direction of IT.
• Implement a program of robust security awareness training that will help users
to make better judgments about the content they receive through email, what
they view or click on in social media, how they access the Web, and so forth.
The goal of security awareness training is simply to help users to be more careful
about what they view, what they open and the links on which they click. While
security awareness training by itself will not completely solve an organization’s
security-related problems, it will bolster the ability for users – the first line of
defense in any security infrastructure – to be more aware of security issues and
to be less likely to respond to phishing and ransomware attempts. It is essential
to invest sufficiently in employee training so that the “human “firewall” can
provide an adequate first line of defense against increasingly sophisticated
phishing and other social engineering attacks.
Using both real-time and historical domain and IP-based threat intelligence is an
important adjunct for any security infrastructure because it offers protection in
several ways:
• Good threat intelligence helps to monitor both intentional and inadvertent use of
corporate brands so that these brands can be protected.
• Threat intelligence provides forensics researchers with deep insight into how
attacks began, how cybercriminals carried out their attacks, and ways in which
future attacks can be detected early on and thwarted before they can do
Phishing and ransomware are very serious threats that can cause enormous damage
to an organization’s finances, data assets and reputation. They can cause vast
disruption to an organization’s employees and IT department, cause an organization
to run afoul of industry and governmental regulations, can result in lawsuits, and – in
extreme cases – put an organization out of business. However, there are steps that
any organization can take to address phishing and ransomware so that the chances
of infection – and the consequences that will arise from it – can be mitigated.
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Barracuda is a publicly traded company (NYSE: CUDA) that provides powerful yet
easy-to-use security and storage solutions that simplify IT. CitiBank, Coca-Cola, Delta
Dental, FedEx, Harvard University, IBM, L'Oreal, Liberty Tax Service, Mythbusters and
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offices in 15 countries, 1000+ employees and 5000+ partners.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means, nor may it be
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Osterman Research, Inc. does not provide legal advice. Nothing in this document constitutes
legal advice, nor shall this document or any software product or other offering referenced herein
serve as a substitute for the reader’s compliance with any laws (including but not limited to any
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“Laws”)) referenced in this document. If necessary, the reader should consult with competent
legal counsel regarding any Laws referenced herein. Osterman Research, Inc. makes no
representation or warranty regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information contained
in this document.
Crypto ransomware is a more recent type of ransomware that will encrypt users’ files as
compared to blocking ransomware that simply prevented access to them. However, the
goal of both types of ransomware is to prevent access to files until and unless a ransom
is paid by the victim.
Source: Phishing Activity Trends Report, APWG, May 23, 2016
Source: McAfee Labs Threats Report, June 2016
Results of an End User Survey About Communications Practices, Osterman Research, Inc.
Source: Infosec Institute